[外絮] LeBron:如果當時Joe加入 願讓小前鋒位置

看板NBA作者 (米米魯)時間8年前 (2016/03/10 11:36), 8年前編輯推噓61(711028)
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來源 http://www.cleveland.com/cavs/index.ssf/2016/03/lebron_james_was_willing_to_ch.html#incart_river_index SACRAMENTO, Calif. – LeBron James really wanted Joe Johnson to come to Cleveland after receiving a buyout from the Brooklyn Nets in late February. Sources with knowledge of James' intentions informed cleveland.com that the four-time MVP made it known to Cavaliers' management and Johnson that he would slide to power forward on a permanent basis to open up a starting spot for his former Olympic teammate. "All I care about is winning. That's all that matters to me," James confirmed to cleveland.com. "A piece like Joe, you know what it does to your team and if he was concerned about playing time or concerned about starting, then I'll sacrifice. I'll sacrifice to get a guy like that to help us try to win a championship." 我只在乎贏球,那對我來說才是重要的。 像Joe這樣的球員,你知道他能為球隊帶來什麼 如果他在意上場時間或是位置 我願意為了能幫助騎士贏得冠軍的人犧牲 James, until recently, has never been keen on the idea of accepting a full-time role of operating out of the post and absorbing the physical pounding that comes with the position. But understanding what's at stake, he's willing to try pretty much anything if it translates to more wins for his team. James一直以來都不太願意打大前鋒 但如果這樣能贏球 他願意嘗試 "Man listen, I'll do anything to win. I'll kidnap my momma to win," James said to cleveland.com with a deadpan expression on his face. 聽著,我會盡全力來贏球。 我甚至會綁架我的媽媽! James開玩笑地說 Johnson ended up choosing James' old stomping ground, Miami. He felt Johnson would add another dimension to the Cavaliers' roster. James gave the recruiting process a valiant effort and even went out of his way to publicly endorse Johnson coming on board. JOE最後到了熱火 He says he has no regrets. Changing positions illustrates James' urgency of winning a title for the city, completing a storybook ending. Selfishness wouldn't assist in taking down the mountains waiting in the Western Conference. It's going to take buy-in and selflessness. 這說明了Lebron有多想為這座城市拿下冠軍 Would James have made such a considerable sacrifice in years prior? 記者問:Lebron你之前有做過這麼大的犧牲嗎 "I don't know. I don't know. I can't answer that, but I know I'll do it now," he said to cleveland.com. "I mean, you're trying to make a push. We're in March. You get a guy like Joe Johnson, you get a guy that can change your team for the better. I wouldn't have a problem with [moving to the four]. 我不知道 我不知道 我無法回答,但是我知道我現在會這麼做 現在已經三月了 如果你能得到JOE這樣的球員 一個能讓你的隊伍更好的人 你會願意換位置的 "If he wanted to come in and start and we wanted to keep J.R. [Smith] in the starting lineup and if Double-T (Tristan Thompson) or Mozzy (Timofey Mozgov) had to come off the bench in order for Joe to start and slide Kev [Love] to the five, I would have done it." 如果Joe有來 先發陣容就會變成 KI JR JOE LEBRON LOVE 心得: 現在才說 是想回熱火嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1457580961.A.7B7.html ※ 編輯: knic52976 (, 03/10/2016 11:37:12

03/10 11:36, , 1F
為什麼要綁架媽媽 難道是怕
03/10 11:36, 1F

03/10 11:37, , 2F
03/10 11:37, 2F

03/10 11:37, , 3F
03/10 11:37, 3F

03/10 11:37, , 4F
03/10 11:37, 4F

03/10 11:37, , 5F
Love打中鋒 只能噓了
03/10 11:37, 5F

03/10 11:37, , 6F
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03/10 11:37, , 7F
03/10 11:37, 7F

03/10 11:37, , 8F
03/10 11:37, 8F

03/10 11:37, , 9F
上色失敗 修一下吧
03/10 11:37, 9F

03/10 11:37, , 10F
03/10 11:37, 10F

03/10 11:37, , 11F
LOVE打中鋒 感覺補防0分 這陣容lol
03/10 11:37, 11F

03/10 11:38, , 12F
03/10 11:38, 12F

03/10 11:38, , 13F
03/10 11:38, 13F

03/10 11:39, , 14F
打小球啊 JJ在熱火打得風生水起啊
03/10 11:39, 14F

03/10 11:39, , 15F
03/10 11:39, 15F

03/10 11:40, , 16F
03/10 11:40, 16F

03/10 11:40, , 17F
03/10 11:40, 17F

03/10 11:41, , 18F
把媽媽綁架 球隊就安全了?
03/10 11:41, 18F

03/10 11:41, , 19F
路西恩 到底在幹嘛阿RRR
03/10 11:41, 19F

03/10 11:42, , 20F
姆斯: 如果Joe來騎士 我只好犧牲一點去勇士了
03/10 11:42, 20F

03/10 11:42, , 21F
03/10 11:42, 21F

03/10 11:42, , 22F
昔日一堆人搶著抱團 到今日腿都不想去了 真悽慘
03/10 11:42, 22F

03/10 11:42, , 23F
03/10 11:42, 23F

03/10 11:43, , 24F
如果能去勇士 願意讓出先發位置
03/10 11:43, 24F

03/10 11:45, , 25F
真的去 應該是 KI JJ LBJ TT LOVE吧
03/10 11:45, 25F

03/10 11:45, , 26F
03/10 11:45, 26F

03/10 11:45, , 27F
03/10 11:45, 27F

03/10 11:46, , 28F
03/10 11:46, 28F

03/10 11:47, , 29F
Love表示: 這是犧牲我吧
03/10 11:47, 29F

03/10 11:47, , 30F
LU C N!!!!!!!!!!
03/10 11:47, 30F

03/10 11:47, , 31F
ISO JOE來,我願意打大前,然後把LOVE丟替補
03/10 11:47, 31F

03/10 11:48, , 32F
03/10 11:48, 32F

03/10 11:51, , 33F
Joe: 到底! 自己拿捏嘛
03/10 11:51, 33F

03/10 11:53, , 34F
LOVE打中鋒 乾脆把Bosh換來好了
03/10 11:53, 34F

03/10 11:53, , 35F
03/10 11:53, 35F

03/10 11:53, , 36F
所以LBJ要改打哪個位置 哈
03/10 11:53, 36F
※ 編輯: knic52976 (, 03/10/2016 11:55:08

03/10 11:54, , 37F
03/10 11:54, 37F
還有 32 則推文
還有 1 段內文
03/10 12:37, , 70F
到底要不要上啊 路西恩!!
03/10 12:37, 70F

03/10 12:39, , 71F
有啊 姆斯犧牲隊友的數據
03/10 12:39, 71F

03/10 12:41, , 72F
姆斯真的很強 打什麼位置都如魚得水
03/10 12:41, 72F

03/10 12:41, , 73F
讓出騎士隊小前鋒 自願成為勇士對小前鋒
03/10 12:41, 73F

03/10 12:43, , 74F
這裡也有路CN!! 到底!!
03/10 12:43, 74F

03/10 12:46, , 75F
03/10 12:46, 75F

03/10 12:48, , 76F
03/10 12:48, 76F

03/10 12:50, , 77F
03/10 12:50, 77F

03/10 12:54, , 78F
03/10 12:54, 78F

03/10 12:54, , 79F
03/10 12:54, 79F

03/10 12:55, , 80F
03/10 12:55, 80F

03/10 12:57, , 81F
路CN 你到底要不要上啊
03/10 12:57, 81F

03/10 12:57, , 82F
我記得以前有傳聞 姆斯媽媽跟某隊友有一腿
03/10 12:57, 82F

03/10 12:59, , 83F
是自裱說 當他隊友會乖乖把他媽藏好嗎?
03/10 12:59, 83F

03/10 12:59, , 84F
03/10 12:59, 84F

03/10 13:01, , 85F
NBA》LBJ媽媽和隊友有染 律師斥:垃圾謠言
03/10 13:01, 85F

03/10 13:04, , 86F
03/10 13:04, 86F

03/10 13:08, , 87F
03/10 13:08, 87F

03/10 13:12, , 88F
03/10 13:12, 88F

03/10 13:14, , 89F
當時他來不及加入我們 只好我去加入他們
03/10 13:14, 89F

03/10 13:26, , 90F
03/10 13:26, 90F

03/10 13:30, , 91F
03/10 13:30, 91F

03/10 13:37, , 92F
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03/10 13:46, , 93F
03/10 13:46, 93F

03/10 13:50, , 94F
03/10 13:50, 94F

03/10 14:17, , 95F
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03/10 14:36, , 96F
03/10 14:36, 96F

03/10 14:37, , 97F
03/10 14:37, 97F

03/10 14:45, , 98F
小前給你打 我去金州當第六人
03/10 14:45, 98F

03/10 14:48, , 99F
03/10 14:48, 99F

03/10 14:57, , 100F
給你14巨頭 也不見得拿到冠軍
03/10 14:57, 100F

03/10 15:34, , 101F
03/10 15:34, 101F

03/10 15:56, , 102F
03/10 15:56, 102F

03/10 16:59, , 103F
姆斯當初犧牲很大啊 他降薪加入熱火欸
03/10 16:59, 103F

03/10 17:50, , 104F
03/10 17:50, 104F

03/10 18:28, , 105F
03/10 18:28, 105F

03/10 19:02, , 106F
03/10 19:02, 106F

03/10 19:17, , 107F
說不干涉球隊運作 又在那邊放話給壓力 毛很多
03/10 19:17, 107F

03/10 21:25, , 108F
03/10 21:25, 108F

03/11 09:59, , 109F
03/11 09:59, 109F
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