[外電] Pete Rose questions lack of 2nd chance

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Pete Rose questions lack of 2nd chance Pete Rose希望有第二次重生機會 Associated Press CINCINNATI -- Pete Rose questioned why he hasn't gotten a second chance from Major League Baseball to get back into the game on Saturday, saying he'd still like to manage. The 70-year-old hits king told an audience that he deserves another chance after acknowledging that he bet on baseball, something he denied for years. Pete Rose質疑大聯盟為何不給他回到球賽的第二次機會,周六時他提到他仍 然熱愛管理球隊。 這位70歲的打擊王告訴某位觀眾,他承認賭球,但多年來也一直否認某些事, 在這些風風雨雨後,各位值得再給他一次機會。 "I've taken responsibility for my life," Rose said. "Baseball isn't good for second chances -- not for gamblers. They are for people who take drugs. They are for people who beat up their wives. They are for people who drink a lot of alcohol. I screwed up. I wish I could change it." The former Cincinnati Reds player and manager was banned for life in 1989 for betting on baseball games, including Reds games. He has petitioned MLB and commissioner Bud Selig has given no indication he's leaning toward reinstating Rose, who holds baseball's record with 4,256 hits. Rose表示:『我已經為我的人生負責了。球界並沒有好到給賭徒第二次機會, 但他們卻給吸毒、打老婆、喝酒的那群人機會。我是亂搞,但我希望能彌補這 事。』 該名前紅人隊的球員及教練在1989年時因為賭球(包含紅人賽事)而遭到終生禁 賽。這位打了4256支安打,保有史上最高紀錄的男人,已經向大聯盟請願,但 主席Bud Selig沒做出讓Rose復職的任何指示。 Rose hoped he would be reinstated after he acknowledged in his second autobiography in 2004 that he bet on baseball, something he had vehemently denied until then. Instead, there was a backlash over the book. Rose reiterated that he's no longer focused on getting inducted into baseball's Hall of Fame. "I want to be a manager, that's the only role," said Rose, who turned 70 on April 14. "But I'm running out of time. I want to teach young players." 2004年起Rose就一直希望能夠復職,那年他出版第二本日記,內容記載他承認 賭球,卻強烈否認打假球,直到今天依然如此。但換來卻是社會對該書的集體 抵制。 Rose重申他不再關注是否能進名人堂。 4月14號滿70歲的Rose 提到:『我想要當教練,做好那唯一的角色,但我生命 快到終點了,我想要敎些年輕的球員。』 Rose was the keynote speaker at a gala of the Ohio Justice & Policy Center. He said he has redeemed himself and is waiting for baseball to act. "It's a like a singer getting caught running a red light and not being able to sing again," Rose said. "That's not America. I'm a baseball player. I can go on every talk show and say I'm sorry and some people don't want to hear you. That's not fair." 在Ohio Justice & Policy Center的演講會上,Rose擔任主講人,他提到自己 已經改過自新並且等著回球界表現。 Rose表示:『終生禁賽就像是一個歌星因為被抓到闖紅燈而被懲罰再也不能唱 歌一樣。這不是美國,我是棒球選手,我能跑去上每個談話節目,並且對各位 說我非常抱歉,但有些人總聽不下去,這不公平。』 One of the approximately 300 guests in the audience was the federal judge who sentenced him to five months in jail in 1990 for failing to report income from gambling on his taxes. "I don't go to many banquets where I sit with the judge that sent me to prison," Rose said, drawing laughter. "I'm not bitter at anybody. I made the mistake." The Ohio Justice & Policy Center is a nonprofit organization working for reform in Ohio's criminal justice system. The theme of the gala was making Cincinnati a city of redemption. 現場約300位的觀眾,其中一位恰好是判他坐牢五個月的聯邦法官,因為Rose 在 1990年時,報稅漏報賭博收入。 Rose笑著表示:『我實在不想去太多會議,特別是裡面有送我吃牢飯的法官,我 也不會對任何人不滿,因為我確實錯了。 The Ohio Justice & Policy Center是非營利組織, 主要工作是改革刑法制度。 這會議的主題是拯救Cincinnati。 http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=6550900 -- 歡迎用力鞭,不用客氣 另外請各位給在下機會(比Pete Rose多一點)試試翻譯, 再沒長進,會有禁賽(停翻)的自知之明 <(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/16 15:10, , 1F
05/16 15:10, 1F

05/16 15:17, , 2F
05/16 15:17, 2F

05/16 15:18, , 3F
賭球不等於打假球 不過不可否認 雞越慘 猴子越怕@@
05/16 15:18, 3F

05/16 15:30, , 4F
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05/16 15:47, , 5F
05/16 15:47, 5F

05/16 15:50, , 6F
賭球和假球實在是關聯性太大. 沒辦法
05/16 15:50, 6F

05/16 16:25, , 7F
05/16 16:25, 7F

05/16 16:33, , 8F
罰歸罰 終生禁賽真的太重~"~ 至少給他進HOF的機會吧!!
05/16 16:33, 8F

05/16 16:33, , 9F
05/16 16:33, 9F

05/16 16:44, , 10F
hits king=安打王 跟打擊王稍微不太一樣XD
05/16 16:44, 10F

05/16 16:48, , 11F
我們打假球的還可以帶國中小棒球隊 繼續殘害下一代
05/16 16:48, 11F

05/16 16:52, , 12F
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05/16 19:08, , 16F
同情他 但是應該無法開先例 不然日後鐵定沒完沒了
05/16 19:08, 16F

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05/16 20:06, , 19F
XDDD 辛苦了
05/16 20:06, 19F

05/16 20:06, , 20F
賭自己的球隊贏球=幫自己賺勝場獎金 最好是會打假球! 真要說
05/16 20:06, 20F

05/16 20:06, , 21F
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05/16 20:53, , 22F
其實原文應該是沒有講到打假球的事 翻譯有點錯@@
05/16 20:53, 22F

05/16 20:54, , 23F
05/16 20:54, 23F

05/16 20:55, , 24F
而不是否認打假球@@ 第一段有一句話也是類似這樣
05/16 20:55, 24F

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