[情報] GM公佈了Bolt EV 電池組的售價

看板car作者 (缺鈣缺很大)時間7年前 (2017/06/13 02:39), 7年前編輯推噓20(20031)
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Bolt是GM所生產的純電動車,續航力官方宣稱為238 miles(約380公里) 售價低於4萬美元,採用的電池組為60kWh+ GM最近公布了這個電池組的售價(非成本)為 15,734.29 美元 平均每一kWh售價是262美元 假設毛利率為25%,則其成本可能為196.5美元 /kWh GM也有透露他們向LG購買電池的成本,為145美元 /kWh 比較一下 今年2月份,Tesla透過一則影片說明他們的電池成本已經低於125美元 /kWh 而電池組成本也低於190美元 /kWh Chevrolet發言人也特別提到 他們在銷售Volt的七年當中,在保固期內沒有因為電池容量降低而更換過電池組 意思是要人不用擔心會需要換電池 https://electrek.co/2017/06/12/gm-bolt-ev-battery-pack-price-cost/ GM lists the price of the Chevy Bolt EV's battery pack at $15,734.29 - $262/kWh The cost of battery packs is still believed to be the main barrier in bringing down the overall price of electric vehicles. GM managed to bring to market the first electric car with a reasonable price (<$40,000) and a large battery pack (60 kWh+), but it’s not making a profit on the vehicle. Again, the battery pack was believed to be the main reason and now we get one more indication that it is the case based on the newly disclosed list price of $15,734.29. Chevrolet spokesperson Fred Ligouri confirmed the information last week (via Green Car Reports): “The current list price of a Bolt EV HV battery pack is $15,734.29 and the part number is 24285978.” To be clear, that’s the list price of the battery pack, not the actual cost. It’s the price a Bolt EV owner would have to pay, at the discretion of the dealerships of course, if they had to replace the pack outside of the warranty for some reason. Speaking of the warranty, Ligouri continued: “The Bolt EV battery is covered by the electric-car propulsion warranty (see specifics below) and Bolt EV customers shouldn’t expect to pay parts costs for warrantied repairs. In [almost seven] years of Volt sales we have yet to replace a single battery pack under warranty for general capacity degradation, and many owners are still reporting they enjoy the same range capability they had when they purchased the car. Whole battery-pack replacement is also largely mitigated by the design, manufacturing technique, dealer diagnostic, and repair tools included to support the manufacture, sale, and service needs of the Bolt EV, meaning individual modules can be replaced should it be required. In addition to the 3-year/36,000-mile Bumper-to-Bumper Coverage, Chevrolet warrants certain components for each Bolt EV for 8 years or 100,000 miles (160, 000 kilometers), whichever comes first, from the original in-service date of the vehicle … for repairs to the specific electric propulsion components of the vehicle.” While it’s not a perfect indicator of the actual cost of the battery pack, which is made by LG Chem, it’s the best we have so far. GM had already disclosed that it was paying LG $145 per kWh for the battery cells of the Bolt EV. Assuming a 25% gross margin on the $262 per kWh list price for the pack, it would come down to something like a cost of $196.50 per kWh with a split of $145/kWh for the cells and $51.50/KWh at the pack level costs, which would actually make sense. I wouldn’t expect the OEM markup on the pack to be any more significant than that considering GM confirmed losing money on the vehicle, but your guess is as good as mine at this point. For comparison, Tesla was talking about an overall battery pack cost of less than $190 per kWh last year. The company claimed that Gigafactory would reduce that price by roughly 30% for the Model 3 when it plans to hit volume production of 35 GWh in 2018. Most automakers and battery manufacturers are keeping the cost and specs of their battery cells and packs close to their chests and therefore, it’ s interesting to see some of that information become public. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1497292742.A.782.html

06/13 03:09, , 1F
06/13 03:09, 1F

06/13 03:26, , 2F
06/13 03:26, 2F

06/13 03:26, , 3F
06/13 03:26, 3F

06/13 04:20, , 4F
06/13 04:20, 4F

06/13 04:20, , 5F
06/13 04:20, 5F

06/13 07:07, , 6F
06/13 07:07, 6F

06/13 07:07, , 7F
06/13 07:07, 7F

06/13 08:16, , 8F
06/13 08:16, 8F

06/13 08:42, , 9F
這跟媚不媚外無關 我公路車三台都是捷安特
06/13 08:42, 9F

06/13 08:42, , 10F
就是拿了錢還搞得很爛還害人買車得買貴 這才是賭爛
06/13 08:42, 10F

06/13 09:07, , 11F
這種車過電池保固就換了吧 不然風險太高了
06/13 09:07, 11F

06/13 09:16, , 12F
06/13 09:16, 12F

06/13 09:18, , 13F
就是這樣浪費啊 不然要怎樣才能撒出去? 不撒出去能酬庸嗎
06/13 09:18, 13F

06/13 09:56, , 14F
又不用做一個品牌出來 做重要零件外銷就很厲害了好嗎
06/13 09:56, 14F

06/13 09:56, , 15F
品牌一樣國外的 不會受到媚外的影響
06/13 09:56, 15F

06/13 09:57, , 16F
你以為中國怎麼發展 汽車 面板廠 晶圓 ic設計 就是錢
06/13 09:57, 16F

06/13 09:58, , 17F
06/13 09:58, 17F

06/13 09:58, , 18F
06/13 09:58, 18F

06/13 10:03, , 19F
現在聯發科正在做自動駕駛 能不能做出來 我不知道 但若
06/13 10:03, 19F

06/13 10:03, , 20F
有補助 做的人也許就不會離職 也許就能挖國外的專家來
06/13 10:03, 20F

06/13 10:03, , 21F
也許做出來的機會就變高了 就是這樣
06/13 10:03, 21F

06/13 10:08, , 22F
錢撒出去 然後了解錢撒出去的用途和成果
06/13 10:08, 22F

06/13 10:14, , 23F
做重要部品關鍵零件就可以了 台積電 大立光 巧新 皆是如此
06/13 10:14, 23F

06/13 10:15, , 24F
說實在沒必要一直強求要做出品牌 有做出來當然很好
06/13 10:15, 24F

06/13 10:15, , 25F
但燒了一堆錢又失敗更慘 風險高 EX:HTC
06/13 10:15, 25F

06/13 10:16, , 26F
撒錢補助企業 鄉民又有說嘴點了 多好 有事幹了
06/13 10:16, 26F

06/13 10:24, , 27F
所以撒錢是要收割成果的 訂立目標 沒達成的話 看是要
06/13 10:24, 27F

06/13 10:24, , 28F
停損 或是換廠商 或是繼續補助 當然就需要真正的專家
06/13 10:24, 28F

06/13 10:24, , 29F
06/13 10:24, 29F

06/13 10:25, , 30F
發展產業就是投資 投資當然很有可能失敗 但是你不投資
06/13 10:25, 30F

06/13 10:25, , 31F
? 連失敗的資格都沒有
06/13 10:25, 31F

06/13 10:29, , 32F
舉個例 中國訂立了2025年 ic自製率要到70%以上 這是很
06/13 10:29, 32F

06/13 10:29, , 33F
困難的目標 目前就是撒錢在補助 到了2025年 理論上要
06/13 10:29, 33F

06/13 10:29, , 34F
看成果調整政策 如果根本沒發展起來還繼續補助 被罵我
06/13 10:29, 34F

06/13 10:29, , 35F
06/13 10:29, 35F

06/13 10:32, , 36F
先有目標 才有補助 並且嚴格review 要是政府補助國產車
06/13 10:32, 36F

06/13 10:33, , 37F
廠 有設明確目標 而且有達成 那我想沒太多人會罵
06/13 10:33, 37F

06/13 10:34, , 38F
06/13 10:34, 38F

06/13 10:51, , 39F
MTK是做車用晶片(可應用到自動駕駛) 本來就晶片起家
06/13 10:51, 39F

06/13 11:21, , 40F
零組件實力有啊 台灣汽車產業週邊算強的~
06/13 11:21, 40F

06/13 11:22, , 41F
中興電工的燃料電池 豐田很想要的 上個月才談簽約
06/13 11:22, 41F

06/13 11:23, , 42F
bmw i3的馬達~ 光陽在歐洲廠供貨的
06/13 11:23, 42F
應該是汽油增程引擎吧 #1OhSc0BW (car)

06/13 11:24, , 43F
台灣要做品牌 先天劣勢太大
06/13 11:24, 43F
※ 編輯: Scape (, 06/13/2017 11:32:31

06/13 12:02, , 44F
06/13 12:02, 44F

06/13 12:02, , 45F
06/13 12:02, 45F

06/13 14:09, , 46F
06/13 14:09, 46F

06/13 14:11, , 47F
不要直接面對終端消費者的品牌 會好一點
06/13 14:11, 47F

06/13 16:43, , 48F
台灣就是個小國家(?) 我是覺得沒本錢弄大品牌 重要零件搞定
06/13 16:43, 48F

06/13 16:44, , 49F
就好 奢求太多太美好的幻想反而會害了自己
06/13 16:44, 49F

06/13 18:37, , 50F
06/13 18:37, 50F

06/13 21:19, , 51F
06/13 21:19, 51F
文章代碼(AID): #1PFj_6U2 (car)