[灌水] 時尚大解密:Russell Westbrook

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No such thing as a bad look Behold Russell Westbrook, the NBA's biggest (sartorial) enigma http://0rz.tw/RDkOo (內有影片) AS OKLAHOMA CITY marches into the NBA playoffs, questions will swirl around point guard Russell Westbrook. Will he shoot the Thunder to a title, or in the foot? Will he blow up the scoreboard, or just plain blow up? Will he revisit those camo pants from All-Star Weekend, or could he possibly rock Jeggings? Behold the wonder that is the NBA's biggest enigma -- sartorially, too. 雷霆已經進入季後賽了,現在的問題在於Russell Westbrook─他會帶領雷霆拿下冠軍, 還是自廢前程?他會狂得分還是爆炸?他會穿明星週的軍系褲還是緊身褲?這個NBA與時 尚界中最大的謎團即將解開,請大家拭目以待。 First, a bit about Westbrook, the style icon. For the cover story of our Photo Issue, The Mag aimed to run a spread with a fashion-forward athlete who also happens to play a sport pretty well. Enter the NBA's freshest- and, at times, wackiest-dressed employee, a man Kevin Durant likens to Beyonce's alter-ego. "Oh, he's a diva," says Westbrook's co-star for the Thunder. "I call him Sasha Fierce. On the court, he's a fierce competitor. Off the court, he's chilling in front of the mirror, making sure he got the right lip balm on." Russell Westbrook是個潮流的象徵。我們的封面照片想要顯示出走在潮流尖端的球員也 能在運動界擁有好表現。KD用碧昂斯的話來形容這位穿著最鮮─有時很古怪的隊友: "Oh, he's a diva.(很有自信、自我風格強烈的人)",「我都叫他Sasha Fierce。他在 場上是個有野心的競爭者;在場外則是一個穿著很酷、確定自己擦對脣膏的人。」 Indeed, Westbrook, 24, takes his look very seriously. Rather than employ a stylist, he shops on his own and works his closet like a math problem, mixing bottoms and tops, the louder the better, until an answer emerges. (Typically by the third try.) The key to Westbrook's look, though, is also the key to his game: fearlessness. That's how a 6-foot-3, 190-pound, shoot-first point guard defies the critics, lands a five-year, $80 million deal and winds up as the league's fifth-leading scorer. 是的,24歲的Russ很重視自己的打扮。他並沒有聘請造型師,而是自己去買衣服,搞定衣 櫃裡的問題(就像是解數學那樣)。他會不斷的搭配上下身,越亮眼越好─直到試出答案為 止(通常會試到第三次)。Russ在打扮方面最關鍵的元素跟場上的一樣─無畏。這就是一位 6呎3吋、190磅、出手優先的球員抵禦批評者的方法,拿下五年$80M的合約並成為得分榜 上第五名。 Go ahead, call him out -- Westbrook can't hear you. "He don't care what people say when he plays or when he dresses up," says teammate Thabo Sefolosha. Adds Nick Collison: "He does what he likes to do. He knows what he is and he doesn't care what other people want him to be. That's how he plays and that's how he carries himself." 繼續砲他啊,他聽不見你的聲音。Thabo Sefolosha表示:「他不在意別人對他的打法或 穿著的批評。」Nick Collison也說:「他做他愛做的事情,他知道自己是誰,他不在意 別人要他變成什麼。這就是他打球的方法、也是照料自己的方法。」 But beyond his sartorial guts, on-court surliness and explosive, play-how-I-wanna-play game, let's face it: We don't know much about Russell Westbrook III. To wit: The "Personal" section of his Wikipedia page consists of two notes. One mentions his fondness for lensless eyewear. The other, oddly, makes it very clear that he is not the cousin of former Eagles running back Brian Westbrook. That's it. 除了他大膽的時尚風格之外,他在場上表現既大膽又充滿爆炸性,「我要照著我的方式打 球」。面對這件事吧:我們並不了解Russell Westbrook III。怎麼說呢?他在維基百科的 「個人」部分上只寫到兩件事:(1) 他喜歡戴無鏡片的眼鏡 (2) 他跟老鷹隊的跑鋒Brian Westbrook並不是親戚關係。只有這兩條。 "And that's great," Russ says with a chuckle. "That's the way I like it." Russ笑著說:「真棒,我喜歡。」 Westbrook's lesser-known cuddly side made an appearance the night before this interview at the 2013 Heart Ball, a black-tie gala held to raise awareness for heart disease and related research. It wasn't some random philanthropic venture for an athlete in search of positive publicity. Westbrook's childhood pal and teammate, Khelcey Barrs III, passed away from an enlarged heart when the boys were high school sophomores. Russ顯為人知的可愛面在昨晚的2013 Heart Ball表露無遺,他穿著黑領帶的西裝去幫助 心臟疾病與相關研究募款。這並不是運動員隨便挑一個做的慈善,而是因為Russ的兒時玩 伴與隊友─Khelcey Barrs─在高二時因為心臟肥大過世了。 ( 詳細故事請見本版#1FkLDtg5 ) The interview with Westbrook was to take place after that gala, on The Mag's first night in OKC. It promised to be a palatable ordeal for the fiercely guarded baller -- ours is a fashion spread, and the accompanying interview would focus on his style. But Westbrook later admitted to actually enjoying the talk -- so much so that our dialogue, at Westbrook's suggestion, grew to become a series of chats. ("That," said a Thunder official, "is a first.") The Mag在隔夜訪問Russ。我們向他保證這會是一個輕鬆愉快的訪問─我們要推廣時尚, 所以重點會放在他的時尚風格上。不過Russ隨後承認他很享受這次的訪談,他建議我們把 這個訪談推展成一系列的訪問。(雷霆官方人士表示這是史上頭一遭。) It began with a sit-down at my hotel's watering hole, the Red Piano Bar at the Skirvin Hilton. The hotel teemed with heavily inebriated 30-somethings who were on hand for a fraternity reunion, so I suggested a table in the corner, well out of sight. Instead, Westbrook fearlessly chose a table that hugged the lobby, at the center of the action. Still, he fielded only one photo request, which he politely declined so as to not appear rude to his visitor. 一開始我們坐在Skirvin Hilton的酒吧裡聊天。由於那邊有很多喝的醉醺醺的30幾歲兄弟 會成員,所以我建議Russ坐到角落避開眾人目光。但他反而選擇了大廳中最顯眼的位置。 不過他只接受我們拍一張照片─他婉轉的拒絕要求但是又不希望對我們太無情。 -- *Sam Alipour *Russell Westbrook -- I'm going to start at the beginning, with a vague question, because nobody knows a damn thing about you. 我要先用一個模湖的問題來做開場,因為沒有人瞭解你。 I know, and that's great. [He laughs.] 是啊,真棒。(笑) -- How would you describe your childhood? 你會怎麼形容你的童年? My childhood was … interesting. I was born in LA, at Long Beach Memorial, and we moved around inner-city LA. Lawndale, I didn't necessarily live there, but that's where my high school was and where people think I'm from. I lived at 83rd, and 66th and Normandie -- the inner city. 我的童年很有趣。我在LA的Long Beach Memorial醫院出生,接著就搬到LA的內城。大家 都認為我住在Lanwndale,但其實我沒住過那邊,而是高中在那裡。我住在83rd、66th、 Normandie─內城。 -- The ghetto. 貧民區。 Yeah, virtually. I was in Hawthorne when I got to high school, and it got rougher and rougher as I got older. My childhood, I wouldn't say it was bad. It helped me grow up. I stayed out of trouble. My parents taught me what's wrong and right, and knowing that I had a little brother following me, I had to make sure I was doing the right thing so he knows what's right, too. I was in the house nine days out of 10. There wasn't nothing good outside for me. 是的。我讀的是Hawthorne高中,在我年紀越大時狀況也越嚴峻。我不會說我的童年不好 ,它幫助我成長。我不去惹麻煩─我的父母敎我什麼是對的、什麼是錯的,也知道我有 一個弟弟跟著我,我必須做個好榜樣─我必須做正確的事情然後讓他知道那是對的。我每 十天有九天待在家裡,對我來說外面沒什麼好的。 -- So, let me tell you what I've heard about you -- that you're actually pretty shy. 嗯,我要說說我聽到的傳聞:其實你很害羞。 Yeah. 是啊。 -- And you're fiercely private. 還有你極度重視隱私。 Yup. If I get to know somebody, I'll open up, but other than that I like to sit back and observe things. 是啊。如果跟某人很熟的話就會敞開心房,不然我比較喜歡靜靜的觀察事情。 -- When did that start? 什麼時候開始的? I always felt like that growing up. I've always done my own thing, not really out there -- real low key. Sometimes I'm in my head, thinking about certain things, and it may not always come out. 長大的時候吧。我一直作好我的事情─通常沒有很顯著,都很低調。我常常想一些事情, 但不是全部都會顯現出來。 -- So you didn't have a crew growing up? 所以你沒有一起長大的好伙伴? Naw, not when I was young. It was just me and brother. That was it. When I got to high school, my crew was my teammates and my brother. 在我年輕的時候沒有。只有我和我的弟弟,就這樣。高中的時候是同學和我的弟弟。 -- And that crew included your teammate, Khelcey Barrs? 那有包含你的同學Khelcey Barrs嗎? Yup -- when I got to high school, especially because he lived across the street. That was real convenient for us. We were freshman together. 是啊,上高中之後。尤其他住在對街,見面很方便。那時我們都是高一。 -- And he passed away a short while later. You still wear a wristband with his initials. 但是他在不久之後就過世了。你現在還是戴著寫有他名字縮寫的腕帶,對吧? Just to let people know he's never forgotten. He'll be a part of whatever I do, whatever that may be. 讓大家知道他永遠不會被忘記。他會是未來我做的任何一件事、發生的任何事情中的一部 分。 -- Tell me about your brother, Raynard. 談談你的弟弟,Raynard。 We're two years apart -- I'm 24 and he's 21, but his birthday's coming up. We're real close. He lives with me now in OKC. 我們差兩歲,我24、他21(他的第22個生日快到了)。我們的關係很親近,他跟我一起住在 OKC。 -- What's it like living together? 跟他住在一起的感覺如何? It's real cool. We're older now, so I know how he is, he knows how I am. We click. 很酷啊,我們都長大了,我很了解他,他也很了解我。我們很合。 -- I want to strangle my little brother more often than not. You guys don't butt heads? 我常常想掐我的弟弟,你們不會吵架嗎? When we were young, we'd butt heads if he told on me -- for something he did, of course. There was this one time -- we used to play basketball in the house, even though our mom told us not to, and he knocked over a vase. My mom comes home, yelling at me and all this stuff. He told on me. But it's cool, I got him back. 小時候會─如果他做錯事情又推到我頭上的話。我們常常會在屋子裡打籃球(雖然媽媽說 不可以),有一次他砸中花瓶,我媽媽一回家就把我罵個臭頭─他去告狀說是我做的。不 過一切沒事,我又和他和好了。 -- How? 怎麼做到的? Nope --can't tell you. [He laughs.] But I got him back. 不告訴你(笑)。總之我們和好了。 -- Any nicknames growing up? 以前有任何綽號嗎? Just Russ or Little Russ. My dad was Russell. He's a Junior, I'm Russell III. 只有Russ或是Little Russ。我爸也是Russell,他是Russell Westbrook Junior,我是 Russell Westbrook III。 -- What did your parents, Russell and Shannon, do for a living? 你的父母,Russell和Shannon是做什麼工作的? My dad worked at a bread factory -- loafs of bread, pound cake and stuff. And my mom worked at the school cafeteria back then. 我爸在麵包工廠工作,做麵包、磅蛋糕之類的東西。我媽媽曾在學校的自助餐工作。 -- Mind if I ask: Are they still together? 冒昧的請教:他們現在還在一起嗎? Oh, yeah, my parents are married. They've been together for a long time. 嗯,是啊,他們有結婚。他們在一起很久了。 -- Let me tell you something else I've heard. I knew you were sharp, but this blew me away: Is it true you could've gone to Stanford for academics? 我知道你很聰明,但是這個消息很驚人:其實你可以去讀Stanford大學? Yeah, I was about to go to Stanford out of high school. 是啊,高中畢業後原本要去Stanford。 -- For basketball, too? 也是因為籃球的關係? No, for academics. Stanford didn't recruit me for basketball. In high school, I was honor roll, sixth or seventh in my class GPA-wise, a 3.90 overall, but I got 4.0s all the time. And I wanted to go to Stanford. I mean, I wanted to play basketball, but my parents would always say, 'Without school, you'll be stuck.' So I started paying more attention to school, and I played basketball along with it. But I was just getting noticed in basketball and I had to figure out what made sense in basketball, so I put a hold on school stuff. I wanted to go to Stanford, and my dean told me with my grades I was in good shape. But they didn't want me for basketball. 不是,學業方面。Stanford並沒有因為籃球的關係徵招我。我是有Honor Roll的學生之一 (GPA > 3.5),我的GPA在班上排第六還第七,但其實我幾乎都拿4.0。我想去Stanford─ 我想要打籃球,但是我的父母都會說:「沒讀書你就會卡住。」,所以我把更多的注意力 放在學業上,同時也會打籃球。但是我的籃球方面被注意到、也得開始領悟籃球方面的事 情後,我得把功課放一邊。我想去Stanford,院長也說我的成績很不錯,但是Stanford對 我的籃球方面沒興趣。 -- Favorite subject? 最喜歡的科目? Math. There's something about solving problems -- math problems or whatever it may be -- that makes you feel like you accomplished something. I remember taking algebra, an advanced class -- those were hard problems. And I was, just, interested. 數學,這跟解開問題有關。不管事數學問題還是什麼問題,完成之後會讓你有成就感。 我記得比較高階的課程,代數就很難了。但我就是很有興趣。 -- Let's fast-forward. Again, we don't know much about you, so, who the hell are you today? 我們加速進行吧,我們不瞭解你,所以今天的你到底是誰? [He laughs.] I chill at home. I bowl a lot here. I play video games. I shop 'til I drop. And I like to hang with my brother and my parents. We're really close. My parents are in LA but they visit all the time. I visit, too. I got a little place, close to UCLA. When they're around, it's always fun and laughs. I just like hanging with my family. That's when I'm happiest. (笑)我在家裡很放鬆、在這裡常打保齡球。我會玩電玩、會逛街逛到沒半碼完只。我喜歡 跟弟弟和父母出去晃。我們的關係很緊密。我的父母在LA,但他們常常來拜訪我,我也會 去那邊。我在UCLA附近買了一個小小的房子。他們在身邊時很有趣,歡樂不斷。我喜歡和 他們出去晃,那是我最快樂的十時光。 -- What do you bowl? 保齡球如何? I bowl, average, probably 190. But I've had a lot of high scores, I'll tell you that. [Laughs.] I'll be by myself and … 普通,大概190分。不過我也有過幾次高分,我會這麼跟你說(笑)。我都會自己... -- Wait, you bowl by yourself? 等等,你自己去打保齡球? I've done that many a times. I'll bowl by myself and get in a full-on sweat. I'll usually go in the afternoon when nobody's there. 有幾次那樣。我會自己打保齡球打到滿身大汗。我常常會在下午去,那時候沒什麼人。 -- So, when you're home, you're playing video games? 你在家的時候都打電動? Yup. I don't know the last time I watched the news -- I should, probably. And I don't watch ESPN. 是啊。我不記得上次看新聞是什麼時候了─或許我應該看。還有我不看ESPN。 -- Who's your crew now, besides your brother? 現在除了你的弟弟之外,誰是你的好麻吉? My mom, my dad, my girlfriend, and a few close friends from high school or AAU ball. 我爸、我媽、我的女朋友,還有一些高中跟AAU ball的好朋友。 -- Who's your first call or text after the game? 賽後的第一通電話或簡訊是給誰? My first text is my girlfriend. My first call is my mom and dad. We talk after every game. We talk before every game. 簡訊的話是女朋友,而我會先打電話給父母,我們在每場比賽之前、之後都會聊天。 -- My mom would love you right now, and hate me, if she heard that. 你媽現在應該會很愛你,也會很恨我─如果他聽到這些的話。 [Laughs.] Yeah, I talk to my parents every single day. 是啊,我跟我父母每天都會聊天。 -- Tell me about your girlfriend. 談談你的女友吧。 Whatchya wanna know? 你想要知道什麼? -- Whatever you want to tell me. 看你想要跟我說什麼囉。 Her name is Nina Earl. We met at UCLA. 她的名字是Nina Earl,我們在UCLA相遇。 (譯註: https://twitter.com/NinaMari3_ ) -- I'm terrible at math, unlike you, but that sounds like a long-term relationship. 我的數學很差,聽起來你們認識很久了? [Laughs.] Something like that. 大概吧(笑)。 -- Longest relationship? 最長的一段關係? Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. 喔,當然,當然。 -- What kind of boyfriend are you? 你是怎樣的男朋友? I'm simple, man, real simple. 完全不複雜。 -- Not the flowers and candy type? 不會送花或送糖果? Naw, not from me. 我不送那些東西。 -- I'll give you an opportunity to win some points here -- what do you like about Nina? 我給你一些得分機會,你喜歡Nina的那些地方? Yeah, win some points or … [He laughs.] But she's a smart girl. She's in school right now, trying to get her master's in psychology. She knows what she wants to do in life, which is great. That's easy for me to cope with. 是啊,得一些分數或是...(笑)。她很聰明,她現在在讀書,試著攻讀心理學碩士。她知 道未來要做什麼─這樣很棒,這樣我也好配合。 -- You hearing wedding bells? 你們有聽到婚禮的鐘聲了嗎? We shall see. [He smiles.] We shall see. 應該吧(笑)。 -- So, you're among the most viral-worthy NBA players today -- between the whistles, too. Let's talk about some recent YouTube moments. First: You swatted the Nuggets mascot's half-court attempts. Even Denver players told me that was hilarious. What were you thinking? 你是NBA場上最備受討論的球員,我們來談談在YouTube上的影片吧,首先是你在丹佛揮掉 吉祥物的半場拋投。就連金塊球員都覺得很荒謬。那時你在想什麼? I was just having a little fun during the game. I wanted to get my team hyped, get them riled up, and it helped us out, got us into overtime. I think we went on a 13-2 run after that. You never know, certain things can spark your team and help you get over that hump. 這只是我在場上享受的樂趣。我想要激發我的球隊,讓他們情緒高亢一些。這的確幫我們 脫離困境,打進延長賽。我記得我們在那之後打了13-2。你永遠不知道,有些事情能幫助 球隊創造一些火花,幫助大家越過障礙。 -- Cameras recently caught you singing the words to Ke$ha's jam on the bench. What's up with that? 之前攝影機拍到你在唱Ke$ha的歌,那是怎麼了呢? Eric [Maynor] dared me. Said I didn't know the words to the song. I told him, I listen to it all the time -- I know every word. I wouldn't have sung it if he didn't dare me. Eric Maynor賭我不知道歌詞,我告訴他因為我常常聽,我知道每個字。要不是他激我我 不會唱。 -- And you were all over the blogs when you fired back at a reporter in the locker room. What annoyed you? 當你在休息室回嗆記者之後,部落格上滿是關於你的討論。什麼事惹到你了? Some questions don't need an answer. That's the way I look at it. 我的原則就是並不是每個問題都得回答。 -- What other things annoy you? 哪些事情也會惹到你? Messy stuff irritates me. I don't like messiness. If you leave something around my house, I'll tell you to move it back, clean it up, throw it in the trash -- don't matter, just get rid of it. I need stuff neat, organized. And once I start cleaning stuff, I don't stop until it's done. Otherwise I'm irritated all day. 髒亂的東西也會,我不喜歡髒亂。如果你在我家附近留下什麼東西,我會就你拿走、清掉 或是丟進垃圾堆,隨便,拿走就對了。我要東西乾淨、井然有序。當我開始整理東西,不 到完成之前不停手。不然我會整天都很不爽。 -- Do you have any phobias? 你有任何的恐懼症嗎? Yeah, like, hair s---. I don't like that. 是啊,毛髮之類的,我不喜歡。 -- Wait, what do you mean? Like, you hate when there's hair lying around your place? 你是說你討厭你附近有毛髮? Naw, there ain't no hair at my place, I promise you that. But, you know, if there's hair around, I can't handle that. If I find somebody's hair laying on me, I'll lose it. 不是,我跟你保證我自己的地方絕對不會有毛髮。不過我討厭其他有毛髮的地方。如果我 在我的地方發現別人的毛髮,我會受不了。 -- Growing up, did you know anything about fashion? 你在成長過程中知道關於時尚的哪些東西呢? I mean, I knew cool clothes -- I just couldn't afford them. I'd go to the mall, walk into the fancy stores and walk my ass right back out. [Laughs.] My mom would shop for us, and she always dressed us nice when it was time for school. If I asked for something, my parents would try their hardest to get it but I didn't ask for, like, Jordans. I wouldn't do that. 我知道很酷的衣服,但是我買不起。我會到賣場的潮店裡面晃一晃再出來(笑)。我的媽媽 會幫我們買,在上學的時候也會幫我們整裝好。只要我開口說想要什麼,他們就會盡全力 幫我,但是我絕對不會要他們去買喬丹牌之類的東西。 -- What was your dress like in high school? 你在高中時期的打扮? Baggy clothes, sweats, stuff like that. Didn't dress up much, except for prom. I won Best Dressed with a white tux, long jacket and custom turquoise shoes -- that was my color, same color as my shirt and tie. My date had on turquoise and white. We were a good match. 鬆垮的衣服、汗衫之類的,除了舞會之外都不怎麼打扮。我用白燕尾服、長夾克和松綠色 的鞋子拿下最佳服裝─松綠色是我的顏色,我的衣服和領結也是這個顏色。我那天靠著會 白色和松綠色有了約會。我跟這兩個顏色很配。 -- That was the first time you flexed your sartorial muscles? 這就是進入時尚圈前的暖身? No, wait -- what dance was that? Oh, winter formal, halfway through my senior year. I wore pinstripes, brown, with brown shoes and shirt. I didn't have a date to that one -- that's how clean I thought I was. [Laughs.] I didn't want a girl to mess me up. Those were the only two times I went to dances. 不,等等,那支舞是什麼?喔,高三中間的冬季舞會。我穿著咖啡色的條紋、咖啡色的鞋 子和襯衫。那天沒有約會─我認為我那天超級乾淨吧(笑),我不想要有女生來打攪。這是 高中唯二參加過的舞會。 -- What sparked that first outing? 什麼激發了你第一次舞會的穿著? When I was a senior, my brother was a freshman, so that was the only time we could do a dance together. That was cool. 我高三的時候弟弟高一,所以那是我們唯一一次一起跳舞的機會。那很酷。 -- Next in your evolution: your dress in college? 下一個階段:大學的穿著? I liked dressing up for class in the mornings. History of Rap, of Jazz, the classes I enjoyed, I dressed up for those. I wore jean shorts or cargo shorts, with my Air Force Ones and a few different button-ups. For college, that's pretty dressed up. 我會為了一些早上的課打扮─例如我喜歡的饒舌史、爵士史等等的。我會穿牛仔短褲或是 卡其短褲,再配上Air Force Ones跟一些不同的襯衫。大學的打扮大概就是這樣。 -- I'm sorry, did you say jean shorts? 抱歉,你是說牛仔短褲? Oh yeah. 是的。 -- Ballsy. 真是大膽的打扮。 I have jean shorts even now. 我現在也會穿牛仔短褲。 -- I don't believe you. 我不相信。 [Laughs.] You've got a lot to learn. (笑)你還有很多要學習的地方。 -- Clearly. How did you dress as a rookie? 顯然是的。菜鳥時期呢? I was pretty chill then. The couple years before, they could wear caps, chains, white T-shirts, throwback jerseys. I was trying to figure out the dress code and not get fined. 我那時蠻酷的。幾年前他們會戴棒球帽、鍊子、白色T-Shirts或是復古球衣。我試著摸索 服禁,試著不被罰錢。 -- You're happy with David Stern's dress code, I take? Without it, I'd imagine players would still be wearing that stuff. 你對David Stern的服禁滿意嗎?我覺得就算沒有服禁,很多球員還是會那樣穿。 Well, I wouldn't dress like that even without the dress code. Don't matter to me. 就算沒有服禁我有不會那樣穿,對我沒差。 -- When did you start taking an active interest in high fashion? 你什麼時候開始對時尚界擁有高度興趣? Active? I started wearing it my second year, with my Gucci shirt, or a Louis Vuitton belt. 第二年吧,Gucci的衣服或是LV的皮帶。 -- How would you describe your style now? 你會怎麼形容你現在的風格? All over the place. It's based on what looks good on me. It varies based on how I feel that day. 涵蓋所有範圍─基準在於我穿哪些比較好看。基準也會因我那天的感覺而有所不同。 -- You don't work with a stylist, unusual for a star. You do your own shopping then? 你沒有自己的造型師,對於球星來說很少見。你都自己買? Yup. from all over the place. I do a lot of shopping online. I know people in LA, New York, everywhere. On road trips I'll go to the mall on my own or sometimes with our security guy, [Mike] Flash. I like Zara, Barneys, Harvey Nichols, Selfridges from the U.K. Nordstrom, sometimes. I do a lot of bargain shopping at outlets, too, high end and low end. 是啊,從各地來的。我常常在網路上購物,我認識LA、紐約等地的人,我在客場之旅時也 會自己一個人或是跟一位保全(Mike Flash)去逛賣場。我喜歡Zara、Barneys、Harvey Nichols、英國Nordstorm的Selfridges。我也會在出清時殺價,高檔貨低檔貨都會。 -- Guys like Amar'e Stoudemire go to Fashion Week just to talk to Anna Wintour. Amar'e Stoudemire會去時裝週,只為了跟Anna Wintour說話。 Yeah, I'm on the road to that. I'm getting there. Slow motion. 我也在朝著這方向邁進,只是很慢。 -- Ever been to Milan? 你有去過米蘭嗎? No, but I'm going this summer. Don't know much about it but it should be fun. 沒有,不過我這個夏天就要去了。 -- Who from your personal life is allowed to chime in on your wardrobe? 生活中有哪些人有資格評論你衣櫃裡的東西? I ask my mom. She knows what's up. Before a game, I'll walk over to her and she'll tell me no or yeah or to change my shoes. Or, if she's not in town, I'll text her a picture. I'll also ask my brother or my girlfriend, but she's grown to like my style. 我會問我媽,她知道怎樣弄。我在賽前會過去問她,她會跟我說可以不可以,或是幫我換 鞋子。如果他不在現場,我會把相片寄給她。我也會問我的弟弟或是女朋友,但是她越來 越喜歡我的風格了。 -- But everyone says you don't care what people think. 不過大家都說你不在意別人說什麼。 I don't care what outsiders think. Family is family. 我不在意外人說什麼,家庭就是家庭。 -- Now, if you would, walk me through your process when you're getting dressed up for a game. 可以說一下賽前打扮的流程嗎? On game days, I don't do too much. I shower and then I nap for an hour or so. Getting dressed takes another 45 minutes. Ten minutes after that, I brush my hair and I'm out the door. 那天有比賽的話就不會弄那麼多,洗個澡就睡個一小時。打扮45分鐘、十分鐘之後梳個頭 髮出門去。 -- Hold up -- KD said you try on different lip balms and stuff. 等等,KD說你會擦不同的脣膏之類的。 [Laughs.] He was probably just making fun of me. I do Chap Stick, nothing special. (笑)他只是捉弄我而已。我會擦護唇膏,沒啥特別的。 -- Pluck your eyebrows? 刷睫毛? Hell no. Hell no. -- Mani-pedis? 腳部療養? From time to time. Feet aren't a big deal to me. 有時候。腳部不是大問題。 -- Flip-flops on dudes, yes or no? 在好朋友面前會穿拖鞋嗎? Well, what type of flip flops? Gym-type flip-flops are OK, but not thongs. 哪一種的?體育館的拖鞋可以,人字拖不行。 -- Noted. Back to your process: When you're staring at your closet, do you put on your math-geek cap and see it as a problem that has an answer? 你什麼時候開始瞪著你的衣櫃,拿出你的數學天份出來解決問題? Yeah, actually, that's exactly right -- great way to describe it. I buy a lot of different stuff -- not just outfits. If I like it, I grab it and throw it in my closet. Later, I'll be like, 'Oh, yeah, I have this,' and then I figure out what goes with what. It almost always takes me three changes to figure out what I'm wearing. 很棒的形容方式。我會買很多不同的東西,不只是衣服。我喜歡的話就會抓起來丟進衣櫃 裏面。之後才會「喔,我有這件」然後開始搭配。幾乎每次都得試三次才能成功配出我想 穿的。 -- Most important item? 最重要的物件? Shoes make an outfit. You can throw on a crazy shirt and crazy pants but you add those shoes -- done. I actually have a closet that's all shoes, maybe 700 pairs. Got my Jordans and lots of dress shoes. I don't have a favorite. I'll wear anything. 鞋子。你可以搭很瘋狂的襯衫和褲子,然後你在搭上鞋子,結束。我有一個擺滿鞋子的衣 櫃,可能有700雙了。有一些喬丹鞋和一些搭配用的鞋子。我沒有最喜歡的一雙,我每雙都 會穿。 -- C'mon, not anything. 拜託,不可能所有都穿。 No, you're right, I wouldn't wear your shoes. [He laughs at my Timberland boots. And now I want a refund.] 是啊,你說的對。我不會穿你那雙。 [他嘲笑我的Timberland靴子,現在我想退貨了。] -- You're known for your crazy shirts. That's your loudest item, right? 你有一些很勁爆的衣服很有名。那是你最亮眼的配件了,對吧? Yeah, for some reason my eyes shift toward them when I'm shopping. It catches my eye. That's probably why I like it. If I see a black shirt and then I see a polka-dotted black shirt, I'm going with that one. 不知為何我在買東西時眼睛會往那些東西飄去。這大概是為什麼我會喜歡吧。如果我先看 見黑色襯衫,然後看見另一個波卡圓點的襯衫,我會挑這件。 -- Charles Barkley once joked that you buy your shirts from T.J. Maxx, but I guess he was right, no? 有次Barkley嘲笑你,說你是跟T.J. Maxx那裡買衣服的。但是我猜他說對了,對吧? [Laughs.] Yeah, I got a few things from Marshalls. Not in a while. (笑)是啊,我有一些東西是跟Marshalls買的。最近沒有。 -- Do you step it up for national TV games? 你會在全國轉播的比賽特別打扮嗎? Some people do, but not me. I might step it up a tad for the playoffs. 有些人會,我不會。季後賽也許會高一層次。 -- How about for the Finals? 冠軍戰呢? No, in the Finals I'd wear sweats to the game. I'm ready to play. You have to pay attention to what you're doing. 不會。我只會穿汗衫。我準備要打比賽,你得把專注力放在你接下來要做的事情上面。 -- After losing in the Finals last season, did you put a moratorium on dressing up? 去年冠軍戰輸球之後有停止打扮嗎? No, I like to dress up. I spent money on my clothes. I'm going to wear them. 沒有,我喜歡打扮。我花錢買衣服,當然要穿。 -- Back to your process: You've picked your threads. What's next? 下一步呢? Glasses are next. I've got maybe 100 pairs, different brands -- Warby Parker, Tom Ford, Barton Perreira. 眼鏡。大概100副吧,不同牌子的,像是Warby Parker、Tom Ford、Barton Perreira。 -- All lenseless? 全都是無鏡片的嗎? Not all, but eight out of 10. The rest are clear glass. 不會全部吧,大概八成。 -- Let me you ask you something: What's your vision like? 你的視力如何? I have great vision. What's above 20/20? 很棒,20/20再上去是多少? -- What I got: 20/15. 我聽到的是20/15。 That was it last time I got it checked, right before the season. 上一次在季前測的。 -- Right. So, why the glasses? 那為什麼要戴眼鏡? It fits me. It looks better. It adds sophistication. 很合我,看起來更棒。這能增加精練感。 -- There was a little stink during the Finals over who started the faux-glasses trend. LeBron said it definitely wasn't you. 冠軍賽結束後在爭說誰帶起了人造鏡框的炫風,LeBron說絕對不是你。 I don't know. 不知道。 -- Do you care? 你在意嗎? Nope. I don't care who started what. I do my own thing. I don't try to start trends. 不。我不管那是誰開始的。我只作我自己。我不會試著掀起風潮。 -- What trends are you into now? 你現在有栽進哪股風潮嗎? I like cutoff jean jackets, jean shorts, too. I liked metallic leather for a while but I'm over it now. Now I'm into cotton pants for some reason. Cotton, light gray, but they look dressy, with little pockets and zippers. I'm getting some made. 牛仔背心、牛在短褲。我之前也喜歡金屬皮革,不過我現在不穿了。我現在喜歡棉質褲。 棉質、淺灰,但他們看起來很實穿(再加上一些口袋和拉鍊)。我已經開始著手了。 -- When you're walking through the arena tunnel, do you see it as a runway? 你會把球場的走道視為時裝舞台嗎? These days, it is. The camera is there right in front of you -- you see it. But I'd dress up if there weren't cameras there. 最近是的,因為有很多相機。不過就算沒相機我也會打扮的。 -- Now you're in the locker room. Who do you hear it from? Who gives you s---? 你現在人在休息室,你會聽誰的嗎? Nobody. Honestly, my teammates even ask me where I got my stuff from. I try to help out the younger guys on the team with their nonsense. Like, Jeremy Lamb, one of our rookies, he used to wear these slip-on, slide-in shoes with nice pants and a shirt, so I told him to switch the shoes to maybe some nice wing-tips. 沒有。我的隊友甚至會問我我是去哪裡買東西的。我試著幫助會幫助那些菜鳥,像是 Jeremy Lamb。她以前會穿懶人鞋、很棒的褲子和衣服,所以我叫他換鞋子,例如紳士鞋。 -- Do you pay attention to your fashion critics? 你會注意對你的風格的批評嗎? No, I didn't pay attention to that. 不會。 -- They were all over you for your camo pants. 他們對你的camo pants很有意見。 I honestly don't know what the big deal was. Do you know how many people wear camo pants? It's weird just because it's me? 問題在哪?世界上有那麼多人都這樣穿。只因為我穿就說那很怪? -- Have you ever thought about the correlation between your style as a player and your style off the court? 你覺得你的時尚風格跟球員風格有任何關聯嗎? Hmmm. [He ponders this for a moment.] Not really. But I guess it kind of goes. Hmmm(想了一陣子),沒有欸,或許吧。 -- Kobe and so many others suggest that you play without fear. Kobe說你打球時天不怕地不怕。 Yeah, that's the only way I know how to play. 是啊,這是我唯一知道要怎麼打球的方法。 -- Have you ever been scared on the court? 你在場上有害怕過嗎? Never. 沒有。 -- Similarly, you don't have any fear about your look, do you? 同樣的,你也不怕你打扮的結果,對吧? No, not at all. If it looks good, why not? 完全不會。如果看起來很棒,為什麼要怕呢? -- What does scare you? 你會怕什麼呢? My biggest fear, for myself, is not doing well. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well. 我最怕的事情就是做不好事情。我會對自己施加很大的壓力。 -- On the court, you're always getting criticism for shooting too much, for not being a traditional point guard. It seems to me that your reaction to that criticism -- and your style of play, in general -- is basically this: "Oh, OK, cool. Now f--- off and watch this." 常常會有人說你出手太多、不是個正統的控球後衛。依我觀察你的打球風格,你的反應應 該是:「嗯,很好,滾開,看我怎麼打。」 [He laughs.] Yeah, that's on the money. [He's laughing, still.] That's very fair. One thing about me, I don't pay attention to the outside stuff. If people aren't talking about you, you're doing something wrong, especially in the basketball world. (笑)是啊。觀察的很好。我不會注意外界的人說什麼,如果沒人談論你,就代表你做錯了 。尤其是在籃球世界。 -- And in fashion? 時尚方面? That, too. 也是。 -- Do you feel you play angry? 你會帶著憤怒打球嗎? I do play mad. On the court, there's no friends for me. My dad always taught me, "When the game starts, the basketball is your only friend." I mean, I know a lot of guys [in the NBA]. But maybe I'll talk to you afterwards. 是的。場上沒有任何的朋友。我的爸爸告訴我,比賽開始後你的朋友只有球。我在NBA裡 認識很多人,不過我們稍後再談吧。 -- When people, years from now, look back on your style, your fashion, what do you hope they'll say? 你希望未來人們在回顧你的風格時會怎麼說? That he didn't care about what nobody else thought. He dressed how he felt. 不在意別人說什麼,他靠自己的感覺穿搭。 -- Do you hope people will look back on your game and say the same thing, like, "That guy did not conform -- he did his thing." 你會希望人們回顧你的比賽,然後說一樣的事情:「他不順從別人,他做自己」嗎? I don't know, man. The position, everybody plays it different. Everybody has their own style. According to the media, I guess, there's a specific type of point guard. But I don't think that's necessarily true. I think, however you get it done, just get it done. That's it. 不知道欸,這個位置、每個人的打法都不同。每個人都有自己的風格。我猜媒體有所謂的 控球後衛是怎樣,但我不認為那是正確的。無論你如何完成工作,就是完成了。就這樣。 -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/05 19:03, , 1F
04/05 19:03, 1F

04/05 19:04, , 2F
04/05 19:04, 2F

04/05 19:51, , 3F
04/05 19:51, 3F

04/05 19:57, , 4F
這篇超讚的啦!!!!!!!! 我要偷偷收起來 XD
04/05 19:57, 4F

04/05 20:21, , 5F
04/05 20:21, 5F

04/05 21:05, , 6F
04/05 21:05, 6F

04/05 21:25, , 7F
04/05 21:25, 7F
※ 編輯: tanaka0826 來自: (04/05 21:30)

04/05 21:38, , 8F
04/05 21:38, 8F

04/05 21:43, , 9F
04/05 21:43, 9F

04/05 21:52, , 10F
04/05 21:52, 10F

04/05 21:59, , 11F
辛苦給推阿~ 好長喔
04/05 21:59, 11F

04/05 22:16, , 12F
04/05 22:16, 12F

04/05 22:17, , 13F
04/05 22:17, 13F

04/05 22:25, , 14F
04/05 22:25, 14F

04/05 22:25, , 15F
04/05 22:25, 15F

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04/05 22:50, , 17F
04/05 22:50, 17F

04/05 22:51, , 18F
04/05 22:51, 18F

04/05 22:54, , 19F
比起 KD 我比較想看到 Russ 拿得分王 ... XDDD
04/05 22:54, 19F

04/05 23:01, , 20F
推田中大翻譯喔!!看的好過癮 , 辛苦了~~
04/05 23:01, 20F

04/05 23:06, , 21F
推!! 感謝翻譯
04/05 23:06, 21F

04/05 23:06, , 22F
04/05 23:06, 22F

04/05 23:07, , 23F
04/05 23:07, 23F

04/05 23:35, , 24F
今天HP歸零了 Note明天補上
04/05 23:35, 24F

04/05 23:42, , 25F
04/05 23:42, 25F

04/06 00:08, , 26F
田中大算我一份好了! 我來吧XDDDD
04/06 00:08, 26F

04/06 00:09, , 27F
04/06 00:09, 27F

04/06 00:45, , 28F
04/06 00:45, 28F

04/06 04:39, , 29F
04/06 04:39, 29F

04/06 12:20, , 30F
04/06 12:20, 30F

04/14 04:40, , 31F
可以轉總版嗎 哈哈
04/14 04:40, 31F
rainbow7914:轉錄至看板 NBA 04/14 04:43
文章代碼(AID): #1HNgo2hu (Thunder)