Re: [情報] S6 世界賽 B組排名(Rito專欄)

看板LoL作者 (正義56)時間7年前 (2016/09/22 10:30), 7年前編輯推噓71(77638)
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※ 引述《jeffreyshe (jeffrey)》之銘言: : 文章是貼在lolesports : 應該算是官方的? : : 以下排名玻璃心請左轉 : 1.C9 : 2.SKT : 3.IM : 4.FW : 開放崩潰噓, 到底兩周後誰的褲子還在? 簡單翻譯閃電狼部份 Flash Wolves, SK Telecom T1, I May, Cloud9 There are two groups this Worlds where Pick'Ems come to die. This is one of them. But that’s what's to be expected when you step into a group with the strongest No. 3 Seed, the strongest No. 2 Seed, and the weakest No. 1 Seed. Throw into the mix a relatively unknown powder keg of a Chinese team and you have the recipe for one very explosive group. B組有最爛的第一種子、最強的二三種子以及深不可測的中國隊 The general consensus is that SKT will progress, Flash Wolves will stumble, and Cloud9 and I May are strong wildcard options thrown into the mix. In this caster’s opinion, Group B is the least clear cut group at Worlds, and it's incredibly difficult to rank who finishes where. But I know that’s what you all came here for, so here we go… 我預測SKT會晉級,閃電狼會跌倒,C9跟IM會激烈競爭第二張門票 我覺得B組是最難預測的一組 Cloud9 SK Telecom T1 I May Flash Wolves 不用翻譯吧 Flash Wolves Top: MMD Jungle: Karsa Mid: Maple ADC: NL Support: SwordArt ow did they qualify? No. 1 seed from the LMS. Summer Split Champions. Having been around since 2013, adopting the full Gama Bears roster, and promptly recycling it due to age limits, The Flash Wolves didn’t really start off as a team of stars. Akin to ROX Tigers from the LCK, they were nobodies. These nobodies quickly rose to fame by beating out LMS rivals ahq and Taipei Assassins. Piece by piece they cemented themselves within the league as a major force. International showings have been strong from this team. They made it to Quarterfinals at Worlds 2015 and recently earned their region a Pool 1 berth thanks to their performance at the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational, where they beat SKT not once, but twice. Now, they'll face off again in Group B. 介紹一下閃電狼歷史,說閃電狼從2013以來就是老班底了 As the Flash Wolves were the ones who earned the Pool 1 berth for Worlds, it only seems fair that they are the ones who will take advantage of it. They beat ahq in Round 2 of the 2016 LMS Summer Split Playoffs, and absolutely smashed J-Team in the Finals -- who were favourites in the region -- to earn their rightful place at Worlds as the No. 1 seed from the LMS. 閃電狼在總冠軍賽打贏了「奪冠熱門JT」 Something to note about this team is just how long they have been playing together. Most of the members have been on the Flash Wolves roster for years now. The only difference in their roster from the Worlds 2015 team -- which finished above ROX Tigers in Group A -- is they've swapped their longtime captain, Steak, out for MMD. Though it’s worth noting that Steak is now their analyst and coach, and MMD had been their substitute top laner for years and was already highly entrenched in the team. 他們今年人員沒變,只把上路從牛排換成MMD,而且牛排也是繼續當分析師跟教練 How do they make it out of the group? Through their primary carries Karsa and Maple. It’s no secret this is how Flash Wolves like to play. Karsa is a carry jungler who is incredibly proactive and puts a lot of his early attention toward the mid lane to make sure Maple gets ahead. If Maple gets ahead and they can successfully snowball that lead into the side lanes, then they should be able to take games off the best of them in Group B. With superior team synergy. This is a team that has been working together for a long time. It is the same roster that performed well at MSI and almost the same roster that made it out of groups back at Worlds 2015. Consistency of roster is something that is hugely underlooked. These guys have plenty of experience playing together internationally and may be able to use this experience to take wins off some of the greener teams in Cloud9 and I May. How do they go home early? Through having a very basic win condition. The same reason why Flash Wolves could make it out of groups is also a double-edged sword for the team. They heavily rely on Maple and Karsa to carry, but if either of them fall behind it becomes incredibly problematic for the rest of the team. If Karsa gets out-pathed or out-jungled, they will struggle. Also, relying on Maple in a group with Faker, Jensen, and Athena is not something you’d set your watch to. Which brings me to my next point... 閃電狼的套路就是靠Karsa跟媽寶carry 如果這兩個carry不起來,FW就完蛋 因為B組有Faker Jensen Athena,所以媽寶很難carry, Their weaker side lanes get exposed. MMD in the top lane is going to have a very rough time against the other top laners in this group. Impact, Duke, and AmazingJ are all incredibly tough lane opponents. Much like they played with Steak, MMD is often left on an island, and being stuck on an island with Impact isn’t something you’re going to send a postcard home about. On top of this, NL and SwordArt are arguably the weakest of the bot lane duos competing in the group. 閃電郎弱點是 上路MMD會被Impact Duke 神J奇壓爛,然後蛇蛇+NL是這組最爛的下路 My prediction: 4th place I don’t think Flash Wolves are a bad team. I really don’t. But in this group I feel like they are going to have an incredibly hard time with the matchups that they’re facing. Karsa will work around Maple, and if he does, then the losing lanes will fall even further behind. Even if Maple does get ahead, the problem will eventually spill over into mid. Karsa may be the best jungler in the group, and while I think that the jungle role has been empowered on this patch, I don’t think it will be enough to pull Flash Wolves out of groups and into the Quarterfinals. There isn’t a lot that separates the teams in Group B, but I think Flash Wolves will end their time in San Francisco in 4th place. 他預測閃電狼第四名不是說閃電狼是爛隊,他甚至認為Karsa是這組最好的JG 但是不夠把閃電狼carry進八強。 -- 總之就是認為你上下路都最爛 中野carry不起來啦 ^__< 感謝官方冥燈支持 --

06/17 10:13,
06/17 10:13
民明書房 - 《印象派大師的終結奧義》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Justice5566 (, 09/22/2016 10:32:23

09/22 10:32, , 1F
我覺得FW排第四還好 C9第一是?
09/22 10:32, 1F

09/22 10:32, , 2F
09/22 10:32, 2F

09/22 10:33, , 3F
C9>FW 就算了 C9>SKT?????
09/22 10:33, 3F
C9第一的原因 最強的上路,季後賽單殺25次,是Duke兩倍 (Impact又不是打LCK) meteos的KDA比Blanc好 (天啊你有注意到他們是不同聯賽嗎) 其他三路不是最好也不是最爛所以小組第一 哇靠這個分析真的太銅了 ※ 編輯: Justice5566 (, 09/22/2016 10:35:26

09/22 10:33, , 4F
09/22 10:33, 4F

09/22 10:33, , 5F
09/22 10:33, 5F

09/22 10:34, , 6F
09/22 10:34, 6F

09/22 10:34, , 7F
我也是覺得C9第一太浮誇XDD 當SKT吃素?
09/22 10:34, 7F

09/22 10:34, , 8F
09/22 10:34, 8F

09/22 10:35, , 9F
JT最受歡迎? 是不把起Q放在眼裡喔
09/22 10:35, 9F

09/22 10:35, , 10F
真他媽低能分析 沒看比賽就閉嘴
09/22 10:35, 10F

09/22 10:35, , 11F
就不要結果是C9是墊底 LOL
09/22 10:35, 11F

09/22 10:35, , 12F
說C9跟IM爭第二張 然後排C9第一 有事嗎...
09/22 10:35, 12F

09/22 10:35, , 13F
就算我不是狼粉也不能忍, 真是瞧不起人的說法啊
09/22 10:35, 13F

09/22 10:35, , 14F
沒看就能評 我上去評都行 要你們這些低能幹嘛
09/22 10:35, 14F

09/22 10:36, , 15F
預測就看看笑笑就好 幹嘛認真...
09/22 10:36, 15F

09/22 10:36, , 16F
09/22 10:36, 16F

09/22 10:36, , 17F
那拜託解釋為啥c9第一 除了上路有可能贏 中下路
09/22 10:36, 17F

09/22 10:36, , 18F
今年NA很有去年CN的影子 賽前都吹上天了
09/22 10:36, 18F

09/22 10:36, , 19F
09/22 10:36, 19F
推文我有回了 就是比KDA啊 忘了兩個是不同聯盟 就像拿SBL成績去說志傑比林書豪強一樣 XD

09/22 10:36, , 20F
09/22 10:36, 20F

09/22 10:36, , 21F
什麼時候 NA強度和LCK是一樣了 LOL
09/22 10:36, 21F

09/22 10:36, , 22F
09/22 10:36, 22F

09/22 10:36, , 23F
09/22 10:36, 23F
※ 編輯: Justice5566 (, 09/22/2016 10:37:19

09/22 10:37, , 24F
09/22 10:37, 24F

09/22 10:37, , 25F
笑了 XD LMS最受歡迎是JT
09/22 10:37, 25F

09/22 10:38, , 26F
09/22 10:38, 26F

09/22 10:38, , 27F
09/22 10:38, 27F

09/22 10:38, , 28F
09/22 10:38, 28F

09/22 10:38, , 29F
09/22 10:38, 29F

09/22 10:39, , 30F
SKT近期表現蠻抖的吧 不過不同聯賽很難說
09/22 10:39, 30F

09/22 10:39, , 31F
09/22 10:39, 31F

09/22 10:40, , 32F
真的 拿na那種聯賽跟lck比
09/22 10:40, 32F

09/22 10:40, , 33F
09/22 10:40, 33F

09/22 10:41, , 34F
比kda真的很扯 他知不知道兩隊打不同聯賽啊= =
09/22 10:41, 34F
還有 47 則推文
還有 3 段內文
09/22 11:02, , 82F
09/22 11:02, 82F

09/22 11:02, , 83F
09/22 11:02, 83F

09/22 11:03, , 84F
等等 剛剛仔細看 這篇檢討MMD的篇幅比NL長耶 到
09/22 11:03, 84F

09/22 11:03, , 85F
09/22 11:03, 85F

09/22 11:06, , 86F
C9中路除了會玩維迦以外就是個二線水準 別鬧了
09/22 11:06, 86F

09/22 11:06, , 87F
09/22 11:06, 87F

09/22 11:12, , 88F
神J奇>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MMD XD
09/22 11:12, 88F

09/22 11:12, , 89F
來阿 這分析笑死
09/22 11:12, 89F

09/22 11:13, , 90F
09/22 11:13, 90F

09/22 11:15, , 91F
其他路不說 SKT雙carry打C9幾條街阿
09/22 11:15, 91F

09/22 11:16, , 92F
拜託.. Duke季賽打得上路那些人 Impact打哪些菜
09/22 11:16, 92F

09/22 11:17, , 93F
這專欄 也太好寫.. 看KDA 數據就能發? 鄉民都能當了
09/22 11:17, 93F

09/22 11:17, , 94F
09/22 11:17, 94F

09/22 11:18, , 95F
09/22 11:18, 95F

09/22 11:20, , 96F
應該說 impact本來就lck出身 單殺25次 因為你們na
09/22 11:20, 96F

09/22 11:20, , 97F
就沒個top 夠打啊 北七
09/22 11:20, 97F

09/22 11:30, , 98F
09/22 11:30, 98F

09/22 11:33, , 99F
09/22 11:33, 99F

09/22 11:35, , 100F
北美又沒像smeb一樣的上路夠跟impact對幹 impact當
09/22 11:35, 100F

09/22 11:35, , 101F
09/22 11:35, 101F

09/22 11:35, , 102F
09/22 11:35, 102F

09/22 11:51, , 103F
C9跟IM競爭第二張門票 然後C9第一 Kappa
09/22 11:51, 103F

09/22 11:52, , 104F
這作者真他媽的低能 不同聯賽的數據都可以拿來說嘴
09/22 11:52, 104F

09/22 11:52, , 105F
09/22 11:52, 105F

09/22 12:07, , 106F
09/22 12:07, 106F

09/22 12:12, , 107F
要分析也能狀況.meta.戰略.腳色池來講 比kda很腦
09/22 12:12, 107F

09/22 12:32, , 108F
09/22 12:32, 108F

09/22 12:33, , 109F
09/22 12:33, 109F

09/22 12:35, , 110F
09/22 12:35, 110F

09/22 12:42, , 111F
09/22 12:42, 111F

09/22 12:45, , 112F
看不同聯賽的kda來分析 太丟臉啦吧 espn都沒那麼銅
09/22 12:45, 112F

09/22 13:34, , 113F
這分析師 高中有畢業嗎...
09/22 13:34, 113F

09/22 13:36, , 114F
聯賽差那麼多 KDA跟單殺可以這樣比喔 長見識XDD
09/22 13:36, 114F

09/22 13:47, , 115F
09/22 13:47, 115F

09/22 14:26, , 116F
寫這分析的人有看過LMS嗎? 他的JT好像哪裡怪怪的
09/22 14:26, 116F

09/22 14:26, , 117F
09/22 14:26, 117F

09/22 14:35, , 118F
09/22 14:35, 118F

09/22 16:34, , 119F
C9 C9得第一
09/22 16:34, 119F

09/22 19:38, , 120F
說得挺對的 上下路不是墊底也是第三
09/22 19:38, 120F

09/22 23:56, , 121F
09/22 23:56, 121F
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