Re: [新聞] 林書豪抵達洛杉磯 民眾獻花歡迎

看板NBA作者 (噁特特)時間10年前 (2014/07/13 21:32), 10年前編輯推噓85(89496)
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看到這篇湖人球探 ( 原文連結 覺得有趣 就正巧參考一點大陸把剩下的翻譯一下 裏面有提到許多滿新穎的點,以及湖人球探對於Lin滿特別的看法 --- Lin has a very diversified offense--he takes roughly a third of his shots from three point range, mid-range and at the rim, so he's comfortable utilizing the entire length of the court. That, above anything, differentiates him from many of the lower-level point and combo guards in the league. At his best, Lin is penetrating deep to the basket for layups, drawing bushels of fouls, swishing spot-up and self-created mid-range shots, and hitting the occasional three, providing a viable source of offense. He is also playing good team defense and preventing teams from hitting money shots (layups and threes). At his worst, Lin stops short of the basket, displaying tunnel vision and missing open teammates as he flings up runners or takes tough fadeaway shots, or starts turning the ball over incessantly. He would also stop rebounding. 林具有很多樣的攻擊能力,他在三分線外,中距離和籃下的出手大約各占三成左右,所以說他幾乎可以在球場上的任何位置出擊。正是這樣廣泛的出手範圍使他從聯盟中等水平的控衛和雙能衛中脫穎而出。在林狀態火熱的時候,他可以突破上籃,製造犯規,急停跳投甚至自己創造中距離投籃,他偶爾也可以命中一些三分,為球隊提供多種多樣的進攻方式。他在團隊防守方面也十分優秀,可以防止對手輕鬆的上籃和空位三分。在林狀態糟糕的時候,他可能會在籃下找不到空檔的隊友,做出不好的拋投或後仰跳投,或者產生一些失誤。在他狀態不好的時候,他也不會積極的爭搶 籃板球。 Lin's most unique asset is creating driving layups for himself: nearly 30% of his shots are driving layups, a rate in the fifth of all point guards, and he's also adept at utilizing reverse layups. It's also an excellent value play for him, because at 59.8%, he's well into the top third in conversion rate, and he does an excellent job of drawing fouls and finishing through contact, with a foul-drawing rate of 0.38 (a top six mark for points, and in line with what he's done career-wise). Another third of Lin's shots were from mid-range, and he's also an excellent value play here, with an above average percentage of 39.9%. Looking deeper, Lin in particular does well directly at the rim (63.2%) and from long mid-rangers (42.4%), his two hot-spots. In adapting to his hybrid guard role, Lin created his own shots at the rim roughly a third of the time, while his long mid-rangers were off a mix of assisted and self-created shots. Lin isn't great from long range, but posts somewhat respectable percentages (35.8% this year, 34.3% career) and there's definite hope given that he shoots a career 80.1% from the line on a large sample size. 林最突出的技能是創造上籃的機會,有30%的出手都是突破上籃,聯盟所有控衛排名第五位。他也具有很好的反手上籃能力。林優秀的突破上籃命中率(59.8%)在聯盟中可以排到前三。他有很好的造犯規能力,身體接觸下出手的能力也不錯。林的突破大概有3成8 (聯盟第六位)都可以造成對手犯規。林還有另外三成的出手來自於中距離,在中距離林的表現也十分突出,他的命中率超過了聯盟的平均水平(39.9%)。 如果我們仔細觀察,我們會發現林在面框進攻時表現最好,(63.2% ),在靠近三分線的中距離表現次之 (42.4% ),這兩個區域是他的熱區。作為一個雙能衛,林大概三成的籃下出手幾乎都是由他自己創造的。林在三分線外的表現就不是這麼突出了,但他依然有一個說得過去的命中率 (本季35.8%,生涯 34.3%),由於林的罰球命中率十分穩定(生涯80.1%),他的三分命中率仍有令人期待的空間。 The problem with Lin is not really about what he is, but what he isn't: one of the primary concerns is what position allows him to optimize his level of play while simultaneously elevating the team play. So far, the numbers paint his best position as shooting guard. If so, he lacks the next level athleticism to compensate for his lack of cdth while his dunk rate (0.6%) is perfectly fine for a point guard, as a shooting guard that is a bottom quarter rate. Despite a diversified offense, Lin also lacks the next-level offensive skills: he is a face-up driver and does not utilize his sturdy frame for post-ups, having attempted zero hook shots this past year. He's also not effective in the wonky shots: his points per play on runners, pull-up jumpers and in particular fadeaway and turnaround type shots are quite poor. Lin takes nearly a fifth of his shots in the in-between zones (4-15 feet), but only shoots 33.3% on runners and an abysmal 31.9% from no-man's land. 林的問題不是在於他的優點,而是在於他不擅長的地方。一個主要的問題就是他是否可以同時在自己的優秀表現和團隊效率之間找到一個平衡。截至目前的數據顯示得分後衛是林最適合的位置。但受限於他的身高,林作為得分後衛的發展前景將不會很樂觀。他的灌籃 率(0.6%)對於一名得分後衛來說顯得很低,但如果是一名控衛就比較合理。雖然林的進攻手段非常多樣,但他卻缺少可以使他成為明星球員所必須的技巧:他是一名優秀的面框球員,但並不利用背框單打,在過去的一年裡,連一次勾手出手都沒有。他在壓力下強行 出手的效率也不是很高,林在拋投、急停跳投、後仰跳投和轉身跳投的得分效率都比較低。林有五分之一的出手發生在距離籃框 4-15英尺的區域裡,其拋投命中率只有33.3%,在禁區他的拋投命中率進一步下降到31.9%。 The other issue is that Lin is not a pure point guard by any stretch: in adapting to the Rockets' depth this past season, he took on a fairly mediocre usage rate. Despite that, his assist rate was bottom third among point guards this past season, and to add insult to injury, he had the fourth worst turnover rate. He had the worst combination of turnover rate and assist rate among points, for players who played over twenty minutes per game. 林的另一個問題也彰顯他不是純控球後衛。在火箭隊近兩個賽季的季後賽中,林的使用率平平。但即使如此,他的助攻率還是只達到季後賽控衛中倒數第三,雖然他在季後賽中是帶傷出戰,但還是不能忽略他是失誤率也是第四高的。他的助攻失誤比是季後賽主要輪換球員(出場20分鐘或更多)中最差的。 As a result, Jeremy's offense was less than the sum of its parts this season--adjusted by position, real-plus minus puts him a subpar 231st in offensive effectiveness (out of 430 NBA players), which jibes with 82games' assessment that the Rockets' offense was three points worse with him on the court. Looking deeper, Jeremy played nearly two-thirds of his minutes as point guard, but really struggled to generate offense at that position. While his scoring rate was nearly four points less, his efficiency was nearly six percent worse, and even at point guard his assist rate and turnover rates were noticeably worse. Not surprisingly, Jeremy operates better as the de-facto shooting guard in a team's five-man configurations, as he is not a true point. 因為上述結果,林的進攻效率或許並不像數據顯示的那麼好。在調整過不同位置造成的誤差後,林的Real-plus minus值在聯盟全部430名球員中只排在第 231位。在考慮整個賽季 (82場)的數據後,火箭隊在林在場的時候得分要比林不在場時低3分左右。進一步分析指出,林有三分之二的時間都在打控衛,但卻沒有很好的組織起火箭的進攻。比起打得分 後衛,他在打控衛時的得分率下降了4%、進攻效率下降了6% 、助攻失誤比竟然變得比他作為得分時還要更差。數據顯示,林事實上更適合得分後衛的角色,而不是一個純控衛 Overall, on offense, Lin has a very interesting set of skills, as his ability to pair his constant finishing and foul drawing ability with a good mid-range jumper and foul shooting is appealing, on top of a diversified offense with respectable three point shooting. He has an excellent scoring base coming off the highest true shooting percentage of his career, and excellent guard penetration is something that is arguably harder to find than a guard who can shoot, so there is that level of appeal to his game. 總而言之,在進攻端,林具有一些令人印象深刻的技巧,他具有穩定的籃下終結能力和製造犯規能力,中距離和罰球能力也十分吸引人。在進攻多樣的基礎上,他的三分也還不錯。林是一個很好的得分選擇,他的生涯真實命中率可以證明這一點,聯盟具有多種進攻手段同時也能投籃的後場並不多見,但林確實具有這些能力。 At only age 25, there's also that allure of what he did in the past, and whether he can recapture it: in Houston, he was operating under a clogged offense with alpha males who demand the ball like James Harden and Dwight Howard in Houston. He didn't fit that style, because he wasn't a spot-up type or floor spacer, and at times he operates the same at-rim real estate as those two, which was why he had a net negative offensive rating. While he certainly did not play like a point guard whatsoever the past year, there is evidence favoring that with a higher usage rate. During that 35-game stretch of Linsanity in New York, Lin carried a top-four usage rate, which resulted in a top ten assist rate. He also sported a positive offensive rating, the only time he's ever sported a positive rating here in the NBA. Granted, the sample space is smaller and he was playing uninhibited in former Laker coach Mike D'Antoni's offense, but there there appears to be a direct higher usage to higher efficiency and assist rate correlation with him. Lin needs an open floor, essentially, to tap into what was previously decent to good point guard ability. There is a possibility that he can combine a high usage scoring-passing combination, but it appears in particular a high usage is necessary for Lin to actually make a positive impact on the team's offense. At the very least, he's a very good bench scorer if he cannot hone in the passing to its prior levels. He could certainly also work on refining his ability to hit more complicated shots in the no-man's zones, as well as further improving his long ball and cutting down his turnovers. 林只有25歲,也需要找回他過去林來瘋時那種魅力。 在火箭隊,林在進攻阻塞和自我主義的隊伍中,有兩個需要大量球權的J. Harden 和D. Howard。他並不適合火箭的體系,因為他並不是一個無球跑動,catch-and-shoot的射手。同時林在突破時也會受到限制,因為Howard和Harden縮小了林在內線的空間,這也是為什麼他的進攻效率不高的原因。顯而易見,在上一個賽季中,林打得並不像一個控衛,我們有一些數據顯示,如果我們給林更多的球權和使用率,林的表現就會變得更加突出。在紐約35場的先發的“林來瘋”時期,林得到了前四的使用率,導致他交出聯盟前十助攻率的表現。在紐約期間,紐約在林在場時獲得了更好的進攻效率,也是林生涯中唯一帶給球隊更好進攻效率的賽季。就算這35場的樣本很小 同時林也得力於Mike D'Antoni's的自由體系,但我們依然可以明顯看出,林的高使用率,是跟他的進攻效率、助攻效率有正相關的。林是那種需要發揮空間來展示他控衛天賦的球員。雖然林有可能成長為一名高效的無球選手,但給林更高的使用率才是林可以幫助球隊的必要條件。即使林無法進步,他至少還是一個很好的第六人。他必須要提升自己在籃框附近更複雜的得分手段,以及持續提升遠投能力和減少失誤。 防守的部分,請看上一篇… Overall, Lin is a very useful player--while he's definitely overpaid at $15 million this year due to the poison pill contract the Rockets gave him, there is at least some rationale for giving him a large amount of money in the first place. He's still only age 25, and he is a two-way player who might have been suppressed somewhat in Houston's alpha-male offense the past year. His offensive skill at the point guard--ability to draw fouls at will and finish--is a unique trait, and coupled with a very good mid-range shot, an improving long ball and possible point skills with a larger usage, there is a ton to like here. He also couples that with good defensive ratings on top of a precedence for thievery, defensive rebounding and shotblocking, with good size for the point. He is also a good locker room presence, a true professional, and a marketing magnet, especially in Los Angeles where there is a sizeable Asian population. Lin has a real penchant for turnovers and can stand to improve his in-between shots, both of which are real sources of frustration, but few players even have a diversified offensive game in their arsenal, and he's taking those shots in an attempt to grow into them. At the worst, he's putting up very good scoring and defending off-the-bench value, but he might be more than that as a rock-solid starter if he rediscovers the passing ability. 總而言之,林是一位非常實用的球員,雖然他一千五百萬的毒藥合同顯然是overpaid,但火箭給他這樣一份合同也有一些道理的。 他只有25歲,有很靈活的發展方向,就算在火箭自我主義的體制中受到限制。他的進攻技巧,特別是製造犯規能力和籃下終結能力十分獨特。同時,林還有很好的中投技巧,正在進步的遠投能力。在給與他更高使用率的情況下,他還展現出了大幅度提高控球技巧的可能性,在高實用率下,他簡直讓人愛不釋手。除了進攻能力,他還有優異的防守能力,他的籃板,抄截和阻攻也都在控衛中屬於上乘。與此同時,林更是一個很好的更衣室球員,擁有絕對職業的態度,並且附帶巨大的市場價值,尤其在洛杉磯這個華裔人口巨大的城市。林的失誤急需改善,他在靠近禁區的進攻也還 有提高空間,這兩點無疑是他的缺陷。但是大多數球員甚至不具備林這樣多樣的進攻技巧,更不必說林還在不停的改善他的弱點。即使在最糟的情況下,林至少可以是一個攻守兼備的先發球員,而如果他可以完全釋放他的傳球能力,他將是一個絕對可靠的先發。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/13 21:34, , 1F
07/13 21:34, 1F

07/13 21:35, , 2F
07/13 21:35, 2F

07/13 21:35, , 3F
07/13 21:35, 3F
※ 編輯: atert (, 07/13/2014 21:37:23

07/13 21:37, , 4F
進攻手段多樣? 接後面那段不覺得自打嘴巴嗎
07/13 21:37, 4F

07/13 21:37, , 5F
07/13 21:37, 5F

07/13 21:38, , 6F
07/13 21:38, 6F

07/13 21:39, , 7F
推 很好的分析
07/13 21:39, 7F

07/13 21:39, , 8F
07/13 21:39, 8F

07/13 21:40, , 9F
林酸:林不過是個龍套球員<<<<<砍豆 PB 肥盾 TDG
07/13 21:40, 9F

07/13 21:42, , 10F
得證 湖人球探真的是Lin迷
07/13 21:42, 10F

07/13 21:42, , 11F
不要再拉砍豆拉ToT 沒林強我們有自知之明
07/13 21:42, 11F

07/13 21:44, , 12F
07/13 21:44, 12F

07/13 21:46, , 13F
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07/13 21:47, , 14F
07/13 21:47, 14F

07/13 21:47, , 15F
07/13 21:47, 15F

07/13 21:48, , 16F
林黑酸三巨頭 實際上人 數據大師 霎圖人
07/13 21:48, 16F

07/13 21:49, , 17F
07/13 21:49, 17F

07/13 21:49, , 18F
自己球隊弄來的球員 當然都是好話 難不成講缺點?
07/13 21:49, 18F

07/13 21:49, , 19F
對阿 雖然後面有說開但他在湖版就黑了…
07/13 21:49, 19F

07/13 21:50, , 20F
實際上人 數據大師 霎圖人 只知道數據大師 其他是誰
07/13 21:50, 20F

07/13 21:50, , 21F
07/13 21:50, 21F

07/13 21:51, , 22F
07/13 21:51, 22F

07/13 21:51, , 23F
講好話還有數據佐證 很好啊 就算講缺點又何嘗不可
07/13 21:51, 23F

07/13 21:52, , 24F
07/13 21:52, 24F

07/13 21:52, , 25F
這篇報告是還沒弄來的時候寫的 大佬
07/13 21:52, 25F

07/13 21:53, , 26F
就是因為評估過覺得堪用所以才弄來 先後順序要搞清楚
07/13 21:53, 26F

07/13 21:53, , 27F
07/13 21:53, 27F

07/13 21:54, , 28F
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07/13 21:55, , 30F
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07/13 21:55, , 31F
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07/13 21:55, , 32F
35684篇 推文有實際上人
07/13 21:55, 32F

07/13 21:55, , 33F
lin最需要的就是個eric snow 一個讓他打SG然後防守
07/13 21:55, 33F

07/13 21:56, , 34F
07/13 21:56, 34F

07/13 21:56, , 35F
對方PG的人 簡單的說 他像個Iverson
07/13 21:56, 35F

07/13 21:56, , 36F
稍微想想就知道 哪有球探是交易來以後才觀察的
07/13 21:56, 36F

07/13 21:56, , 37F
Lin像Iverson?? 真敢說
07/13 21:56, 37F

07/13 21:57, , 38F
我只是就他需要的攻擊/防守位置講的 沒別的意思
07/13 21:57, 38F
還有 112 則推文
07/13 23:20, , 151F
07/13 23:20, 151F

07/13 23:20, , 152F
07/13 23:20, 152F

07/13 23:23, , 153F
07/13 23:23, 153F

07/13 23:23, , 154F
07/13 23:23, 154F

07/13 23:27, , 155F
12-13賽季球會流動還會積極跑位 13-14豬羊變色...
07/13 23:27, 155F

07/13 23:34, , 156F
因為他打控位時場上有鬍子阿 效率當然差
07/13 23:34, 156F

07/13 23:34, , 157F
打得分時是配小貝 效率當然好
07/13 23:34, 157F

07/13 23:51, , 158F
不同意他更適合SG 畢竟他當PG時有球霸壓他數據
07/13 23:51, 158F

07/13 23:53, , 159F
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07/13 23:55, , 160F
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07/13 23:56, , 161F
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07/13 23:58, , 163F
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07/13 23:59, , 164F
07/13 23:59, 164F

07/14 00:02, , 165F
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07/14 00:17, , 174F
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07/14 00:23, , 175F
數據太多盲點啦 炸彈接不完 隊友不跑戰術... 族繁不
07/14 00:23, 175F

07/14 00:23, , 176F
07/14 00:23, 176F

07/14 00:25, , 177F
07/14 00:25, 177F

07/14 00:26, , 178F
07/14 00:26, 178F

07/14 00:33, , 179F
k系列+存在感哥+數據大師 總版需要你們啊~~~
07/14 00:33, 179F

07/14 00:37, , 180F
有一個自幹王 火箭是要怎麼組織進攻?
07/14 00:37, 180F

07/14 00:49, , 181F
07/14 00:49, 181F

07/14 00:50, , 182F
07/14 00:50, 182F

07/14 02:50, , 183F
之前在火箭隊當個不上不下的球員 這樣表現算很好了
07/14 02:50, 183F

07/14 07:01, , 184F
07/14 07:01, 184F

07/14 09:06, , 185F
07/14 09:06, 185F
※ 編輯: atert (, 07/14/2014 11:03:48

07/14 13:39, , 186F
就怕說得不錯 最怕也是與開特力抱再一起....
07/14 13:39, 186F

07/14 13:39, , 187F
07/14 13:39, 187F

07/14 16:28, , 188F
07/14 16:28, 188F

07/14 18:16, , 189F
有一個自幹王 火箭是要怎麼組織進攻XD
07/14 18:16, 189F
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