Re: [外電] Open Letter to Riles

看板MiamiHeat作者 (橘子)時間14年前 (2009/08/07 10:24), 編輯推噓25(25035)
留言60則, 12人參與, 最新討論串5/8 (看更多)
看大家討論的這麼有興致 我也來發表一下我的看法好了 Riley為人樂道的地方是他的調度非常的好 也可以讓功能性的球員發揮最大功用 但是他的建軍哲學 一直讓我非常的疑惑 他不愛用新秀 所以他無時無刻都想著要去搶別人培養出來的球員 他不愛開大約 所以他常常吃閉門羹 他一直懷疑著潛力這件事 所以在選秀中常常失去了許多很好的球員 之前有一篇外電 就有討論過這件事 就莫在提 Wade的閃電式切入 目前來說還是NBA一絕 而且多元化的進攻模式 讓對手很頭痛 可是他都打了那麼多年 常常看到 他一被激怒 打法就整個亂掉了 而且最重要的 他是個需要持球才能發揮最大實力的球員 這一點或許可以有所討論 因為他傳球也傳的不錯 但很多時候他都是到禁區被守死才傳 他一直說 他需要個有力一點的後衛 能夠控制全場 讓他可以打輕鬆一點 但很多時候 一過半場 球又回到了他手上 所以 教練們或許可以仔細想想 半場進攻真的是適合Wade的打法嗎????? 2號位置真的是他最適合的位置嗎 ????? 這些都是值得被討論的問題 所以我才偶爾會提出 或許Wade該偶爾休息個一場 讓其他球員打個戰術培養點信心吧 不是永遠都是3號戰術 我理想中的球隊是暨有衝擊冠軍盃的實力 但也同時在培養著新秀 這才是一隻真正的球隊 不然永遠都是在重建 我們現在的狀況就是這樣 這篇文章的作者寫的非常好 很合乎一個老熱火迷心中的想法 10年的大魚大家都想要搶 但是我們的情況更特殊 因為隊中已經有了一個大魚 而且還有一個未來變成大魚的潛力球員 尼克現在積極清合約 就是想要迎接LBJ的到來 這很合乎常理 因為到時可以再為他量身打造整隻球隊 但是我們並不行 現在已經有個很明確的核心在那裡了 他的下一份約 我估計也會將近2000萬 Wade現在不簽的原因還有一個 那就是他要等LBJ續約 然後他要個一樣的價 (謎之聲 同梯的感情都這麼好嗎) Riley對於選擇後衛補強的看法 我其實蠻認同的 那就是不可以擋到高樹的發展 但高樹的問題就是得分能力不夠穩 所以我們在一號位置上需要的是一個能夠幫助Wade搶分的球員 其實AI非常適合這個位置 但他想要的是先發 以下是今天的最新消息 According to a source close to Iverson (pictured left) on Thursday, Riley reached out to the 10-time NBA All-Star recently to let him know that the Heat "has continued interest in (Iverson's) services" and also that Miami "could be a great opportunity for us." Riley有持續的在運作補強這件事上 之前突然停頓了下來 我想是因為Odom這條差點撈到的魚 由於我們能出的價只有MLE 所以他只好把所有動作停止全心全意的遊說他 只可惜 Mo Will事件又重演了 沒薪資空間的我們 被當成喊價工具來使用 補強要補 但是錢要花在刀口上 這一直是Riley堅定不移的信念 因為這個信念 讓我們失去了很多補強的機會 但也因為這個信念 讓我們能一口氣擺脫薪資包袱在市場上搶人 像是B.Grant 差點拿到的E.Brand 最後得到的L.Odom 藍撒旦說的其實很簡單 那就是為什麼連一個最明顯的禁區戰力缺口都不去補 我覺得我們的陣容還算不錯了 MB就算最後在3號位置上真的無法發揮出來 我們也還有個JJ可以遞補上這個位置 還有個一直被我叫做潛力股的Wright(哀) 但是禁區就不是這樣了 小歐+大貓 這兩個昔日的明星中鋒 有的時候並不能完全補滿48分鐘的時間 而剩下的Joel 他的身高不夠 犯規麻煩更是問題 禁區目前只有小歐 大貓 Joel 牙套男 還有個新秀 (MB先不看) 其實戰力真的有點吃緊 一定要在找個禁區的壯漢來 Wilcox Gooden 這二個都沒有搶到有點可惜 不然他們是可以為我們的禁區有著實質的幫助(這也是藍撒旦最氣憤的地方) 但或許簽不下來的原因 是因為Riley在等待Odom的可能性 又或者是因為合約長度的內容 熱火一直被認為是乳摸的絕緣體 因為Riley在想些什麼我們完全不得而知 目前他只有提過長遠計劃這個詞 但他的計劃中到底有誰??? 如果今年球季真的能夠熬過去 明年一定會是個豐收的一年 不只是10年大魚的問題而已 更可怕的是11年的勞資會議 還有美國經濟的持續不景氣 可能會有很多10年是PO的球員 提早跳進市場換約 到時會有更多的選擇 不過就算明年可以挑球員 我也不想要Bosh 雖然沒有很follow他 若能用700萬左右的價把小歐留下來 再簽個替補的C 我們的禁區至少也不算差了 PF這點則是比較麻煩 以熱火老球迷來說 牙套男絕對不能放 但是他的貧攻卻也是個問題 有的時候 熱火需要的是進攻而不是防守 至於後場的三個位置 高樹 WADE MB 如果沒意外 應該會搭配很久很久 廚房...哀 希望今年他能努力練習持球進攻的動作 一個有勁爆體能的球員 居然不會切入過人爆扣 哀 一點小小小的看法 別鞭我 (羞) ※ 引述《BlueSatan (...￾  )》之銘言: : 這篇文章寫得真是好,一語道破所有熱火迷+偉哥迷的心聲(Riley迷例外) : 還請高手來各清楚翻譯,火迷們就知道他寫的有多好。 : 從幾個方向來看Riley為自己辯駁今夏沒動作的回覆。 : 一是從Riley的10年大計來看,從薪資角度來說明就算簽了Bosh, : 熱火到了2011年起一堆小朋友要換約,到時候拿什麼去換?空氣? : 就算換到Bosh,也不一定代表空蕩蕩的熱火主場會高朋滿座, : 以精明生意人著稱的老闆,會忍受這樣不幅成本的投資? : 更何況挖了Bosh+Wade組合,把所有薪資空間用光, : 用兩個明星加一堆雜魚就能奪冠嗎? : 二是從Wade續約談起,叫Riley有自信點,如果給Wade一些有幫助的隊友, : 以Wade的個性他一定會誓死效忠熱火,就像今夏騎士跟暴龍所做的一樣 : 三是從熱火球迷角度來看,如果今年熱火不順利,明年Wade一定會走人, : Riley在熱火時期不管有多少豐功偉業,最被球迷稱讚的還是在03年帶來 : 熱火這隻年輕球隊到目前為止最代表的人物D.Wade : 如果Riley讓Wade走掉,會讓很多很死忠的熱火迷感到憤怒, : 畢竟這樣一隻年輕的球隊難得有一個隊史上最耀眼最具有代表性的巨星 : (超過晨星跟timmy,畢竟Wade是熱火自己選自己養的superstar) : Riley要是留不住Wade,那球迷以後只會記得Riley就是那個讓Wade走人的笨蛋GM : 四是如果Wade走人,等2010年合約也到期的Riley會不會一起走?那熱火迷剩下什麼? : 理由是從2001年Zo含淚退休Riley宣布重建開始,熱火花了五年才重回奪冠球隊行列 : 以Riley現在的年紀,他還願意再花五年去讓熱火重建? : 他還有耐心跟時間來等待讓熱火重建?會不會再重演一次從尼克跳槽事件? : 上面是我自己看完這篇文章的心得與感想(好像讀書報告唷) : 總之,我覺得這作者寫得深得我心呀,大概只有Riley迷才會有點不爽想要辯駁, : 但看到我的第四點,Riley迷悶心自問一下,如果Wade走後連Riley都會跑, : 那有啥好幫Riley辯護的? : ※ 引述《zenwu (橘子)》之銘言: : : Dear Pat Riley, : : I read about your latest comments on the outlook of your team earlier today. : : You essentially said that there won't be any major moves in the future, and : : that the only acquisitions that will be made before the start of training camp : : will be small one-year deals. You said that you don't see yourself using the : : mid-level exception. Additionally, you said that there have been no discussions : : regarding a trade for Carlos Boozer. You said that the ultimate plan remains to : : see internal growth from the team this season and then make a splash in free : : agency next summer. : : Fine, maybe you've learned your lesson from the 2007 off-season, when you : : attempted to salvage the summer with the trade that brought Ricky Davis and : : Mark Blount to Miami in exchange for Antoine Walker, Wayne Simien, Michael : : Doleac and a 2009 first-round pick. A trip to the bottom of the standings : : followed that trade, of course. And the trade still has its residue, with : : Blount scheduled to make $8 million this season and Miami lacking a first-round : : pick this summer. : : While that trade was a monumental miscalculation, would the Heat really be much : : better without it? Is it merely a coincidence that Walker, Simien and Doleac : : are not in the NBA anymore? How much better would Miami have been with Walker : : in place of Davis and Simien and Doleac in place of Blount? : : It's understandable that you don't want to make changes just for the sake of : : making changes, as you did in 2007. The painful truth is that what's already : : here is inadequate, though. It's inadequate for Dwyane Wade and it's inadequate : : for me, as a fan who doesn't want to see Wade carry the team on his shoulders : : to lead the Heat to a mediocre record. : : You are totally misled on the way you are approaching this off-season. You : : should be operating with confidence that Wade will re-sign next summer. Why? : : Because if you position your team to win a championship, your franchise player : : will stay in Miami. He publicly committed to that. Look at what Danny Ferry is : : doing for LeBron James in Cleveland. He's positioning his team to win a : : championship so that it can retain James. Even Bryan Colangelo got Chris Bosh : : someone who averaged 17 points, five rebounds and five assists last season in : : Hedo Turkoglu. There's little doubt that Michael Beasley could offer similar : : production when given the minutes, but Colangelo's counting on the contribution : : of veterans like Turkogu and Jose Calderon to help Bosh, not on inexperienced : : players like Beasley, Mario Chalmers and Daequan Cook. Hell, even Andrea : : Bargnani averaged 15 points for the Raptors last season. Does Wade have that : : type of offensive support? : : Everyone knows what your master plan is: to sign Bosh next summer. There is a : : big problem with this plan: it is very risky. Let's assume that Bosh will : : bypass returning to Toronto or signing with any other team -- both of which are : : completely plausible situations. So Miami locks up Wade and Bosh for the : : duration of their primes. If they both make roughly $20 million, that's about : : four-fifths of the possible $51 million salary cap next season. If the Heat : : decides to keep James Jones, Michael Beasley, Daequan Cook and Mario Chalmers : : -- all who have team options for the 2010-11 season -- that would put Miami at : : the cap with just six players under contract. Heat owner Micky Arison has said : : that he'll go into the luxury tax if it is for a contending team, but how deep : : into the tax is he willing to go? Miami won't be positioning itself to be a big : : spender in summer 2010 if it doesn't get big revenues during the upcoming : : season. And I'm betting that, like last season, there will always be a sizable : : number of empty seats at AmericanAirlines Arena. : : Make no mistake, if the Heat doesn't get someone who can average at least 20 : : points a game next summer, Wade will leave. Say what you want about how much : : money the Heat has to spend in 2010 whether Wade stays or goes. Quite frankly, : : it will be devastating for the team and the city of Miami to see No. 3 go. : : Players like Flash don't come around every Draft, and anointing Beasley as the : : franchise player would require quite a leap of faith. : : I'd also like to address something that isn't brought up a lot. Your contract : : with the Heat ends in 2010. Do you really have it in you to go through another : : rebuilding project from scratch? During your tenure in Miami, the rebuilding : : project started with Alonzo Mourning's announcement that he had a rare kidney : : disease prior to the 2000-01 season. It ended with the championship in June : : 2006. At your age, do you have it in yourself to go through five years of : : hardships before winning it all? My guess is no. My guess is that if Wade : : decides to leave Miami, you will too. : : You're going to have to start thinking about the legacy you leave to the Heat. : : You made the team relevant with the trades for Alonzo Mourning and Tim Hardaway : : . You shrewdly drafted Wade in 2003 when the pundits speculated that you would : : draft Chris Kaman to fill in Mourning's void. You traded for Shaquille O'Neal : : to bring the Heat from a playoff contender to a championship contender. And the : : following season, you acquired Walker, Jason Williams and James Posey to move : : Miami from a championship contender to a championship team. : : But if you don't get Wade the help he deserves, he will leave. Do you really : : want to be known as the person who drove away the Heat's unequivocal best : : player in franchise history? If that's the case, that will be your legacy to : : Miami. Forget about 'Zo and Tim. Drafting Wade will be washed from the memories : : of Heat fans. Bringing in Shaq, Walker, Williams and Posey won't matter. All : : that'll matter is that you let the one great player in franchise history slip : : from Miami's collective fingers. : : That's why I am pleading to you as a die-hard Heat fan to get the man some : : help. Now. : : ============================================================================== : : 這篇文章是當地一位熱火的專欄作家寫的... : : 他說出了大部份球迷的心聲 哈哈 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/07 10:29, , 1F
08/07 10:29, 1F

08/07 10:45, , 2F
有點失去668文的水準 不過還是給推
08/07 10:45, 2F

08/07 10:48, , 3F
08/07 10:48, 3F

08/07 10:50, , 4F
我最愛的紅襪被尻爆了 還是淚推一下
08/07 10:50, 4F

08/07 10:58, , 5F
08/07 10:58, 5F

08/07 10:59, , 6F
文章一開頭就寫說 熱火迷 wade迷 Riley迷之類的標籤 就沒甚麼
08/07 10:59, 6F

08/07 11:00, , 7F
wade放一號 就要一個能控球的SG防守又好 有誰阿?
08/07 11:00, 7F

08/07 11:00, , 8F
08/07 11:00, 8F

08/07 11:01, , 9F
BoSox 今天真的很慘..連勝沒了..
08/07 11:01, 9F
※ 編輯: zenwu 來自: (08/07 11:03)

08/07 11:03, , 10F
哈 說的也是 就拿掉囉
08/07 11:03, 10F

08/07 11:04, , 11F
不過意見不同 就是大家討論阿 但不可以有火氣
08/07 11:04, 11F

08/07 11:04, , 12F
我們可是清新 健康 西斯版
08/07 11:04, 12F

08/07 11:07, , 13F
08/07 11:07, 13F

08/07 12:36, , 14F
AI如果不要求先發 就好了>"<
08/07 12:36, 14F

08/07 12:37, , 15F
08/07 12:37, 15F

08/07 12:42, , 16F
08/07 12:42, 16F

08/07 12:48, , 17F
他有twitter嗎 去留言 沙灘 比基尼 夜店 無價阿QQ
08/07 12:48, 17F

08/07 12:49, , 18F
Wade算是少數油頭 選出來養成的嗎 不過好像不太需要養XXD
08/07 12:49, 18F

08/07 12:50, , 19F
Riley 在高順位的選秀其實一直都不差..當然可能這些人本來就
08/07 12:50, 19F

08/07 12:51, , 20F
不易養壞掉.. 但後段的就不怎麼樣了.. Riles 比較強的是撿人
08/07 12:51, 20F

08/07 12:51, , 21F
家不要的垃圾.. 及資源回收再生...
08/07 12:51, 21F

08/07 12:53, , 22F
08/07 12:53, 22F

08/07 12:53, , 23F
資源回收再生 幾乎是我對熱火的印象了 XD
08/07 12:53, 23F

08/07 12:54, , 24F
Cook 要加油阿QQ 三分穩定些就好了
08/07 12:54, 24F

08/07 12:56, , 25F
08/07 12:56, 25F

08/07 13:07, , 26F
Starks, Mason, Lenard 都是沒人要的..被 Riles 撿來用
08/07 13:07, 26F

08/07 13:08, , 27F
再生工廠比較有名的是 Tim Hardaway, Dan Majerly...
08/07 13:08, 27F

08/07 13:09, , 28F
PJ Brown 本來是 Nets 的板凳 也是被 Riley 找來打出名號的
08/07 13:09, 28F

08/07 13:10, , 29F
還有所謂沒人要的指的是選秀沒被選上的.. Bowen, Spoon 比較
08/07 13:10, 29F

08/07 13:11, , 30F
08/07 13:11, 30F

08/07 13:11, , 31F
Bowen應該沒被選上吧? Spoon我確定有被選
08/07 13:11, 31F

08/07 13:19, , 32F
I see. 你是對的 我剛去查還真的沒被選上..那把他加進去..
08/07 13:19, 32F

08/07 13:22, , 33F
本來我想加上 Issac Auston..但他離開去魔術後就廢了.......
08/07 13:22, 33F

08/07 13:29, , 34F
08/07 13:29, 34F

08/07 13:30, , 35F
08/07 13:30, 35F

08/07 13:31, , 36F
08/07 13:31, 36F

08/07 13:31, , 37F
yws, Issac Austin..他後來去新疆打球了...
08/07 13:31, 37F

08/07 13:31, , 38F
08/07 13:31, 38F

08/07 13:33, , 39F
08/07 13:33, 39F

08/07 13:33, , 40F
08/07 13:33, 40F

08/07 13:34, , 41F
我還記得那時在台灣熬夜晚上四點等 trading due, 然後換來
08/07 13:34, 41F

08/07 13:35, , 42F
barry 完全一點幫助都沒有...
08/07 13:35, 42F

08/07 13:36, , 43F
08/07 13:36, 43F

08/07 13:39, , 44F
就算Riley新秀養成不是強項 但也幫熱火拿隊史第一個冠軍
08/07 13:39, 44F

08/07 13:51, , 45F
因為他們在說的是回收再利用的XD Wade是不用養就不錯得XD
08/07 13:51, 45F

08/07 13:58, , 46F
但當初選 wade 的確跌破專家眼鏡 Heat SG 有 EJ, wade 又太矮
08/07 13:58, 46F

08/07 14:00, , 47F
有那時資料嗎 或許他選來要交易QQ
08/07 14:00, 47F

08/07 14:00, , 48F
Riles 說如果 Heat 是第四順位 他就會選 Bosh ..haha
08/07 14:00, 48F

08/07 14:01, , 49F
第一年讓 wade 打 PG.. 第二年移到 SG 才整個大爆發
08/07 14:01, 49F

08/07 14:58, , 50F
08/07 14:58, 50F

08/07 14:58, , 51F
08/07 14:58, 51F

08/07 14:59, , 52F
08/07 14:59, 52F

08/07 15:01, , 53F
lmers Rookie year還不錯,但目前為止進攻天份還看不出來,
08/07 15:01, 53F

08/07 15:02, , 54F
08/07 15:02, 54F

08/07 15:04, , 55F
08/07 15:04, 55F

08/07 15:06, , 56F
導球導到最後球還是給Wade,這時Shot clock只剩不到十秒,然
08/07 15:06, 56F

08/07 15:07, , 57F
08/07 15:07, 57F

08/07 15:23, , 58F
08/07 15:23, 58F

08/07 15:34, , 59F
08/07 15:34, 59F

08/07 15:52, , 60F
油頭是中鋒控=.= 禁區阿>"<
08/07 15:52, 60F
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