Re: [情報] Hall of Fame 2014 Result

看板MLB作者 (Schadenfreude)時間10年前 (2014/01/09 20:46), 編輯推噓7(7012)
留言19則, 10人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
林北精神科啦 我們來看看, 到底是哪幾種人沒投給Craig Biggio 種類A: 票給別人 "Jon Becker ?@JonBecker28 7min @KeithLaw I voted 10 and took Biggio off at last minute for Walker. Ugh! I would have voted for 14 guys this year." 評論: 完全沒有意見, Larry Walker peak超級威, 5-tool player, 和我同鄉, 至少有把票填滿, 而且很明顯這人明年一定不會跑票 問題不大 種類B: 沒有投滿也沒有投Biggio Murray Chass "Anyway, Neyer doesn’t think I voted for enough candidates. Even though I said I wasn’t voting for steroids-related candidates, Neyer wrote, he “can’ t seem to find room on his ballot, or in his heart, or deep within the recesses of that powerful intellect, for Curt Schilling, Mike Mussina, Tim Raines, Alan Trammell, or Larry Walker.” Well, Rob old buddy, sorry to have to say this, but my standards apparently are higher than yours. I considered those players and concluded they weren’t Hall of Famers. When you get to vote, vote for them and anyone else you want. When you get to vote." 翻譯: 反正那篇說這人沒投Biggio的原因是他"感受到"Biggio有用藥, 而且他認為 Craig Biggio is not good enough for the HOF. 當然他想看鄉民崩潰但是他沒把 話講開 評語: 這人只是蠢, 不識貨, 不是他不懂投票程序. 種類C: 只有投Jack Morris Ken Gurnick “Morris has flaws — a 3.90 ERA, for example. But he gets my vote for more than a decade of ace performance that included three 20-win seasons, Cy Young Award votes in seven seasons and Most Valuable Players votes in five. As for those who played during the period of PED use, I won’t vote for any of them." 剛才去Baseball-reference晃了一下: Jose Canseco: 1985-2001 Jack Morris: 1977-1994 請問各位大大們, 是1985-2001 跟 1977-1994沒有交集, 還是這位朋友跟現實沒有交集? 評語: 應該只是簡單疏失, 這位記者朋友絕對不姓白 總評語: 鬼島有B8Q, 美帝有BBWAA, 差別不大 Edit: 有人有看到CHB的票嗎, 我很好奇他能投出什麼花樣來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: IronChef 來自: (01/09 20:46)

01/09 20:52, , 1F
我看到CHB的票了 那篇我還推了文 只能說不意外
01/09 20:52, 1F

01/09 20:52, , 2F
01/09 20:52, 2F

01/09 21:05, , 3F
01/09 21:05, 3F

01/09 21:06, , 4F
01/09 21:06, 4F

01/09 21:06, , 5F
不是更難能可貴 不是更應該投他
01/09 21:06, 5F

01/09 21:07, , 6F
01/09 21:07, 6F

01/09 21:07, , 7F
01/09 21:07, 7F

01/09 21:08, , 8F
反正同一個年代 乾脆全遮起來無視啦!"
01/09 21:08, 8F

01/09 21:09, , 9F
01/09 21:09, 9F

01/09 21:36, , 10F
鐵廚耶~ 林北精神科 XDDD
01/09 21:36, 10F

01/09 21:56, , 11F
林北精神科 XDDDD 鐵廚大真的念精神科嗎?(認真)
01/09 21:56, 11F

01/09 21:57, , 12F
KG如果真那樣想就不投那也無所謂 偏偏又投了Morris 那就是
01/09 21:57, 12F

01/09 21:57, , 13F
01/09 21:57, 13F

01/09 22:10, , 14F
CHB才被Schilling罵白痴沒幾天就投票給他 相當難得了
01/09 22:10, 14F

01/09 22:28, , 15F
MLB HOF票選去年就都不想看了 BB爺跟火箭進不去很蠢
01/09 22:28, 15F

01/10 00:31, , 16F
看到林北精神科 腿都軟了 XDD 下次換人來嗆一下林北神經科
01/10 00:31, 16F

01/10 01:25, , 17F
01/10 01:25, 17F

01/10 01:41, , 18F
01/10 01:41, 18F

01/10 02:31, , 19F
BBWAA就欠檢討阿 不就好棒棒世界最有道德的人都在投票A_A
01/10 02:31, 19F
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