看板NBA作者 (E N O U G H is enough)時間9年前 (2014/06/26 12:30), 9年前編輯推噓3(242126)
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Kevin Durant Defends LeBron James' Decision to Opt out of Contract with Heat By Jim Cavan , Featured Columnist Jun 25, 2014 http://tinyurl.com/kadulg4 It seems like just about everyone has an opinion on LeBron James' decision, per USA Today's Sam Amick and Jeff Zillgitt, to exercise his early termination option (ETO) with the Miami Heat—some of them astute, others… well, not so much. (最近似乎大家都對LBJ的Decision有很多意見) For his part, Kevin Durant isn’t quite sure what all the fuss is about. From a recent interview with the Washington Post’s Dan Steinberg: (對KD來說,他不太了解這些小題大作是怎麼回事,以下是記者訪談內容) I don't know what the big deal is. As a player, I think that's the best way to go about it. You can have all your options. It's better for you as a player to opt-out, because you can get a market deal. You can get more years. You never know what will happen if you pass up on that. So I didn't know what the big deal was. I'm sure it was a decision he made, something he was thinking about, for him and his family. (我不認為這有甚麼大不了的,身為一個球員做出那樣的決定是最好的,你本來就可以有 你自己的選擇權,跳脫合約到自由球員市場是很好的事這樣你才能得到自己的市場價值。 你還有多年,一但錯過這次你永遠不會知道將來會如何。所以我不知道這件事有甚麼大不 了的,我相信這是他再為他自己以及家人著想後,經過深思熟慮之後的決定。) While Durant could be misreading James' motivations—because, you know, we don ’t really know what they are yet—his underlying point still holds: This was what was going to happen all along, so why is everyone acting so surprised? (KD也有可能誤判LBJ的動機,當然,我們也不知道LBJ的動機到底是甚麼。KD的立場一直 堅持在 "這些本來就是會發生的事,你們到底在驚訝甚麼?") Durant then went on to discuss what he sees as something of a double standard levied to the detriment of the game's greatest star: (KD接著提出針對大家雙重標準所造成LBJ傷害的一些看法) I don’t think it’s fair. I don’t think anything that you guys criticize LeBron [about] is fair. He switched teams; he’s not the first guy to do it. He decided to opt out; he’s not the first guy to do it. Sometimes a lot of people criticize him a little bit too much for doing normal things, doing stuff that everybody has done. [Even] Tim Duncan went into free agency before. He got courted by quite a few teams. We’ll see what happens with me, but everybody’s done the same thing. He’s not the first. (我不認為這很公平,也不認為大家批判LBJ是公平的。他改變的球隊、他也不是第一個這 樣做的人,有些時候大家對他做的一些再正常不過的事都有點太嚴厲,石佛他也曾跳出來 過而且有也有一些球隊對他很有興趣。你們將會看到將來會發生在我身上的事、一個大家 都會做的事。LBJ,並不是第一個。 Much has been made of the motivations behind James' decision. On the one hand, opting out could potentially give the Heat more financial flexibility this summer—assuming Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh follow suit, of course. One such scenario, first posed by ESPN’s Brian Windhorst, involves Miami’s Big Three signing new, reduced deals in order to make room for Carmelo Anthony, who exercised his own ETO on Sunday: (之前就傳出個腳本是三王協議降低薪資以挪出空間吸引甜瓜加入熱火。) The mere concept would require the star trio of LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh to all opt out of their current contracts by the end of the month and likely take further salary reductions in new deals that start next season to give Miami the ability to offer Anthony a representative first-year salary. The Heat also are prevented from making any formal contact with Anthony until July 1 and can do so then only if he opts out of the final year of his current contract. (三王本季結束後一起降低薪資,才會有足夠空間給甜瓜第一年的薪資,不過熱火也會觀望 直到甜瓜結束他的合約且7月1號後,才可能給他正式的合約) So that’s one option—one of many, of course. (當然,這只是故事發展之一) Another ancillary theory involves James opting out ahead of Wade and Bosh in order to exert as much control as possible over how Pat Riley, the team’s longtime president, augments a roster that saw its three-peat bid throttled by the San Antonio Spurs. (另一個揣測是LBJ藉著比wade跟bosh更早跳出以發揮比Pat Riley更大的影響力。) Whatever James' motive, the ultimate decision was nothing if not a sensible one. (不管動機如何,LBJ做出明智的決定才是一切。) For Thunder fans looking to read into LeBron’s move as a bellwether for what Durant might do come the summer of 2016, a friendly reminder: Durant’s deal doesn’t include a player option. (雷霆球迷引以為鑑,但是不同的是,即使2016年到了,KD本身沒有球員選擇權。) However, when KD does enter free agency, you can expect just as big of a buzz —and just as much incessant hearsay—as we’ve seen with James. (但是只要KD進入自由市場,大家對LBJ的批判同樣也會發生在KD身上。) One can quibble all day with the timing of James' gambit, coming as it did right before one of the most hotly anticipated drafts in recent memory. As for the underlying strategy, it’s probably best to see how it all plays out before we start accusing him of orchestrating The Decision Part II. (不管如何,就讓我們繼續看下去 THE DECISION二部曲究竟會怎麼上演。) 心得:看來KD是在打預防針? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1403757038.A.4C3.html ※ 編輯: kairiyu (, 06/26/2014 12:32:52 shifa :其實球員轉隊本來就是正常的事情… 06/26 12:31

06/26 12:32, , 1F
06/26 12:32, 1F

06/26 12:32, , 2F
06/26 12:32, 2F

06/26 12:32, , 3F
KD一搞這個 聯盟都不會捧他...大概就糗了
06/26 12:32, 3F

06/26 12:32, , 4F
轉隊很正常啊 但轉到球迷燒球衣 全體公幹正常在哪
06/26 12:32, 4F

06/26 12:33, , 5F
沒錯阿 園仔比沾黃弟更弱 又在強區西區 一定會
06/26 12:33, 5F

06/26 12:33, , 6F
06/26 12:33, 6F

06/26 12:35, , 7F
06/26 12:35, 7F

06/26 12:35, , 8F
KD也想拍The decision ?
06/26 12:35, 8F

06/26 12:36, , 9F
轉隊當然正常 轉到全世界都想看他輸球就不正常
06/26 12:36, 9F

06/26 12:36, , 10F
Guan Ni Pi Shi
06/26 12:36, 10F

06/26 12:36, , 11F
06/26 12:36, 11F

06/26 12:36, , 12F
06/26 12:36, 12F

06/26 12:37, , 13F
06/26 12:37, 13F

06/26 12:39, , 14F
KD+溪河+鬍子+IBKA+臭臉 拿年沒到冠軍 ....
06/26 12:39, 14F

06/26 12:39, , 15F
06/26 12:39, 15F

06/26 12:39, , 16F
這能說 KD自己要在加油
06/26 12:39, 16F

06/26 12:40, , 17F
KD: The delusion
06/26 12:40, 17F

06/26 12:40, , 18F
KD+溪河+鬍子+IBKA+臭臉 當年西區最強大一隻隊伍..
06/26 12:40, 18F

06/26 12:41, , 19F
06/26 12:41, 19F

06/26 12:42, , 20F
06/26 12:42, 20F

06/26 12:43, , 21F
轉隊很正常 但不用到吃像難看
06/26 12:43, 21F

06/26 12:44, , 22F
KD表示 快艇 我來了
06/26 12:44, 22F

06/26 12:46, , 23F
腿迷:喇叭隊友都好爛 別人都最棒了
06/26 12:46, 23F

06/26 12:46, , 24F
serendipity 殘體狗請你滾
06/26 12:46, 24F

06/26 12:46, , 25F
serendipity 殘體狗請你滾
06/26 12:46, 25F

06/26 12:47, , 26F
06/26 12:47, 26F

06/26 12:48, , 27F
可惜本篇推文有殘體字 >"<
06/26 12:48, 27F

06/26 12:48, , 28F
06/26 12:48, 28F

06/26 12:52, , 29F
06/26 12:52, 29F

06/26 12:52, , 30F
06/26 12:52, 30F

06/26 12:55, , 31F
06/26 12:55, 31F

06/26 12:57, , 32F
06/26 12:57, 32F

06/26 12:59, , 33F
跳出的決定和 The Decision節目不同好嗎…
06/26 12:59, 33F

06/26 13:03, , 34F
06/26 13:03, 34F

06/26 13:05, , 35F
06/26 13:05, 35F

06/26 13:20, , 36F
06/26 13:20, 36F

06/26 13:20, , 37F
06/26 13:20, 37F

06/26 13:22, , 38F
06/26 13:22, 38F

06/26 13:22, , 39F
猩猩相惜 情不自禁 三哨大腿抽走 吵離隊換成是你 喝
06/26 13:22, 39F

06/26 13:22, , 40F
KD必跳 小廟留不住大佛 BJ4
06/26 13:22, 40F

06/26 13:24, , 41F
打預防針+1 不過他離開雷霆後還會有哨音保護嗎?
06/26 13:24, 41F

06/26 13:35, , 42F
06/26 13:35, 42F

06/26 13:36, , 43F
06/26 13:36, 43F

06/26 13:49, , 44F
06/26 13:49, 44F

06/26 13:50, , 45F
把內文的LBJ全部套用成KD 可能就是幾年後的...
06/26 13:50, 45F

06/26 13:56, , 46F
06/26 13:56, 46F

06/26 14:05, , 47F
06/26 14:05, 47F

06/26 14:05, , 48F
06/26 14:05, 48F

06/26 14:06, , 49F
KD 你自爆中二和幼稚了
06/26 14:06, 49F

06/26 14:07, , 50F
06/26 14:07, 50F

06/26 14:08, , 51F
06/26 14:08, 51F

06/26 14:13, , 52F
06/26 14:13, 52F

06/26 14:24, , 53F
06/26 14:24, 53F

06/26 14:30, , 54F
KD Suck!
06/26 14:30, 54F

06/26 14:40, , 55F
06/26 14:40, 55F

06/26 14:56, , 56F
06/26 14:56, 56F

06/26 14:57, , 57F
06/26 14:57, 57F

06/26 15:01, , 58F
嗯 西河至少感覺是真性情 KD就越來越二跟矯情了...
06/26 15:01, 58F

06/26 15:13, , 59F
轉隊確實是他的自由 但想躋身歷史排名就得接受公評
06/26 15:13, 59F

06/26 15:50, , 60F
閹迷:球員轉隊本來就很正常 閹迷也要轉隊了XD
06/26 15:50, 60F

06/26 15:54, , 61F
06/26 15:54, 61F

06/26 17:27, , 62F
先為跟你比過球賽的打抱不平吧 黑哨一堆
06/26 17:27, 62F

06/26 18:39, , 63F
大家是對於"The decision"有意見好嗎= =
06/26 18:39, 63F

06/26 19:57, , 64F
06/26 19:57, 64F

06/26 19:57, , 65F
06/26 19:57, 65F

06/26 23:43, , 66F
06/26 23:43, 66F

06/27 09:14, , 67F
06/27 09:14, 67F

02/12 13:28, , 68F
02/12 13:28, 68F

02/12 14:16, , 69F
02/12 14:16, 69F

02/12 14:16, , 70F
02/12 14:16, 70F

02/13 07:25, , 71F
02/13 07:25, 71F
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