[閒聊] Legion patch 7.1 developer Q&A

看板WOW作者 (Let it be)時間7年前 (2016/10/15 21:57), 7年前編輯推噓-32(134552)
留言110則, 69人參與, 最新討論串1/10 (看更多)
https://www.twitch.tv/warcraft/v/94901992 https://www.twitch.tv/warcraft/v/94908250 不到24小時前的World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas接受的訪談 片長0.5+1小時,請斟酌是否要看完 卡幹已經把這個位置傳功給Ion 覺得幹你阿傑很膩的人可以考慮換個目標 Ion君先前比較引人注意的言論包含對6.2菊戒共CD的回應 Ion君似乎也有人稱他Watcher(以下以Watcher稱之) - http://blizzardwatch.com/2016/10/14/legion-patch-7-1-developer-qa-liveblog/ 文字稿 請原諒小弟現在身為anti-BZ廚 + 英文破爛 + 看完後又翻了幾段Q&A 暫時沒力氣核對文字稿有沒有缺漏 edit:聽完其中一小時的影片內容,文字稿基本上跟Wathcher原意一樣,且修正 其中較口語的用詞,未添加有任何評論意味的詞彙,Watcher發言時也是 很專業的說出身為Director所知道的內容,這點須予以肯定。 另聽說NGA已有翻譯,本篇有翻的部分還請多多包涵內容 - 節錄與翻譯 Q: Can you comment on the state of Fury? Single target damage doesn’t justify taking 30% more damage. 你(Watcher)可以評論Furry War現狀嗎? (狂戰的)單體傷害不符合多吃30%傷害 A: Fury single target damage will be buffed, and the damage-taken will be reduced to 20% from 30%. The extra damage taken can be frustrating, it’s out of your control, but inevitably you’re going to die from some spike of damage you might not have otherwise died from. Patch 7.1 will apply a band-aid, but in longer term, there may be some redesign to that berserker fantasy. Furry war單體傷害會被buff,承受傷害會從30%減為20%。額外的承受傷害是令人 沮喪的,你無法控制它,但是除了某些瞬間大量傷害(some spike of damage)你 不會死掉。 按:灰字我沒翻 按:反正spike damage打下來你本來就會死了,也許furry war玩家要覺得有賺到 - Q: What are your plans for legendaries for people who haven’t gotten one or one notably subpar for their class? 你(Watcher)對於那些還沒有撿到菊裝或撿到該職業比較爛的菊裝的人有甚麼計畫嗎 A: If you haven’t gotten one, keep playing.It’ll happen.If you haven ’t gotten the one you want, keep playing, and you’ll get more eventually. Ion believes players underestimate the legendaries which provide utility — legendaries which give you additional survival can still help you live through burst damage in mythics, or might open strategic options in raids. That said, Ion admits some legendaries aren ’t quite as good as they’d hoped. In those cases, where a legendary is objectively bad, they’re going to buff or redesign them. A tank Demon Hunter legendary which increases DPS against high-health targets might receive a buff where the chestpiece also gives the Demon Hunter lifesteal. 如果你還沒撿到,繼續玩。它會發生(撿到菊裝)。如果你還沒有撿到你想要的那件, 繼續玩,你最後會撿到的。 按:灰字我沒翻,血管壁破了一些 按:農 農農 農農農 隨著時間過去你總有一天會拿到你想要的 - Q: How does the bad luck protection for legendaries work? I feel like the system is time-based only. Are there other considerations? 傳奇裝備防衰仔機制怎麼運作的?我覺得這系統以時間為基礎(應該是說時間長短要素) 有考量其他要素嗎? A: There’s no time component to it. It is mostly random. If you log off for a month, you aren’t more or less likely to get a legendary when you come back. There was a brief bug that allowed some players to get multiple legendaries more quickly, but in most cases, it’s based on luck. Ion jokes they should have put in “good luck” protection to eliminate cases where players have gotten so lucky they got three legendaries in one day. That’s the nature of random. In a random landscape, you will get players who get very lucky — it’s not a big, it’s just how it works. 沒有時間要素。它就只是隨機。如果你登出一個月後再上線,你撿到傳奇的機率也 不會變。的確曾經有bug讓玩家可以快速地取得多個傳奇裝備,但大部分的案例, 是看運氣。Watcher開玩笑說他們應該要增加防"好運"機制來終結玩家運氣好到一 天撿三件傳奇裝的案例。那就是RNG的本質。以隨機的角度來看,你會看到很幸運 的玩家-但那沒甚麼,RNG就是如此運作,啾咪~>_Ob 按:原文it's not a big, 應該漏了一個字,60%是deal,30%是problem,剩下我不知道 按:那個玩笑真的滿幽默的,捧場乾笑兩聲好了 呵呵 按:啾咪是我加的,應該很符合Watcher的想法才對,雖然我是anti-BZ廚 http://i.imgur.com/mt6F1j2.gif
不知道用文字表達想要請Watcher吃大便會不會被水桶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1476539863.A.523.html

10/15 22:00, , 1F
乾你娘 講幹話 看到橘裝那邊真的有氣到
10/15 22:00, 1F

10/15 22:00, , 2F
10/15 22:00, 2F

10/15 22:01, , 3F
10/15 22:01, 3F
Watcher在關於菊裝的RNG要素的問答中有這麼一段 Legendaries are complementary to Artifacts. While you’re always making constant progress with your artifact through Artifact Power, legendaries fill the role of a rare item which will cause excitement. Ion says he himself does not have a legendary yet. 傳奇裝備跟神器是互補的。當你持續在你的神器的神器拋瓦有所進展時,傳奇 裝扮填補與扮演了”引起興奮”的角色。Watcher說他還沒有撿到菊裝。 好棒棒!!

10/15 22:02, , 4F
10/15 22:02, 4F

10/15 22:02, , 5F
爐石已經被RNG之神搞爛了 你傷害也要RNG 乾你暴雪
10/15 22:02, 5F

10/15 22:03, , 6F
10/15 22:03, 6F

10/15 22:03, , 7F
講個笑話 RNG
10/15 22:03, 7F
※ 編輯: magicken (, 10/15/2016 22:07:24

10/15 22:07, , 8F
10/15 22:07, 8F

10/15 22:10, , 9F
10/15 22:10, 9F

10/15 22:14, , 10F
以後上線前都骰一次骰子 低於某數字 本日無法上線
10/15 22:14, 10F

10/15 22:14, , 11F
10/15 22:14, 11F

10/15 22:16, , 12F
10/15 22:16, 12F

10/15 22:16, , 13F
10/15 22:16, 13F

10/15 22:18, , 14F
10/15 22:18, 14F

10/15 22:18, , 15F
10/15 22:18, 15F

10/15 22:18, , 16F
以前也很憤怒 不是只有現在
10/15 22:18, 16F

10/15 22:19, , 17F
10/15 22:19, 17F

10/15 22:21, , 18F
通篇看完 我越發的不想存下一張月卡了...
10/15 22:21, 18F

10/15 22:22, , 19F
10/15 22:22, 19F

10/15 22:22, , 20F
10/15 22:22, 20F

10/15 22:22, , 21F
10/15 22:22, 21F

10/15 22:23, , 22F
以後別人問什麼叫自我感覺良好 就給他看這篇
10/15 22:23, 22F

10/15 22:26, , 23F
10/15 22:26, 23F

10/15 22:27, , 24F
bz完全是一個你要不要玩隨便你 反正我們就是設計這樣
10/15 22:27, 24F

10/15 22:31, , 25F
10/15 22:31, 25F

10/15 22:35, , 26F
10/15 22:35, 26F

10/15 22:37, , 27F
感恩涕零, 謝主隆恩
10/15 22:37, 27F

10/15 22:39, , 28F
直接用代幣+點卡就好 這種RNG垃圾概念只是每個月在浪費450~
10/15 22:39, 28F

10/15 22:41, , 29F
幾點補充 每天玩的watcher&社群管理員也還都沒拿到橙裝
10/15 22:41, 29F

10/15 22:41, , 30F
10/15 22:41, 30F

10/15 22:41, , 31F
體驗大不相同 且這不是額外獎勵是裝備提升後期 就算他搬
10/15 22:41, 31F

10/15 22:42, , 32F
10/15 22:42, 32F

10/15 22:42, , 33F
10/15 22:42, 33F
前一次編輯該段Q&A的A的前半段 Legendaries are fundamentally RNG. Philosophy: Should there be powerful random elements? Or should everything be linear and skill-based? If these items were just on a vendor where you had to progress toward it, it would seem like a huge grind — you’d be relieved when you got there rather than happy or excited. 菊裝基本上就是RNG。哲學提問:是否應存在很強力的隨機要素?或是否應該所有東 西都是線性的和以技巧為基底的?如果你可以朝著這些裝備(items)慢慢有進展並 從商人購買,這過程看起來就只是很努力地農(a huge grind)-當你達到目標你會 感到”解脫”而不是高興或興奮。 ...Watcher看起來很重視RNG帶來的”興奮”感呢 修正前一次編輯添加內容的語順。

10/15 22:43, , 34F
呵呵 幫噓
10/15 22:43, 34F

10/15 22:43, , 35F
這什麼數據..你爸跟你媽平均有一顆蛋, 這種的概念 ?
10/15 22:43, 35F

10/15 22:44, , 36F
另外勇氣試煉團隊副本7.1上線後過幾周再開放 掉落裝等提
10/15 22:44, 36F
還有 37 則推文
還有 4 段內文
10/16 01:20, , 74F
10/16 01:20, 74F

10/16 01:54, , 75F
10/16 01:54, 75F

10/16 02:07, , 76F
結果7.1通通都上線了, 人阿
10/16 02:07, 76F

10/16 02:14, , 77F
BZ打算走完全不同的一條路 老實說我不認同但只能祝福
10/16 02:14, 77F

10/16 02:21, , 78F
月費遊戲就是要農才對味啊, 要RNG我去玩免費課金遊戲
10/16 02:21, 78F

10/16 02:26, , 79F
10/16 02:26, 79F
補前半段影片連結 edit:聽完其中一小時的影片內容,文字稿基本上跟Wathcher原意一樣,且修正 其中較口語的用詞,未添加有任何評論意味的詞彙,Watcher發言時也是 很專業的說出身為Director所知道的內容,這點須予以肯定。 我竟然聽了一小時 壞掉了 ※ 編輯: magicken (, 10/16/2016 02:43:16

10/16 02:47, , 80F
10/16 02:47, 80F

10/16 03:35, , 81F
10/16 03:35, 81F

10/16 07:41, , 82F
10/16 07:41, 82F

10/16 08:20, , 83F
橘裝RNG我可以接受 你他X狂戰被打硬是多30%傷害是怎樣
10/16 08:20, 83F

10/16 08:23, , 84F
狂戰有相對得到傷害提高30%buff嗎? 沒有 那我就不懂了
10/16 08:23, 84F

10/16 08:49, , 85F
10/16 08:49, 85F

10/16 08:50, , 86F
10/16 08:50, 86F

10/16 09:00, , 87F
10/16 09:00, 87F

10/16 09:21, , 88F
我只希望代幣能選擇時數 這高貴的RNG遊戲我非洲人玩不起
10/16 09:21, 88F

10/16 09:38, , 89F
10/16 09:38, 89F

10/16 09:50, , 90F
10/16 09:50, 90F

10/16 10:10, , 91F
10/16 10:10, 91F

10/16 10:12, , 92F
10/16 10:12, 92F

10/16 10:15, , 93F
10/16 10:15, 93F

10/16 11:13, , 94F
3週果斷quit 這是我最快放棄的版本 沒興趣在非洲務農
10/16 11:13, 94F

10/16 12:17, , 95F
消耗品這項實在太難讓人認同了 這叫做消耗品 不叫奢侈品
10/16 12:17, 95F
Q: Any chance of reducing crafting material requirements? 有沒有機會降低製造業的(材料)需求 A: Also on their radar. They want to see how the Blood of Sargeras trader plays out in patch 7.1. The trader might result in tons of materials flooding the market, driving down the price of materials for potions and flasks for raids. They do, however, want the process to be more involved than it was in Warlords — getting potions and flasks was far too easy in Warlords. Part of the demand being so high in Legion is because Warlords drove players to abandon the professions which would have provided those materials. The problem may end up fixing itself as players adjust to Legion, but they are still keeping an eye on it. 已列入觀察。(200菁英)想要知道薩格拉斯之血npc在7.1的表現。這npc可能會導致 原物料在市場氾濫,使raid所需的精煉、藥水的材料價格下降。相較於WoD,(200 菁英)他們想要這些東西(消耗品、製造消耗品)與遊戲有更多互動(be involved in)-在WoD要取得藥水與精煉實在太簡單。另外導致Legion對這些物資需求如此高 的原因也包含WoD使玩家放棄採集專業。如果玩家能針對Legion做出調整,這問題 可能會自動消失(end up fixing itself),不過(200菁英)他們有在觀察這個問題 。 按:根據有聽到的影片片段,Watcher有提到關於這部分他們的確還在做測試與調整 ,玩家準備這些消耗品不應該像WoD那樣幾乎不用當一回事,但像Legion初期這麼 痛苦也不對,若7.1這些血販(?)的影響力無法達到他們想要的結果,還會再做調整

10/16 12:17, , 96F
10/16 12:17, 96F

10/16 12:19, , 97F
神器點數設定也是 現在破碎群島已經很難看到低等級玩家了
10/16 12:19, 97F

10/16 12:19, , 98F
基礎點數不上升 新玩家跟分身要如何追上有三特質的大部隊
10/16 12:19, 98F

10/16 12:21, , 99F
10/16 12:21, 99F

10/16 12:23, , 100F
橘裝設計對於pvp影響反而是比pve劇烈的 然而卻沒對應措施
10/16 12:23, 100F

10/16 13:57, , 101F
10/16 13:57, 101F

10/16 13:58, , 102F
10/16 13:58, 102F

10/16 14:08, , 103F
10/16 14:08, 103F

10/16 14:23, , 104F
確實如此 WOD就太少人支持 不然就維持了
10/16 14:23, 104F

10/16 15:19, , 105F
10/16 15:19, 105F
※ 編輯: magicken (, 10/16/2016 16:12:28

10/16 16:54, , 106F
10/16 16:54, 106F

10/16 16:54, , 107F
10/16 16:54, 107F

10/16 17:48, , 108F
所以BZ有防臉黑 希望你不要用到而已
10/16 17:48, 108F

10/16 19:15, , 109F
10/16 19:15, 109F

10/17 06:18, , 110F
that's the nature of random..well fuck u bz
10/17 06:18, 110F
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