[外絮] 勇士老闆夏天主要目標是不繳稅

看板NBA作者 (Sky)時間2月前 (2024/02/16 18:51), 編輯推噓131(137661)
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Warriors owner Joe Lacob: ‘Our Plan 1, or 1A, is that we’d like to be out of t he tax’ 勇士老闆Joe Lacob:我們的主要方案Plan 1或1A是我們要避免繳稅 This year the Warriors are set to pay $172.8 million in luxury tax alone — more than the total payroll of 17 NBA teams this season. 今年勇士光豪華稅就要付$172.8M,比17隻隊伍的薪資加總還多 As the new CBA fully kicks in this coming summer, the penalties for those over t he tax get more harsh. It’s not simply the payouts — owners like the Clippers ’ Steve Ballmer can shrug those off — but it also limits team-building options (tightening trade restrictions, limiting getting players on the buyout market). Which is why the Warriors want to get under that line and it is a team priority , Warriors governor Joe Lacob said on The TK Show with The Athletic’s Tim Kawak ami. 今年夏天新的CBA就要開始生效,對於薪資超過門檻的處罰也更重。不只是付錢就好(像對 於快艇老闆來說,這些錢不算什麼),但是也會影響建隊的選項,像是緊縮的交易限制,限 制從買斷市場得到球員。這是為什麼勇士老闆Lacob上The TK Show說要將薪資降到稅線以下 。 “Our Plan 1, or 1A, is that we’d like to be out of the tax, and we think that we have a way to do that. That kind of is the plan, not just under the second ap ron. I’ll tell you why that’s important because the truth is, we need to be ou t of the tax two years out of the next four in order to get this repeater thing off our books. We don’t want to be a repeater. It’s so prohibitive, not to say we wouldn’t do it if we had to, but you’ve gotta look at the downside of doin g that. So, that’s the plan, is to try to do that, and we think we can keep our team together and retain even the players that are, we might be able to bring p layers back at different numbers and so on.” 我們的主要方案 Plan 1A是避開豪華稅,而且我們認為我們有辦法做到。這就是方案,不是 只低於第二層。我跟你說為什麼這很重要,事實就是我們需在往後四年中,有兩年不能繳稅 才能避開累進稅率。我們不想要累進稅,太貴了。不是說當必須付時,我們會選擇不付,但 你要考慮薪資暴表的壞處。所以這就是我們會嘗試的方案,而且我們認為我們能讓球隊保持 團結,甚至留住球員。 This flies in contrast to Lacob calling Lakers’ governor Jeanie Buss to test th e temperature of a LeBron James trade (which LeBron’s agent Rich Paul shot down ). That would have been insanely expensive, but it’s also the kind of move wher e money is not the concern. 這與Lacob打給湖人老闆珍妮測試老詹交易的事是相反的,因為這會非常的貴,但這也表示 錢不是主要考量的動作 Reaching “Plan A” and getting out of the tax would not be easy. As of today, t he Warriors have eight guaranteed contracts on the books for next season (assumi ng Gary Payton II picks up his $9.1 million option, which is a safe bet) at arou nd $137 million, but that does not include new contracts for Klay Thompson, Chri s Paul or Kevon Looney. The luxury tax threshold next season is $172 million. Hy pothetically, if Klay Thompson gets the same deal Draymond Green got last summer (four years, $100 million) the Warriors would have about $10 million for the re maining five roster spots it would have to fill — all minimum contracts. 達成Plan 1A且避開稅不會很容易。目前勇士下季有八張值$137M的保證合約(假設GP2下季 選擇執行$9.1M PO),但這不包含四爺、CP3及魯尼。下季的豪華稅線是$172M。假設四爺同 意跟嘴綠一樣的合約(四年100M),勇士只剩10M空間給剩下必須填滿的五個格子,這五個 都只能是最低薪資。 It’s not impossible — not with things like the emergence of Brandin Podziemski , keeping Thompson’s roles smaller (and his contract cheaper) — but improving this core and returning to contender status while staying under the tax will be difficult. To say the least. 這並非不可能,Podz的表現減少了四爺的角色,且他的合約更便宜。但改善勇士核心並回到 競爭冠軍的狀態又維持在稅線下是很困難的 The window with Stephen Curry as a top-10 NBA player is only going to be open so long, this team needs to get better and more athletic, which means the Warriors have some hard choices to make this summer. Curry能維持在Top 10身手的時間不多,這隻隊伍需要打得更好,更有運動能力。這表示勇 士在今年夏天要做出困難的選擇 https://reurl.cc/G4g8Nd Lacob在節目中還有提到Plan 1B "There's a Plan 1B, I guess, and 1B is we could go even further than that and we could make big changes if we had to," Lacob said. "If this team were to slide a ll the way down here and not do well the end of the year here, you know there's gonna be big changes. But if we do really well, we might decide to go the other way, so everything's open, we have to be flexible, I can just tell you that the goal is to not be a lottery team ever." Plan 1B就是當勇士戰績繼續下滑且季末戰績不好時,那我們就要必須做出重大改變。但如 果勇士打很好,我們也許要選擇其他方案。任何事都有可能,我們需要保持彈性。我只能告 訴你,目標是不要成為樂透隊伍 大家覺得勇士打到什麼程度 老闆才願意花錢? 不過以目前的戰績 我看四爺留不住了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1708080661.A.B54.html

02/16 18:51, 2月前 , 1F
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02/16 18:54, 2月前 , 7F
四爺:爸爸 等等 我還沒上車阿
02/16 18:54, 7F

02/16 18:54, 2月前 , 8F
原來☎ 給湖人是為了測試
02/16 18:54, 8F

02/16 18:54, 2月前 , 9F
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02/16 18:54, 2月前 , 10F
最省錢的方式就是不留cp3不續約KT 再看看要怎麼補強
02/16 18:54, 10F

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02/16 18:58, 2月前 , 16F
可是 四爺2500一年不尊重他耶
02/16 18:58, 16F

02/16 18:58, 2月前 , 17F
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02/16 18:59, 2月前 , 18F
????????????? 四神湯的頂薪咧
02/16 18:59, 18F

02/16 18:59, 2月前 , 19F
喇叭間 打給我
02/16 18:59, 19F

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02/16 19:03, 2月前 , 30F
這種稅制未來NBA只會走下坡吧 球員最慘
02/16 19:03, 30F

02/16 19:03, 2月前 , 31F
少cp3 四神湯 影響不大
02/16 19:03, 31F

02/16 19:03, 2月前 , 32F
某兒子你就領低薪 不然走人吧
02/16 19:03, 32F

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02/16 19:05, 2月前 , 35F
主要是沒這稅制 NBA就會變回80年代的東賽西湖
02/16 19:05, 35F

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02/16 19:06, 2月前 , 39F
02/16 19:06, 39F
還有 125 則推文
02/16 21:52, 2月前 , 165F
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02/16 21:56, 2月前 , 166F
kt, cp3 先放掉變空氣
02/16 21:56, 166F

02/16 22:05, 2月前 , 167F
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02/16 22:11, 2月前 , 168F
繳累犯幫人抽樂透籤蠢死 喬光年一定被其他老闆酸爆
02/16 22:11, 168F

02/16 22:12, 2月前 , 169F
教練錢也可以順便省了 反正沒滿等帳號就直接下去
02/16 22:12, 169F

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02/16 22:43, 2月前 , 173F
這個薪水差距然後說勇士強的合理 呵呵
02/16 22:43, 173F

02/16 22:45, 2月前 , 174F
一定是八皇子蠱惑老闆節税 意圖剷除四阿哥
02/16 22:45, 174F

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02/16 23:24, 2月前 , 177F
4爺 88888888888888888888888888888888
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02/17 01:07, 2月前 , 182F
勇士太多高薪低能了 連圍巾當初那個神約也爛了
02/17 01:07, 182F

02/17 02:41, 2月前 , 183F
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02/17 03:31, 2月前 , 184F
圍巾8 四爺替補老將薪
02/17 03:31, 184F

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02/17 10:59, 2月前 , 196F
CP3 要留吧
02/17 10:59, 196F

02/17 12:49, 2月前 , 197F
打造王朝 值得!!
02/17 12:49, 197F

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02/17 16:10, 2月前 , 200F
緊張囉 老哥
02/17 16:10, 200F

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02/18 00:18, 2月前 , 203F
兒子啊 相忍為國你懂的吧
02/18 00:18, 203F

02/19 01:11, 2月前 , 204F
Plan 1B 是打算繳1 Billion的稅嗎
02/19 01:11, 204F
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