[外電] 巨大的改變即將來臨?

看板Sixers作者時間12年前 (2012/05/29 00:32), 編輯推噓53(53037)
留言90則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
In sports, change is inevitable. Even the best teams have to add or subtract a piece from year to year in order to keep the wins coming. 在運動場上,改變是不可避免的事情 即使是最棒的球隊每年也會做出一些動作,為了繼續取得勝利 But for the 76ers, the off-season changes could be much more significant than simply adding a couple of pieces. Sure, the Sixers made an unlikely dash to Game 7 of the conference semifinals with virtually no turnover on the roster, but that was because of the lockout and the change in ownership. That wasn’t ideal, but for the compressed 2011-12 season it seemed to serve the Sixers well. 對76人來說,季後的大改變會比一些的小動作來的更有效果 當然,第七戰的輸球,事實上球員陣容並沒問題, 而是因為管理階層停止改變, 但這並不是很理想的, 雖然在縮水球季他們的表現是值得稱許的。 This summer will be much different. 這個暑假將會有不同的樣貌 “I hope our guys are going to grow from this, I hope we grow as a team,” coach Doug Collins said after the Game 7 loss to Boston. “We have to add some more pieces, we know that. [Owner] Josh Harris is totally committed to that. On a day like today I always tell our players to make sure they look around the locker room and look at your teammates. You’re forever bonded, but this team will not be the same team next year. That’s the nature of sports.” 『我希望我們的球員從這些過程中成長,而且是整個團隊的成長。』 Collins在第七戰後表示 『我們知道需要做更多的補強』老闆Josh Harris也完全表態支持 『我總是告訴我們的球員在休息室中環顧四周並看著隊友,你們永遠都是被擔保的,但是 這支隊伍明年將會有新的樣貌,這是運動界的生態』教練這樣說 Certainly when one listened to Collins talk about his team throughout the postseason run, it’s not just a missing piece or two the team needs. The Sixers are still missing a big man and a scorer. Imagine if you will a veteran point guard like Jameer Nelson or Steve Nash dishing to Jrue Holiday or Evan Turner on the wings or maybe Pau Gasol down low. 當我們聽到Collins這樣談到這支球隊在季後的情況 球隊不只是缺乏一些小部分,而是仍然需要大個子和得分好手 或許可以想像,像是Jameer Nelson或Steve Nash這樣的老將加入 可以增加Holiday和Turner在底線的威脅,或是Paul Gasol加入增加在低位的策應。 Could that happen? It’s too early to tell, but given the state of the Sixers ’ roster and contracts, there might be a lot of spots to fill. 這些有可能發生嗎? 或許現在談論還太早了, 但是七六人的現況的確需要一些位置的填補 As it stands, only Holiday, Turner, Nik Vucevic and Thad Young are guaranteed to be back next season. Rookie Lavoy Allen, who stepped up during the postseason also will likely return, too. But Spencer Hawes, Jodie Meeks and Sam Young are free agents and Lou Williams can opt out of his contract and seek a starting job somewhere else. 目前來說,明年只有Holiday, Turner, Nik Vucevic 和Thad Young保證會在陣容當中, Lavoy Allen也應該是 但Spencer Hawes, Jodie Meeks 和Sam Young都是自由球員 Lou Williams則是有跳出合約的選擇權 Meanwhile, veterans Elton Brand and Andre Iguodala could most definitely be playing elsewhere next season. Given that both players are owed $32.8 million next season, yet have an expiring and one year remaining on their contracts, makes them perfect candidates to be traded. 而EB和小AI則是最有可能轉隊的對象,他們下一年的合約總值達三千兩百八十萬美金,因 為即將到期的合約狀況,使他們成為最棒的交易人選 Iguodala, more so than Brand, could be the Sixers’ biggest chip. In fact, rumors are already brewing about a potential deal with the Lakers that would send Iguodala to Los Angeles for big man Gasol. There certainly makes sense for both teams given the contracts of the two players (Gasol is owed $38 million over the next two years) as well as the fact that Iguodala and Lakers ’ star Kobe Bryant share the same agent. 小AI比起EB,有更大的交易價值,事實上最近已經有謠言傳說湖人想用Gasol去交易小AI ,這可能會是個雙贏的交易(Gasol未來兩年的合約總額是三千八百萬美金,和小AI的薪資 差不多)且小AI和Kobe有著相同的經紀人 Better yet, Iguodala seems to be the quintessential Scottie Pippen-type in that he is the defensive stopper and sometime scorer on a team that already has a star. 小AI是一個像是Scottie Pippen型的球員,好的防守者,且在球隊有巨星的情況之下,有 時候也可以分擔得分任務 Still, it’s too early to project what will happen in the next month or so. When asked about his future, Iguodala was didn’t have much to suggest. 的確,這些事情有可能要到下個月才會發生 被問到這些問題,小AI沒有太多的想法 “I’m not going to put too much thought into that right now,” Iguodala said. “I’ve got a big summer ahead of me, and I’m focusing on that. We’ll see how it works out and then we’ll see from there. But that’s out of my hands. I don’t want to get into that right now.” 『我不會對這件事情想太多,我會把重點放在暑假,很多事情我無法決定,只能靜觀其變 。』小AI這樣說 Iguodala very well could spend much of the summer playing for Team USA in the Olympics in London, however, his future with the Sixers is cloudy at best. The same goes for Brand, who has heard what folks have suggested the Sixers should do with him this off-season. The 13-year vet has been around the block a time or two and understands what could go down this summer. 小AI將會花許多時間在倫敦奧運的美國隊上面,這或許是他在七六人最模糊不清的時刻, 而EB也是相同的狀況 “It’s too early, but I’m a team player. Whatever is best for the organization then that’s what they need to do and I understand that,” Brand said. “I’m a realist so we’ll see what happens.” 『一切都太早了,我是一個團隊的球員,我了解球隊會做出對球隊最好的決定,』 EB這樣表示 Brand is the heart-and-soul of the Sixers and perhaps the catalyst behind what made them tick this season. It was Brand who got all of the players together in Los Angeles last summer during the lockout for an impromptu training camp and it was Brand who played with one debilitating injury after another during the past three seasons. EB是球隊的中心人物,也可能是球隊今年球季好表現的催化劑,去年他在洛杉磯的夏季訓 練營讓球隊整合在一起,他過去幾年都一直因傷所困。 However, the Sixers are a business and if Williams, Hawes, Meeks, Brand and Iguodala are taken off the payroll, the Sixers will have just four players underm contract for 2012-13 at approximately $17.26 million. That gives the Sixers more than $40 million to fill out the roster this summer, not including the $1.4 earmarked for the No. 15 draft pick. 然而,如果可以脫去小威、Meeks、耗子、EB、小AI的合約,七六人明年將只有四個人合 約,總值大約是17.26M,這將會給他們超過40M的薪資額度在夏天好好發揮。(這並不包含 第一輪選秀新人的1.4M) So as the seconds ticked off the scoreboard at the Garden in Game 7 and the season came to an end, the Sixers could be closing the book on another era of their history, too. Almost without warning, the realization that next year could be very different dawned on players like Iguodala. 當計分板在第七戰結束後被記上最後的比分 七六人也即將翻開新的一頁邁向新的時代 有可能在無預警的狀況,小AI會待在不同的球隊 “You think about it sometimes, but with the run that we made it was out of our minds,” Iguodala said. “A lot of different teams are going to have different looks next year. There are some guys here who are going to be somewhere else next year so when you talk about making the most of the moment, we tried to make the most of every moment we were together on the court.” 『你有時候會那樣想,但有時候變化會超過我們的想像,許多球隊明年會有不同的樣貌, 有些人今年在這,明年又會在不同的地方,當妳討論這些事情,我們就只是試著把握同時 在場上的時光』 http://ppt.cc/6dc4 written by John Figger (CSN) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/29 00:35, , 1F
第一次翻譯籃球外電 應該有頗多錯誤
05/29 00:35, 1F

05/29 00:35, , 2F
請板友不吝於指教、建議 感激不盡
05/29 00:35, 2F

05/29 00:36, , 3F
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05/29 00:38, , 4F
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05/29 00:41, , 5F
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05/29 00:51, , 6F
05/29 00:51, 6F
※ 編輯: kenny781558 來自: (05/29 00:54)

05/29 00:54, , 7F
05/29 00:54, 7F

05/29 00:56, , 8F
05/29 00:56, 8F

05/29 00:57, , 9F
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05/29 00:57, , 10F
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05/29 00:57, , 11F
05/29 00:57, 11F

05/29 00:58, , 12F
我希望的是教練團找出讓 #11 #12 #9 共同參與的進攻模式
05/29 00:58, 12F

05/29 00:58, , 13F
05/29 00:58, 13F

05/29 00:58, , 14F
而且我們還有個 #15 的籤
05/29 00:58, 14F

05/29 00:59, , 15F
05/29 00:59, 15F

05/29 01:01, , 16F
05/29 01:01, 16F

05/29 01:01, , 17F
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05/29 01:20, , 18F
05/29 01:20, 18F

05/29 01:21, , 19F
05/29 01:21, 19F

05/29 01:50, , 20F
如果換一個穩健的go-to guy我覺得可以接受
05/29 01:50, 20F

05/29 01:51, , 21F
05/29 01:51, 21F

05/29 02:11, , 22F
大家覺得O.J Mayo如何
05/29 02:11, 22F

05/29 02:17, , 23F
05/29 02:17, 23F

05/29 02:20, , 24F
Andre Miller XD
05/29 02:20, 24F

05/29 02:37, , 25F
好像沒Mayo的位置 我會希望是個有活動力的PF...
05/29 02:37, 25F

05/29 02:38, , 26F
05/29 02:38, 26F
※ 編輯: kenny781558 來自: (05/29 08:55)

05/29 09:00, , 27F
現在的防守系統 內線是很大的一個問題點吧 = =
05/29 09:00, 27F

05/29 09:01, , 28F
加上整體貧攻 Collins 還需要進攻組的教練團的補強
05/29 09:01, 28F

05/29 09:27, , 29F
05/29 09:27, 29F

05/29 09:29, , 30F
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05/29 10:41, , 31F
05/29 10:41, 31F

05/29 11:08, , 32F
05/29 11:08, 32F

05/29 11:09, , 33F
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05/29 11:09, , 34F
05/29 11:09, 34F

05/29 11:13, , 35F
沒錯 所以現在最不會被交易的就是Iggy了
05/29 11:13, 35F

05/29 11:27, , 36F
交易來Joe Johnson! (誤)
05/29 11:27, 36F

05/29 13:15, , 37F
05/29 13:15, 37F

05/29 13:15, , 38F
05/29 13:15, 38F

05/29 13:28, , 39F
現在有的C菜應該夠Doug用 我也有想到Nene
05/29 13:28, 39F

05/29 13:28, , 40F
05/29 13:28, 40F

05/29 13:29, , 41F
我不認為內線是大問題,Hawes/Vuc/EB/Lavoy/Young 夠了
05/29 13:29, 41F

05/29 13:29, , 42F
05/29 13:29, 42F

05/29 13:29, , 43F
還是小羊吃壯一點扛PF? 可是感覺有點浪費他的活動力
05/29 13:29, 43F

05/29 13:30, , 44F
Young 不用吃太壯,他現在是Trap跟破解對手高位檔切的關鍵
05/29 13:30, 44F

05/29 13:31, , 45F
大概...10lbs? 他現在太瘦了
05/29 13:31, 45F

05/29 13:41, , 46F
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05/29 13:41, , 47F
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05/29 13:43, , 48F
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05/29 13:45, , 51F
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05/29 13:51, , 52F
爵士的籃下囤積太多好物 不曉得能不能抓一隻過來~
05/29 13:51, 52F

05/29 13:57, , 53F
05/29 13:57, 53F
※ 編輯: kenny781558 來自: (05/29 13:58)

05/29 14:33, , 54F
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05/29 14:34, , 55F
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05/29 14:34, , 56F
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05/29 14:36, , 58F
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05/29 14:57, , 59F
05/29 14:57, 59F

05/29 15:33, , 60F
I like Millsap!!!!XD
05/29 15:33, 60F

05/29 16:27, , 61F
我是喜歡AL FAVORS跟KANTER 不過後面兩個應該是非賣品我猜
05/29 16:27, 61F

05/29 18:30, , 62F
05/29 18:30, 62F

05/29 21:59, , 63F
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05/29 22:00, , 64F
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05/29 22:01, , 65F
05/29 22:01, 65F

05/29 22:01, , 66F
Big Al更不用說,我們沒有可能吃他那張約
05/29 22:01, 66F

05/29 22:01, , 67F
而且他沒辦法作我們需要的Rotation Defense
05/29 22:01, 67F

05/29 23:44, , 68F
05/29 23:44, 68F

05/29 23:44, , 69F
湖人得:Iggy + 無眉人
05/29 23:44, 69F

05/29 23:45, , 70F
活塞得:EB 76人得:gasol + 小王子
05/29 23:45, 70F

05/29 23:46, , 71F
有點抄短線的感覺 禁區得到補強 SF又維持一定的防守強
05/29 23:46, 71F

05/29 23:47, , 72F
活塞能早點讓爛約到期 早點重建
05/29 23:47, 72F

05/29 23:49, , 73F
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05/29 23:49, , 74F
05/29 23:49, 74F

05/29 23:50, , 75F
(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
05/29 23:50, 75F

05/29 23:50, , 76F
活塞現在有Monroe跟Knight 最近幫Ben辦了榮退
05/29 23:50, 76F

05/29 23:50, , 77F
05/29 23:50, 77F

05/29 23:54, , 78F
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05/29 23:56, , 79F
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05/29 23:56, , 80F
05/29 23:56, 80F

05/29 23:58, , 81F
Brand不想走阿,應該說根據NY Times的報導
05/29 23:58, 81F

05/29 23:58, , 82F
05/29 23:58, 82F

05/29 23:59, , 83F
05/29 23:59, 83F

05/29 23:59, , 84F

05/30 00:04, , 85F
以養家的觀點的確是要多賺一點 雖然有感情在
05/30 00:04, 85F

05/30 00:05, , 86F
05/30 00:05, 86F

05/30 00:05, , 87F
05/30 00:05, 87F

05/30 00:24, , 88F
也能是湖人再加用TE換Lou 不過這就變76人GM要不要接受了
05/30 00:24, 88F

05/30 01:45, , 89F
05/30 01:45, 89F

05/30 01:50, , 90F
05/30 01:50, 90F
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