[外電] Lakers-Mavericks Preview

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間13年前 (2011/05/06 20:32), 編輯推噓25(2502)
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Lakers-Mavericks Preview One big man is struggling, the other is spouting off about "trust issues." Their enforcer got carried away at the end of the last game and is suspended from the next one. 一個長人陷入低潮,一個長人認為球員之間的信任出了問題,他們的主力 之一在上一場結束前被趕出場,明天將面臨禁賽的處分。 Their mental edge is gone, and so is their home-court advantage. They've even lost the approval of one of their greatest icons. 他們的心理優勢已經沒了,主場優勢也沒了,他們甚至喪失了隊上最具 代表性的人物(應該是指禪師)的認同。 Asked how to get them to snap out of it, their Zen master coach suggested "flogging them." Then he laughed. Hey, Phil Jackson's retiring in a few days or weeks, so he might as well crack wise. 被問到該如何讓球隊振作起來,禪師開玩笑的說:"鞭打一下他們吧。" 嘿,Phil Jackson可能在幾天或是幾週後就要退休了,所以他也藉此 諷刺一下。 Such melodrama is vintage Hollywood, but usually for the make-believe folks. Or the Clippers. Certainly not the realm of Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers. 肥皂劇是好萊塢的傳統,但大部分都是夢想成真的故事。或者是快艇。 但絕對不是在說Kobe Bryant和洛杉磯湖人。 (這段翻不太出原本的意思,不過蠻酸的) Yet early in their second-round series against the Dallas Mavericks, Bryant and the Lakers are in deep trouble, and they know it. Los Angeles is down 0-2 going into Game 3 on Friday night. While three teams in NBA history have won a seven-game series after losing the first two at home, no team has rallied from an 0-3 deficit. That makes the next game pivotal in the Lakers' quest for a third straight championship. 西區第二輪系列賽才開打不久,他們就已經0-2落後給達拉斯小牛。 Kobe和湖人陷入了大麻煩,他們也知道。湖人在0-2的落後下要來打 明天的第三戰。只有三支球隊在NBA史上在七戰四勝制的系列賽中先 在主場輸了兩場之後逆轉晉級,但是沒有球隊在0-3落後之後反撲成 功的。這讓明天的比賽成為湖人尋求三連霸的關鍵一戰。 "Desperate, that's a strong word," Bryant said. "I think when you play desperate you don't play your best basketball. What we need to do is relax, focus on what we're doing wrong and the mistakes that we're making. We have plenty to review and lock in on." Their problems start on defense. Kobe說:"絕望是一個很嚴重的詞,我認為打的絕望的時候打不出 最好的水準。我們要做的就是放輕鬆,注意你犯下的錯誤,我們有 很多地方可以來檢視並且改善。"他們的問題從防守開始。 Dirk Nowitzki is having his way with the Lakers no matter whether they try covering him with someone big or small. That happens with all teams. The surprise is that Los Angeles is struggling with everyone else, all the way down to speedy little backup point guard J.J. Barea. Dirk Nowitzki在面對湖人不論高還是矮的防守者時如魚得水,這 對每一個球隊皆然。讓人意外的是湖人把其他人都守的好好的,卻 殺出一個速度極快的替補小後衛J.J. Barea。 Barea scooted all over the court in Game 2 on Wednesday night until the final minute, when Ron Artest swung his forearm and whacked Barea in the face. Artest was thrown out and the league told him Thursday that he can't play in Game 3. 這輛波多黎各小跑車第二戰在場上到處飛奔,直到最後一分鐘, Ron Artest的前臂直接揮到Barea的臉上。Artest馬上被趕出場, 聯盟也告知他明天的比賽他不用打了。 If the Lakers' invincibility wasn't already gone, that cheap shot made it clear how frustrated this team is. 湖人的無敵狀態可能還沒完全消失,但是那卑鄙的一揮讓大家知道 這支球隊是多麼的灰心。 Just look at the inside tandem of Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum. Gasol is playing so poorly on both ends of the court that he was booed in the second half of Game 2, at least until many fans left early or lost interest. After the game, Bynum spiced things up by saying "all 13 of our guys have trust issues right now," further describing those problems as "deeply rooted." 就看看湖人內線的雙人組合Pau Gasol與Andrew Bynum吧。Gasol在 攻守兩端打的太糟,以至於他在第二戰的下半場受到噓聲伺候,不 過很多球迷已經看不下去或是提早離場了。賽後,Bynum說全隊的13 的人彼此都不信任讓話題變的更熱烈,還說這個問題已經根深蒂固 了。 Lakers great Magic Johnson is disgusted. On Wednesday night, he tweeted, "It's going to be a tough climb to come back and I think their chances are slim." On Thursday, he tweeted that Bynum should've kept his mouth shut. 湖人的傳奇球星Magic Johnson感到很噁心,昨天他在twitter上表示 "要從這樣的劣勢翻盤相當艱辛,我覺得機會渺茫。"他今天更留言說 Bynum應該閉上他的嘴巴。 All told, the Lakers look tired, mentally and physically. Maybe it's the toll of reaching the finals each of the last three years. 大家都說湖人看起來很累,不管是心靈上還是身體上。也許這跟他們 連續三年打進總冠軍戰有關。 This is nothing new, either. They've had several stretches this season when they've looked vulnerable, only to revert to their title-worthy form. Just last round, they lost the opener to the Hornets and were tied 2-2 in the series before Bryant pulled them through. What seemed like a jump-start to another title run is now looking like it might've been a last gasp. 這也不是什麼新聞,這季他們也有很多次看起來很脆弱,回不去他們 拿到冠軍的實力了。就在上一輪,湖人在開幕戰就在主場輸給黃蜂, 打完前四場兩隊打成2-2,之後才由Kobe帶領而突圍。看起來他們士氣 大振並且重新開始追逐冠軍,但這一切現在看起來都只是迴光返照。 "We don't like being in this position," point guard Derek Fisher said. "It's not familiar, you know? But we are where we are, so we have to make sure we stay together as a group and figure this thing out. We're trying to make history here, and that's not easy. We have to be willing to be accountable, all of us." 湖人後衛Derek Fisher說:"我們不喜歡處在這種劣勢,我不太習慣。 但我們已經走到這一步了,所以我們必須保證大家要團結起來並且找 出癥結所在。我們希望能創下歷史,而這並不容易,我們必須擔起責 任,每一個人都是。" The Lakers can't be counted out because they still have Bryant - and because they're playing the Mavericks, a team that tends to blow games and series every postseason. 湖人還有Kobe,所以不要小看他們。還有就是因為他們的對手是小牛, 這支球隊在每年季後賽都會上演劇場或是玩掉領先優勢。(凸= =) Dallas appeared headed toward another flop when it gave away a 23-point lead over the last 14 minutes of Game 4 in a first-round series against Portland. But the Mavs haven't lost since, a streak of four wins, with the last three coming on the road. 小牛在第一輪對拓荒者的第四戰在最後14分鐘花掉了23分的領先。不過 小牛在那之後就沒輸過球了,拿下四連勝,最近三場還是客場。 The road wins are especially significant because Dallas had lost eight straight playoff road games, and 18 of 20. Such performances in Portland and in Los Angeles back up what players have been saying since training camp: These aren't the same old Mavs. 這些客場勝利對小牛來說意義非凡,因為他們在之前客場吞下八連敗, 更是輸掉了前20場當中的18場。而在波特蘭與洛杉磯的勝利支持了他們 從開季以來一直強調的:他們不是過去的小牛了。 But two games only counts as a good start toward changing Dallas' reputation. And it's not like the Mavericks played two perfect games. The Lakers would've won the opener if a buzzer-beating 3-pointer by Bryant stayed in the cylinder instead of bouncing out. 然而兩場勝利只能說是小牛想要挽回聲譽的開端而已,前兩戰小牛也不 是打的多完美。要是Kobe第一戰的三分球進了而不是彈框而出,湖人就 可以拿到第一戰的勝利了。 "This series is far from over," Nowitzki said. "I've been up 2-0 before and ended up losing the series. We've seen a lot of things happen in this league so we've got to stay focused, stay together and let our home crowd ride us and get another great win." Dirk說:"距離系列賽結束還早的很,我曾經也有在2-0領先之後被翻 盤的例子。我們在聯盟裡大風大浪見多了,所以我們得繃緊神經,保 持團結,在全場球迷的支持之下再取一勝。" The last time they played in Dallas, the Mavericks gave their best performance of the postseason, their bounceback game following the Game 4 collapse. The building should be even louder this time because of the higher stakes, and because it will be the Lakers' first playoff visit in 23 years. 上一次小牛在達拉斯出賽時,小牛打出了今年季後賽的代表作,在第 四戰大崩盤之後止跌回升。明天球場裡應該會更鼓譟,因為現在的士 氣更高昂了,而且這是湖人23年來首次在季後賽造訪達拉斯。 The Mavs already posted on YouTube an animated video that's sure to get a rousing response when it's played Friday night: "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Lakers Fans." 小牛早已經在YouTube上po了一個動畫影片,明天也勢必會讓大家激動 不已。"媽媽們,別讓你的寶寶長大後變成湖人迷。" (這則影片之前有板友分享過囉~~可以去找找) It's the continuation of a series that began with the Mavericks' run to the NBA finals in 2006. Odds are, the club's video folks are already working on versions for the Thunder and Grizzlies. Just in case. 這是上次小牛一路闖到2006年總決賽的影片的續集。有趣的是,影片的 製作組已經在準備雷霆或灰熊的版本了,以防萬一嘛。 這篇文章對兩邊都酸的不遺餘力啊... 但我想大家都知道了 客場贏兩場真的只是"好的開始" 距離這個系列賽的結束還有兩步 明天就是最重要又關鍵的一戰 大家準備好跟美國航空中心全場的球迷一起狂歡了嗎!!!! 記得準備好你的藍色衣服為小牛一起打氣唷XD (可見上一篇preview) Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/06 20:38, , 1F
05/06 20:38, 1F

05/06 21:07, , 2F
05/06 21:07, 2F

05/06 21:15, , 3F
Beat L.A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/06 21:15, 3F

05/06 21:21, , 4F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/06 21:21, 4F

05/06 21:22, , 5F
05/06 21:22, 5F

05/06 21:50, , 6F
推~~Beat LA!!!!!!!!!!
05/06 21:50, 6F

05/06 21:52, , 7F
我手邊這件是綠色籃邊 41號,06-07球季的備用球衣XD
05/06 21:52, 7F

05/06 22:09, , 8F
http://0rz.tw/dCmtO 明天會是發這件嗎?
05/06 22:09, 8F

05/06 22:13, , 9F
05/06 22:13, 9F

05/06 22:17, , 10F
推 翻譯外電辛苦了
05/06 22:17, 10F

05/06 22:52, , 11F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/06 22:52, 11F

05/06 22:53, , 12F
推推推!!!!!! 加油阿Mavs!
05/06 22:53, 12F

05/06 22:54, , 13F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/06 22:54, 13F

05/06 22:58, , 14F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/06 22:58, 14F

05/06 23:10, , 15F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat LA!!!!!!!!!!
05/06 23:10, 15F

05/06 23:15, , 16F
Let's Go Mavs!! Beat LA!!!!!!!!!!
05/06 23:15, 16F

05/06 23:16, , 17F
我現在就穿的DIRK球衣 集氣到明天
05/06 23:16, 17F

05/06 23:36, , 18F
http://tinyurl.com/3tarsaf 團購這件啦!!BEAT LA!!!
05/06 23:36, 18F

05/06 23:37, , 19F
http://tinyurl.com/3odmx8k FB上是說這件
05/06 23:37, 19F

05/06 23:46, , 20F
05/06 23:46, 20F

05/07 00:26, , 21F
There's no game 5 !!
05/07 00:26, 21F

05/07 00:47, , 22F
05/07 00:47, 22F

05/07 00:48, , 23F
05/07 00:48, 23F

05/07 00:55, , 24F
05/07 00:55, 24F

05/07 01:05, , 25F
Dirk:You can't see me. My time is now!
05/07 01:05, 25F

05/07 08:08, , 26F
真的是DM說的那件 另外兩個位置上還放一個看板!!!!
05/07 08:08, 26F

05/07 12:22, , 27F
greatest icons 應該是指魔術強森
05/07 12:22, 27F
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