[情報] 9/16 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (羽織)時間10年前 (2013/09/17 01:10), 編輯推噓76(782117)
留言197則, 46人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
原文網址: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/09/16/16-9-2013/ 拜託不要突然間爆出這麼多來啊...Orz = SerB seems angry today, some of his answers are rude, full of typos and trolling. When called on that, he said it’s because the “amount of idiots here has increased” SerB 今天似乎很火大,有的回答很無禮、充滿錯字和嘲諷。被問到為什麼會這樣的時候 ,他說 "因為這邊的蠢蛋變多了" - Q: “SerB, last year (the idea of winning Golden Joystick) caused enthusiasm amongst players (unlike this year), what do you think about such a fundamental change in player attitude?” A: “I don’t care” (later he says that people are “celebrating” WoT GJ loss too early and they need to chill out and he closes with “Whine, whine never changes”) Q: "SerB,去年(要得到 Golden Joystick 的想法) 引發了玩家們的熱誠(不像今年), 你怎麼看待玩家態度的轉變?" A: "我懶得管啦" (後來他說玩家們太早 "慶祝" WoT 沒拿到 GJ 所以需要讓他們靜一 靜。之後他結束話題並且說 "抱怨沒路用啦") - SerB doesn’t like swearing in ingame chat, as “there is always a non-vulgar word that can be used and is no less offensive”, for example “ noobies” instead of “retards” (SS: this is an approximation of what SerB said, in Russian there are two not rude word for noobs: Alleni (which comes from the name Alyosha if I recall correctly) – a generic name for noobs, or Oleni (deers), that’s why so many Russian videos about noobs have deer pictures in them) SerB 不喜歡在遊戲內的聊天系統咒罵別人,他認為總是有個可以"罵人不帶髒字"的講 法,像是用 "怒伯" 代替 "智障" (SS: 這是近似於 SerB 講的句子,俄文裡面有兩個不 粗鄙的字詞可以代替 noobs: Alleni(如果我沒記錯的話來自 Alyosha 這個名字) - 一 個怒伯的代稱詞,或是 Oleni(鹿),這就是為什麼許多俄國佬的影片提到怒伯就會放 鹿的圖) - AMX-30 does fit the WoT timescale and it is possible it will be introduced as 2nd French top medium AMX-30 符合 WoT 的車輛時代而且可能會印入作為法國第二輛頂階中坦 - tank hitpoints have nothing to do with that tank’s armor, it’s a balance parameter (SS: this answer came from a question, whether the tank hitpoints in game are tied to some real life tank characteristics, such as armor. In ancient WoT times, it was considered the hitpoints to be roughly tied to the tank internal space (the more internal space, the more hitpoints), but this has been disproved many times already). 車子的血量多寡與它的裝甲無關。它基本上是個平衡過的參數(SS: 這個回答來自一個 問題,問說車輛的血輛是不是和車輛現實中的特性有關,像是車輛的裝甲。在 WoT 的 古早時代血量和車輛內部的空間大小大致相關(車輛內部空間越大,血越多),不過這個 問題已經澄清過很多次了) - (If I understand it correctly) there are no plans to introduce more options how to one- or two-shot a tank with midtier guns (the already existing being fire and ammorack explosion) (如果我沒搞錯的話) 目前不打算引入更多造成中階砲能夠一發爆車或兩發爆車的選項( 已經有起火跟爆彈藥架了) - E50 is considered to be a medium tank because it was classified as such in German sources E50 被認為是中坦的原因是因為德國的來源資料將它分類為中坦 - SerB states that the 1200hp German engines were not historical SerB 指出德國的 1200hp 引擎並非史實 - some French engines are also unhistorically strong 某些法國引擎也不符史實的強 - historical and garage battles will appear at some point in both WoWp and WoT 歷史戰役和車庫戰鬥模式會在某個時間點出現在 WoWp 和 WoT 中 - the T-44-122 hull (with a massive driver’s booth) won’t be added as an optional hull to the tier 8 T-44, because there are other upgrades to go with on that tier T-44-122 的車身(有著巨大的駕駛艙)不會做成 T8 T-44 的車身研發選項,因為那一階 有其他的升級套件可以用 - it’s not sure whether the hemispherical T-54 turrets will be available for the 100mm frontal armor hull only. There is an option to implement the optional 120mm frontal armor hull too, that one would however limit the speed of the tank 不確定 T-54 是不是只有 100mm 前裝甲的車身能裝半圓形砲塔。有個方案是讓 120mm 前裝甲的車身也可以裝,不過就要限制車輛的速度 - for now, there are no other candidates for removal from the game (like the T-50-2 was), but SerB states “we’ll see” 目前沒有要移除出遊戲的車輛候補(像是之前的 T-50-2),不過 SerB 表示 : "之後就 知道了" - the smallest number of planned branches at this moment belongs to the Chinese and Japanese trees 目前中國和日本線規劃的分支是最少的 - there are no plans to rework the 10-caliber rule (SS: shell flies only the distance of 10 its calibers after the armor is penetrated) 不打算重作十倍彈徑規則(SS: 砲彈穿透之後只會繼續前進砲彈口徑的十倍遠) - no amnesty for permabanned accounts is planned (“Some things, like real life threats, we do not forgive”) 不打算讓永久鎖帳的帳號有被大赦的機會("有些事情,像是威脅他人的性命,我們不會 原諒") - the artillery XP unlock price for various arty tiers was done according to WG calculations, there are no plans to reduce it further 自走砲不同階級所需的升級經驗是經過 WG 計算得來的,目前不打算降低經驗需求 - for now there are no concrete plans to allow players to get a tier 7-8 premium tank as a mission reward, but SerB states that if such a thing ever comes, the mission will be very difficult 目前不打算讓玩家拿 T7-8 的金幣車作為任務獎勵,不過 SerB 指出如果之後要這麼做 的話,任務會非常難 - there are no plans for near future to bring a tier 8 British premium heavy into the game 短期內不打算加入英國 T8 金幣重坦 - SerB states that he disagrees with the internet info that Panzer III/IV could rotate its turret only by 270 degrees SerB 表示他不同意網路上說 Panzer III/IV 砲塔只能轉 270 度的消息 - according to SerB, World of Tanks gameplay adheres to “fair play”principles 根據 SerB 所述,WoT 堅持的遊戲原則為 "公平" - SerB states that the algorithm for aiming has not changed (SS: whatever that means) SerB 指出瞄準所用的演算法沒有更動 (SS: 不論他是指甚麼) - SerB when asked why a player that has 30-50FPS in WoT has 50-70 in WoWp: “ Most likely your videocard works better with algorithms, used for computing open space” SerB 回答為什麼一位玩 WoT 只有 30-50 FPS 的玩家跑去玩 WoWp 有 50-70 FPS: "最 有可能的原因是你的顯示卡比較適合拿來計算開放空間的演算法" - the XP requirement for T-62A and Object 140 won’t be reworked: whoever wants both, has to grind like 400k XP on T-54 研發 T-62A 和 Object 140 所需的經驗量不會更動: 想要兩者都擁有的人需要在 T-54 上累積大約 40 萬經驗 - it’s possible player’s clan statistics (like on the portal) will be implemented into the game service record 有可能玩家的公會成績(像是在官網上的)會被做進遊戲裡的服役紀錄中 - Type 62 did become smaller, Storm states that some changes are simply forgotten and don’t make it to the patchnotes, there will be no compensation for Type 62 change, Type 62 won’t get limited MM either Type 62 的確變小了。Storm 表示某些更動單純只是忘了加到更新列表裡面,所以不會 對改動 Type 62 做任何補償,也不會有分房保護 - KV-5 won’t be sellable for gold (SS: as it wasn’t changed) KV-5 不會開放以金幣售出(SS: 因為它沒被改到) - SerB doesn’t think the “VK3002M” is a dull name and that it should be called “Prototype Panther”, as the VK3002M is historical SerB 並不覺得 "VK3002M" 太單調無味而應該改成 "Prototype Panther" 之類,因為 VK3002M 是車子史實上的名字 - Swamp and Komaring maps don’t have any tier limites, they are available on all tiers Swamp 和 Komaring 這兩張地圖不會有階級限制,每一階都可以玩 - maps returning from re-work “sometimes” have bigger chance to drop when they are implemented like completely new maps 當重新設計的地圖做的像新地圖的時候, "有時候" 會比較容易掉進去(?) (不太確定是指容易選到該張地圖/從山上掉下去還是甚麼...) @leeeric->地圖如果重新做得太像新地圖,"有時候" 會比較容易被捨棄掉(?) - there were Soviet turret tank destroyers, for example the 85mm AA gun in rotating turret on T-34 chassis, but they won’t be implemented for now 蘇聯有帶砲塔的 TD,像是架在 T-34 底盤上的 85mm 防空砲塔,不過目前不會做 - the guns for 3001H and 3601H were chosen “based on historical and balance considerations” 3001H 和 3601H 的砲是以 "基於史實和平衡的考量" 作為選擇的標準 - for now, more than one arty branche per nation is not planned, but principially possible 目前不打算幫每個國家都做多於一條自走砲線,不過主要的線有可能 - trees that are missing one type of vehicle (arty, TD, med, heavy, light) are not planned for now 目前不打算做少某一種車種(自走砲、TD、中坦、重坦、輕坦)的科技樹 - big maps, smoke shells and smokescreens, rocket tanks (RBT-5), new equipment and new crew skills: “when it’s done it’s done” 大地圖、煙霧彈和煙幕、火箭戰車(RBT-5)、新的裝備和新的組員技能: "WIDID" - “many” people bought T-34-3 "很多人" 買 T-34-3 - Panzer I Ausf.C has scout MM, because (surprise) it’s a scout Panzer I Ausf.C 用的是偵查車的分房,因為它是偵查車(嚇你一跳吧) (總覺得是在 troll...) - JT88 to recieve lower frontal plate nerf (120 to 100mm)? “If needed” JT88會被 nerf 首下嗎(120mm -> 100mm)? "如果必要的話" - A-43 too weak? “Don’t play A-43〃 A-43 太弱了? "不要玩 A-43" - the final decision on what will happen to KV-1S will come “after the tests are over” KV-1S 最終的命運會在 "測試完畢之後" 決定 - the composition of the 8.9 German TD branch is final 8.9 德國 TD 線已經確定會有些甚麼車輛 = 完 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/17 01:17, , 1F
終於等到了 可以睡了
09/17 01:17, 1F

09/17 01:19, , 2F
09/17 01:19, 2F

09/17 01:22, , 3F
09/17 01:22, 3F

09/17 01:24, , 4F
辛苦了,倒數第七個沒翻是太簡單懶得翻還是漏了 XD
09/17 01:24, 4F

09/17 01:25, , 5F
T-34-3感覺比德車還容易燒 俯角也太差..
09/17 01:25, 5F

09/17 01:28, , 6F
跟他說史實 跟你說平衡 跟他說平衡 跟你說史實
09/17 01:28, 6F

09/17 01:31, , 7F
09/17 01:31, 7F

09/17 01:31, , 8F
09/17 01:31, 8F

09/17 01:33, , 9F
不用敵人打 開一開引擎就會過熱自燃了...
09/17 01:33, 9F

09/17 01:34, , 10F
09/17 01:34, 10F

09/17 01:35, , 11F
09/17 01:35, 11F

09/17 01:35, , 12F
09/17 01:35, 12F
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (09/17 01:37)

09/17 01:37, , 13F
09/17 01:37, 13F

09/17 01:37, , 14F
大家晚安 (繼續值班)
09/17 01:37, 14F

09/17 01:38, , 15F
@wzmildf 是看漏了 翻到眼花@_@
09/17 01:38, 15F
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (09/17 01:49)

09/17 01:47, , 16F
希望SerB火大的原因在於: KV-1S的辯論快輸了lol
09/17 01:47, 16F

09/17 01:48, , 17F
看原文底下回應 應該是指更大的機會進到該地圖
09/17 01:48, 17F
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (09/17 01:54)

09/17 01:54, , 18F
個人比較偏向比較容易選到那張地圖 不過還是尊重版友
09/17 01:54, 18F

09/17 01:55, , 19F
09/17 01:55, 19F

09/17 03:22, , 20F
09/17 03:22, 20F

09/17 06:18, , 21F
"WoT堅持的遊戲原則為公平" 哈哈
09/17 06:18, 21F

09/17 06:22, , 22F
09/17 06:22, 22F

09/17 07:31, , 23F
看各位德粉能把德車開到6~70%勝率 當然要nerf=w=
09/17 07:31, 23F

09/17 07:31, , 24F
09/17 07:31, 24F

09/17 08:44, , 25F
09/17 08:44, 25F

09/17 08:54, , 26F
德國明明就有Buff....= =
09/17 08:54, 26F

09/17 09:27, , 27F
09/17 09:27, 27F

09/17 09:32, , 28F
09/17 09:32, 28F

09/17 09:33, , 29F
i want my mid 3601 back ~>__<~ (吵鬧不休)
09/17 09:33, 29F

09/17 09:33, , 30F
09/17 09:33, 30F

09/17 09:37, , 31F
09/17 09:37, 31F

09/17 09:38, , 32F
09/17 09:38, 32F

09/17 09:44, , 33F
09/17 09:44, 33F

09/17 09:46, , 34F
09/17 09:46, 34F

09/17 09:50, , 35F
09/17 09:50, 35F

09/17 10:15, , 36F
Serb這個低能兒 我就不信USSR沒有非史實引擎...
09/17 10:15, 36F
還有 121 則推文
09/17 13:09, , 158F
沒事找事做還真無聊 半桶水.....
09/17 13:09, 158F

09/17 13:12, , 159F
09/17 13:12, 159F

09/17 13:19, , 160F
09/17 13:19, 160F

09/17 13:19, , 161F
09/17 13:19, 161F

09/17 13:20, , 162F
那是SerB說的 我是對他用詞很感冒...
09/17 13:20, 162F

09/17 13:20, , 163F
09/17 13:20, 163F

09/17 13:20, , 164F
09/17 13:20, 164F

09/17 13:21, , 165F
09/17 13:21, 165F

09/17 13:22, , 166F
....(抓頭) 我E-100還是用AP彈唉 HEAT反而不會用
09/17 13:22, 166F

09/17 13:22, , 167F
3601根本神車 不過也神沒幾天了Orz 超慘
09/17 13:22, 167F

09/17 13:31, , 168F
如果大陸玩家的說法無誤的話 HEAT現在比不上APCR
09/17 13:31, 168F

09/17 13:31, , 169F
打E-100這種 有時候HEAT還不如AP...
09/17 13:31, 169F

09/17 13:31, , 170F
09/17 13:31, 170F

09/17 13:58, , 171F
我中午休息時間上來錯了嗎?ww 還怕你做不來
09/17 13:58, 171F

09/17 14:09, , 172F
09/17 14:09, 172F

09/17 14:10, , 173F
09/17 14:10, 173F

09/17 14:14, , 174F
槓 樓上也太嚴!最近練t-54線尤其讓我的g點下降到65%
09/17 14:14, 174F

09/17 14:17, , 175F
09/17 14:17, 175F

09/17 14:18, , 176F
09/17 14:18, 176F

09/17 14:20, , 177F
樓上(握) 小的也是美蘇兩棲
09/17 14:20, 177F

09/17 14:23, , 178F
德蘇美法 我都玩了..(眼神死
09/17 14:23, 178F

09/17 14:23, , 179F
小的德國使用率99.9% 德粉無誤
09/17 14:23, 179F

09/17 14:26, , 180F
09/17 14:26, 180F

09/17 14:27, , 181F
09/17 14:27, 181F

09/17 14:35, , 182F
開了一堆蘇系重坦 結果勝率最高的是JP2 呵呵
09/17 14:35, 182F

09/17 15:56, , 183F
轉到後來任一堆大大跟老師 :(
09/17 15:56, 183F

09/17 15:57, , 184F
09/17 15:57, 184F

09/17 16:06, , 185F
09/17 16:06, 185F

09/17 16:15, , 186F
09/17 16:15, 186F

09/17 16:16, , 187F
遠距離 APCR 穿深衰減很快喔 只是通常很少遠距 ...
09/17 16:16, 187F

09/17 17:26, , 188F
HEAT唯一的優點就是高穿深 不過8.8穿深被砍
09/17 17:26, 188F

09/17 17:26, , 189F
09/17 17:26, 189F

09/17 17:46, , 190F
09/17 17:46, 190F

09/17 19:13, , 191F
美(E4 T57H)德(E百 豹1)兩棲的路過...
09/17 19:13, 191F

09/17 22:53, , 192F
09/17 22:53, 192F

09/17 22:54, , 193F
09/17 22:54, 193F

09/17 23:06, , 194F
SerB腦袋會正常?How terrible
09/17 23:06, 194F

09/17 23:21, , 195F
可能哪天一頭撞上D-2-5T突然正常了 好貼蘿蔔
09/17 23:21, 195F

09/17 23:59, , 196F
09/17 23:59, 196F

09/18 15:06, , 197F
09/18 15:06, 197F
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