
看板PACERS作者 (Faith)時間18年前 (2006/01/04 11:09), 編輯推噓12(1206)
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寫在前面。 目前溜馬隊戰績16勝12負,過去十場5勝5負。 Ron Artest 被放進 不啟用名單至今已經9場,而從戰績看來,一切似乎仍是渾沌不明,印城 星報記者 Bob Kravitz 在3號刊出一篇報導,內容讀來絕對沒有一絲絲 值得開心的成分,不過透過他的文章,可以讓我們跟著他從另外一個角度 來了解溜馬隊現在的處境,讓我們多點-「不同的想法」。 January 3, 2006 Bob Kravitz Pacers left twisting in the wind 溜馬隊在風中留下變數 It's been 22 days now. Twenty-two days since the Indiana Pacers sent Ron Artest into perpetual(無限期) timeout. Twenty-two days of hoops purgatory.(地獄) Twenty-two days of watching Pacers president Larry Bird and CEO Donnie Walsh fiddle(閒晃) as the season goes up in flames. 從溜馬隊替 Ron Artest 的職業生涯叫出無限期暫停後已經22天了。 這22天裡面的球隊表現讓人彷彿有身在地獄的錯覺。看著總裁 Larry Bird 跟CEO Donnie Walsh 無所事事,球隊卻走入敗績深淵中也已經 22天了。 Twenty-two days. 22天。 President Bush doesn't take vacations this long. Bush總統放假都沒那麼久。 If I'm a player, I'm feeling thoroughly abandoned by management, even betrayed. Not only did the brain trust make the repeat mistake of committing to Artest -- they will forever be mocked(嘲笑) by those Artest "United'' billboards -- but now they are compounding (讓事情更糟) things by leaving their short-handed players in hoops purgatory. 如果我是球員,我想球隊管理階層已經不管我的死活了,甚至我已經被背叛了。 高層不只一次「挺」 Artest,錯到深處無怨尤就算了(他們將會因為這件事成 為笑柄很久很久),現在,他們還坐視球隊走入絕望深淵,仍然毫無作為。 It's bad enough the Pacers lost 19.4 points, 4.9 rebounds and tough defense by properly booting Artest. But after 22 days and nine games, they haven't yet seen fit to replace him. 把一個19.4分、4.9籃板、防守夠悍的球員禁足已經夠糟了,但是在 22天9場比賽後,溜馬隊仍然沒有找到彌補這個空缺的辦法。 Bird and Walsh say they want to take their time, make the right deal, do what's best for the franchise. Bird 跟 Walsh 說他們要慢慢來,要做出正確的交易,要替球隊作出最好的打算。 I've got news: The Heat aren't offering Dwyane Wade any time in the near future. There are no great deals out there, or even good ones. There are only deals that are somewhat-less-than-unpalatable. 聽聽這個吧:熱火隊在可見的將來「不會」釋出 Dwyane Wade 。而市場上 已經沒有很棒的交易了,甚至沒有幾個「好」的交易。只有許多SOSO 等級的交易。 This is the ugly reality they've created for this wounded franchise. And if they think they're going to get lucky if they stick around until closing time -- the Feb. 23 trade deadline -- they're sadly mistaken. 這就是管理階層替受創的球隊所創造的醜陋情境。如果他們覺得等到交易截止日 2月23號一切會好轉,他們真的是錯得可悲。 Think about what this is doing to a team that is quickly rolling downhill and toward abject irrelevance since Artest was put on the inactive list Dec. 12. Now, they are looking at a tough, four-game Western trip (at Denver, Golden State, Sacramento and the Lakers), which begins a stretch of 10 road games in their next 15. 想想看,自從 Artest 被放進不啟用名單後,繼續等下去會對現在戰績已經 在走下坡、而且速度沒有減緩的球隊有什麼影響。現在,眼前是四場很硬的 西區客場作戰(金塊、勇士、國王以及湖人),而眼光放遠些,接下來十五 場比賽中有10場客場作戰。 This could get ugly. 結果真的有可能會很難看。 Sub-.500, will-they-make-the-playoffs ugly. 我的難看是指「勝率跌破五成」、「能不能進季後賽」的那種難看。 As for the Feb. 23 trade deadline, there are 23 games between today and that day. 從今天起到2月23號交易截止日,中間有二十三場比賽。 You wonder, how much more of this season are Bird and Walsh willing to lose? 猜猜看, Bird 跟 Walsh 還願意賭上多少球季。 Are they positioning themselves to draft Reggie Bush? 他們想要在明年選秀選到誰。 Miller 他老師嗎? Not only has management failed to get anything in return for Artest, but now several players -- notably Anthony Johnson, Austin Croshere and Scot Pollard -- are waiting for the sword of Damocles to fall. They know that any trade will likely be a multi-player, multi-team trade, and they know that some of them, if not all of them, will be getting a new address. 管理階層不止沒有辦法找到填補 Artest 空缺的人選,現在,他們還讓許多 球員開始觀望,等著知道會不會被打包一起送走-像是 Anthony Johnson、 Austin Croshere、Scot Pollard。他們知道交易很有可能是多隊、複數球 員交易,而且,他們知道身邊有人(即使不是全部)很快就會有個新的聯絡 地址了。 I don't care how much of a professional a player is, when you're always looking over your shoulder, always waiting for word that it's time to move your entire family, it's hard to perform at the top of your game. 我不管球員有多專業,當你老是要等一個交代出來,等一個結果出來,等一個 可能讓你全家都要打包飛到陌生城市的「交易」出來。你很難全心打好比賽的。 And think about this, too: Once the Pacers do make a trade, it's going to take at least a month for the new players to get acclimated, to learn how to play with new teammates. 好吧,那我們來看看:假如溜馬隊真的完成交易,轉隊來的新球員至少需要 一個月來認識隊友、球隊打法吧。 The playoffs, friends, are no longer a given.(確定) In essence, management is letting Artest ruin a second straight season. Or even a third, if you want to count his Game 6 meltdown against Detroit two seasons ago. 投資朋友,進季後賽不再是「喝水一樣簡單啦」。基本上,管理階層正在讓 Artest 毀掉第二個球季、甚至第三個。如果你把前年決賽第六戰對上活塞 隊時他的崩盤也算進去的話。 What's happened to the Pacers' front-office leadership? 管理階層的領袖風範呢? So far, Bird has done little more than change coaches and sign Sarunas Jasikevicius, who was advertised as a shooter and has delivered at a 43 percent clip. (Hello, Freddie Jones.) 目前為止,除了簽下號稱是「射手」、目前命中率43%的 Sarunas Jasikevicius 之外, Bird 沒做什麼。(等等,我們隊上好像有個 叫做 Fred Jones 的球員,目前命中率也有44%,出手次數相差 也不多啊) And Walsh? His long-term record is undeniable, impeccable(完美) even, but there have been major missteps in recent times. He re-signed Austin Croshere to a massive deal. He lost Brad Miller. He held on to Artest for far too long. He stayed with Jamaal Tinsley, who still has never reached the playoffs in one piece. He whiffed on the Jonathan Bender trade, although there were physical issues beyond anybody's control. Walsh 呢?從他接手以來,表現可以說是無可挑剔,甚至是完美,但是, 最近他似乎開始踏錯腳步。他與 Austin Crosher 簽下巨額合約。他換 走 Brad Miller。他挺 Artest 太久。他也欣賞從來沒有完整打完季後賽 的 Jammal Tinsley。他還在 Jonathan Bender 的交易上沉思過久,即使 在 Bender 的個案當中,有不可知的健康因素在影響。 Let's just say, it's been an awfully long time since the masterstroke of trading for a young, unproven Jermaine O'Neal. 這麼說好了,從找來璞玉 Jermaine O'Neal 之後,已經太久沒有什麼 真正內行、厲害的作為了。 Want to place the finger of blame? 誰該負責? Those are your guys. 就是球隊管理階層。 Not coach Rick Carlisle, who hasn't had anything close to a full team since the 62-victory season. 不會是教練 Rick Carlisle ,他從62勝那季之後就沒有看過全隊健健康康 的出現在眼前了。 Not Stephen Jackson, who has somehow become the scapegoat du jour around here. 也不會是最近變成隊上公敵的 Stephen Jackson。 Explain this to me: Why is Jackson viewed as a poisonous(毒瘤) hothead (莽夫), but Jasikevicius, who is just as demonstrative (敢說), is viewed as a vocal, passionate leader? 誰來告訴我:為什麼 Jackson 被看成莽夫、毒瘤,而一樣經常發言的 Jasikevicius 被看成是有想法、熱情的領袖? Without question, Jackson has struggled, and there's reason to believe that if Artest hadn't opened his yap, Jackson would have been the one out the door. Remember, though, he was brought here to be a shooting guard, not a small forward, a third scoring option and not a second. He is a complementary player on a very good team. Jackson 最近是經歷些低潮,這不用說,而且,如果 Artest 沒有放炮,可能 球隊會想要把 Jackson 換走。但是,記住這點,他是換來當SG的,不是當SF。 他是來當第「3」出手選擇,不是第2。他是很好的球隊中輔助性質的球員。 And this, right now, is not a very good team. 現在,這支球隊不是支很好的球隊。 Or even an average one. 甚至不是支可以看的球隊。 The longer this charade(似是而非的情況) continues, the clearer it becomes that management is willing to punt(棄球) away yet another season. 這種似是而非的膠著如果繼續下去,很明顯的,那就代表管理高層已經準備 放棄本季。 Twenty-two days. 22天。 And counting. 時間一分一秒的在過。 Bob Kravitz is a columnist for The Indianapolis Star. Bob Kravitz 老師是印城星報的一員。 Call him at (317) 444-6643 or e-mail bob.kravitz@indystar.com. 想要加入會員請撥 (317) 444-6643 或來信 bob.kravitz@indystar.com Copyright 2005 IndyStar.com. All rights reserved Indystar.com 擁有本篇文章所有權利 讀後感想...該開始..集氣嗎? 好讓球隊明年可以選到 Miller 他老師 ..<囧> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/04 12:17, , 1F
看到後面一頁我想接 現在優待五名板友 XD
01/04 12:17, 1F

01/04 12:20, , 2F
可以換就快點換吧 時間拖久了 戰績也沒了
01/04 12:20, 2F

01/04 12:21, , 3F
01/04 12:21, 3F

01/04 12:39, , 4F
01/04 12:39, 4F

01/04 12:58, , 5F
寫得真好 希望交易風波能趕快有個好結果~
01/04 12:58, 5F

01/04 13:59, , 6F
有這麼嚴重嗎 我到覺得慢慢等沒差 阿泰還是有他的價值的
01/04 13:59, 6F

01/04 14:04, , 7F
01/04 14:04, 7F

01/04 14:26, , 8F
01/04 14:26, 8F

01/04 14:41, , 9F
01/04 14:41, 9F

01/04 14:47, , 10F
Bob Kravitz 言論很犀利,很好,不過我不怎麼認同。:P
01/04 14:47, 10F

01/04 15:10, , 11F
01/04 15:10, 11F

01/04 15:10, , 12F
01/04 15:10, 12F

01/04 19:02, , 13F
01/04 19:02, 13F

01/04 22:42, , 14F
01/04 22:42, 14F

01/04 22:55, , 15F
怎辦 我認同了...快點放阿泰出來我覺得比較好
01/04 22:55, 15F

01/04 22:56, , 16F
溜馬這樣下去已經變B級球隊了 我看很多評論已經把東區競爭
01/04 22:56, 16F

01/04 22:56, , 17F
者留下兩隊 熱火 活塞 甚至用騎士填上第三順位
01/04 22:56, 17F

01/04 23:27, , 18F
01/04 23:27, 18F
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