[情報] 官方藍帖‧關於Widowmaker改動

看板OverWatch作者 (挖系GE耶)時間8年前 (2016/06/17 17:56), 8年前編輯推噓45(48345)
留言96則, 54人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
大意:原本奪命女的操作方式沒得到應有的代價,NERF。 原文: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20745186024?page=3#post-42 沒多久就3X頁了 正反兩派戰翻天 ============================================================================== Making the sure game feels responsive and smooth is very important to us. Wherever we can, we make sure that the game responds to player input asap. However, the one situation where we have to step in and possibly slow things down is when an 'animation canceling' trick is discovered and allows players to significantly increase a characters power. There are two main problems with just leaving these things in the game as they are. 我們非常重視英雄操作對玩家的回饋與流暢感,但是當有些"取消動畫"的技巧能讓英雄 威力顯著提升時,我們就會考慮調整英雄讓操作慢下來。 而如果不對這些問題做調整,可能會產生兩樣問題。 1. This trick becomes the new balance of the hero. Lets say there is a trick that somehow allowed you to instantly complete McCree's roll instead of waiting for it to complete normally. At that point, the character is much stronger, and might suddenly be a balancing problem. The choices then becomes either fix that bug, or allow it to exist and reduce his power elsewhere. If we decide to reduce his power elsewhere, unless you know how to do this special (and often unintuitive) trick, he will never feel correctly powerful for you. 2. Learning a hero now has to include learning how to abuse these bugs. This is a huge turn off to a lot of players, and can turn a potential favorite hero into a 'will never pick'. 1. 這些"技巧"會改變英雄現有的平衡。假設來說,如果McCree的翻滾能利用取消動畫的 技巧讓翻滾動作提早完成,顯然McCree會OP不少。這時如果我們選擇讓這個技巧繼續留 在腳色上,我們就只能從別的地方去平衡他。 這樣變成如果你不會用這些"不直覺"的操作,你就注定是個銅牌麥卡利。 2. 學習一個腳色的時候,這些小技巧因此變成不得不學習的東西。影響到一個玩家對這 些腳色的遊玩意願。 To speak to Widow's scope canceling trick specifically, when I first saw it it seemed fine. The idea was that you are slowing down your fire rate slightly to gain a little more situational awareness and a small movement bump between shots, that is fine as a trade off. But the problem came about once I looked into it a bit more and realized that the recovery time (the time between shots) is 0.5 seconds, so as long as you scoped back in within 0.5 seconds of your last shot, it didn't 'cost' you anything. That, in turn, means the *correct* way to play her is to always scope out and back in within 0.5s of every shot, otherwise you are playing a weaker Widowmaker. 再來談到Widowmaker這次開關鏡改動,一開始我注意到這件事的時候認為沒什麼問題。 就只是玩家犧牲了一點開火頻率,換取比較多的視野資訊和一些機動性。但是當我更深入 研究這個問題的時候,才發現WM的開火間隔是0.5秒,因此舊版的開關鏡技巧不會讓你損 失任何東西。 結果就是"正確"的操作WM的方式變成每槍的0.5秒間格中都開關鏡,不然你就是個比 較差的奪命女。 We talked about adding in some cost to force it to be more of a trade off, such as delaying the recovery time when you scope out. That would mean when you scoped back in you would have to wait the remaining 0.5s before you were allowed to start charging or shoot again. Solutions like that often feel even worse and are generally confusing, so we tend not to go those directions. In general, we're not against player discovered tricks, in fact we love watching players jump in and find this cool stuff! For example, Widowmaker wasn't initially designed with the ability to be able to launch herself off a ledge while grappling up, but that one was left in because it is pretty easy to do (press space when you're approaching a ledge), works consistently, and doesn't significantly change her power level. 我們有討論如何讓這個操作產生應有的代價,像是在關鏡後強制增加0.5秒的恢復時間 這時候不能重新開鏡集氣或是開槍,但是這類的調整通常效果不是很好,而且會讓玩家操 作時產生混亂,所以我們決定不往這個方向調整。 最後,我們不會阻止甚至非常喜歡玩家去挖掘這些小技巧。像是我們一開始根本沒有設 計讓玩家可以用WM的勾爪來做彈射,但是我們決定把這個操作留在WM上,因為很簡單、操 作起來很協調、而且不會顯著的影響英雄平衡。 ============================================================================== PS.滿多遊戲利用這些技巧來提升腳色的深度跟學習曲線。 不過OW的設計師顯然有不一樣的想法。 大家覺得這個改動如何呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/OverWatch/M.1466157417.A.95E.html

06/17 17:59, , 1F
06/17 17:59, 1F

06/17 17:59, , 2F
06/17 17:59, 2F
※ 編輯: IamAFake (, 06/17/2016 18:00:31

06/17 18:00, , 3F
06/17 18:00, 3F

06/17 18:01, , 4F
OW一個優點就是好上手 如果有些技巧不學就比較爛不太好
06/17 18:01, 4F

06/17 18:03, , 5F
06/17 18:03, 5F

06/17 18:03, , 6F
沒關係 強迫開開關關的往強迫射一發格鬥一下發展了XD
06/17 18:03, 6F

06/17 18:04, , 7F
06/17 18:04, 7F

06/17 18:04, , 8F
06/17 18:04, 8F

06/17 18:05, , 9F
06/17 18:05, 9F

06/17 18:06, , 10F
06/17 18:06, 10F

06/17 18:06, , 11F
06/17 18:06, 11F

06/17 18:06, , 12F
06/17 18:06, 12F

06/17 18:06, , 13F
但是 源氏這種操作者天差地遠的他怎麼不動一下
06/17 18:06, 13F

06/17 18:07, , 14F
鉤爪彈射=飛天狙人 很多高手都會用
06/17 18:07, 14F

06/17 18:07, , 15F
鉤爪彈射明明就比開關鏡難 他卻認為是人人應該都會
06/17 18:07, 15F

06/17 18:08, , 16F
06/17 18:08, 16F

06/17 18:08, , 17F
06/17 18:08, 17F

06/17 18:08, , 18F
06/17 18:08, 18F

06/17 18:10, , 19F
06/17 18:10, 19F

06/17 18:10, , 20F
06/17 18:10, 20F

06/17 18:11, , 21F
鉤爪彈射 潮
06/17 18:11, 21F

06/17 18:11, , 22F
06/17 18:11, 22F

06/17 18:12, , 23F
06/17 18:12, 23F

06/17 18:12, , 24F
牛仔翻滾取消是舉例假設 實際上沒有這個技巧
06/17 18:12, 24F

06/17 18:12, , 25F
06/17 18:12, 25F

06/17 18:12, , 26F
06/17 18:12, 26F

06/17 18:13, , 27F
哦哦 然後現在奪命女要玩得好就是要 右鍵狂拉鏡
06/17 18:13, 27F

06/17 18:13, , 28F
06/17 18:13, 28F

06/17 18:14, , 29F
砍操作沒問題吧 畢竟打從一開始暴雪就想封殺瞬狙了
06/17 18:14, 29F

06/17 18:15, , 30F
傷害個人也認為還好 畢竟暴頭傷害沒砍 hitbox也沒砍
06/17 18:15, 30F

06/17 18:15, , 31F
06/17 18:15, 31F

06/17 18:15, , 32F
06/17 18:15, 32F

06/17 18:16, , 33F
06/17 18:16, 33F

06/17 18:17, , 34F
06/17 18:17, 34F

06/17 18:17, , 35F
找偏方很好玩 但BZ覺得太難的偏方要改
06/17 18:17, 35F

06/17 18:18, , 36F
06/17 18:18, 36F

06/17 18:19, , 37F
06/17 18:19, 37F

06/17 18:22, , 38F
了解 感謝回答
06/17 18:22, 38F

06/17 18:22, , 39F
是鉤快鉤到的時候按跳吧 會額外再飛出去一段距離
06/17 18:22, 39F

06/17 18:23, , 40F
06/17 18:23, 40F

06/17 18:23, , 41F
哪裡不想讓技巧差距太大 開關鏡算什麼高深技巧
06/17 18:23, 41F

06/17 18:24, , 42F
贊成這篇說法 就只是個逼你去做的無聊動作
06/17 18:24, 42F

06/17 18:25, , 43F
06/17 18:25, 43F

06/17 18:25, , 44F
就平常一堆人抱怨別人選送命女 結果一Nerf就歸位了
06/17 18:25, 44F

06/17 18:26, , 45F
06/17 18:26, 45F

06/17 18:28, , 46F
06/17 18:28, 46F

06/17 18:28, , 47F
說真的 我不覺得勾爪或是開鏡有甚麼好改的 我就是手殘阿
06/17 18:28, 47F

06/17 18:29, , 48F
06/17 18:29, 48F

06/17 18:29, , 49F
nerf爽啊 沒送命女94爽
06/17 18:29, 49F

06/17 18:32, , 50F
當然 官方也可以用:這個跟他們當初的預想不同輕鬆帶過
06/17 18:32, 50F

06/17 18:32, , 51F
很有道理啊 為反對而反對..
06/17 18:32, 51F

06/17 18:37, , 52F
一定還會繼續用啊 又沒人取代這隻角色的地位
06/17 18:37, 52F

06/17 18:45, , 53F
鉤爪射合理阿 動畫都這樣
06/17 18:45, 53F

06/17 18:58, , 54F
溝爪 有一個成就喔 配合紅外線 可以解到
06/17 18:58, 54F

06/17 18:58, , 55F
06/17 18:58, 55F

06/17 18:59, , 56F
只要這隻的人設外型沒改我就會一直玩她 >////<
06/17 18:59, 56F

06/17 19:00, , 57F
06/17 19:00, 57F

06/17 19:17, , 58F
06/17 19:17, 58F

06/17 19:34, , 59F
06/17 19:34, 59F

06/17 19:34, , 60F
06/17 19:34, 60F

06/17 19:36, , 61F
這nerf還不夠 繼續
06/17 19:36, 61F

06/17 19:38, , 62F
06/17 19:38, 62F

06/17 19:39, , 63F
06/17 19:39, 63F

06/17 19:49, , 64F
06/17 19:49, 64F

06/17 19:50, , 65F
06/17 19:50, 65F

06/17 19:55, , 66F
06/17 19:55, 66F

06/17 20:01, , 67F
說CS每個都玩狙 一定沒再打競技...
06/17 20:01, 67F

06/17 20:02, , 68F
CS的經濟是很重要的策略 一個隊伍一把狙已經很夠了
06/17 20:02, 68F

06/17 20:06, , 69F
有些人看不懂 +1
06/17 20:06, 69F

06/17 20:07, , 70F
06/17 20:07, 70F

06/17 20:07, , 71F
06/17 20:07, 71F

06/17 20:10, , 72F
爆刀有啥好噓 你看賊現在如果有爆刀會多op
06/17 20:10, 72F

06/17 20:18, , 73F
那也是因為金錢限制好嗎XDD 試試看像OW一樣開場就能拿
06/17 20:18, 73F

06/17 20:18, , 74F
06/17 20:18, 74F

06/17 20:52, , 75F
狙擊手會開鏡在關竟本來就莫名其妙 哪部電影這樣演的
06/17 20:52, 75F

06/17 21:35, , 76F
遊戲是遊戲 電影是電影 混在一起討論就沒意義
06/17 21:35, 76F

06/17 21:45, , 77F
06/17 21:45, 77F

06/17 21:53, , 78F
06/17 21:53, 78F

06/17 22:13, , 79F
你看城市獵人 天使心 香螢是有飛來飛去狙ㄇ
06/17 22:13, 79F

06/17 23:12, , 80F
06/17 23:12, 80F

06/17 23:59, , 81F
才正要學習的時候就砍掉 第一次有這種感覺
06/17 23:59, 81F

06/18 00:01, , 82F
那本來就不是屬於你的 學屁學
06/18 00:01, 82F

06/18 00:15, , 83F
其實暴雪想多了 銅牌怎麼可能會學取消動畫的技巧
06/18 00:15, 83F

06/18 00:16, , 84F
能打中人就不錯了 還要求什麼 認真玩的才會去碰技巧
06/18 00:16, 84F

06/18 00:18, , 85F
06/18 00:18, 85F

06/18 00:20, , 86F
雖然改不平衡的東西 我真的覺得是好事
06/18 00:20, 86F

06/18 00:21, , 87F
可惜的是你知我知 BZ平衡就是個笑話 呵呵
06/18 00:21, 87F

06/18 00:54, , 88F
06/18 00:54, 88F

06/18 00:55, , 89F
06/18 00:55, 89F

06/18 00:56, , 90F
06/18 00:56, 90F

06/18 01:54, , 91F
藍帖說的沒錯阿 那原本就算bug 而不是小技巧
06/18 01:54, 91F

06/18 02:21, , 92F
06/18 02:21, 92F

06/18 14:03, , 93F
基本上就不合狙擊邏輯的東西 單純是遊戲漏洞被利用而已
06/18 14:03, 93F

06/18 15:16, , 94F
多的電影是狙擊會有鎗火洩漏位置好嗎…狙擊生死線 大
06/18 15:16, 94F

06/18 15:16, , 95F
06/18 15:16, 95F

06/19 09:57, , 96F
06/19 09:57, 96F
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