[情報] 10/28 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2014/10/29 15:57), 9年前編輯推噓19(19020)
留言39則, 23人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
Hello everyone, please note that the 122mm HE Soviet shell alpha buff is unintentional and will likely be cancelled. 9.4三測蘇聯122mm HE 砲彈傷害調高是個意外,正式版不會更動 - according to Storm, the statement that limited MM is one of the premium vehicle characteristics is incorrect, as large part of the premium vehicles have normal MM 據 Storm 表示,金車該有分房保護的說法是錯誤的,許多金車屬於正常分房 - Storm states that nerfing limited MM to regular MM happened only once for a premium tank – with Type 59. The tendency for premium tanks is more like the opposite, as it was recently with the AT-15A and M6A2E1 Storm 表示把金車砍回正常分房只發生過一次:在五九式身上。更改通常是降低分房, 例如 AT-15A 和 M6A2E1 (譯者:五九式只會上九階,不知道Storm在說什麼…) - WoT is using Scaleform for UI ever since beta test WoT 從封測年代開始就是用 Scaleform 引擎做界面 - Archer will likely play the same way as the Crusader SP (SS: going faster backwards than forwards) Archer(英國新TD)會跟 Crusader SP 一樣,「倒車」比較快 - Storm confirms that more than half of Waffentragers E-100 don’t even finish shooting their first clip before they are destroyed Storm 證實有超過半數的 WFT E100 還來不及打完第一個彈匣就回車庫了 - for now, there are no plans to buff M48 Patton 目前沒打算 buff M48 Patton - the best ETA available for the Sixth Sense rework is “next year”, it will most likely come with the complete perk overhaul 重製第六感要等到明年,很可能隨著技能全面重製推出 - Storm states that the importance of perks will most likely not be improved, because it would make old players with many perk crews overpowered Storm 表示技能的重要性並不會被提昇,避免老玩家的多技能組員過強 - Storm states that the HD model experiments were conducted on IS-4 Storm 表示 HD 模組的實驗是由 IS-4 開始的 - the Havok got delayed, because developers “were ashamed” to introduce only small object destruction in first round and went to work on building destruction instead and now they are “stuck on the issue of performance” Havok 被延期了;因為開發人員不屑在一開始只支援小物件,但又卡在效能問題上 - Storm states that if artillery gets “normal accuracy” (SS: as in, pre-nerf one), it would have to be compensated by alpha reduction, aimtime and shell flight velocity, which is something the developers really don’t want to do Storm 表示若 SPG 要回復當年的準度,必須砍傷害、砍瞄準時間、再砍砲彈速度, 開發人員真的不想這樣搞 - developers considered the variant, where HE shells would be split into normal HE shells and artillery HE shells (with reduced damage), but they considered that unrealistic 考慮過讓SPG用特殊的高爆彈(低傷)但被認為不合實際 - according to Storm, there is no guarantee that patch 0.9.9 will be followed by 1.0.0, it’s completely possible to have 0.9.20 for example 0.9.9 後面不一定接 1.0.0,例如完全可能出現 0.9.20 - there are no plan for complete tier 6-8 rebalance in connection with new vehicle introduction 沒打算在新車出現的同時平衡整個六~八階 - Storm states that if you want to use the 0.9.4 gun sounds, it’s no problem to use them downloaded, because the sound engine did not change 9.4 測試服的砲聲仍能使用,畢竟音效引擎沒換 - Storm doesn’t consider the “intro video” to be a problem that should have an option to disable it, as you can simply press escape to skip it Storm 不認為需要做個開關來關閉啟動遊戲時的影片,按 Esc 就好了 - Storm states that 9.5 will definitely come before New Year Storm 表示 9.5 一定會在新年前推出 - according to Storm, there is no delay in work on HD models, only a delay in their release, as there are really many vehicles in remodelling process at the same time 據 Storm 表示,HD 建模並沒有延誤,只是同時同時處理很多台而已 - turning LT’s into “paper MT’s” by reducing their MM to normal was not discussed by the developers (爛建議,略) - for now, the LT rebalance will consists of only viewrange buffs and nerfs 目前輕坦的平衡僅限於視距的更動 - for now, the developers haven’t thought about garage customization or selection 開發人員目前沒考慮自訂車庫或自選車庫的功能 - there were some ideas about allowing players to customize the look of their tanks, but it all was postponed after all the tanks are reworked to HD 對自訂車輛外觀有些想法,但被延到所有車都 HD 化之後 - for now, the developers haven’t worked on dynamic tank characteristics 動態車輛資訊還沒動工 - developers are also considering a new PvE mode of team battles versus a team of bots 有在考慮 玩家 vs BOTs 的模式 - “very large” maps will not be implemented for now, but there will be tests with larger maps, such as 1,2×1,2km or 1,4×1,4km. These might also come to random battles, tests will show. These larger maps might simply be extended original maps, the way it was made with Murovanka. 「超大」地圖目前不會出現,但會測試大型地圖(例如邊長 1.2km 或 1.4km)。依據 測試結果,可能會放入隨機戰鬥中。且很可能只是舊地圖的擴張版。 - Storm admits that many didn’t like the Murovanka rework, because a lot of people liked camping in the forest and firing at everything that got spotted Storm 承認許多人不喜歡新的 Murovanka,因為他們喜歡躲在森林裡黑槍 - developers considered making the small medal count the way it is in Xbox version (SS: I have no idea how it is in Xbox version) 正考慮納入 Xbox 版的小徽章功能(SS: 不知道那是啥) - Storm confirms that all models will be completely reworked to HD 所有車都會 HD 化 - it’s not sure yet, whether HD KV-220 will get its IRL (T-150) turret 還不確定 HD KV-220 會不會裝回實際的砲塔(T-150 的原廠砲塔) - the “critical hit bell” sound will not return, it was scrapped as “ uninformative” 「critical hit bell」的音效不會回歸,因為它「沒內容」 - minimap will soon be reworked apparently (SS: to resemble the XVM one partially) 很快會重製小地圖 - developers will consider reworking HESH mechanics 考慮重製 HESH 的運作機制 - for now, no data are available yet on the statistics the developers collected on gold shells 目前還沒有金彈統計數據的消息 - tournament tanks (tier 7-8) will not have priority for HD rework 比賽用車(七、八階)並不會優先 HD 化 - for now, there is no info whether new sounds will appear (again) in 9.5 還不知道新音效會不會在 9.5 回歸 - apparently, the option of displaying the statistics of only tanks in your hangar (the ticker that “unticks” every time) will become permanent (won’t untick with every client restart) 只顯示車輛資料的開關將會記憶之前的設定(不用每開一次就要重設) - the 9.4 sounds were completely scrapped, there won’t be a separate mod release 9.4測試服的音效已被放棄,也不會提供下載 - there is no ETA or Dx11 support 支援 Dx11 沒有時間表 - 340mm Japanase mortar artillery will likely be implemented, but definitely not in 2015 可能引進日本 340mm 的自走砲,但不是明年 - there will be connections (SS: bridges, links, not sure what word is used commonly) between the old British branches and the 9.5 one 9.5 新出的英國線可由舊線接入(Valentine→Archer) - modelling of the HD FV4202 hasn’t started yet, same goes for Chieftain – developers are waiting for photos and other data from Bovington (SS: I heard it was delayed, do not expect it in 9.6) FV4202 和酋長式都還沒開始建模,還在等數據和照片(SS: 不用期待9.6) - “many” modellers work on HD models 許多建模工程師正在工作 - Storm is aware of the M103 gun barrel bug (it’s SD) Storm 知道 M103 的砲管錯誤(低畫質) - Storm states that creating ingame PvE bots is not as easy as taking an existing player bot and implementing it – the bots players use are working client side and are unoptimized, while WG bots have to work server-side without overloading it Storm 表示製作官方的BOT比玩家用的BOT程式要困難;BOT外掛是作用在客戶端並沒有 優化,而官方BOT需要在伺服端運作且不能超載 - Storm said regarding the recent “bot waves mode” leak that they are planning such a mode for historical battles as well Storm 談到之前流出的BOT模式,他們也預計在歷史戰鬥中使用 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/28/28-10-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1414569458.A.DB7.html

10/29 15:58, , 1F
10/29 15:58, 1F

10/29 16:06, , 2F
有,只上九階 我也不知道 Storm 在說啥…
10/29 16:06, 2F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 10/29/2014 16:07:46

10/29 16:07, , 3F
一堆只會黑槍的才會討厭新地圖 改成這樣不錯
10/29 16:07, 3F

10/29 16:19, , 4F
340mm .....快逃阿
10/29 16:19, 4F

10/29 16:26, , 5F
340? 那為什麼不放380的突擊虎 說不過去阿
10/29 16:26, 5F

10/29 16:29, , 6F
10/29 16:29, 6F

10/29 16:32, , 7F
呵呵 自我感覺良好的音效
10/29 16:32, 7F

10/29 16:36, , 8F
10/29 16:36, 8F

10/29 16:42, , 9F
10/29 16:42, 9F

10/29 16:44, , 10F
10/29 16:44, 10F

10/29 16:48, , 11F
10/29 16:48, 11F

10/29 16:48, , 12F
10/29 16:48, 12F

10/29 16:49, , 13F
10/29 16:49, 13F

10/29 16:49, , 14F
10/29 16:49, 14F

10/29 16:52, , 15F
10/29 16:52, 15F

10/29 16:53, , 16F
E 100+WTFE100+183守 看到敵人不到一分,3台全蒸發
10/29 16:53, 16F

10/29 16:54, , 17F
10/29 16:54, 17F

10/29 16:57, , 18F
說真的 一波至少比龜到天荒地老好 而且也符合SEA生
10/29 16:57, 18F

10/29 16:57, , 19F
10/29 16:57, 19F

10/29 17:00, , 20F
10/29 17:00, 20F

10/29 17:00, , 21F
10/29 17:00, 21F

10/29 17:01, , 22F
10/29 17:01, 22F

10/29 17:08, , 23F
340mm? 何不出古斯塔夫巨砲或卡爾臼炮?
10/29 17:08, 23F

10/29 17:11, , 24F
10/29 17:11, 24F

10/29 17:44, , 25F
WFT E100 打不到1彈夾與打1+彈夾平均起來還是很夭壽
10/29 17:44, 25F

10/29 17:50, , 26F
照日本wiki的資料來說 59在7.0前有優待分房 7.1被
10/29 17:50, 26F

10/29 17:50, , 27F
升等成一般分房 7.5又被改回優待分房
10/29 17:50, 27F

10/29 18:13, , 28F
10/29 18:13, 28F

10/29 18:19, , 29F
10/29 18:19, 29F

10/29 18:46, , 30F
10/29 18:46, 30F

10/29 18:50, , 31F
10/29 18:50, 31F

10/29 19:08, , 32F
10/29 19:08, 32F

10/29 20:01, , 33F
10/29 20:01, 33F

10/29 21:06, , 34F
據說59爆車會有如核爆一樣震撼全場 0.0
10/29 21:06, 34F

10/29 21:12, , 35F
10/29 21:12, 35F

10/29 21:13, , 36F
10/29 21:13, 36F

10/29 21:16, , 37F
10/29 21:16, 37F

10/30 00:23, , 38F
Murovanka以前TD黑槍55波 現在直接上高地視野壓制
10/30 00:23, 38F

10/30 00:24, , 39F
10/30 00:24, 39F
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