[外絮] Gasol當年告訴灰熊老闆:弟弟能比我更出色已回收

看板NBA作者 (隨遇而安)時間11年前 (2013/05/27 22:07), 編輯推噓86(9711176)
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The meeting did not go well. At a hotel restaurant in Memphis in February 2008, Chris Wallace, the general manager of the Grizzlies, was trying to explain to Agusti and Marisa Gasol, the parents of Pau Gasol, why he had just traded their son to the Lakers. 2008年2月,灰熊隊總經理Chris Wallace在一家餐館中試圖向Pau Gasol的父母解釋, 為什麼要交易他們的兒子去湖人。 Despite the obvious professional upgrade for their son, the parents weren’t all that keen on the move. They lived in Memphis. They had had one son in high school, a roly-poly, 3-point shooting leviathan named Marc. They had another one in high school at the time, another big boy, Adria, who would eventually make the UCLA team as a walk-on. After the Gasols made their sentiments known, Wallace patiently explained why he dealt their son to the Lakers. The Grizzlies had to do something. There was little to no interest in the team. They were not winning with Pau. He was their only asset. Again, he had to do something! 在Gasol父母表露自己的態度之後,Wallace耐心說到,球隊必須有所行動,擁有Pau Gasol的球隊贏不了比賽,他是球隊唯一(可以利用)的資產。 He then turned his attention to Marc, whose draft rights had been acquired in the deal and politely said to the Gasols, “Now, let me explain to you why we want to sign your other son.” 然後他開始將注意力轉移到Pau的弟弟Marc身上,“現在,讓我來解釋一下為什麼要 簽下你們的另一個兒子。” A few months later, the Lakers made their first of three straight trips to the NBA Finals, winning back-to-back championships in 2009 and 2010. Three weeks after Pau made his first NBA Finals appearance in 2008, the Grizzlies announced they had signed Marc. 在這筆交易之後,Pau Gasol幫助湖人連續3年殺入總決賽,並連續贏下2009與2010年 總冠軍。而在Pau Gasol首次亮相總決賽三週後,灰熊宣布簽下了Marc。 It had not been an easy sell. Wallace had to fight off the Spanish suitors who wanted to keep Marc in Spain, where he had emerged as an MVP. Michael Heisley, the Grizzlies owner at the time, had to be convinced to shell out more than $3 million per year for the untested kid – the 48th pick in the 2007 draft – and decided to ask his former star for advice. The two had remained close even after the deal. The conversation went something like this. 當時灰熊隊需要擊敗西班牙的競爭者,還要支付這位48順位的球員每年超過300萬年薪。 這不是一個輕鬆的選擇,當時灰熊隊老闆Heisley與Pau Gasol有如下對話。 Heisley: “Is your brother worth the money and commitment?” Heisley:“你的兄弟值得這些錢和承諾?” Pau: “Yes, my brother is improving rapidly. Yes, he can play. And, Mr. Heisley, my brother can be better than me.” Pau:“是的,我弟弟進步很快,他能打球。還有,Heisley先生,我的弟弟能夠變得比 我更出色。” Now, five years later, is it time to finally let Wallace out of the NBA stocks? He was roasted from pillar to post for making the deal, the criticism coming from some big names (Gregg Popovich, Mark Cuban) and not so big ones (most NBA writers, including yours truly.) 這筆交易已經過去了5年,而Marc Gasol幫助球隊歷史上首次殺入了西部決賽。這 5年 間,Wallace因為這筆交易收到了很多批評,包括一些名人(庫班,波波維奇)和一些 不怎麼出名的人(大部分NBA寫手等等)。 Mostly, the criticism was that the deal helped an already strong Lakers’ team but, as Wallace said, “They had the best package. What are we supposed to do, get less for Pau because people don’t like the Lakers?” 而大多數的批評是他的這筆交易幫助湖人更強壯,Wallace 說道,“我們能說啥呢?湖 人那包最讚阿,還是要Pau去別隊,只因為湖人很討厭?” http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1418426.html 原文:http://tinyurl.com/qjgjs4g -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/27 22:08, , 1F
現在可以拋嘎獸換小嘎獸+軟豆腐 我湖小虧
05/27 22:08, 1F

05/27 22:08, , 2F
一來可讓小嘎獸回歸我湖 又可讓嘎獸在灰熊光榮退休
05/27 22:08, 2F

05/27 22:09, , 3F
05/27 22:09, 3F

05/27 22:09, , 4F
05/27 22:09, 4F

05/27 22:09, , 5F
當初喊搶劫的鄉民 如今安在?
05/27 22:09, 5F

05/27 22:10, , 6F
05/27 22:10, 6F

05/27 22:11, , 7F
05/27 22:11, 7F

05/27 22:11, , 8F
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05/27 22:11, , 9F
05/27 22:11, 9F

05/27 22:11, , 10F
我在 所以呢 還是搶劫啊
05/27 22:11, 10F

05/27 22:12, , 11F
05/27 22:12, 11F

05/27 22:12, , 12F
05/27 22:12, 12F

05/27 22:12, , 13F
05/27 22:12, 13F

05/27 22:12, , 14F
灰熊要培養兩個人 雙贏?
05/27 22:12, 14F

05/27 22:12, , 15F
05/27 22:12, 15F

05/27 22:13, , 16F
POP:你沒事丟嘎受過去湖人幹嘛! 害我少了兩冠
05/27 22:13, 16F

05/27 22:13, , 17F
05/27 22:13, 17F

05/27 22:13, , 18F
05/27 22:13, 18F

05/27 22:13, , 19F
我湖農場 孟斐斯
05/27 22:13, 19F

05/27 22:14, , 20F
05/27 22:14, 20F

05/27 22:14, , 21F
以投資觀點 這麼晚才回收的確是搶劫
05/27 22:14, 21F

05/27 22:14, , 22F
啥鬼話 哥哥強太多
05/27 22:14, 22F

05/27 22:15, , 23F
沒眼光的就只看的到潛力 有眼光的看到的就不一樣囉
05/27 22:15, 23F

05/27 22:15, , 24F
05/27 22:15, 24F

05/27 22:15, , 25F
只是運氣好的結果論 灰熊賭的不能算小
05/27 22:15, 25F

05/27 22:15, , 26F
05/27 22:15, 26F

05/27 22:15, , 27F
反正要被清了 主力也老化
05/27 22:15, 27F

05/27 22:16, , 28F
05/27 22:16, 28F

05/27 22:16, , 29F
05/27 22:16, 29F

05/27 22:17, , 30F
05/27 22:17, 30F

05/27 22:17, , 31F
灰熊花一堆時間養兩個人 湖人直接撿來馬上拿兩冠
05/27 22:17, 31F

05/27 22:17, , 32F
05/27 22:17, 32F

05/27 22:18, , 33F
05/27 22:18, 33F

05/27 22:18, , 34F
05/27 22:18, 34F

05/27 22:18, , 35F
灰熊花一堆時間養兩個人 湖人直接撿來馬上2冠
05/27 22:18, 35F

05/27 22:18, , 36F
本來就是搶劫阿 養了不知道幾年才打出來 叫很好?
05/27 22:18, 36F

05/27 22:18, , 37F
2冠換5年西區決賽 這樣賺???? 搶劫好嗎
05/27 22:18, 37F

05/27 22:19, , 38F
05/27 22:19, 38F

05/27 22:19, , 39F
05/27 22:19, 39F
還有 205 則推文
還有 2 段內文
05/28 01:21, , 245F
當然是搶劫阿2冠是空氣嗎 灰熊重建了那麼久
05/28 01:21, 245F

05/28 01:25, , 246F
小加索那年度防守 還是差哥哥一級阿 沒有懸念的問題
05/28 01:25, 246F

05/28 01:30, , 247F
05/28 01:30, 247F

05/28 01:31, , 248F
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05/28 01:33, , 249F
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05/28 01:33, , 250F
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05/28 01:45, , 251F
05/28 01:45, 251F

05/28 02:38, , 252F
就算雙贏好了 大概是賺10塊 湖人賺100萬的程度
05/28 02:38, 252F

05/28 02:39, , 253F
05/28 02:39, 253F

05/28 03:27, , 254F
還有人在推重建久 XD 那那些簽狀元的怎麼辦阿
05/28 03:27, 254F

05/28 03:43, , 255F
05/28 03:43, 255F

05/28 03:43, , 256F
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05/28 03:43, , 257F
05/28 03:43, 257F

05/28 04:04, , 258F
退一萬步來講 就算是灰熊賺10塊 湖人賺100萬好了
05/28 04:04, 258F

05/28 04:05, , 259F
05/28 04:05, 259F

05/28 04:06, , 260F
05/28 04:06, 260F

05/28 04:06, , 261F
我還是覺得哥哥強 而哥哥去了湖人拿兩冠了 弟還早
05/28 04:06, 261F

05/28 04:08, , 262F
05/28 04:08, 262F

05/28 04:08, , 263F
裹來換P.Gasol 然後責怪湖人搶走了?
05/28 04:08, 263F

05/28 07:07, , 264F
一個已經養好的 換一個還不知道養成怎樣的
05/28 07:07, 264F

05/28 07:07, , 265F
05/28 07:07, 265F

05/28 07:08, , 266F
你要不要拿一個天堂LV60的帳號 換一個LV20的帳號
05/28 07:08, 266F

05/28 07:18, , 267F
05/28 07:18, 267F

05/28 07:18, , 268F
Marc Gasol生涯的PER沒有超過20 Pau 連續十季
05/28 07:18, 268F

05/28 07:21, , 269F
即使Marc有比較好的防守 看不出Marc能超越Pau
05/28 07:21, 269F

05/28 07:47, , 270F
05/28 07:47, 270F

05/28 07:48, , 271F
05/28 07:48, 271F

05/28 07:52, , 272F
05/28 07:52, 272F

05/28 07:53, , 273F
05/28 07:53, 273F

05/28 08:32, , 274F
05/28 08:32, 274F

05/28 09:05, , 275F
拿天堂來比 超幽默
05/28 09:05, 275F

05/28 09:18, , 276F
05/28 09:18, 276F

05/28 10:28, , 277F
05/28 10:28, 277F

05/28 10:28, , 278F
05/28 10:28, 278F

05/28 11:15, , 279F
2冠是因為還有Kobe酸酸無視喔 當時的灰熊沒人跟Pau配
05/28 11:15, 279F

05/28 11:16, , 280F
05/28 11:16, 280F

05/28 11:18, , 281F
05/28 11:18, 281F

05/28 12:24, , 282F
一樓你是有困難喔 每天你湖小虧 虧殺小?
05/28 12:24, 282F

05/28 12:48, , 283F
05/28 12:48, 283F

05/30 19:15, , 284F
湖迷還沒醒? 還在雙贏
05/30 19:15, 284F
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