[新聞] 大衛金的hots心得日記

看板StarCraft作者 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)時間11年前 (2012/12/07 02:39), 編輯推噓34(471337)
留言97則, 46人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=386541 http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/7320452623 又臭又長 我會用鄉民簡譯法 請不要吐槽XD We decided to approach this patch from multiple angles in order to accomplish all of the goals we had in mind. We want to continue tuning Heart of the Swarm multiplayer in its current state, but we’d also like to push some of the new units to be a bit more core to the game. What’s more, we’d like to bring back a few of the older units and strategies we thought were fun. 我們決定要從很多角度來審視並達成我們心中所想要的目標。我們希望 維持目前HotS的多人遊戲的不跳,但是我們也希望可以有更多新單位的 使用,並且一些我們認為有趣的老單位跟戰術復活回來 Terran Medivac When we looked at various strategies and metagames throughout Wings of Liberty history, we felt that multi-directional Medivac drops were both unique and fun to watch, especially in combination with main army vs. main army plays. We aren’t seeing as much in the way of multi-pronged Medivac harass anymore, and wanted to add something fun that might help bring these Medivac tactics back to the forefront. 自由之翼裡面曾經出現過經典的多線空投 不只獨特而且觀賞性很高 在主力對決的場景以外更是獨樹一格。但是現在這個戰術不見了,我 們希望讓這個戰術復活到第一線 For this reason, we chose to give the Medivac a new speed boost ability that has a short cooldown. We want this ability to feel powerful and have a direct impact on the outcome of an engagement when it’s used. If Medivac timing issues arise in the future, we’ll probably slow it down by implementing an upgrade requirement for the speed boost, rather than nerf the strength of the ability itself. 因此醫療艇得到了一個短CD的新加速技能 。我們希望這個技能能夠有效並且 直接改變現在的會戰情況。如果醫療艇Timing在未來被發現太過IMBA,我們 會利用把加速變成需研發的科技而非直接減速讓醫療艇慢下來 Furthermore, we feel Terran bio compositions face many new threats in Heart of the Swarm. Constant Locust volleys from Swarm Hosts, the revamped Ultralisk, and Time Warp, in combination with splash damage, all tear through Bio units. We felt it was necessary to buff Terran infantry in the late game to account for some of these threats. As a result, we decided to change the “ Caduceus Reactor” upgrade to increase the healing rate of Medivac’s by two. 另外面對蓮藕蟲的持續波狀攻擊,加強的大牛跟與AOE組合的Time Warp技能 現有的生化部隊將會融化的非常快。我們認為讓人族的步兵部隊在晚期可以 抵抗這些威脅,因此我們把Caduceus反應爐升級改成加強醫療艇的回血能力 Reaper We want to encourage the use of Reapers as an early game option against Protoss. We think that in order for Reapers to be good in the TvP early game, they need enough movement speed to outrun Stalkers. 我們希望鼓勵死神在早期開局面對神族的使用,因此讓死神變成連追獵都追不到的版本 We are also hearing your feedback on how tough it is to deal with Reapers in TvT, but we’d like to really push Reapers to see their full potential before dialing back on them slightly. If Reapers need to be weaker against Marines in the future, we can reduce their bonus damage against light units. 許多關於這傢伙在TvT有多難處理的回應我們聽到了,不過我們希望先讓死神的潛能 全部展現出來以後再來調整他。如果需要讓死神對槍兵更弱一點,我們可以削弱他對 輕甲的加成 Widow Mine The Widow Mine wasn’t getting much mid to late game usage against Protoss, and its ability to hit cloaked units felt like a rather strange rule to have on this unit. As a result, we decided to remove this component from the Widow Mine. 地雷在TvP中後期沒有作用,而且可以反隱的特性讓他變得太過奇怪。 因偉我們決定把反隱拿掉 In order to help Widow Mines come back into play during the later stages of the game, we gave it an upgrade to reduce burrow time. This will allow Widow Mines to be used more easily on offense when combined with either mech or bio based armies. 為了讓地雷在後期也能發揮作用,我們讓他有個可以減少埋地時間的科技。 這讓強埋地雷變的可能 Thor With units like Tempests, Brood Lords, and the revamped Void Ray, we felt that Factory units could use a more standard anti air attack. As such, we’ve given the Thor a new weapon that can be swapped with its anti-light, AoE weapon when it may be more useful for a particular situation. 因為暴風/BL/重製虛空的關係,我們認為軍工廠出來的單位需要 有更常態地對空攻擊。因此,我們給了雷神一個新的武器,讓他 在必要的時候可以切換成不是對輕甲AOE的模式。 Due to the weapon change mentioned above, we expect players will mass Thors more often in Heart of the Swarm. As a result, we’ve given the Thor a few more size/radius changes in order to prevent too many units from hiding behind them. 因為這個變更,我們期待玩家可以更常海雷神。因此,我們讓雷神變大一點, 減少有太多單位躲在雷神後面 Raven After exploring a range of options for the Raven’s Seeker Missile ability, we settled on a high-damage, single target version that will be good against large units. Brood Lords are quite powerful, Thors received buffs with this patch, Ultralisks are stronger than ever, and Colossi have always been a threat. As a result, we feel there are enough suitable targets to justify this change to Seeker Missile. Please check out this ability in game and let us know how it’s working in combination with different Terran unit compositions in Heart of the Swarm. 在檢討過後,我們認為渡鴉的HSM做為一個超傷害的單體輸出是最佳的變更。 BL非常的強力,雷神也獲得了加強,雷獸也比以前威武,巨像更一直是個威脅, 因此我們認為這個技能有足夠多適合的目標。請實驗這個技能的用法,並 讓我們知道它跟各種人類不同的混兵效果如何。 Hellbat We wanted to buff Hellbats against Zealots without affecting ranged units too much. We decided to keep the Hellbat’s splash range the same, but feel the improved attack radius against melee units is a solid choice. 我們希望讓Hellbat對狂戰的效果更好,但是不影響距離單位對他的傷害太多。 因此我們決定讓他的攻擊範圍不擴大,但是讓灑水的區域變大。 Armory upgrades We wanted to encourage Terran mech play with this patch, and feel that we’re giving mech armies a huge buff by combining the Armory’s air and ground upgrades. As a side effect, these changes will also greatly benefit Terran air compositions. Initially, we want to try this change to see how it affects the game. We think it will be fun seeing Banshees and Battlecruisers become viable in the late game for Terran players. 我們想要鼓勵人族的機械化,因為我們給了鐵甲軍團一個巨大的buff:空軍跟機械化 的攻防合一。因此,這將會非常劇烈的影響人族的空軍組成。一開始我們希望能夠 看到這會怎樣去影響遊戲的動態,我們認為看到女妖跟BC在人族後期能夠被使用 是很Cool的 Protoss Mothership Vortex has received a massive nerf with this patch. We don’t really like seeing Motherships in every PvZ game because the results are always all or nothing. You Vortex perfectly and win, or Vortex fails and you lose. We feel that it’s not a good thing for a single ability to have such a huge impact on the game. 黑洞在這個patch被大NERF。我們不喜歡PVZ的每次後期都要出媽媽船,然後 就是全有全無律。完美的黑洞獲勝,失敗的黑洞你就輸掉。我們認為這不是 件好事情來讓一個單一技能對遊戲有這麼大的影響。 We want other units, such as the Tempest, to take the place of the Mothership when combating Brood Lord and Infestor compositions. If necessary, Tempests can be buffed against Massive units to make this possible. 我們其他諸如暴風的單位可以取代這個位置來對抗無敵組。如果有必要的話 暴風將會因此有更多對巨型的加強 Oracle We heard your feedback that players want to harass workers with the Oracle. We also felt that Oracle’s structure attack overlapped too much with our new direction for the Void Ray. For these reasons, we decided to go with an activated attack that is good against workers, but drains the Oracle’s energy. We feel this energy-based attack will help differentiate the Oracle from other air units that are effective against worker lines. With enough energy available, it will be possible to deal a lot of damage very quickly to an unprepared opponent. 我們聽到很多人希望讓先知可以騷擾工兵的要求。我們也認為先知拆建築 的技能跟我們設計虛空的新方向有重疊。因此,我們決定讓它變成一個可啟 動的攻擊模式,對工兵非常有效,但是會消耗先知的MANA。我們認為這個 能量為基礎的技能可以讓先知在騷擾礦區上跟其他單位有所區別,這讓一個 沒有做準備的對手將會瞬間受到重創。 Phoenix We decided to increase the base attack range of the Phoenix to five in order to help Protoss players deal with the Mutalisk buffs in this patch. The Anion Pulse-Crystals upgrade still increases Phoenix range by two. 我們決定加強鳳凰的射程到5來協助神族對抗加強的飛龍。 陰離子脈衝水晶升級依舊讓鳳凰的射程加二 Dark Shrine cost reduction We wanted the Dark Shrine to feel like a more desirable tech option for players. By reducing the cost of the Dark Shrine, Dark Templar can be utilized in more late game scenarios. 我們希望黑暗聖殿可以是個玩家更想要去使用的科技線,藉由降低資源量, DT可以在晚期更常被使用。 Tempest We felt Tempests were countering too many late game tech options, and wanted to point Tempests more toward units like Colossi and Brood Lords. These Tempest weapon changes give us the freedom to increase damage as necessary to make sure those units are dealt with appropriately in Heart of the Swarm. 我們認為暴風在晚期科技上反制了太多兵種,我們只希望暴風可以更針對 巨像跟BL。這武器上的變化給了我們可以提高傷害的自由並且確保這些單位 可以良好的被處理。 Void Ray We felt that giving players control over the Void Ray’s charge up ability will make this unit a more appealing tech choice, and incentivize opponents to back away until the charge wears off. We’ve also aimed for damage numbers that will help Void Rays beat most armored units for cost. 我們認為讓玩家有更多控制虛空的方法比充能技能更吸引大家去使用他,並且 減少對手只會後退等待虛空退火。我們也希望讓虛空對重甲單位能夠在資源上 達到高CP Zerg Hydralisk We felt that moving the Hydralisk speed upgrade to Lair tech would help Zerg players deal with new more effectively, especially when buffs to Protoss air units, heavy Infestor nerfs, and the need for an earlier six range counter to Widow Mines are taken into consideration. 我們認為讓提速科技變成二本可以協助Z玩家可以更有效率的反制P的空軍。 特別是在感染嚴重nerf以後,Z需要一個早期的射程六反制武器來對抗地雷 Mutalisk We felt some of the most fun plays for Zerg came in the form of Mutalisk-based board control, and wanted to encourage more of these tactics. We’ll continue exploring other options, because we’re not completely sure the speed buff in this patch is enough. 我們認為Z的一個樂趣來自於各種飛龍的操作法。我們希望鼓勵玩家有更多 利用飛龍的戰術。我們還會繼續探求其他可能選項,因為我們還不確定這個 提速飛龍是否足夠達成這目標。 Swarm host We felt a buff to the Swarm Host was necessary now that both Protoss and Terran air compositions are a lot stronger. The reason we went with a health buff is to allow easier repositioning of Swarm Hosts between Locust spawns. We think this type of positional play is one of the most fun ways to use Swarm Hosts, and wanted to promote more of it. 我們認為讓SH得到Buff是很重要的,因為現在神足跟人族的空軍都比以前還要強大。 我們家血量的主要理由是讓SH在蝗蟲再次誕生期間可以更安全的移動。我們認為 這樣的陣地戰是SH最有趣的用法,並且想要推銷這種用法 Infestor For Heart of the Swarm, we want to push players to mass units like Hydralisks, Mutalisks, Swarm Hosts, or Ultralisks, rather than the Infestor. As such, we’ve heavily nerfed the Infestor to make it less core to the Zerg army. 在蟲心,我們希望讓玩家可以去海量使用蛇蛇/飛龍/SH以及大牛,而不是感染。 因此,我們重度的nerf感染來讓他不再成為Z的核心 Ultralisk We wanted to make the Ultralisk much more deadly against ground units in Heart of the Swarm, and feel the damage buff in this patch accomplishes that goal. However, if this change isn’t enough to make Ultralisks awesome in the late game, we are prepared to make additional changes. 我們希望確保大牛在蟲心對地面單位有統治力,並且認為這個patch的傷害buff 達成了這個目標。但是,如果這個變更還不夠的話,我們也準備了更多變化。 Burrow charge was cut because we believe it’s better for the Ultralisk to be an all-around powerful ground threat, than a teleporting anti armored unit. 埋地衝鋒被拿掉了因為我們相信讓大牛做為反制全地面部隊的威脅勝過讓他 成為一個快速反重甲的單位 Viper We made a minor tweak to Viper health in order to give it more survivability. Our next step with this caster unit is to evaluate its abilities to make sure they are powerful enough, if they aren’t already. 我們對飛蟒做了血量的小調整來提高它的生存性。這個施法單位的下一步是來研究 他的技能夠不夠強悍 -- ψDeathDeath 這是我的鋼彈 這是我的意志 啊幹 有什麼武器可以用 ┌────┐ 我最了解它! 我非去不可! 別死啊 ...... ┌─(0w0 )┐ ┌───┐┌────┐ ┌───┐┌────┐ ┌─ V) )┐ 不准去 => ╞ ( ) │ (0wξ )│ => ╞ ("0w0) │ (-wξ )│ ┌─ < │┐ 你會死的! │ (﹀Υ﹀Υ ㄏへ )│ │ (﹀Υ﹀Υ ㄏへ )│ ┌───│┐ \(wQ ) │| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|───┘ │| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|───┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/07 02:46, , 1F
12/07 02:46, 1F

12/07 02:46, , 2F
12/07 02:46, 2F

12/07 02:47, , 3F
12/07 02:47, 3F
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (12/07 03:21)

12/07 02:48, , 4F
12/07 02:48, 4F

12/07 02:48, , 5F
12/07 02:48, 5F

12/07 02:50, , 6F
有跟沒一樣 正常版就補推
12/07 02:50, 6F

12/07 02:52, , 7F
HoTs這樣更新內容改了又改 到底當初內部測試人員在幹嘛啊?
12/07 02:52, 7F

12/07 02:54, , 8F
12/07 02:54, 8F

12/07 02:55, , 9F
阿鬼 你還是說中文吧
12/07 02:55, 9F

12/07 02:58, , 10F
有誠意就認真點吧 XD
12/07 02:58, 10F

12/07 02:59, , 11F
滿有趣的阿 :)
12/07 02:59, 11F

12/07 03:02, , 12F
12/07 03:02, 12F

12/07 03:02, , 13F
12/07 03:02, 13F

12/07 03:02, , 14F
12/07 03:02, 14F

12/07 03:04, , 15F
12/07 03:04, 15F

12/07 03:06, , 16F
12/07 03:06, 16F

12/07 03:06, , 17F
我來幫翻譯的翻譯一下好了 暴風城=暴風艦 四隻腿=追獵...
12/07 03:06, 17F

12/07 03:07, , 18F
12/07 03:07, 18F

12/07 03:07, , 19F
地雷大衛金說得很好可是原PO沒寫 就是要增加地雷的進攻性
12/07 03:07, 19F

12/07 03:07, , 20F
最後一個只翻 虫它虫它云鬼 是啥鬼XD 還不是要看英文
12/07 03:07, 20F

12/07 03:08, , 21F
12/07 03:08, 21F

12/07 03:08, , 22F
12/07 03:08, 22F

12/07 03:12, , 23F
12/07 03:12, 23F

12/07 03:12, , 24F
12/07 03:12, 24F

12/07 03:13, , 25F
對不起 太難懂了 T_T
12/07 03:13, 25F

12/07 03:13, , 26F
刺蛇跑速是為了因應感染改爛 然後神族VS加強和反寡婦雷
12/07 03:13, 26F

12/07 03:14, , 27F
地雷可反隱本來就有點怪 而且後期真的沒啥用...
12/07 03:14, 27F

12/07 03:15, , 28F
希望Z民多用宿主刺蛇跟飛螳... 變相的承認感染做壞了 XD
12/07 03:15, 28F

12/07 03:15, , 29F
12/07 03:15, 29F

12/07 03:18, , 30F
補噓 這次改動應該是收集了相當的回饋 Artosis之前說希望
12/07 03:18, 30F

12/07 03:19, , 31F
看到多點改動讓職業玩家發揮 以前那種改法這樣翻還OK 這
12/07 03:19, 31F

12/07 03:19, , 32F
12/07 03:19, 32F

12/07 03:22, , 33F
12/07 03:22, 33F

12/07 03:24, , 34F
12/07 03:24, 34F

12/07 03:24, , 35F
轉貼新聞還是要給推啦 XD
12/07 03:24, 35F

12/07 03:28, , 36F
12/07 03:28, 36F

12/07 03:28, , 37F
12/07 03:28, 37F

12/07 03:29, , 38F
12/07 03:29, 38F

12/07 03:30, , 39F
12/07 03:30, 39F

12/07 03:31, , 40F
12/07 03:31, 40F

12/07 03:32, , 41F
12/07 03:32, 41F

12/07 03:37, , 42F
12/07 03:37, 42F

12/07 03:37, , 43F
12/07 03:37, 43F

12/07 03:57, , 44F
12/07 03:57, 44F

12/07 04:08, , 45F
12/07 04:08, 45F

12/07 04:27, , 46F
反正只看比賽不打天梯 沒差呀
12/07 04:27, 46F

12/07 04:50, , 47F
所以先前只用單一角度去審視平衡 那就是_
12/07 04:50, 47F

12/07 04:53, , 48F
身為一個P民 看到T MMM大buff Z刺蛇飛螳也buff P只改空軍
12/07 04:53, 48F

12/07 04:53, , 49F
不禁內牛滿面A_A 不過還是要等正式上市才知道XD
12/07 04:53, 49F

12/07 04:54, , 50F
現在看起來改動都很有趣 期待HOTS上市!
12/07 04:54, 50F

12/07 05:08, , 51F
12/07 05:08, 51F

12/07 05:08, , 52F
真的 改這麼大反而令人期待
12/07 05:08, 52F

12/07 07:53, , 53F
12/07 07:53, 53F

12/07 08:09, , 54F
抓到翻錯了!!!Anion是陰離子而不是陽離子 陽是Cation XDDD
12/07 08:09, 54F

12/07 08:10, , 55F
12/07 08:10, 55F

12/07 08:16, , 56F
真的完全變成新的遊戲了 呵
12/07 08:16, 56F

12/07 09:09, , 57F
12/07 09:09, 57F

12/07 09:16, , 58F
12/07 09:16, 58F

12/07 09:53, , 59F
馬的 光頭哥又在玩人類了是吧
12/07 09:53, 59F

12/07 09:55, , 60F
埋地衝鋒拿掉,還不是就是隻吉祥物...(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
12/07 09:55, 60F

12/07 10:02, , 61F
12/07 10:02, 61F
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (12/07 10:49)

12/07 11:06, , 62F
Bz難得腦筋清楚 方向正確的Patch 當然數據還得調整
12/07 11:06, 62F

12/07 11:15, , 63F
全世界的玩家都有一個幻想中的平衡 只有他能"夢想成真"
12/07 11:15, 63F

12/07 11:16, , 64F
到現在還在大改 三月上市搞不好是三天一個patch
12/07 11:16, 64F

12/07 11:21, , 65F
12/07 11:21, 65F

12/07 11:40, , 66F
簡單來講 現在改什麼都只是測試而已
12/07 11:40, 66F

12/07 11:40, , 67F
12/07 11:40, 67F

12/07 11:47, , 68F
當初感染說不能定幽能不知道噴了多久 現在又不能認真了
12/07 11:47, 68F

12/07 11:52, , 69F
viable in the late game for Terran players.
12/07 11:52, 69F

12/07 11:54, , 70F
光頭亡羊補牢 總是跟高登局長發現誰是Batman 的速度一樣
12/07 11:54, 70F

12/07 12:02, , 71F
媽媽改動更想吐 當初大家場場不出 偏不動 場場出了偏要動 幹
12/07 12:02, 71F

12/07 12:03, , 72F
其實有些IMBA是前一個IMBA解掉後才會顯現出來的 像感染BZ
12/07 12:03, 72F

12/07 12:04, , 73F
Z的一個樂趣來自於各種飛龍的操作法 TeSL領先世界!
12/07 12:04, 73F

12/07 12:04, , 74F
12/07 12:04, 74F

12/07 12:06, , 75F
海感染 然後聖母艦也從吉祥物變成和白球搭到最後督與被督
12/07 12:06, 75F

12/07 12:12, , 76F
督了聖母艦後沖馬桶 這樣到底是感染IMBA還是黑洞IMBA
12/07 12:12, 76F

12/07 12:44, , 77F
12/07 12:44, 77F

12/07 12:46, , 78F
12/07 12:46, 78F

12/07 12:47, , 79F
12/07 12:47, 79F

12/07 12:48, , 80F
12/07 12:48, 80F

12/07 12:48, , 81F
12/07 12:48, 81F

12/07 12:50, , 82F
12/07 12:50, 82F

12/07 12:51, , 83F
誰會蓋VF只為了殺王蟲= =...不過天生射程5也是很夠用
12/07 12:51, 83F

12/07 12:59, , 84F
12/07 12:59, 84F

12/07 13:00, , 85F
12/07 13:00, 85F

12/07 13:03, , 86F
用靜態防禦配蛇就夠了吧 以前6的時候 也不會特別要去反制
12/07 13:03, 86F

12/07 13:04, , 87F
鳳凰 鳳凰能做到的有限(雖然當初我也以為提射程科技會讓
12/07 13:04, 87F

12/07 13:04, , 88F
12/07 13:04, 88F

12/07 13:04, , 89F
Z後期天空被佔據 但結果上並沒出現這情形)
12/07 13:04, 89F

12/07 13:05, , 90F
12/07 13:05, 90F

12/07 13:21, , 91F
12/07 13:21, 91F

12/07 14:37, , 92F
12/07 14:37, 92F

12/07 15:32, , 93F
追得上打不贏打的贏追不上就代表不能反制? 小狗:
12/07 15:32, 93F

12/07 15:34, , 94F
T:我所有對空單位都追不到飛螳 看來我該讓賢了
12/07 15:34, 94F

12/07 16:17, , 95F
12/07 16:17, 95F

12/07 17:01, , 96F
T需要追飛螳嗎? ... 飛螳毫無威脅...
12/07 17:01, 96F

12/07 18:46, , 97F
12/07 18:46, 97F
文章代碼(AID): #1GmEPYlB (StarCraft)