2x22 SWAK

看板NCIS作者 (Believe, dream, try)時間19年前 (2005/07/17 00:09), 編輯推噓9(907)
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(這是我在美國播出本集之後寫的感想: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/topanga&article_id=1822479 ) SWAK= Sealed With A Kiss. 以吻封緘。 Sealed With A Kiss是高中時英文老師教過這首同名歌曲才知道的, 不過我之前並不知道原來這個詞也有acronym呀。 看影集還是可以學英文的。=) 案情本身,其實有點微薄,雷聲大雨點小。 不過我還是很喜歡這集, 一貫的NCIS式令人發噱的對話,還有他們在插科打諢下對彼此的關心。 (奇怪我今天怎麼特別文謅謅的?) 幾段有趣的對白 Gibbs: Never had alergies. Never had a cold. Kate: Never had a cold? Gibbs: No. Never had the flu either. Kate: (to Tony) Why do I believe that? Tony: (whisper) If you were the bugs, would you attack Gibbs? Kate: Let's hit the showers, Tony. Tony: I thought you'd never ask. (In the showers) Tony: Who would send me a letter with anthrax? Kate: Pick a girl, Tony. ANY girl. Tony: 不好笑,一點都不好笑。 Kate: 我知道。 Tony: 這很大條的。 Kate: 我知道,對不起。 Tony: 就在這一刻,想到有人正在燒我的xxxx 西裝(哪個名牌啊)夾克、我的亞曼尼領 帶、我的D&G襯衫、還有我的Gucci皮鞋..... McGee: 你知道,那不一定是anthrax. Tony: I like the sound of that. McGee: 可能是天花、plague, blah blah blah (念了一大串疾病...) Tony: PROBIE!!! McGee: (馬上改口) Foot powder, face powder... Tony: Honey dust! Tony: Honey dust. I give it to girls. (Kate轉過身白了Tony一眼--奇怪的是Tony居然感應得到) Tony: Women. Sorry Kate. I give it to women, Christmas time. Very sensual. You apply it with feather. McGee: Never heard of honey dust. Kate: Yeah, that's because your mother raised you to respect women. Gibbs: (自顧自地接下去)It makes a woman's skin silky smooth. When kissed, it tastes like honey. (Tony, Kate, McGee聽到詫異地探出頭來) Got a box of honey dust last Christmas. No card. (Tony暗暗捶胸) Tony: I think the post office screwed up, boss. Palmer: I don't understand. McGee: Can't think logically with Abby. Her mind works like a Pacchinko machine. Gibbs: I thought you said these tests were fast. Abby: It's not a pregnancy test. Doctor: Dr. Brad Pitt. (Tony使了個奇怪的眼色) Doctor: Yes, it's my real name, and no, we're not related. But if we were, I'd love to meet Angelina Jolie. Kate: Doctor, could you put him to sleep, please? Gibbs: SWAK? Abby: It's Sealed With A Kiss, Gibbs. Didn't you ever get a love letter? Gibbs: Does a Dear John count? Abby: (pity groan) I feel sorry for you, Gibbs. McGee: Can't find Ducky's PDA. Gibbs: McGee, its a pad and a pencil! Abby: I have a friend who's a transvestite. Her lips can out-SWAK Angelina Jolie's. (Note: out-swak, that's an interesting word!) Remember McGee, you met her on my birthday party. McGee: Yeah, the uh...low-cut red dressed, with a built-in-- (Gibbs狠狠敲了McGee後腦杓一下) Abby: I saw that, Gibbs. 我看到囉。 McGee: Read, or you'll feel it. 趕快念,不然你就會親身體驗到! Abby: Not when you're down there! 只要你在地下室就不會了... Abby: You gotta get a life, Gibbs. Gibbs: Last thing I need is another wife. Abby: Life. You gotta get a life. Abby: Look who else doesn't have a life.  Tony came back around midnight. Gibbs: He does his best work at night. 還有好幾幕讓我很感動的片段。 血液檢查結果出來以後, 發現其他人都呈陰性反應,只有Tony是陽性反應, 跟他同樣隔離的Kate跑去對Tony兇,只有你才會得這種中古世紀的黑死病(plague)! Tony說又不是我把它放到信封裡的! Kate: 可是你打開信封! Tony很無辜地說:我打開信封又怎樣,你幹嘛這麼不爽?又不是你 ...(突然頓悟) Kate: 對,沒錯,我也被感染了。 Tony: Oh, I'm sorry. Kate: Can be sorrier. Tony: 別告訴我Gibbs也得了... (突然覺得怎麼沒有人ship G/T咧?) Kate: 沒有,只有我們兩個,不過我會讓你的日子比在地獄還慘! Tony: 怎麼可能?總不可能比plague還慘吧? (Kate瞪了他一下) Tony: 也許你可以。 Kate要回到自己床位時還裝樣子打了個噴嚏。 Tony說:要是我傳染了你的感冒我會很火大的。 Kate真的很貼心,雖然平常跟Tony唇槍舌劍鬥嘴鬥個不停,她還是很關心他的。 知道自己沒事卻還假裝自己也被感染,好讓Tony不會覺得太孤單。 然後藉由bantering鼓舞Tony的志氣。 看到她執意留下來陪Tony,讓我實在好感動。 後來Tony發病,醫生把Kate趕走, Kate把口罩拿下以後,忍不住啜泣, 和迎面的Ducky擁抱,哭道:He's dying, Ducky. Gibbs走來,說:The hell he's dying. 然後跑到Tony的病床前, 說;Tony, listen to me. (不是DiNozzo喔!是Tony喔!) Tony掙扎地說:I'm listening. Gibbs說: You. will. not. die. Tony又勉強掙扎了一下。 Gibbs敲了一下他的頭,說:I said, you...will not... die. Got it? Tony回答: I gotcha, boss. Gibbs才滿意地起身,然後塞了一隻手機給他, 說他幫他換了門號,因為老是有女人打來找 Spanky. Gibbs這個人真的是標準的外冷內熱, 他從不在言語上表示對屬下的關心或讚賞,(也許正是如此更讓Kate和Tony努力得到他的 肯定吧) 可是屬下出事時他卻會盡一切所能挽救一切, 從一開始在實驗室裡一直催Abby快點(不管上面規定打開信封把病毒殺死),we're losing time 不顧Ducky的勸擅自離開解剖室的隔離, 到最後氣沖沖地闖進大公司裡,還很鴨霸地一手揪住警衛衣領一手拿槍抵著發明病毒的科 學家逼他拿解藥, (我得說,那時的老吉實在好帥啊!) 還有他在東尼床畔的「枕邊細語」「精神講話」, 讓我覺得他比老葛還要「不冰塊」多了....內心根本就是火山。 (是說他又比外表就是火山的老何好太多了。) 後來Kate又回到隔離室去陪Tony這舉動也讓我滿感動的。 異形結尾到底是怎樣啊? 為什麼最後Tony要說:This reminded me of the last scene of Alien? 附註:那段shower scene真是引人遐思啊。(羞) 非常的若隱若現....鏡頭帶位帶得真讚,還從上空俯瞰喔,雖然什麼都看不到,但就會忍 不住想多看一眼.... 那些演員真是犧牲色相啊! 尤其是MH,年紀一大把還得賣肉... But not that I'm complaining....hehe. -- Gibbs: Never had a cold. Kate: Never had a *cold*? Gibbs: Never had the flu, either. Kate: Why do I believe him? Tony: If you were a bug, would you attack Gibbs? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 07/17, , 1F
順便推一下版名,呵呵~ 07/17, 1F 07/17, , 2F
Ermenegildo Zegna.我得說Tony這個人還蠻有 07/17, 2F 07/17, , 3F
品味的啦^^ 07/17, 3F 07/17, , 4F
這集我超愛Gibbs說他從來沒傷風感冒過那一갠 07/17, 4F 07/17, , 5F
段. 07/17, 5F 07/17, , 6F
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有看過才比較能意會那種感覺吧....就像看過SW 456 07/17, 7F 07/17, , 8F
的人就比較能抓住"我是你爸爸"這句話的笑點. 07/17, 8F 07/17, , 9F
他怎麼能死呢 ^^ 07/17, 9F 07/17, , 10F
可以借轉個板嗎 謝謝 07/17, 10F 07/17, , 11F
真的是很棒很棒說~~~~ 07/17, 11F 07/17, , 12F
唔...沒聽過那個名牌..我太孤陋寡聞了orz. 07/17, 12F 07/17, , 13F
回Ieatta,這是我幾個月前寫的,沒看到推文哪 ^^" 07/17, 13F 07/17, , 14F
sorry....沒仔細注意到...||| 07/17, 14F 07/18, , 15F
推那個柏青哥 我覺得Abby的腦袋真的超神奇 哈哈 07/18, 15F 07/19, , 16F
看得好過癮!!!以後沒有NCIS樂趣就沒了:( 07/19, 16F
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