[外電] 來自小鎮的Aaron Judge如何征服大蘋果

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來源: The Mercury News 網址: http://tinyurl.com/yam9a5pe How Aaron Judge’s small town prepared him for the Big Apple 來自小鎮的Aaron Judge如何征服大蘋果 LINDEN — Here amid the walnut trees and cherry orchards, driving directions are easy. There are no stoplights. The lone pizza joint is next to the post office, which is across the street from the library. Linden小鎮,到處是胡桃樹跟櫻桃園,開車沒什麼複雜的路,甚至沒紅綠燈。一家小披薩 店開在郵局隔壁,路的對面是圖書館。 “Sneeze and you’ll miss it,” one Linden native said. 「開車打個噴嚏可能就開過去了,」一個Linden小鎮居民說。 Aaron Judge’s hometown isn’t even a town. It’s technically listed as a census-designated place, with a population of 1,784 (as of 2010). Aaron Judge的家鄉根本算不上是一個鎮,他只是存在人口普查上用的,2010年人口數也才 1784人。 This tiny San Joaquin County community, 15 miles outside of Stockton, managed to produce the biggest thing in baseball, literally and figuratively. 這個加州Linden小鎮,距最近的大城Stockton約15英里,卻產出了棒球史上的大物。 And when Judge, the 6-foot-7, 282-pound New York Yankees slugger, won the Home Run Derby on Monday night, on the eve of his first All-Star Game, his neighbors took as much pride in his polite television interview as they did in his gargantuan home runs. 當6呎7吋,282磅紐約洋基隊大砲Aaron Judge在贏得全壘打大賽之後,在參加明星賽之前 接受電視訪問的時候,他的鄰居深感與有榮焉。 “It’s a small town, and everyone here is humble. We say ‘please’ and ‘ thank you’ and we don’t act rude to each other,” said Shawn Summers, who played football with Judge at Linden High School. 「這是一個小鎮,每個人都很有禮貌。我們會說"請"跟"謝謝",我們不會跟人粗魯的。」 一個跟Judge在高中打美式足球的同學說到。 Judge, 25, was born and raised here. Judge,今年25歲,出生而且在Linden小鎮長大。 Presumably, Judge was also a little kid here, although no one on here Tuesday recalled anything about Judge being little. 想像一下,Judge是個小男孩,雖然在星期二那天沒人想到Judge小男孩的樣子。 “He was 6-foot-6 and playing wide receiver,” Mark Miller, his Linden High School football coach said. “The other team would have some little 5-foot-nuthin’ cornerback trying to guard him. It should have been illegal, but it wasn’t.” 「他那時候是六呎六吋,打接球員,」Judge的高中美式足球教練說到,「敵隊要防守他的 是個五呎的角衛。這應該要算大欺小違規的,但規則上不是。」 Judge is still making everybody else look puny. In winning the Home Run Derby in Miami on Monday night, the right-handed hitter walloped 47 home runs during the course of three rounds. Many of them had orchard-clearing distance: StatCast measured the combined length of his homers at 3.9 miles. 到現在Judge還是讓其他人看起來像小隻佬。在全壘打大賽,他三輪扛了47發,很多是打到 場外去的,StatCase統計他的全壘打總計飛行距離是3.9英里。 Judge’s barrage included a 513-foot showstopper, the longest home run by any player in the competition. The exit velocity of that blast was 118 mph. 他的全壘打最強的是一發飛了513英呎,是全壘打大賽紀錄上最遠的一支,打擊出去的飛行 速度是時速118英里。 The entrance velocity into Linden, through Highway 26, is 40 mph speed limit. It’s a well-worn path these days because of what Linden’s native son is doing. It’s not just what he’s accomplished as a rookie (Judge leads the majors with 30 homers) it’s also where he plays. New York is the media capital of the world, and pesky scribes can’t get enough of the record-setting rookie. 開車進Linden的速限是40英里。 Linden的路快被踏爛了,就是因為Judge。不只是因為他菜鳥時的好表現(在季賽全壘打數 目領先),而且是因為他在大蘋果打球。紐約,世界媒體的中心,當然不會放過任何有關 Judge的新聞。 As a result, this town known for its cherry festival is getting its fill of the Big Apple. So many reporters have called or visited here in recent months that even the supermarket checkers at Rinaldi’s are feeling overexposed. Nancy, who no longer gives her last name, said Tuesday that this was her third interview about Judge. They treasure Aaron here, but they are also protective of the Judge family privacy. 因此,小鎮今年的櫻桃季活動就充滿了滿坑滿谷的紐約人。太多記者在這幾個月造訪這個 小鎮,連小鎮超市收銀員都覺得曝光過度。一位現在連姓都不給的收銀員說,這已經是她 這個月第三次訪問惹。他們保護Judge,也要保護Judge家庭的隱私。 Nancy’s become the go-to source because her daughter played tee-ball with Judge and the kids grew up through school together. So in this exclusive middle-aisle interview, Nancy cut to the chase: “He’s always been super nice and we’re really, really proud of him.” 這個不願意給姓的收銀員變成大家必訪的對象,因為她的女兒跟Judge在學校打樂樂棒球。 「Judge人超好,我們大家都以他為榮。」 It helps that Judge is also proud of where he came from. He returns to Linden often. A New York Daily News story recently quoted the right fielder describing his home as if it were a Jimmy Stewart movie set. Judge自己也以他的出身為榮,他常常回Linden小鎮,紐約新聞報紙才說Judge描述他的家 鄉像電影場景。 “Everywhere you go, you see someone you know on the corner,” Judge said. “ That was the cool thing about growing up there is I knew everybody. Everybody was my friend, everybody was looking out for each other and there’s no better place to grow up.” 「你到哪個地方,你都會看到你認識的人,」Judge說到,「那實在很酷,成長在一個地 方,而且認識每一個人,每個人都是你的朋友,每個人都關心每個人,沒有比在這長大更 好的地方了。」 John Pile, who lives across the street from the Judge family, remembers that the kid was always playing something in the yard. Pointing over to the Judge homestead, he said he most remembers the dribble-dribble-swish when Aaron was shooting hoops in his driveway. Judge對門的鄰居說,記得Judge小時候在草坪玩,他最記得Judge在車道那邊打籃球時,運 球跟射球的模樣。 Judge was a three-sport star at Linden High, where he played football (and set the school record with 17 touchdowns), basketball (a team-high 18.2 points) and baseball (where he augmented his power at the plate with an 0.65 ERA as a pitcher). Judge在Linden小鎮高中是三棲明星球員:美式足球(學校17次達陣紀錄保持人),籃球(球 隊平均每場得分18.2分)跟棒球(他除了打得好,他當投手自責分是0.65) Pile said that when New York was in town to play the A’s in mid-June, the Linden native managed to zip home for a coveted dinner date — a booth at Pizza Plus with a couple of Yankees teammates in tow. Judge的對門鄰居爆料說,六月中當洋基到客場打運動家的時候,Judge偷溜回家吃晚飯-- 在當地的披薩店,還拉了幾個洋基的球員。 “It’s unbelievable,” Pile said. “From a small community like this to see a kid do so well. He’s such a humble kid. He’s so level-headed. His mother and father were both school teachers and they did a good job on him.” 「這真的太不可思議,」鄰居說,「我們這樣一個超小鎮出了一個這樣好的球員。他是一 個謙虛的小孩,平易近人,他的爸媽是學校的老師,他們真的把他教的很好。」 Linden went to see him in Oakland, too. The local booster club chartered a bus to take a group out to the Coliseum for a weekend game. Linden小鎮Judge應援團曾經去奧克蘭看Judge比賽。某個周末他們開了一個巴士一路開到 奧克蘭。 “When the bus was full, they could have filled another one,” Miller, the football coach said “But so many people drove down there in cars that they filled up a whole section out in right field — a whole section. 「一台巴士塞滿了人,其實再一台也會滿。」高中美式足球教練說到。「但是有更多的是 自己開車一路到奧克蘭,我們整整塞滿右外野一區的看台,整整一區!」 “And between innings, (Judge) would sometimes come and throw the ball he was playing catch with into the Linden crowd. He doesn’t forget his roots. He’s just … my gosh.” 「在換局的空檔,Judge有時候會跑來打招呼,把球丟給我們。他真真正正是不忘本的人, 他真的是.....我的老天鵝~」 In an alternate universe, Judge could have been playing at the Coliseum all the time. The A’s drafted him out of high school in the 31st round of the 2010 draft. But Judge opted to attend Fresno State instead. 或許在不同的時空,Judge其實可能會替運動家打球的。運動家在2010年高中選秀以31輪 選到Judge,但是後來Judge選擇去Fresno州大打球。 Summers, his old football teammate, said Judge always valued education, which makes sense. Residents here are quick to praise the work Wayne and Patty Judge did with their son. Both are teachers and active members of the community. Judge的足球隊友說Judge對於教育非常重視,這也合理,因為他的雙親都是老師,在社區 也是非常活躍。 “His parents are just good people,” Miller, the football coach said. “ Aaron Judge, to me, is what professional sports should be like. What positive thing to represent Linden. You couldn’t have asked for a better ambassador.” 「他的父母都是好人,」足球教練說,「對我來說,Judge就是一個職業運動選手應該有的 樣子,做為Linden的代表再好不過了,再也找不到更好的Linden代言人。」 The Yankees wound up getting Judge with the 32nd overall pick in the 2013 draft, throwing a curveball to a community long loyal to the Giants and A’s. Now, there are New York jerseys popping up around Linden. 洋基在2013年選秀以32順位選了Judge,讓這個加州Linden小鎮轉了一個彎,原本是支持舊 金山巨人跟奧克蘭運動家的,現在,這個小鎮四處都可看到洋基的球衣。 Over at Rinaldi’s, the supermarket founded in 1948, there are now TVs above the registers so that customers can keep an eye on their favorite player. 現在在Linden小鎮的超市櫃台上面有電視播放,讓顧客可以隨時看到他們最愛的球員。 Heck, even the umpires here love him. 甚至,連裁判都愛他。 “He’s one of the favorite kids I’ve ever dealt with,” said Stephen Roberson, a regional sportswriter who also officiated games on weekends. “ Just first class, no attitude, no ego. It’s just an amazing story.” 「他是我最喜歡的小孩們的其中之一,」一個當地的運動記者,周末也幫忙當裁判說到, 「一等一的球員,不會難搞,不會自大,就是一個傳奇故事。」 -- 全世界記者都一樣,甚麼都能挖.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1499848981.A.A22.html

07/12 16:45, , 1F
謝謝分享 要到周六才有比賽了 QQ
07/12 16:45, 1F

07/12 16:45, , 2F
Sneeze and you’ll miss it
07/12 16:45, 2F

07/12 16:47, , 3F
07/12 16:47, 3F

07/12 16:49, , 4F
推翻譯 滿欣賞他態度跟個性的 希望能一直這樣
07/12 16:49, 4F

07/12 16:49, , 5F
07/12 16:49, 5F

07/12 16:50, , 6F
07/12 16:50, 6F

07/12 16:50, , 7F
07/12 16:50, 7F

07/12 16:51, , 8F
個性好 有禮貌 和隊友間的互動 的確他有本錢當一支球隊
07/12 16:51, 8F

07/12 16:51, , 9F
07/12 16:51, 9F

07/12 16:52, , 10F
07/12 16:52, 10F

07/12 16:52, , 11F
07/12 16:52, 11F

07/12 16:59, , 12F
加油阿法官!!! 看好你!!
07/12 16:59, 12F

07/12 16:59, , 13F
07/12 16:59, 13F

07/12 17:01, , 14F
07/12 17:01, 14F

07/12 17:02, , 15F
這個劇情Mike Trout也有一篇阿XDDDD
07/12 17:02, 15F

07/12 17:04, , 16F
看了街景 那個小鎮確實很容易被忽略XD
07/12 17:04, 16F

07/12 17:05, , 17F
高中三棲明星球員WOW 根本天生神力 練武奇才
07/12 17:05, 17F

07/12 17:12, , 18F
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07/12 17:13, , 19F
07/12 17:13, 19F

07/12 17:13, , 20F
Linden, CA 19.32平方公里 比中正+大安(18.96)略大
07/12 17:13, 20F

07/12 17:15, , 21F
07/12 17:15, 21F

07/12 17:15, , 22F
07/12 17:15, 22F

07/12 17:16, , 23F
在美國 25歲的超級新人 26歲就被嫌老到不符合未來戰力惹QQ
07/12 17:16, 23F

07/12 17:17, , 24F
07/12 17:17, 24F

07/12 17:17, , 25F
07/12 17:17, 25F

07/12 17:22, , 26F
282磅... 打擊姿勢超像A-Rod
07/12 17:22, 26F

07/12 17:24, , 27F
07/12 17:24, 27F

07/12 17:25, , 28F
07/12 17:25, 28F

07/12 17:25, , 29F
07/12 17:25, 29F

07/12 17:46, , 30F
future HOFer 看能不能在35歲前達成500支全壘打
07/12 17:46, 30F

07/12 17:49, , 31F
推MVP! 運動家那邊是31輪不是31順位
07/12 17:49, 31F

07/12 17:50, , 32F
07/12 17:50, 32F

07/12 18:09, , 33F
這則新聞啟發了一件事 全世界的媒體都是87
07/12 18:09, 33F

07/12 18:12, , 34F
07/12 18:12, 34F

07/12 18:14, , 35F
雖然是襪迷 但看到這樣的品性跟出身忍不住推
07/12 18:14, 35F

07/12 18:31, , 36F
07/12 18:31, 36F

07/12 18:33, , 37F
31st round是第31輪 不是第31順位
07/12 18:33, 37F

07/12 18:34, , 38F
07/12 18:34, 38F
還有 128 則推文
還有 1 段內文
07/13 08:05, , 167F
探難能可貴的地方 請問這樣說法有錯嗎?
07/13 08:05, 167F

07/13 08:07, , 168F
和前隊長比 顏值差太多
07/13 08:07, 168F

07/13 08:28, , 169F
07/13 08:28, 169F

07/13 08:40, , 170F
07/13 08:40, 170F

07/13 08:52, , 171F
我覺得Judge也滿帥的阿~ 不用跟前隊長比
07/13 08:52, 171F

07/13 09:03, , 172F
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07/13 09:15, , 173F
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07/13 09:57, , 174F
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07/13 10:33, , 177F
07/13 10:33, 177F

07/13 13:27, , 178F
自己沒搞懂還拖幾個big name出來是多厲害到哪邊去?
07/13 13:27, 178F

07/13 13:27, , 179F
07/13 13:27, 179F

07/13 13:28, , 180F
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07/13 13:29, , 181F
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07/13 13:30, , 182F
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07/13 13:40, , 183F
07/13 13:40, 183F

07/13 14:11, , 184F
搞不清楚人家在討論什麼硬要亂吵 邏輯不好還只會人身攻擊
07/13 14:11, 184F

07/13 14:11, , 185F
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07/13 14:26, , 186F
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07/13 14:27, , 187F
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07/13 20:03, , 192F
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07/13 21:24, , 196F
07/13 21:24, 196F

07/13 22:10, , 197F
變臉的就NYY的啊 但是Trout的那支籤本來就是因為NYY
07/13 22:10, 197F

07/13 22:10, , 198F
簽了Teixeira而給天使的 怪不了人
07/13 22:10, 198F

07/13 22:14, , 199F
某人真是噁心 噁噁噁噁噁嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔
07/13 22:14, 199F

07/13 23:33, , 200F
07/13 23:33, 200F

07/14 01:36, , 201F
07/14 01:36, 201F

07/14 17:34, , 202F
07/14 17:34, 202F

07/15 22:17, , 203F
07/15 22:17, 203F

07/15 22:17, , 204F
07/15 22:17, 204F

07/18 08:47, , 205F
穩定發揮 很可能成為一名 500轟 2500安 1000打點以上
07/18 08:47, 205F

07/18 08:47, , 206F
07/18 08:47, 206F
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