Re: [心得] 球季檢討

看板PACERS作者 (精彩不亮麗)時間12年前 (2012/05/31 01:07), 編輯推噓10(1004)
留言14則, 10人參與, 最新討論串6/7 (看更多)
--前文恕刪-- 把大鳥記者會的重點節錄幾個貼過來,這樣大家會比較知道暑假的方向如何 在下用拙劣的英文簡單翻譯一下,有錯請不吝指正 -- Bird is definitely staying as I got the feeling that he has worked too long and hard and does not want to walk away yet 大鳥似乎還會繼續留任 -- The Pacers core must get better. I think he is expecting big things from Paul, Hill, DC, Tyler, Lance and Jeff. 核心球員得要更好,大鳥似乎很期待二喬、DC、漢堡、Lance跟潘德貴 -- Frank's success is due to him, but also the assistants that he surrounded himself with. I would expect that if and when Shaw leaves, the Pacers will bring in another well tenured assistant Vogel的成功不僅主要是他自己的因素,也還有他身邊的教練團。如果Shaw走人,會再找 另一個well tenured(?)的助理教練 -- Bird noted that Lance has shown improvement and he and Jeff Pendergraph will both play summer league 大鳥提到蘭司展現了他的進步,他跟潘德貴會參加夏季聯盟 -- Bird expects Pendergraph to become a good role player and says that he is better than a lot of people realize 大鳥期望潘德貴可以成為一個好的角色球員,並認為他其實比大家想像中得好 -- When asked about a figure for Roy, Bird noted that he did not want to get into a specific number, but that the Pacers could offer Roy 5 years and that if he's not here, they will move on 當提到有關留下Roy的金額,大鳥說他不會設立一個具體的數字,但溜馬會提供他五年 的合約,那如果他(大鳥?Roy?)不在這,他們(球員?制服組?)會繼續前進 -- Kravitz asked him about Deron Williams and Bird noted that the team has to prepare for the future and not "blow all of our cap space in one year" as we have free agents the next few years (West, Tyler, DC, Paul etc.). Bird noted that this is a few year plan with cap space as they have worked hard to get here and they plan out 2-3 years Kravitz提及D-Will,大鳥回應溜馬已對未來有所準備,當我們未來幾年還有些會成為FA 的球員(阿伯、漢堡、DC、大喬...等),並不會"一年就花光所有薪資空間"。大鳥提到制 服組已經努力了兩三年在薪資空間上設定好計畫 -- Said he thought they would get a good player in the draft, but didn't rule out packing the pick with another player or trading for a veteran player. Perhaps DC and #26 for ??? 他覺得我們會在選秀上得到一名好球員,但不排除將選秀權或跟另一名球員打包去換一 名老將 -- Mentioned the bench needs to get better as they somewhat disappointed him during the playoffs a little 提到板凳得再給力點,季後賽時的板凳表現有時讓他覺得有些失望 -- Said that they have to prepare for the draft and summer league over the next month and have a lot to do, but will be ready to go 在下個月為了選秀及夏季聯盟,他會有很多事得做,雖然很多但將會準備好 -- Noted that there were no problems this year and he was proud of his kids for doing a good job 覺得這一季沒有什麼問題並對球員們的成績感到驕傲 -- Herb does not allow him to get into bidding wars for restricted players as teams usually overpay (i.e. Gordon?) 老板並沒有允許讓他對RFA做競爭,認為競價經常是買貴了 (EJ byebye?) -- Mentioned that David West changed the whole culture of the team and locker room this year 提到今年阿伯改變了球隊文化及休息室的氣氛 -- Commended Danny for his toughness, especially during Game 6 against Miami 認同小葛的強硬,尤其是對熱火的第六場 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/31 01:10, , 1F
推翻譯~ 最後一項應該是稱讚妙麗的Toughness?
05/31 01:10, 1F

05/31 01:11, , 2F
我也在想Commend是要求還是贊同 改贊同好了
05/31 01:11, 2F
※ 編輯: pezhan 來自: (05/31 02:03)

05/31 03:26, , 3F
05/31 03:26, 3F

05/31 07:05, , 4F
05/31 07:05, 4F

05/31 19:49, , 5F
推翻譯 文中提到不會馬上灑光資薪空間 跟不會去競價
05/31 19:49, 5F

05/31 19:50, , 6F
如果都是真的的話就代表 D-will EJ都byebye了
05/31 19:50, 6F

05/31 20:48, , 7F
05/31 20:48, 7F

05/31 20:48, , 8F
05/31 20:48, 8F

05/31 20:50, , 9F
05/31 20:50, 9F

06/01 00:34, , 10F
沒辦法 本隊都還得向地方政府要錢營運球場了..
06/01 00:34, 10F

06/01 00:38, , 11F
06/01 00:38, 11F

06/01 13:32, , 12F
06/01 13:32, 12F

06/01 13:45, , 13F
至少不應該比小gasol高 但千萬絕對跑不掉
06/01 13:45, 13F

06/01 14:10, , 14F
06/01 14:10, 14F
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