Re: [新聞] Moderna疫苗早期臨床試驗結果有效

看板Stock作者 (POE yea開始急速惡化了()時間4年前 (2020/05/19 01:24), 4年前編輯推噓-2(5722)
留言34則, 14人參與, 4年前最新討論串12/16 (看更多)
The vaccine also produced neutralizing antibodies against Covid-19 in at least eight participants, the company said. Experts have said neutralizing antibodi es appear to be important in acquiring protection. 為什麼只提最少8人有針對抗體? 全部測很貴? 然後前面一段又說的抗體水平高,巴啦巴啦的 無效抗體單純發炎嗎? 45人 25mg 15人 100mg 15人 250mg 15人 反正免疫記憶可能只有一年 然後和流感一樣遇到變異一大就沒用
※ 引述《SnowFerret (雪貂)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Dimitre (迪米崔)》之銘言: : : 1.原文連結: : : ※過長無法點擊者必須縮網址 : : : : 2.原文內容: : : Moderna’s closely watched early-stage human trial for a coronavirus vacci ne : : produced Covid-19 antibodies in all 45 participants, the biotech company : : announced Monday. : : Each participant was assigned to receive a 25 microgram, 100 mcg or 250 mc g : : dose, with 15 people in each dose group. Study participants received two : : doses of the potential vaccine via intramuscular injection in the upper ar m : : approximately 28 days apart. Data on a second dose was not available for t he : : 250 mcg group, the company said. : : At day 43, or two weeks following the second dose, levels of binding : : antibodies in the 25 mcg group were at the levels generally seen in blood : : samples from people who recovered from the disease, the company said. : : Antibodies in the 100 mcg had antibodies that “significantly exceeded lev el : : ” in recovered patients. : : The vaccine also produced neutralizing antibodies against Covid-19 in at : : least eight participants, the company said. Four participants were assigne d : : to receive a 25 microgram dose, while the other four received 100 mcg. Lev el : : of neutralizing antibodies were at or above levels in blood samples, the : : company said. Data on neutralizing antibodies for the other participants w er : : not yet available, Moderna said. : : “These interim Phase 1 data, while early, demonstrate that vaccination wi th : : mRNA-1273 elicits an immune response of the magnitude caused by natural : : infection starting with a dose as low as 25 μg,” Tal Zaks, the chief : : medical officer at Moderna, said in s statement. : : “When combined with the success in preventing viral replication in the lu ng : : of a pre-clinical challenge model at a dose that elicited similar levels o f : : neutralizing antibodies, these data substantiate our belief that mRNA-1273 : : has the potential to prevent COVID-19 disease and advance our ability to : : select a dose for pivotal trials,” Zaks added. : : There are formally approved treatments for Covid-19, which has killed at : : least 315,225 and sickened 4.7 million people worldwide since emerging fro m : : the Chinese city of Wuhan more than 4 months ago, according to data compil ed : : by Johns Hopkins University. : : Moderna has been fast-tracking work with the National Institutes of Health , : : an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, to develop a : : vaccine. : : The company said the vaccine was generally safe and well tolerated. : : The potential vaccine by Moderna contains genetic material called messenge r : : RNA, or mRNA, that was produced in a lab. The mRNA is a genetic code that : : tells cells what to build — in this case, an antigen that may induce an : : immune response for the virus. : : The phase 1 trial took place at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health : : Research Institute in Seattle, Washington. It tested the vaccine on 45 mal es : : and non-pregnant females between the ages of 18 and 55. : 如果把細菌比喻成敵軍, 抗體就是保護身體的軍隊. : 一個正常國家, 只要遭受入侵就會反擊 > 這就是產生抗體. : 但是抗體有特異性, 只對某種病毒有效. 拿對付一般感冒的抗體打武漢肺炎是沒有用的 : 就像是病毒開坦克近來, 我們讓士兵拿50手槍反擊, 叮叮噹噹效果跟BB槍差不多. : 應該要找有RPG的抗體過來才對. : 回到報導, 這篇報導包含三個訊息 : 1. 25ug即可引發免疫反應. : 這是好消息. 代表只要少量的假想敵就可以讓身體產生軍隊準備抗敵. : 2. 100ug劑量產生的的抗體量超過恢復期的量 : 好消息. 越多假想敵, 身體會製造越多軍隊. : 3. 少部分人有副作用, 但無生命危險. : 算好消息吧? 至少還不會自己被假想敵幹掉, 尚可接受. : 但樣本數低, 擴大接踵後未必不會出現致死. : 例如: 流感感冒疫苗還是有案例接踵後致死. : 這三點代表這個疫苗是可接受的 (但不代表有效) : 但這也並不能說是什麼重大突破, 畢竟疫苗本該就要觸發免疫反應 (促進身體製造軍隊 ) : 如果沒辦法, 那不如注射一罐舒跑好了. : 以上是這篇新聞所含的訊息 : 比較重要的應該是這篇新聞內的一段 : 這是他們自己公司發的 : : moderna-announces-positive-interim-phase-1-data-its-mrna-vaccine : At this time, neutralizing antibody data are available only for the first : four participants in each of the 25 μg and 100 μg dose level cohorts. : Consistent with the binding antibody data, mRNA-1273 vaccination elicited : neutralizing antibodies in all eight of these participants, as measured by : plaque reduction neutralization (PRNT) assays against live SARS-CoV-2. The : levels of neutralizing antibodies at day 43 were at or above levels generall y : seen in convalescent sera. : 4. 8個病人有產生可以對付新冠的抗體. : 不過他們的意思好像是只做8個取樣, 25ug的病人 x4 100ug的病人 x4 : 8位都有產生可以對付新冠的抗體. : 看上去是100%啦 : 但是用這消息來看是否有效言之過早, 因為檢驗有沒有效是更後面的事情, : 有更嚴格且更可靠的檢驗. : 這邊只能說是偷喵看答案. 先給大家聞一下香味, 真香一下. 炒個股票. : 有做過研究的都知道, 實驗數據常常報喜不報憂. 就算內行人也常常被忽悠得團團轉. : 現在這個聲明來自於自家公司, 也沒有任何數據或是實驗圖片佐證. : 到底這個士兵拿的RPG是真的火箭彈, 還是水火箭. : 還是要等到第三階段才知道 : 目前結果大家聽聽就好, 不要真以為是解藥. : 補充: 會叫大家不要相信解藥出來了, 是因為這個聲明說"有效", 可中和病毒. : 但這個在實驗中的"有效", 其實是個很大的模糊地帶. : 就像雅量課文說的, 有人看像稿紙, 有人看像棋盤, 但對我來說它就是塊綠豆糕. : 媽的綠豆糕這也差太多了吧. : 但你又不能說我錯, 這是"我的"解讀阿. : 所以除非論文發出來, 不然就再看看囉. : 不過炒股還是可以炒啦 : 畢竟大家不在乎真相, 只在乎股價. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

05/19 01:28, 4年前 , 1F
中和抗體跟抗體都分不出來, 就別發這篇了
05/19 01:28, 1F

05/19 01:34, 4年前 , 2F
05/19 01:34, 2F

05/19 01:37, 4年前 , 3F
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05/19 01:37, 4年前 , 4F
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05/19 01:59, 4年前 , 5F
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05/19 02:17, 4年前 , 6F
相信 病毒
05/19 02:17, 6F

05/19 03:11, 4年前 , 7F
噴到千點頭也不回 已經跟你講答案了還在那猜
05/19 03:11, 7F

05/19 03:24, 4年前 , 8F
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05/19 06:45, 4年前 , 21F
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05/19 06:54, 4年前 , 22F
丸惹 病毒也要抄心經了
05/19 06:54, 22F

05/19 07:41, 4年前 , 23F
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05/19 07:56, 4年前 , 24F
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※ 編輯: kusomanfcu ( 臺灣), 05/19/2020 08:50:37

05/19 08:52, 4年前 , 27F
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05/19 08:52, 4年前 , 30F
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05/19 08:54, 4年前 , 31F
要買 你更早就該買 現在這種 就最後騙錢的高潮
05/19 08:54, 31F

05/19 09:00, 4年前 , 32F
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05/19 09:00, 4年前 , 33F
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05/19 12:38, 4年前 , 34F
看了一下之前發文 真是超級反指標…
05/19 12:38, 34F
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