Re: [灌水] 小道消息 about Love's trade

看板Timberwolves作者 (小虎)時間9年前 (2014/08/08 06:32), 9年前編輯推噓14(1404)
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2014.8.7 大咖爆料王 Adrian Wojnarowski在Twitter率先發難 Sources: Cavs have agreement for Kevin Love, including long-term contract commitment. Wiggins, Bennett, pick to Minn. 稍後再透露首輪簽應該是Miami的 (真的只能拿一隻嗎?~XD) In Kevin Love deal, Cavs likely to send Wolves the 2015 protected first-rounder it owns via Miami, league sources tell Yahoo Sports. 看來是確定成交囉   如果問我感覺  在LBJ回騎士後   Love for Wiggins只是時間的問題 比起來 我在等LBJ公佈 the Decision 2 那幾天緊張多了 尤其我一直強調拿AW+AB只是基本盤 這表示我們啥好bonus都沒多要到 現在看到交易完成 爽的地方跟一開始的期待非常不同XDD 除非交易內容有很大變化 這就是最後一篇灌水文啦 把這陣子已經呼之欲出傳言整理一下 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolves owner Glen Taylor tells Charley Walters of St. Paul Pioneer Press that the team expects to trade Kevin Love by August 24, when Andrew Wiggins' contract with the Cavs can be moved. "I'm saying it's most likely because Kevin has made it pretty clear that that's what he wants to do," said Taylor, who would still prefer Love to remain in Minnesota. 一路堅持不願意讓Love走的大老闆 第一次鬆口: 唉...愛是成全 所以 愛 我願意放妳自由 然後說交易大概會在8/24完成 這不就是公開了嗎? 不怕被聯盟罰款喔~XD -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Wiggins Sportscenter interview goes awkward when asked about Kevin Love trade 非常awkward的訪問 ESPN的主持人很沒品 很難得看到受訪人如此不自在 老美除了罵ESPN 也罵NBA該改簽約30天不得交易條款了吧 至少不要強制不能公開 不能談 不能接觸 Rookie Photo Day要穿一件知道不會再穿上的球衣 討論這些問題 這對球團不好 對球員更傷 今天另一個消息是Wiggins其實私底下早已經被通知會到灰狼了 難怪跟Lavine GR3玩灌籃 聊twitter這麼開心 I just want to play for a team that wants me, so whichever team wants me I'll play for." When asked if he expected to be a teammate of LeBron James this season, Wiggins said, "I don't really know what to say. When I'm in Cleveland I'm going to play as hard as I can, give it my all and I'll play for whoever." Wiggins said he thought it was "great" that James returned to the Cavs. "What happens in the future, happens. I can't control nothing, it's out of my hands. At the end of the day you have to remember that the NBA is a business before anything. "I'm just waiting to hear. I'm a rookie, I don't really have too much say." "我只想為需要我的球隊打球 哪個球隊並不重要." "如果我真的留在Cleveland 我會為Cavs付出我的全部." "未來會怎樣 並不是我能掌握; 你只要記得 NBA就是一筆生意." "我只是個菜鳥 跟你們一樣等待 不要再逼我啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dion Waiters在前幾天說LBJ有打電話跟他加油打氣 以後一同在Cvs好好打拼 這消息主角Waiters一點都不重要 重點是讓我想到Wiggins才在訪問時說 LBJ從來沒打電話聯絡他 加上LBJ感人的回家文裡面不小心忽略AB跟AW 感覺未來會怎麼樣 朕早就知道 Josh Lewenberg @JLew1050 So, Dion Waiters says he got a call from LeBron 4 or 5 days before his decision, meanwhile Wiggins is yet to hear from the King. Nice. Whether LBJ thinks he'll be playing w/ Wiggins or not, wouldnt take much effort to reach out, send a text, congratulate him on being drafted 打個電話沒有這麼難阿~傳簡訊也可以 LBJ這樣很傷AW的心吶~~ ====--------------------------------------------------------------------- 目前包裹沒有先前傳第三方76人和Young 沒有用AB + pick去換 我是支持的 觀點同Jon的說法 當灰狼迷這麼久 第一次看到管理階層的想法跟我類似 好感動~~~ Jon Krawczynski @APkrawczynski I don't foresee Bennett going to Philly to get Young, but I guess you never know. So far, Wolves seem to want to keep him. Jerry Zgoda @JerryZgoda Wolves aren't flipping Bennett for a guy who has an out after this season. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
Andrew Wiggins- "Lone Wolf" Minnesota Mix 灰狼迷做的影片 歡迎來Minn, AW~ *
NBA trade rumors: Cavs, T-Wolves Kevin Love for Andrew Wiggins trade all but official. 這段動新聞太屌了 老美超愛 * 最新update 三方交易還是有可能 不然跟Cavs交易完成後 還是有可能跟76ers單獨談 * 最後附上美國灰狼迷對於交易完成的心得 言簡意賅 You know what should be in the Love trade lol. Making all terrible Cav fans line up and let all the Minnesota fans give them the middle finger middle finger!!! 凸!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

08/08 06:47, , 1F
最後一點 XDDDD
08/08 06:47, 1F

08/08 07:00, , 2F
08/08 07:00, 2F

08/08 07:04, , 3F
08/08 07:04, 3F

08/08 07:14, , 4F
AB那應該沒有冷凍期吧 有錯請指正
08/08 07:14, 4F

08/08 07:15, , 5F
08/08 07:15, 5F

08/08 07:20, , 6F
summer league騎士比賽每一場都來好好復習了
08/08 07:20, 6F
※ 編輯: yyjack (, 08/08/2014 07:28:08

08/08 07:40, , 7F
難怪最近中指感覺很癢 原來是神諭
08/08 07:40, 7F

08/08 10:02, , 8F
08/08 10:02, 8F

08/08 10:43, , 9F

08/08 10:43, , 10F
08/08 10:43, 10F

08/08 11:31, , 11F
新消息騎士想換Mozgov, 廁所爆料1快點成真阿!
08/08 11:31, 11F

08/08 11:33, , 12F
08/08 11:33, 12F

08/08 11:34, , 13F
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08/08 11:35, , 14F
08/08 11:35, 14F

08/08 12:09, , 15F
目前最準的反而是廁所rumor XD
08/08 12:09, 15F

08/08 12:42, , 16F
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08/08 12:43, , 17F
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08/08 12:43, , 18F
08/08 12:43, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ju_wMal (Timberwolves)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ju_wMal (Timberwolves)