[情報] 9/16 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間8年前 (2015/09/17 18:27), 8年前編輯推噓8(8016)
留言24則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Here it is: - In the new motion physics, tanks can't climb steep slopes in order not to get to places they aren't supposed to. This system however makes it more difficult to drive even on smaller slopes. Players are suggesting that in order to fix that, WG should simply give the inaccessible spots extremely high terrain resistance coefficient but according to Storm the result would be the same; 新的物理系統中,車輛無法攀爬部分陡坡,為的是不要讓他們到不該去的地方。但這 個機制會讓車輛即使在斜度較小的坡上仍會很難操控。玩家們建議如果要解決這樣的 問題,WG只要將這些不想讓玩家上去的地方的地形給予特別高的履帶適性參數即可, 但根據Storm的說法,這樣的結果跟現行的計畫沒有差別。 - Q: "Why don't you implement the smooth motion offered by diesel-electric vehicles?" A: "How terrible!" Q:「為什麼不讓柴電混合車輛有更流暢的動力輸出呢?」 A:「好貼蘿蔔。」 (感謝lss板友的補充) - The mechanism of vehicles tipped on the side in new motion physics will change; 在新物理系統中的車輛側翻的機制會再更動。 - Storm reacting on player claims that in new motion physics (MP), the motion got more sluggish: "Strange, in our comparative tests it shows as improved"; Storm對於玩家宣稱新物理系統會讓遊戲變鈍的反應:「怪了,在我們的比較測試之 下是有改進的阿。」 - WG will not add more inertia to tanks, as in last test it had quite negative feedback; WG不會再對車輛增加更多慣性參數,在最新的測試中有太多關於它的負面回饋。 - Storm confirms: current servers are able to handle new motion physics; Storm證實了目前的伺服器能夠應付新物理系統。 - A player was complaining that HD Tiger II has worse suspension detail than Tiger I - Storm replies that Tiger I suspension is overdetailed. It won't be reworked to look worse but suspensions in such details won't be implemented either anymore; 有玩家抱怨HD化的虎王履帶材質比虎一的差,Storm回應是虎一的履帶做太精細了, WG不會對此重製但這樣的精細度之後不會再出現在其他HD化工作上。 - Domination mode will appear in WoT soon with separate statistics and economy; 支配模式(WOWS的那種)會在之後以獨立的統計數據與經濟系統加入WOT中。 - Mini-client of WoT is now available on RU server - it contains only lowtier vehicles and only the option to play random battles but its size is minimal. RU服現在有迷你伺服器,提供給低階戰鬥以及僅選擇玩隨機戰的玩家,但他真的是 「小」伺服器。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/09/16092015-q.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1442485622.A.6D9.html

09/17 18:35, , 1F
09/17 18:35, 1F

09/17 19:17, , 2F
最後一項: "RY"服
09/17 19:17, 2F

09/17 19:44, , 3F
09/17 19:44, 3F

09/17 19:45, , 4F
燃油引擎發電->電動馬達輸出 而電動馬達的好處就是
09/17 19:45, 4F

09/17 19:48, , 5F
扭矩輸出是線性的 不像燃油引擎會是曲線
09/17 19:48, 5F

09/17 19:53, , 6F
新物理 車輛側翻的情況有點誇張 下坡甩尾然後翻車
09/17 19:53, 6F

09/17 20:12, , 7F
09/17 20:12, 7F

09/17 20:25, , 8F
09/17 20:25, 8F

09/17 20:27, , 9F
09/17 20:27, 9F

09/17 20:47, , 10F
樓上 可是還是不建議做高難度的機動 那些影片很多
09/17 20:47, 10F

09/17 20:48, , 11F
都是軍方測試和廠商表演 實戰非必要不會這樣操
09/17 20:48, 11F

09/17 21:57, , 12F
09/17 21:57, 12F

09/17 21:58, , 13F
這樣應該比較順 至於玩家為什麼會問這個問題
09/17 21:58, 13F

09/17 21:59, , 14F
因為電動馬達的輸出是沒有加速過程的 你加多大的電
09/17 21:59, 14F

09/17 22:00, , 15F
流下去就會馬上榨出多少動力出來 不像燃油引擎你踩
09/17 22:00, 15F

09/17 22:00, , 16F
09/17 22:00, 16F

09/17 22:02, , 17F
有開過電動車的話 就會發現起步的爆發力差異非常大
09/17 22:02, 17F
※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 09/17/2015 22:27:20

09/18 00:07, , 18F
09/18 00:07, 18F

09/18 00:08, , 19F
09/18 00:08, 19F

09/18 13:50, , 20F
那意思應該是說 柴電的應該不會像一般車有換檔的頓
09/18 13:50, 20F

09/18 13:50, , 21F
錯感 應該會是很流暢平穩的加速
09/18 13:50, 21F

09/18 16:04, , 22F
問題是WOT沒換檔問題 現實的話也有無段變速箱
09/18 16:04, 22F

09/19 00:30, , 23F
記得今年俄國辦的戰車大賽 就有高速過彎翻車的影片
09/19 00:30, 23F

09/19 01:23, , 24F
09/19 01:23, 24F
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