[新聞] 為何Lumia 1020依然不會成功

看板WindowsPhone作者 (不吃魚的貓)時間11年前 (2013/07/14 10:12), 編輯推噓27(28166)
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原文網址:http://ppt.cc/aSDt Why The Amazing New Flagship Windows Phone Will Fail Nokia's new Lumia smartphone has amazing hardware (especially its unprecedented 41-megapixel camera). And it doesn't matter at all, because its software lags so far behind its hardware. By Dan Nosowitz Posted 07.12.2013 at 11:28 am 25 Comments When HTC released a gorgeous, powerful, innovative, distinctive Android phone a few weeks ago, we realized Android was suddenly an option for everyone, even the very rich. But yesterday, Nokia unveiled its newest flagship smartphone, a gorgeous, powerful, innovative, distinctive Windows Phone, and I suspect it won't sell any better than the Lumia 920, the last flagship Nokia Windows Phone (which in its first quarter sold 4.4 million units, compared to the iPhone 5's 27.4 million). Or the Lumia before that. Or the one before that. That's because Windows Phone has a serious problem: its hardware is improving rapidly, but its operating software is not. Two years ago, we reviewed Windows Phone 7.5, the first major update to the then-new Windows Phone operating system, and said we were still "waiting for it to really live up to its promise." One year ago, we reviewed the Nokia Lumia 920, with the Windows Phone 8 update, and said "Windows Phone has huge problems. That doesn't mean it's bad, but we're two years into this operating system, and it still has basic issues that impact daily use." The new Lumia looks great--I was very impressed with the camera technology when I saw it last year, and the aesthetics of the Lumia line have always been stylish and playful in a way that's totally different from anything else on the market. But that doesn't matter at all, because Microsoft is not improving the Windows Phone operating system at anywhere near the pace it needs to. Here's a brief list of major problems Microsoft has yet to address. 1. Multitasking is sometimes inscrutable, in that you never know which apps will show up in the "currently running" list of apps. 2. Email threading often doesn't work, especially with Gmail accounts. 3. Lots of features, including Rooms (sort of a mobile, multimedia chat room) are Windows Phone exclusives, meaning they can only be accessed with Windows Phones--cool, but it's pretty unlikely all your friends have Windows Phones too. 4. Speech recognition is lousy, nowhere near as good as Google's Android voice control or even Apple's Siri. 5. There's no place to see notifications at all; if you get an alert on an app that you haven't pinned to your homescreen, you'd never know. 6. Bing Maps doesn't have public transit directions, let alone bike directions. 7. It's not easy to share photos to services like Twitter and Facebook; Android and iOS let you do that in one touch, but not Windows Phone. Microsoft can fix all that stuff. Microsoft needs to fix all that stuff. But the biggest problem might be the hardest to fix: there aren't nearly enough good apps available for Windows Phone. App developers are often low-budget and understaffed, even wildly successful ones, and it's expensive and time-consuming to assign people to port apps to another platform, like Windows Phone. They'll do it, sure, if they have the resources and it seems like the userbase is big enough to make them some money... and therein lies the problem. It's a cyclical issue. Developers won't make apps for a platform nobody uses, and nobody will buy a phone with no apps. No customers leads to no apps leads to no customers. Microsoft can break the cycle, though. All it has to do is take advantage of the fact that it's one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the world: take a cannon, fill it up with money and talented developers, and aim it south from the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington straight at Silicon Valley. (Or wherever else the developers call home.) Aim the cash cannon east, at London, and give King.com, the makers of massive hit Candy Crush, a couple hundred thousand dollars and a team of developers to port the game over to Windows Phone. Do the same for Instagram (which is still not available on Windows Phone), Snapchat, Dots, or whatever else people are using on other platforms. Microsoft has the clout and capital to fix its own problems--it just needs to actually spend the time and money it'll take to do it. =================== 懶人包:WP8太廢啦,跟不上Nokia硬體創新的速度 -- Ghostcrawler: Kalgan's always been NICE to paladins, there must be something mistaken. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/14 10:18, , 1F
07/14 10:18, 1F

07/14 10:37, , 2F
罵的好 明明一手好牌被M$玩成這樣
07/14 10:37, 2F

07/14 10:46, , 3F
07/14 10:46, 3F

07/14 10:55, , 4F
07/14 10:55, 4F

07/14 10:55, , 5F
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07/14 10:57, , 6F
07/14 10:57, 6F

07/14 10:57, , 7F
07/14 10:57, 7F

07/14 11:00, , 8F
不太懂第7點 其他系統有什麼不同嗎?
07/14 11:00, 8F

07/14 11:00, , 9F
07/14 11:00, 9F

07/14 11:03, , 10F
07/14 11:03, 10F

07/14 11:09, , 11F
雖然是幻想 但是這一隻是android系統 我會買 = =
07/14 11:09, 11F

07/14 11:17, , 12F
樓上會買 可是我不會買 WP沒了我就跳哀鳳去~
07/14 11:17, 12F

07/14 11:24, , 13F
WP沒了跳哀鳳+1 就是不用android
07/14 11:24, 13F

07/14 11:27, , 14F
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07/14 11:34, , 15F
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07/14 11:49, , 27F
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07/14 11:50, , 28F
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07/14 11:50, , 29F
APP 問題啦, 老實說, 我都想跳回Apple了, 唉
07/14 11:50, 29F

07/14 11:51, , 30F
07/14 11:51, 30F

07/14 11:52, , 31F
07/14 11:52, 31F

07/14 11:54, , 32F
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07/14 11:54, , 33F
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07/14 11:54, , 34F
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07/14 11:55, , 35F
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07/14 12:01, , 36F
07/14 12:01, 36F

07/14 12:03, , 37F
07/14 12:03, 37F

07/14 12:04, , 38F
07/14 12:04, 38F

07/14 12:07, , 39F
很cool是沒錯 但是在台灣真的還不夠好用阿...
07/14 12:07, 39F

07/14 12:08, , 40F
07/14 12:08, 40F

07/14 12:31, , 41F
07/14 12:31, 41F

07/14 12:34, , 42F
07/14 12:34, 42F

07/14 12:46, , 43F
1020全世界都賣了嗎?? XD
07/14 12:46, 43F

07/14 12:50, , 44F
還沒賣就說不會成功 這作者也太好笑了...
07/14 12:50, 44F

07/14 12:55, , 45F
07/14 12:55, 45F

07/14 12:56, , 46F
07/14 12:56, 46F

07/14 15:05, , 47F
07/14 15:05, 47F

07/14 15:08, , 48F
920/520拉了不少市佔算是成功還是失敗? 還是要超安趕
07/14 15:08, 48F

07/14 15:08, , 49F
07/14 15:08, 49F

07/14 20:22, , 50F
我覺得單論1020來說 價格是最直接影響讓他會曲高和寡
07/14 20:22, 50F

07/14 20:39, , 51F
但是沒一個標準怎樣叫賣的好啊? 比920賣得好的話算成功
07/14 20:39, 51F

07/14 20:39, , 52F
嗎? 還是要讓WP一口氣變成3強才算
07/14 20:39, 52F

07/14 20:44, , 53F
07/14 20:44, 53F

07/14 20:44, , 54F
旗艦機是用來提高關注度的 中低階才是拉高市佔的關鍵
07/14 20:44, 54F

07/14 20:45, , 55F
應該沒機會吧 不過我覺得要賣贏920有機會
07/14 20:45, 55F

07/14 20:45, , 56F
當然是等自己入手之後 再說它賣的好阿
07/14 20:45, 56F

07/14 20:46, , 57F
在AT&T我覺得機會不大 綁約299耶...
07/14 20:46, 57F

07/14 20:49, , 58F
真的要有顯著擴張 可能要等tmobile跟sprint verizon都上
07/14 20:49, 58F

07/14 20:49, , 59F
註:現在S4 149 ,牛丸 49, 920 0元
07/14 20:49, 59F

07/14 20:50, , 60F
07/14 20:50, 60F

07/14 20:51, , 61F
07/14 20:51, 61F

07/14 20:51, , 62F
仔細想想 應該收回 馬上就下隻旗艦了 這隻應該是做做秀?
07/14 20:51, 62F

07/14 20:51, , 63F
07/14 20:51, 63F

07/14 20:51, , 64F
07/14 20:51, 64F

07/14 20:52, , 65F
這真的是阿知..XD 1020在手機上看起來一切都很正常
07/14 20:52, 65F

07/14 20:52, , 66F
07/14 20:52, 66F

07/14 20:52, , 67F
在趕時間吧 搶IP前 IP後再完整版拚拚
07/14 20:52, 67F

07/14 20:53, , 68F
07/14 20:53, 68F

07/14 20:53, , 69F
我是不看好NOKIA WORLD產品的價格啦...1020就開這價了
07/14 20:53, 69F

07/14 20:54, , 70F
1020不是32G嘛? 所以應該跟對手32G的綁約價比?
07/14 20:54, 70F

07/14 20:54, , 71F
微軟步調再不變就算到GRD5 一樣也是別人走三步WP走一步
07/14 20:54, 71F

07/14 20:54, , 72F
其實像S4這樣出16G版本 然後可插卡 似乎是比較保險...
07/14 20:54, 72F

07/14 20:54, , 73F
牛丸跟920都是32G阿 S4是16G可插卡
07/14 20:54, 73F

07/14 20:54, , 74F
微軟嘴巴說會加快腳步更新,但是...Who knows?
07/14 20:54, 74F

07/14 20:55, , 75F
還好啦 其他兩家也快沒三步好跨了 遲早會追到
07/14 20:55, 75F

07/14 20:55, , 76F
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07/14 20:55, , 77F
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07/14 20:55, , 78F
07/14 20:55, 78F

07/14 20:55, , 79F
07/14 20:55, 79F

07/14 20:56, , 80F
談到其他的移動設備 這時候把鏡頭拉到Win8.1(大家眼神死
07/14 20:56, 80F

07/14 20:56, , 81F
07/14 20:56, 81F

07/14 20:57, , 82F
07/14 20:57, 82F

07/14 20:57, , 83F
07/14 20:57, 83F

07/14 20:57, , 84F
New hTC One
07/14 20:57, 84F

07/14 20:57, , 85F
有阿 Win8.1的輸入法讓大家眼睛都瞪大了!
07/14 20:57, 85F

07/14 20:57, , 86F
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07/14 20:58, , 87F
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07/14 20:58, , 88F
07/14 20:58, 88F

07/14 20:58, , 89F
07/14 20:58, 89F

07/14 20:59, , 90F
Surface RT人家都降價了,NCC也過了,就是死不開賣。
07/14 20:59, 90F

07/14 20:59, , 91F
07/14 20:59, 91F

07/15 11:53, , 92F
我也想進台灣 雖說簽證拿到了 可是機票還沒買...
07/15 11:53, 92F

07/15 15:29, , 93F
07/15 15:29, 93F

07/15 15:40, , 94F
07/15 15:40, 94F

07/15 16:42, , 95F
直接進下一代吧 反正第一代也不夠好
07/15 16:42, 95F
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