[討論] 日本狙擊手的戰術,1942菲律賓與所羅門

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關於日本狙擊手的戰術,其實非常的單調不變,總結地來說可以歸納成以下三個重點: 1.把自己偽裝起來。 2.躲在樹上。 3.找機會等軍官、士官之類高價值目標靠近斃了他。 日本這邊自己的資料主要都是討論狙擊槍本身,但是卻對於日本運用狙擊手的實際戰術很 少著墨。其中最主要的原因是,日本狙擊手基本上是種消耗品,他們的生還率極其之低, 通常在極近距離開火而且接下來的下場就是被美軍集火打成蜂窩。 顯然地,由於狙擊手未經過良好的射後轉移訓練,使得日本狙擊手陷入一種沒有辦法累積 經驗、沒有人活著回去總結教訓、所以戰術也就永遠不會進步的窘態。 對於日本狙擊手的作戰紀錄,反倒是作為其對手的美國人比較重視、也作了更詳盡的戰報 分析研究。我們來聽聽日本人的對手是怎麼說的吧。 1942年8月27日,美國陸軍彙證了菲律賓淪陷前守軍對日本部隊的戰鬥報告書: The Japanese soldiers were fairly young, their average age being about 22 to 23, although the best troops were about 25, many of whom had had experience in China. 這批日本兵非常年輕,他們大多介於22~23歲,戰鬥力最好的是25歲左右年紀。他們大多 數都有在中國實戰的經驗。 As in every other campaign in the Far East, the principal tactics used by the Japanese centered on their ability to infiltrate. The actual infiltrations were usually carried out at night. The Japanese would work their way forward in small parties through gaps, around flanks, and even through the front lines. They would remain quiet during the following day, and on the next night more troops would infiltrate the American position until there was a sufficiently strong force actually in or behind the American lines to launch a small attack. In these infiltration tactics the Japanese were capitalizing on the initiative and "fanaticism" of the individual soldier. 在遠東戰場上,日軍最主流的戰術思想是滲透戰法。日軍通常挑選夜間滲透我們,並且會 試圖分散成小集團繞過我們的側翼、甚至溜進戰線之間。他們在滲透過程中絕不發出聲音 ,甚至可以在白天完全潛伏,等待隔天夜裡更多的日軍部隊滲透進來,直到他們確定數量 上足夠淹沒美軍陣地時,才會發起小規模的攻勢。日軍賴以實施這種滲透戰術的秘訣,在 於灌輸至最基層士兵的狂熱鬥志。 American officers seem to agree that this "fanaticism" manifests itself particularly in lack of fear of death. As one officer puts it, "they will do things that they know will cost them their lives; for example, throw themselves on wire so that the following troops may pass over their bodies, or destroy tank mines by deliberately walking on them." In actual battle they are ferocious fighters. They very rarely surrender, because they fear what their captors will do to them and because they believe that if they die they go to Heaven and their families are honored. They also believe that if they surrender and are later retaken by their own troops, their families will be disgraced and they themselves will be punished. Even when surrounded, individual groups and soldiers will continue to fight on. One occasion has been reported when U.S. forces surrounded about 2,000 Japanese behind the American lines; about 200 got away, but the rest fought so savagely, refusing to surrender, that only about 50 were left to be captured. Many Japanese will even go so far as to commit suicide rather than be taken prisoner. 美國軍官們認為這種狂熱最主要反映在日軍不畏死亡此一事實上。這些日本人總是喜歡去 作一些會丟掉自己老命的戰法,舉例來說,他們會撲倒在鐵絲網上讓後續部隊通過而不是 剪斷它、他們會抱著反坦克地雷衝向坦克而不是埋了它。在實戰中他們是狂熱的戰士,很 少投降,這是因為他們認為被俘會使他們的家人丟臉,甚至是連一時投降等待時機被友軍 救出,也不允許。就算被切割包圍,日軍的小集團單位還是會奮戰至死。一個案例是我軍 包圍了兩千名滲透進戰線後方的日本兵,其中約有200人成功逃出生天,但剩下的大多數 都瘋狂戰鬥,拒絕投降,到最後我們只俘虜了五十人。日本兵大多數都寧可自殺而不願被 俘。 Another instance of the excellent fighting qualities of the individual Japanese soldier was illustrated in the extensive use of snipers. Apparently the members of the sniper corps were a picked group, for their marksmanship was extremely good, and they had been provided with special clothing. 另一個展現日本單兵素質的地方,是在於日軍在攻勢中會非常積極地運用狙擊手。日本狙 擊手是經過精挑細選,槍法精良,而且有相當良好的偽裝服。 Climbing a tree, the sniper would hide in the foliage after tying himself to the tree with vines or rope. There he would wait patiently for a suitable target. These snipers apparently had instructions to concentrate on the American officers, for often they would let a whole detachment of Filipino or American enlisted men go by in order to wait for a shot at an officer. The snipers employed the regular .25 caliber rifle of the ground troops, using powder which gave no flash, no smoke, and "a report not much louder than that of a B-B gun." 日本狙擊手通常會爬到樹上,而且用繩索或樹藤把自己固定住。他們會耐心等待高價值目 標才開火,特別是在菲律賓他們會專挑軍官與士官幹部打。這些狙擊手配備了.25口徑的 狙擊槍(6.5mm的九七式)、而且這種槍沒有槍口火光、沒有煙霧、聲音甚至不會比BB槍 更大。 The Japanese had a novel method of serving their light machine gun. One man served as the mount, the second man was gunner. They would both drop to the ground and as soon as they had finished a clip, they would roll over, crawl away about 10 or more yards and then open up on the same targets. This had the effect of confusing the American and Filipino troops as to the exact position of the enemy, sometimes leading them to believe that there were two or more machine guns operating against them. The gun used was not a tommy gun, as many thought, but simply the Nambu light .25 caliber machine gun. 值得一提的是日本人運用輕機槍的戰術。日本輕機槍是兩人一小組,當他們裝填新的彈匣 時,會挾著機關槍在地上翻滾個差不多十碼左右,然後從新的位置開火。這使得美軍與菲 軍部隊經常會誤以為日軍有好幾挺機槍在同時開火、誤判形勢。日本人使用南部製造的 .25口徑輕機槍。(6.5mm的歪把子) ***** 基本上在菲律賓戰役期間,美軍完全喪失了空優與制海權,頭上有日本飛機掃射、海上有 艦砲岸轟,因此在這裡日軍是罕見地扮演攻方、而非守方。 但是日軍在攻勢中運用狙擊手的方式,其實與守勢時相差無幾,他們會遠離主力部隊,嘗 試滲透到戰線兩翼去,然後躲藏起來等待高價值目標接近、加以射殺。 在看完了日軍擔任攻方的戰術後,我們來看看日軍擔任守方時的戰術。 1942年10月22日,美國陸戰隊向戰爭部所作之報告: <所羅門群島地區的日軍防禦戰術> "The flanks of Japanese positions and weapon emplacements were covered by snipers. Snipers were concealed in the tops of palm trees and were not detected until they opened fire, despite careful observation of tree tops. The Browning automatic rifle proved to be an excellent weapon for dealing with snipers.” 日軍通常使用狙擊手來掩護他們的陣地側翼。日本狙擊手通常會躲藏在樹頂,而且偽裝的 極佳,不管我軍再怎麼仔細偵查,通常在他們開火以前是找不到的。但是使用BAR自動步 槍,就可以很完美地解決掉這些狙擊手。 "Fighting took place at ranges of 50 to 100 yards.” 這一地區的戰鬥通常在50~100碼以內開打。 "When questioned about the lack of prisoners, a U.S. officer said that apparently a great deal of propaganda had been spread among the Japanese soldiers about the horrible things that would happen to prisoners.” 根據我方軍官對日本戰俘的訊問,認為日本降兵會如此之少的原因,是因為他們的恐嚇宣 傳非常之有效。 "Naval gunfire and dive-bombing was still going on when the initial wave landed. No fire was received by this first wave, as all the Japanese had taken cover. After cessation of naval gun fire and bombing, the Japanese began firing from dugouts on the island and fire was received from an adjacent island.” 當我軍第一波部隊在艦砲與俯衝轟炸機的掩護下登陸時,日本人都躲進掩體裡了,不對我 們的第一波部隊開火。但在支援砲火停止後,日本人就回到陣地裡開始攻擊。 "The first wave tossed grenades into the entrance to the dugouts that they passed. Although the grenades exploded within the entrance, it was later found that they were ineffective due to the type of entryway. Enemy troops fired from dugouts on the rear of the first wave and into the second and third waves, aided by snipers in the tops of coconut trees. 雖然我軍先鋒嘗試突入壕溝投擲手榴彈,但是稍後被證明這種攻擊對抗日本人精良的工事 是沒效的。未被肅清的敵軍,透過躲在樹上的狙擊手支援,在我軍每一波登陸波次之間進 行偷襲。 “One sniper shot down from a tree had coconuts hung around his neck to help conceal him. One sniper in a palm tree had protected himself with armor plate. ” 一個日本狙擊手被我們打下樹,但是他用椰子殼製成的護頸保住了性命。另一個我們幹掉 的狙擊手,則被發現他身上穿著鐵甲。 "Japanese marksmanship was characterized as poor and not very dangerous if one kept moving and avoided lying in the open.” 日本人的槍法極其差勁,只要你不斷移動並且避免在開闊地臥倒,就毫無威脅性。 "It was emphasized that no flash, smoke or muzzle blast was visible from Japanese weapons” 日本人的槍砲之槍口燄、噴煙與閃光非常難以發現。 "The Japanese snipers paid particular attention to picking off officers and noncommissioned officers whose exterior garments carried insignia or markings indicating their rank." 日本狙擊手特別喜歡挑我軍的軍官、士官幹部下手。這可能是因為他們懂得判讀我方的軍 階與識別章紀。 以下是來自於陸戰隊士兵個人的手記、家書或回憶錄的內容。 "Individually, he is a good soldier; in fact, an excellent one. They very, very seldom give up but will fight until killed, even after being badly wounded. Of a force of well over 700 that we wiped out, we were only able to take 34 prisoners, and 33 of them were so badly wounded that they couldn't do anything. We asked each one if they had been told that they would be killed if captured and they said "No," but that they expected to be. All insisted that they would never be able to return to Japan, so that probably is the answer. 個人以為那幫日本兵是厲害的傢伙,事實上,非常卓越。這些人除非戰死或身負重傷,否 則不會放棄抵抗。我們殲滅了一支七百人的日軍單位,但是只抓到34個戰俘,其中有33個 是已經失能的重傷患。我們詢問他們是否有宣傳說會被我們殺掉,雖然他們否認有宣傳, 但都自認會被我們殺掉。這些人都說這下再也沒臉回日本去了,這或許就是答案吧。 "Each Jap carried a camouflage net made of mesh with wood-fiber strands, and it is actually impossible to see them at 50 yards if they lie still with it on.” 那些小日本都用當地的草木泥巴做成了非常好的迷彩偽裝,所以他們在臥倒時,除非靠近 到50碼內否則完全認不出來。 "As you have been told before, they are great on sniping. After our initial landing, and after they had taken to the mountains, they worried us quite a bit, as they would slip in at night (or hide out during the day) and do a lot of firing. For two nights we actually had them running around inside Regimental Headquarters lines. As it was as dark as pitch we couldn't fire and they would outrun our boys. We had one sniper near our galley that would take one shot of a morning and one in the evening. We combed the fields and the coconut trees but we never found him. I am glad to say that he was a damn poor shot and he didn't get anyone before he finally beat it.” 就像我們事前被告知的一樣,那些日本人超愛狙擊。在第一波登陸後,他們佔領了山丘, 並且對我軍造成了一點小困擾,這群人會在晚上溜掉(或在白天避開我們),然後拼命開 火。甚至有兩次,日本狙擊手在晚上跑進了我們的團指揮所裡,那實在是夜色暗到我們的 弟兄看不清這幫人身影。我們這防區還有個日本狙擊手,他總是每天在早上和晚上各開一 槍;我們翻遍了戰場上所有的椰子樹可偏偏就是找不到這傢伙。我得很榮幸的說,感謝這 傢伙他媽爛到爆的槍法,在他被解決以前我們之中沒有任何一個弟兄中彈。 "In my opinion it boils down to this. The Japs are excellent individual soldiers but their headwork is very poor.” 依我看,那些日本兵打得非常好,但指揮他們的高層實在是遜斃了。 ***** 與陸軍在菲律賓的經驗相比,最大的差別就是美國陸戰隊眼中的日本狙擊手普遍槍法很遜 。這可能是因為相對於拘泥於一次大戰線式戰術思想的美國陸軍,陸戰隊帶有更積極攻勢 的教範色彩,鼓勵步兵在戰場上採取運動而非陣地戰方式戰鬥,結果日本狙擊手在射擊移 動目標時的命中率就大幅下降了。 另一方面,陸戰隊也比他們的陸軍弟兄更有自信,他們在發現日軍狙擊手後會懂得使用自 動武器集火將之射殺,而非束手無策。盡管日軍喜歡在近距離挑起戰鬥,但配備了大量衝 鋒槍、自動步槍、卡賓槍與火燄放射器的陸戰隊,其實在近距離的戰鬥中更是穩操勝券。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/20 03:17, , 1F
03/20 03:17, 1F

03/20 03:18, , 2F
03/20 03:18, 2F

03/20 03:26, , 3F
像在芬蘭 對熟練的獵人來說 當地的王鴨比蘇聯兵還難打中
03/20 03:26, 3F

03/20 04:18, , 4F
應該是後期徵召上前線的那種 槍法才爛 日軍超愛精準射擊
03/20 04:18, 4F

03/20 07:06, , 5F
they are great on sniping 翻成超愛狙擊?其他很多地方
03/20 07:06, 5F

03/20 07:08, , 6F
03/20 07:08, 6F

03/20 07:10, , 7F
03/20 07:10, 7F

03/20 07:11, , 8F
03/20 07:11, 8F

03/20 07:13, , 9F
還是別亂用戲謔語氣亂下結論吧 http://goo.gl/Y5HCb
03/20 07:13, 9F

03/20 07:18, , 10F
要看深入一點的分析可以看 http://goo.gl/Scif3
03/20 07:18, 10F

03/20 07:21, , 11F
03/20 07:21, 11F

03/20 07:25, , 12F
03/20 07:25, 12F

03/20 07:37, , 13F
03/20 07:37, 13F

03/20 07:38, , 14F
03/20 07:38, 14F

03/20 07:39, , 15F
但是跟前面的敘述一比較就會很清楚 這裡的great on
03/20 07:39, 15F

03/20 07:41, , 16F
03/20 07:41, 16F

03/20 07:45, , 17F
而是戰術使用上的great on 亦即大量使用~~
03/20 07:45, 17F

03/20 07:45, , 18F
不算錯喔?那"conceal him"翻成"保住性命"呢?
03/20 07:45, 18F

03/20 07:46, , 19F
因此這裡的great on snipe翻成超愛狙擊(大量使用狙擊)
03/20 07:46, 19F

03/20 07:47, , 20F
03/20 07:47, 20F

03/20 07:48, , 21F
然後請問一下 告訴你great on fire這句也可以這樣翻(A)
03/20 07:48, 21F

03/20 07:49, , 22F
跟 conceal him被翻成保住性命(B)
03/20 07:49, 22F

03/20 07:49, , 23F
03/20 07:49, 23F

03/20 07:50, , 24F
03/20 07:50, 24F

03/20 07:50, , 25F
03/20 07:50, 25F

03/20 07:51, , 26F
03/20 07:51, 26F

03/20 07:51, , 27F
就像你自己說的 版上懂英文的不少 在你一口咬定對方翻
03/20 07:51, 27F

03/20 07:52, , 28F
錯之前 先確認一下自己有沒有掌握住文意吧~~
03/20 07:52, 28F

03/20 07:53, , 29F
不然你自己表態好了 你認為這裡的great on snipe
03/20 07:53, 29F

03/20 07:53, , 30F
03/20 07:53, 30F

03/20 07:55, , 31F
03/20 07:55, 31F

03/20 07:56, , 32F
另外 我不像你這麼了不起的一口咬定別人"翻錯"
03/20 07:56, 32F

03/20 07:57, , 33F
03/20 07:57, 33F

03/20 07:57, , 34F
03/20 07:57, 34F

03/20 08:00, , 35F
03/20 08:00, 35F

03/20 08:00, , 36F
03/20 08:00, 36F

03/20 08:00, , 37F
03/20 08:00, 37F

03/20 08:01, , 38F
如果像你前面表示的不是射擊精準度 也不是狙擊戰術~~
03/20 08:01, 38F

03/20 08:02, , 39F
03/20 08:02, 39F
還有 62 則推文
03/20 11:54, , 102F
03/20 11:54, 102F

03/20 11:59, , 103F
反正某人愛魯笅 我們也看得開心啊
03/20 11:59, 103F

03/20 12:27, , 104F
03/20 12:27, 104F

03/20 12:32, , 105F
狙擊手: 我這叫製造恐懼你不懂
03/20 12:32, 105F

03/20 12:35, , 106F
反正也打不中 倒是可以提醒美軍該吃早餐 該吃晚餐了
03/20 12:35, 106F

03/20 12:44, , 107F
03/20 12:44, 107F

03/20 12:44, , 108F
03/20 12:44, 108F

03/20 12:47, , 109F
03/20 12:47, 109F

03/20 12:49, , 110F
03/20 12:49, 110F

03/20 14:23, , 111F
英文這麼強 怎麼自己不翻一篇出來啊?
03/20 14:23, 111F

03/20 14:47, , 112F
03/20 14:47, 112F

03/20 15:35, , 113F
03/20 15:35, 113F

03/20 15:58, , 114F
03/20 15:58, 114F

03/20 15:59, , 115F
03/20 15:59, 115F

03/20 16:00, , 116F
03/20 16:00, 116F

03/20 16:02, , 118F
03/20 16:02, 118F

03/20 16:21, , 119F
03/20 16:21, 119F

03/20 16:29, , 120F
03/20 16:29, 120F

03/20 16:34, , 121F
03/20 16:34, 121F

03/20 16:46, , 122F
03/20 16:46, 122F

03/20 16:47, , 123F
03/20 16:47, 123F

03/20 16:47, , 124F
03/20 16:47, 124F

03/20 16:52, , 125F
03/20 16:52, 125F

03/20 16:53, , 126F
03/20 16:53, 126F

03/20 17:03, , 127F
03/20 17:03, 127F

03/20 17:03, , 128F
03/20 17:03, 128F

03/20 17:04, , 129F
03/20 17:04, 129F

03/20 17:13, , 130F
基本上他是在提醒我們離下班不遠 該去吃飯了
03/20 17:13, 130F

03/20 17:19, , 131F
03/20 17:19, 131F

03/20 17:20, , 132F
03/20 17:20, 132F

03/20 17:29, , 133F
03/20 17:29, 133F

03/20 17:31, , 134F
03/20 17:31, 134F

03/20 17:32, , 135F
03/20 17:32, 135F

03/20 20:41, , 136F
03/20 20:41, 136F

03/20 21:41, , 137F
03/20 21:41, 137F

03/20 21:44, , 138F
03/20 21:44, 138F

03/20 22:20, , 139F
03/20 22:20, 139F

08/13 07:24, , 140F
最後那句高層遜斃了實在 https://muxiv.com
08/13 07:24, 140F

09/16 03:34, , 141F
09/16 03:34, 141F
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