Re: [情報] 潛龍碟影4 要推出獎盃更新檔了

看板MetalGear作者 (魯凱)時間12年前 (2012/08/05 23:03), 編輯推噓13(1306)
留言19則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
獎盃詳細條件,資料來源IGN IGN的資料中有部分錯誤且不完全,後來參照a83a83cjcj提供的網站 後已更新完畢,在此特別感謝。總計19個銅獎盃、9個銀獎盃、5個金獎盃、1個白金獎盃 銅獎盃 Bronze Trophies: Liquid Sun - Cleared Act 1 (Middle East). 完成第一章 Solid Sun - Cleared Act 2 (South America). 完成第二章 Third Sun - Cleared Act 3 (Eastern Europe). 完成第三章 Twin Suns - Cleared Act 4 (Shadow Moses). 完成第四章 Old Sun - Cleared Act 5 (Outer Haven). 完成第五章 Laughing Octopus Doll - Defeated Laughing Octopus by non-lethal means, and obtained the Laughing Octopus Doll. 已非殺傷方式打敗狂笑章魚(我猜應該是正妹模式下),並取得狂笑章魚玩偶 ※請參考下一篇回文 Frog Soldier Doll - Escaped the Haven Troopers in the Middle East by non-lethal means, and obtained the Frog Soldier Doll. 在第一章協同RAT Patrol 01的撤退中以非殺傷方式完成,並取得青蛙兵玩偶 Raging Raven Doll - Defeated Raging Raven by non-lethal means, and obtained the Raging Raven Doll. 已非殺傷方式擊敗狂怒渡鴉,並取得其玩偶 Crying Wolf Doll - Defeated Crying Wolf by non-lethal means, and obtained the Crying Wolf Doll. 已非殺傷方式擊敗哭狼,並取得其玩偶 Screaming Mantis Doll - Defeated Screaming Mantis by non-lethal means, and obtained the Screaming Mantis Doll. 已非殺傷方式擊敗狂嘯螳螂,並取得其玩偶 Handle with Caution - Broke off the most important part of a statue. 破壞大衛像(應該只有這個吧)最重要的部分 Drum Can Addict - Knocked an enemy soldier flying using a Drum Can. 用鐵桶把一名士兵撞飛 Emotion Control - Controlled an enemy soldier’s emotions using an Emotive Magazine. 用BB頭目寫真雜誌控制一名敵人 Hand Up! - Held an enemy soldier at gunpoint and performed a body check. 用槍恫嚇一名敵人,並進行大衛像檢查 Hurt Me More! - Shocked an enemy soldier using the Mk. II/III. 用MkII或MkIII使出十萬伏特電暈一名敵人 Overhead View, Just Like Old Times… - Used overhead view on Shadow Moses Island. 在Shadow Moses使用俯視視角 That Tune Is His Mind Control Music - Played Oishii Two-han Seikatsu and made one of the BB Corps dance. 播放Oishii Two-han Seikatsu並讓一名BB跳舞 You Enjoy All The Killing, That’s Why - Killed many enemies in one area, and vomited. 殺人殺到吐 LIQUID! - Piloted Metal Gear REX and screamed at your enemy. 駕駛Metal Gear REX的時候讓REX向敵人怒吼 銀獎盃 Silver Trophies: Divine Wind - Caused a “divine wind” using the Tanegashima. 用 Tanegashima 達成一次阿姆斯特朗旋風噴射阿姆斯特朗砲 Are You an Otaku, too? - Viewed all model posters. 看過全部的海報 Can You Feel My Power Now!!!? - Took control of an enemy soldier’s body using the Mantis Doll or Sorrow Doll. 使用巫毒娃娃控制一名敵人 FaceCamo Addict - Obtained 10 or more types of FaceCamo (excluding types obtained via password). 擁有超過10種 FaceCamo (需要密碼的不算) Ghost Photography Addict - Snapped at least 5 shots of ghosts on Shadow Moses Island. 在 Shadow Moses 拍到至少5張靈異照片 I Just Don’t Fear Death - Ended ALERT status while wearing the Corpse Camo. 穿著屍體 Camo 的時候消除警戒 SUNLIGHT! - Obtained the Solar Gun. 獲得太陽槍 Crop Circle - Found a crop circle and heard a mysterious voice. 在第二章找到麥田圈並聽到謎之音 You’re Pretty Good - Got kissed by Ocelot during the final battle. 老頭子決戰中被左輪山貓非禮 金獎盃 Gold Trophies: Flashback Mania - Viewed all flashbacks. 看過全部的回憶片段 I am THE Expert on Weapons, Equipment and Cutting-Edge Technology - Obtained all weapons (excluding weapons obtained via password). 取得全部的武器(需要密碼的不計) Sounds of the Battlefield - Obtained all iPod tracks (excluding tracks obtained via password). 取得全部iPod歌曲 Stealth Camouflage - Obtained the Stealth Camouflage. 取得隱形迷彩 Infinite ammo - Obtained the Bandana. 取得無限頭巾 白金獎盃 Platinum Trophy: The Legendary Hero - Obtained all trophies. 獲得全部獎盃 完成一次Big Boss稱號後順便撿完玩偶的話大概就完成大約一半以上的獎盃了,但是全 iPod歌曲....要達到最後一列的稱號根本要人命啊..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/05 23:15, , 1F
08/05 23:15, 1F

08/06 00:03, , 2F
Scanning Plug不是掃描手榴彈,是針筒
08/06 00:03, 2F
感謝指正 但是結果根本沒那個獎盃.....

08/06 00:05, , 3F
08/06 00:05, 3F

08/06 00:25, , 4F
全部iPod歌曲<<Snake Eater→需40種稱號都有...
08/06 00:25, 4F

08/06 05:20, , 5F
全列表 數量和之前公佈一樣~34枚
08/06 05:20, 5F

08/06 10:02, , 6F
科科 我頂!
08/06 10:02, 6F

08/06 13:46, , 7F
08/06 13:46, 7F

08/06 13:47, , 8F
取得全武器=>Patriot要有Big Boss稱號
08/06 13:47, 8F

08/06 13:47, , 9F
08/06 13:47, 9F

08/06 19:15, , 10F
請從New game開始,節哀
08/06 19:15, 10F

08/07 14:41, , 11F
Σ(  ̄□ ̄;)
08/07 14:41, 11F

08/07 15:15, , 12F
08/07 15:15, 12F

08/07 15:15, , 13F
\( ̄▽ ̄)﹏﹏
08/07 15:15, 13F

08/07 21:51, , 14F
08/07 21:51, 14F

08/07 21:52, , 15F
08/07 21:52, 15F

08/07 21:52, , 16F
08/07 21:52, 16F

08/08 14:15, , 17F
08/08 14:15, 17F

08/08 14:17, , 18F
08/08 14:17, 18F

08/08 15:23, , 19F
小宇跟a83 ^-^?
08/08 15:23, 19F
※ 編輯: jerryklu 來自: (08/25 06:48)
文章代碼(AID): #1G7ejHoP (MetalGear)
文章代碼(AID): #1G7ejHoP (MetalGear)