Re: 晚明銃砲三分說

看板Warfare作者 (未必會飛的企鵝)時間9年前 (2014/10/29 22:23), 編輯推噓9(900)
留言9則, 9人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多) "...遂於十六世紀初又出現較輕的青銅鑄後膛裝填式火砲,葡萄牙人名之為 berço,其內 徑約 5 cm,砲重約 150 kg,發射 1 lb 重之彈,每門母銃配備 4 門子銃,有效射程 約 600 m,最快每半分鐘可發射一發。)然因當時機械的製造精度不夠,導致膛內 火藥的爆炸力量常從母、子銃的間隙外洩,此故,銅鑄的前裝滑膛火砲 (muzzleloading smoothbore cannon)在十六世紀前期逐漸引領風潮,並在該世紀末葉令 後膛裝填的火砲開始從歐洲各國的海船淡出。至十六世紀末葉,因航海需求益增,且銅價 遠高於鐵,鑄鐵砲才日益普及。" "...嘉靖二年起,軍器局陸續發造大、中、小樣佛郎機銅銃,至於鐵佛郎機銃的鑄造, 則始自嘉靖四十年。據嘉靖末年的統計,遼東各城總共配置了各式佛郎機銃 1,443門, 其中至少有 549 門為銅銃;而戚繼光(1528–1588)在其《紀效新書》中,亦曾提及 佛郎機銃有長達 9 尺(明清 1 尺約合 32 cm)者。" "They have been called by many names ...... "Folangji" ("佛朗机炮/佛朗機砲, Frankish gun") in Chinese" "Around 1500, Europeans learnt how to cast iron, and shifted their cannon productions to one-piece iron muzzle-loaders. China started to adopt European breech-loading swivel guns from 1500 onward, limiting at the same time the production of their own muzzle-loaders, because of the high effectiveness of the breech-loading swivel gun as an anti-personnel gun, which to them was more interesting than the sheer power of a cannonball." Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560-1605 (google books) "...Wrought-iron breech-loading guns were carried on Spanish armed merchant shipsat least until the 1590s, although they were considered obsolete by other maritime powers. ...... They were limited to close-range fire, and the preferable alternative was to use longer-range and more powerful muzzle-loading pieces which were reloaded by performing outboard or inboard loading." "A Swivel Gun was a small piece of ordnance, turning on a point or swivel. A typical swivel gun might measure 33 inches (90 cm) in overall length, with a bore diameter of 1 1/4 inches (3.5 cm). It would have fired 3/4 pound balls and would be wedged in place to use for anti-personnel fire. Besides their main defensive weapon, the swivel gun was used for signaling and salutes." "More successful were the small wrought-iron breechloaders, called versos by the Spanish and Portuguese, which appeared late in the fifteenth century. ...... Invariably swivel mounted, they came equipped with two or three removable powder chambers which closely resembled beer mugs in form. These could be loaded and fired in rotation, permitting a maximum rate of fire of perhaps two shots per minute for short periods." Type Lb(nom) Lb(act) Wt(lb) Shots/hr Horses Quarter-cannon 12 10-15 2000 12 5-10 Demiculverin 12 7-12 2000-3400 12 5-12 Ranges(yds) Piece Weight Shot Bore Length Point At 10 Max lb lb in ft Blank deg Culverin 2,299 12 4.6 8.5 600 4,000 Bastard ~3,000 Quarter 2,000 12 4.6 7.0 400 2,000 Cannon "...Koxinga ordered his artillery to advance and used 28 cannon to bombard the fort." 我厭煩了,不再多做無謂的口舌之爭,相信旁觀者心中自有定數。 這篇就當作一點資料的整理和上色練習吧~ -- 自知修養不足,已在努力收斂,還請多多見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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