Re: [新聞] 沙拉拉親自安慰丁寧:下屆奧運我當你裁判

看板tabletennis作者 (銜接不是發呆)時間12年前 (2012/08/02 05:11), 編輯推噓5(5032)
留言37則, 8人參與, 5年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《zkow (悲秋風之動容兮)》之銘言: : 標題: [新聞] 沙拉拉安慰丁寧:下屆奧運我當你決賽裁判 : 時間: Thu Aug 2 04:31:23 2012 : : 沙拉拉混合區安慰丁寧:下屆奧運你進決賽我當裁判 : : 2012年08月02日01:45 新華網 : :   新華社記者汪湧、張寒 : :   國際乒聯主席沙拉拉也被丁寧的淚水所打動,他專門到混合採訪區來安慰丁寧。沙拉 : 拉開玩笑說:“下一屆奧運會還得看你的表現呢?下屆倫敦奧運會你如果再打進決賽,我 : 來當比賽的裁判。” : :   丁寧仍然掛著臉上的淚痕告訴沙拉拉:“下回裁判不能再對我這麼嚴了。”一席話, : 逗樂了現場所有的人。 : : -- 英國媒體 London-2012-Olympics-table-tennis-Ding-Ning-furious-Li-Xiaoxia-wins-gold.html International Table Tennis Federation president Adham Sharara, who claimed to not have had a good enough view to judge the calls, admitted he would have been more lenient. 殺啦啦: 我沒看清楚, 所以不能批評裁判啦, 歹勢 Sharara said: 'When two players from the same country meet, I think the umpires should be a little more lenient because they know each other. 'If I was the umpire, I would maybe be a little bit more flexible. Ding felt the umpire was too strict. She is a very fair player; I think it was probably borderline, but it is a very thin line.' 殺啦啦的意思大致上, 丁寧你踩線了, 如果是我, 同室操戈時 我的邊線會寬一點, 踩到也不會越線, 今天不巧線很細.... Sharara felt the experience would be helpful to Ding, insisting she will have to adapt to similarly strict umpires in future. He added: 'This happens sometimes; you fall on to an umpire that is strict, but the player should be able to adapt. 一句話: 他必須學著去適應嚴格的裁判 澳洲媒體更狠 tennis-gold-after-oppenent-red-carded/story-fn9di2lk-1226440939190 International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) president Adam Sharara said Ding, 22, who is nicknamed "Big Baby" showed her inexperience in becoming embroiled in the serving row. "She's young and world champion and has the experience to come back but maybe this is the first time she has confronted a strict umpire," he said. 她可能第一次碰到嚴格的裁判 "She needs to learn to come back and have another serve because you can lose a gold on the calls of an umpire. Experienced players will have an alternative serve." 好選手都該有個備胎 我不確定這些引述是不是真的出自 殺啦啦 之口, 但很有意思 : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : 推 j73596:沙拉拉這樣的說法 不是當眾打剛剛那位裁判的臉嗎 08/02 04:50 我覺得兩邊都給面子了 : → minghanwu:Sharara 好像沒有有效的國際裁判證 XD 08/02 04:57 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/02 05:14, , 1F
08/02 05:14, 1F

08/02 05:16, , 2F
我是覺得這樣很好, 把這個發球的問題, 搬上檯面,
08/02 05:16, 2F

08/02 05:16, , 3F
要這種大賽, 才會引起重視, 搞不好抓這麼嚴, 就是殺啦啦
08/02 05:16, 3F

08/02 05:17, , 4F
的意思, 削弱發球間接削弱中國前三板, 哪個國家前三板
08/02 05:17, 4F

08/02 05:18, , 5F
比中國好 XDDDD 陰謀一下, 別鞭我 QQ
08/02 05:18, 5F

08/02 05:21, , 6F
08/02 05:21, 6F

08/02 05:22, , 7F
恩 因為剛剛是新華網的 所以看起來就好像比較偏丁寧
08/02 05:22, 7F
※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/02 05:34)

08/02 06:12, , 8F
感覺這真的和棒球的好球帶有點像 每個主審都會有所差距
08/02 06:12, 8F

08/02 06:13, , 9F
是你要去適應裁判 不是要裁判來適應你 都被抓了這麼多次
08/02 06:13, 9F

08/02 06:13, , 10F
還要故意挑戰裁判 那就是自己不夠聰明了
08/02 06:13, 10F

08/02 06:14, , 11F
如果以上比喻有太大偏差 請多指教
08/02 06:14, 11F

08/02 06:17, , 12F
另外想請問一下 有因為不服裁判 抗議之後
08/02 06:17, 12F

08/02 06:17, , 13F
08/02 06:17, 13F

08/02 06:25, , 14F
08/02 06:25, 14F

08/02 06:28, , 15F
所以選手更應該去適應了 不然等於自己送出一場比賽
08/02 06:28, 15F

08/02 06:29, , 16F
當然裁判太多誤判應該也會被處罰 但是奧運這種比賽
08/02 06:29, 16F

08/02 06:30, , 17F
選手一生能參加幾次呢? 用自己的職業生涯去和裁判的換
08/02 06:30, 17F

08/02 06:30, , 18F
08/02 06:30, 18F
3.03.03 Appeals No agreement between players, in an individual event, or between team captains, in a team event, can alter a decision on a question of fact by the responsible match official, on a question of interpretation of Laws or Regulations by the responsible referee or on any other question of tournament or match conduct by the responsible management committee. No appeal may be made to the referee against a decision on a question of fact by the responsible match official or to the management committee on a question of interpretation of Laws or Regulations by the referee. 注意, 這裡的用詞 decision, 屬於裁判認定的部分, 不得申訴 關鍵字: a decision on a question of FACT 就是當下發生的事實(拋球、擦邊), 裁判認定後, 不能挑戰 An appeal may be made to the referee against a decision of a match official on a question of interpretation of Laws or Regulations, and the decision of the referee shall be final. 只能針對規則的解釋提出申述, 除非裁判搞錯規則, 不然幾乎不可能成功 裁判主管認定的部分, 包含有沒有擦邊這類, 不能申訴 An appeal may be made to the competition management committee against a decision of the referee on a question of tournament or match conduct not covered by the Laws or Regulations, and the decision of the management committee shall be final. In an individual event an appeal may be made only by a player participating in the match in which the question has arisen; in a team event an appeal may be made only by the captain of a team participating in the match in which the question has arisen. A question of interpretation of Laws or Regulations arising from the decision of a referee, or a question of tournament or match conduct arising from the decision of a competition management committee, may be submitted by the player or team captain eligible to make an appeal, through his or her parent Association, for consideration by the ITTF Rules Committee. The Rules Committee shall give a ruling as a guide for future decisions, and this ruling may also be made the subject of a protest by an Association to the Board of Directors or a General Meeting, but it shall not affect the finality of any decision already made by the responsible referee or management committee. ※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/02 06:34)

08/02 06:38, , 19F
嗯嗯 原來如此
08/02 06:38, 19F

08/02 06:39, , 20F
發球不合格, 連申訴都不准, 怎麼可能換什麼裁判
08/02 06:39, 20F
※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/02 06:40)

08/02 06:40, , 21F
08/02 06:40, 21F

08/02 06:43, , 22F
如果連申訴都不准 那昨天比賽有一局打完之後 有人上來理論
08/02 06:43, 22F

08/02 06:43, , 23F
08/02 06:43, 23F

08/02 06:48, , 24F
有人來關切, 不等於讓你提異議, 而且也沒做什麼
08/02 06:48, 24F

08/02 06:49, , 25F
丁寧透過翻譯說了一堆, 有用嗎?
08/02 06:49, 25F
什麼可以申訴, 裁判不照規則走, 比方說: 第一次A方發球不合格, 警告; 第二次還是警告沒判罰, B方就可以提出申訴, 應該要判給我一分, 不應該再給警告 至於有沒有擦邊, 有沒有觸網, 有沒有搶板, 有沒有遮擋, 這類根本不准申訴, 找裁判長來還可以判你拖延比賽, 就像這次不在准許的時間去拿毛巾, 直接判罰 ※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/02 06:49)

08/02 06:51, , 26F
平常很隨便的裁判, 硬起來你就知道, 別再說很多比賽
08/02 06:51, 26F

08/02 06:51, , 27F
都不抓啊, 以前都沒怎樣啊, 碰上一個在你最重要的比賽,
08/02 06:51, 27F

08/02 06:52, , 28F
充分行使他的 "權力", 就算是被買通故意搞你, 你也沒輒
08/02 06:52, 28F
※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/02 07:00)

08/02 07:23, , 29F
感謝解釋 感覺這一場打完 這類規則真的會被大家所重視
08/02 07:23, 29F

08/02 07:24, , 30F
08/02 07:24, 30F

08/02 07:34, , 31F
08/02 07:34, 31F

08/02 08:33, , 32F
對手有發球犯規嫌移 裁判無視 可以申訴嗎?
08/02 08:33, 32F

08/02 11:58, , 33F
08/02 11:58, 33F

08/02 11:59, , 34F
08/02 11:59, 34F

08/06 19:49, , 35F
恩 因為剛剛是新華網的
08/06 19:49, 35F

09/07 04:59, , 36F
平常很隨便的裁判, 硬
09/07 04:59, 36F

12/04 17:16, 5年前 , 37F
要這種大賽, 才會引起
12/04 17:16, 37F
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