Re: [姿訊] 燕姿老大的部落格有新文章

看板Yanzi作者 (Souvenir)時間15年前 (2009/04/28 03:57), 編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 7人參與, 最新討論串5/5 (看更多)
※ 引述《sphere612 ( 39°)》之銘言: : 剛剛在Grand enough看到兩則新發的記錄, : 好像是在講記者寫到結婚懷孕的事情, : 不曉得有沒有人可以幫忙翻譯的...(這篇) : 是說Grand enough好像有篇也提到翻譯的事情.. : 我盡量翻囉,畢竟有些英文翻成中文就失去原意了, 用英文去講真的比較有那個fu~ 我試著翻得比較白話一點,不會逐字翻。 : Thursday, 23 April 2009 : Congrats your head 恭喜你的腦袋 : Thanks to very imaginative reporters, I have had a few congratulatory messages : over facebook. 謝謝那些非常具有想像力的記者們,我已經在facebook上收到一些祝福了。 : Eh, 6 years ago some fortune teller said I would get married, it did not : materialise and then the year after, they took a shot again. I'm not saying I : enjoy single-dom so much so that it is a lifelong spinster pledge, but please : stop predicting my marital status just because I'm in a relationship. 六年前咧,某個算命的說我會結婚,但並沒有成真。一年後,他們又說了一遍。我並不 是在說我因為超喜歡單身生活所以發誓將會一輩子都是單身,但是拜託請不要因為我現在 有一個男朋友就又在那裡預測我的婚姻了。 : Sure it's one or the other, a 'happy' forecast of bliss ever after, a long : 'drawn out' companionship or a 'tragic' breakup from irreconcilable : differences. How about not telling me what's going to happen? How about letting : me find out for myself what lies ahead instead of drawing out my future floor : plan? It's like telling everyone you are pregnant even before you took a : pregnancy test. 當然啊,這種事情的結果一定不是A就是B啊,不是永遠過著「幸福快樂」的日子,就是因 為彼此間的差異而「慘烈地」分手。要不要試著不要告訴我接下來會發生什麼事呢?可不 可以讓我自己去發現什麼事情還在前頭等著我,而不是替我勾勒出未來呢?做這樣的事就 猶如告訴大家你已經懷孕了即使你根本都還沒去驗孕。 : Reporter: Are you getting married soon? : Me: I'm not against marriage but it's not in the pipeline anytime soon. : Headlines: She's getting married! 記者:你很快就會結婚了嗎? 我:我不反對婚姻,但近期我都沒想到結婚這件事。 新聞標題:她要結婚了! : Reporter: Do you like children? : Me: I love kiddies! : Headlines: She's getting married and having children! 記者:你喜歡小孩嗎? 我:我愛小孩子! 新聞標題:她要結婚了而且即將有小孩! : Ok, I loved the idea of happily ever after, and I do blame walt disney for all : the fairy tale endings. But being together sometimes just means, BEING : TOGETHER. It doesn't mean getting hitched, or popping out babies. Just because : I do not oppose of something, does not mean that I endorse it. : I think this discussion is over. 好啦,我曾經是有那種永遠過著幸福快樂日子的念頭,但現在我確實要抱怨迪士尼的童話 故事般結局。有時候在一起就只是...在一起!它並不是代表著就是要結婚或者生小孩。 我不反對某件事情不代表我就贊成。 這個話題就到此結束。 : I have been taking creatine to boost atheletic performance. Unfortunately it : has caused ulcers and snappy retorts to anyone around me. Apparently this : supplement is very 'zhua' or 'heaty', but it did improve my endurance level. I : am torn. I have reduced it to only one tablet a week (even though you are : supposed to take two each time you exercise), and drinking lots of liquids and : liang cha. It is very frustrating, but I will press on. 這陣子我都在吃creatine(肌酸)來增強健身成效,但很倒楣地,它導致潰瘍以及讓我容 易對身邊的人碎碎唸。這個補給品明顯地很「燥熱」,但它確實改善了我的耐久度、耐操 。現在我一個禮拜只吃一顆(應該在每次健身時吃兩顆的),而且喝一堆水以及涼茶。非 常令人沮喪,但我會繼續加油的。 註: Creatine是一種我們人體的肌肉蛋白。 : PRESS ON!! 加油!! : (As in me, not the press.) : Posted by Abel at 07:08 (是指我自己,不是那些媒體。) 註: 燕姿用了「press」當雙關語,將媒體記者一軍! :P -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/28 04:03, , 1F
04/28 04:03, 1F

04/28 04:03, , 2F
燕姿又不是要去當body builder!XD
04/28 04:03, 2F

04/28 07:13, , 3F
04/28 07:13, 3F

04/28 09:46, , 4F
04/28 09:46, 4F

04/28 09:59, , 5F
我知道FACEBOOK上有粉絲群 不過本人有沒有就不知道了...
04/28 09:59, 5F

04/28 11:14, , 6F
creatine應該就是長肌肉的那種 健身時吃可以練出肌肉 XD
04/28 11:14, 6F

04/28 15:57, , 7F
04/28 15:57, 7F

04/28 23:30, , 8F
04/28 23:30, 8F

05/02 14:46, , 9F
推"恭喜你個頭"+1 XDDD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
05/02 14:46, 9F
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