Re: [情報] 射手改動edit道具變動

看板LoL作者 (悟)時間8年前 (2015/10/29 12:24), 8年前編輯推噓29(33410)
留言47則, 39人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
Ashe 艾希 Change Goals Allow Ashe to interact with chance-based crit events in a way that doesn't compromise her recently-new passive's steady damage output. Follow up the changes made to Ranger's Focus (Q) earlier this year to make the spell a more interesting, engaging part of her pattern. 艾希會有跟現在的被動不同的爆擊方式。主要是跟上Q在今年的改動,讓這個技能更有趣。 P - Frost Shot Base slow reduced 5/11/17/23/29/35% >>> 5/9/13/17/21/25% Dealing bonus damage via Frost Shot no longer counts as a Critical Strike (bonus damage unchanged) 被動 冰霜射擊 緩速調降。額外增傷也不再被視作爆擊(但是傷害沒有改動)。 Ashe’s Critical Strikes (which once again happen only by chance per all other characters) deal only 1.0 Total AD (as opposed to 2.0 standard), but they apply Frost Shot’s slow at double effectiveness (10/18/26/34/42/50%), decaying to the base amount over the duration of the slow 艾希的爆擊(跟其他角色一樣的)只會造成1.0倍AD傷害(其他人是2.0倍),但是會造成 雙倍緩速效果(隨時間衰減)。 Q - Ranger's Focus Slow amplification removed 移除加倍緩速。 Can no longer be cast at less than 5 stacks, and passive Focus no longer stacks while the active component is running 移除五重箭。沒有疊滿5層專注以前無法發動,主動效果觸發時無法堆疊專注。 Passive no longer stacks with Volley and Enchanted Crystal Arrow 其他技能不再堆疊專注 Cooldown removed 移除冷卻 Draven 達瑞文 Change Goals Make axe-catching gameplay flow smoother, especially later in the game. 接斧頭的遊戲要素會變的更順暢(有點不曉得怎麼翻),特別是在遊戲後期。 Base Stats Attack frame improved by 30% Attack Speed per level reduced to 1.5 from 2.7 Basic attack missile speed reduced to 1600 from 1700 普攻框架提高30%(應該是指動畫吧?) 成長攻速降低。 武器投射速度降低。 Ezreal Ez Change Goals Build upon Ezreal's affinity for CDR-centric spellcasting item builds. Ez的重點會放在他與CDR裝備的向性。 Q - Mystic Shot Cooldown reducing effect increased 1.0 >>> 1.5 seconds Cooldown increased 6.0/5.5/5.0/4.5/4.0 >>> 6.5/6.0/5.5/5.0/4.5 Q技 命中減低冷卻時間的效果提升 本身冷卻時間提升。 E - Arcane Shift Cooldown increased at later ranks 19/17/15/13/11 >>> 19.0/17.5/16.0/14.5/13.0 E技 冷卻時間提升。 Jinx 吉因克斯 Change Goals Playing up what it means to Get Excited! as a path to success through a teamfight. Slowing down Rockets' Attack Speed so there's some tradeoff she incurs more of a tradeoff with that weapon. 被動將是團戰中的重點。 惡鯊的攻速下修,這逼他必須仔細思考切換武器的時機。 P - Get Excited! Can now chain together and stack, increasing Total Attack Speed by 15% per stack (Movement Speed portion does not stack) Duration increased 4 >>> 6 被動 現在會獲得可堆疊的攻速增益,持續時間延長。 Q - Switcheroo! Jinx now has -15% Total Attack Speed while using Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher 惡鯊-15%攻速 Kalista 小安 Change Goals Increasing Kalista's affinity for Attack Speed. Experimental dash scaling changes that help attack flow and reduce overall power from jumping. 增加 小安與攻擊速度的向性。 實驗性的增加跳躍範圍變化,讓他別這麼OP? Base Stats Base AS increased 0.658 -> 0.694 AS per level reduced 3.3% -> 2.8% 基礎攻速增加但是成長攻速下降。 P - Martial Poise Jump distance scales with boot tier (as live), jump speed now only scales with AS/Slows (is slower early game but scales up). 跳躍距離與啟動機制(我猜是往前或往後?)有關,跳躍的速度只有跟攻速有關(前期慢 後期快)。 Lucian 路西恩 Change Goals Open up non Attack Speed based item builds, and make The Culling's damage output feel more consistently meaningful throughout the game. 改動目標是設計一個跟攻擊速度不太掛勾的英雄,並且讓他的大絕更有感。 R - The Culling No longer scales with Attack Speed Now fires 20/25/30 bullets based on rank 不再與攻速掛勾,而是固定彈數。 Sivir 希維爾 Change Goals Increasing Sivir’s affinity for CDR, bringing us back closer to the late game dream of “Ricochet all the time”. 提高希維爾與CDR的向性,希望可以在遊戲後其看到一個『隨時在彈跳刀』的結果。 Base Stats Base Attack Speed reduced 0.66 >>> 0.625 基礎攻速下降。 W - Ricochet Cooldown now begins on spell cast rather than when the attack buff expires Cooldown increased 9/8/7/6/5 seconds >>> 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 Attack buff duration reduced 6 >>> 4 W 冷卻從按下去就開始算。冷卻時間提升。持續時間下修。 Tristana 泡娘 Change Goals Begin to shift Trist away from late game clean-up hyper carry to more of an all-in AD caster. 將泡娘的定位從後期凱瑞英雄,改成一個all-in的AD法師。 Empower mid game all-in strength while stripping some power from late game sustained dps. 將中期的all-in強度提升,但是壓低一點後期的dps。 Clean up of minor cooldown returning mechanics in favor of more impactful Rocket Jump resets. 爆炸機制會有冷卻,作為補償會有更恐怖的火箭跳躍。 Q - Rapid Fire No longer reduces [E] CD on hit while active Attacking [E] Target no longer reduces [Q] CD on hit. CD 20s -> 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16s 不會降E的CD了。 攻擊E的目標也不會降低Q的CD了。 CD降低。 W - Rocket Jump Dmg Rescaled 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 -> 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 No longer deals increased damage per [E] stack Now also resets on Max stack [E] Detonation on Champions 傷害提高,但是不再因為E而增傷。 不過會把E直接拉到最大堆疊。 E - Explosive Charge Now detonates instantly on 4th stack (max stacks). Bomb Animation shifted to represent this. Tristana’s abilities also add [E] stacks. Missile Speed 1800 -> 2400 現在會在第4層就爆炸。爆炸動畫改動。 所有技能都會堆疊E。 投射速度提高。 Twitch 圖奇 Change Goals Pushing Twitch a bit farther in the direction of the “marksman assassin” by adding an out to his assassination attempts via Ambush reset. 把隱形時間拉長,讓圖奇變成一個長距離暗殺者。 Q - Ambush Added: Cooldown resets when an enemy champion affected by Deadly Venom dies Quality of Life Buff: Entering stealth now cancels Twitch's current auto attack order 當有敵人被毒死的時候冷卻立刻重置。 隱形的時候立刻取消圖奇當下的普攻。 R - Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat Buff Duration reduced 7 >>> 5 Quality of Life Buff: casting Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat during Q's stealth no longer cancels stealth Cost 100/125/150 >>> 100 all ranks 持續時間降低。 在Q的時候開R不會取消隱形。 冷卻時間下修。 Urgot 烏爾加特 Change Goals Restore Urgot R's defensive steroid function later in the game so that he doesn't get wrecked so hard by all the percent penetration floating around out there. 讓R在遊戲後期多一點生存能力,讓他不會那麼容易掛掉。 R - Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser No longer adds 60/90/120 Armor/MR Now adds 30/40/50% Damage Reduction 不再給護甲,但是給傷害減免。 Varus 法洛士 Change Goals Make R zoning more obvious and powerful. Shift R damage from initial hit to Blight procs. 讓R的範圍更明顯而且更強大。 把R的傷害從命中觸發改成給予印記。 R - Chain of Corruption Now displays max Spread Range to Varus and Enemies if it is spreading to at least one enemy champion. Rooted targets gain 3 stacks of [W] Blight over the duration of the root. Damage 150 / 250 / 350 -> 100 / 175 / 250 現在會告訴你最大射程還有擴散範圍。 現在會對命中的目標堆3層印記。 傷害下修。 Vayne 汎 Change Goals Silver Bolts is about expected time to kill on all targets (not squishy bursting), and Vayne's path to success needs to come through Silver Bolts. 銀箭應該是對任何都是一個死亡倒數計時(不是一個爛爛的爆發) 而且一個成功的汎需要更多銀箭 Base Stats AD/lvl reduced 2.66 >>> 1.66 AD成長下修(應該吧?) W - Silver Bolts Flat Damage removed Percent Health Damage increased 4/5/6/7/8% >>> 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% Minimum damage introduced at 40/60/80/100/120 flat damage This is probably a lot to process. Feel free to give feedback on as much or as little as you like. Focusing specifically on "Is this a good direction?" would be great. We're pretty open to change on the above stuff. 提升%傷。 現在有最小傷害。 這可能有很多需要改善的空間。請給我們更多的回饋,讓我們明白『這是否是個好方向』 我們是一個相當樂於改善的團隊。 以上,超級渣翻。歡迎打臉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/29 12:26, , 1F
10/29 12:26, 1F

10/29 12:26, , 2F
10/29 12:26, 2F

10/29 12:28, , 3F
10/29 12:28, 3F

10/29 12:29, , 4F
10/29 12:29, 4F

10/29 12:29, , 5F
10/29 12:29, 5F

10/29 12:30, , 6F
10/29 12:30, 6F

10/29 12:31, , 7F
10/29 12:31, 7F

10/29 12:35, , 8F
翻譯給推 不過滿多翻譯怪怪的QQ
10/29 12:35, 8F

10/29 12:35, , 9F
10/29 12:35, 9F

10/29 12:35, , 10F
艾希Q移除冷卻 應該是每打5下就能發Q一次
10/29 12:35, 10F

10/29 12:36, , 11F
10/29 12:36, 11F

10/29 12:37, , 12F
最後汎的W看來是基傷取消 只有%傷(上升)且不會低於
10/29 12:37, 12F

10/29 12:38, , 13F
10/29 12:38, 13F

10/29 12:38, , 14F
10/29 12:38, 14F

10/29 12:38, , 15F
10/29 12:38, 15F

10/29 12:39, , 16F
10/29 12:39, 16F
※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/29/2015 12:51:17

10/29 12:43, , 17F
還不足以稱為小安 想到逆襲時還是靠烏爾加特
10/29 12:43, 17F

10/29 12:44, , 18F
10/29 12:44, 18F

10/29 12:45, , 19F
10/29 12:45, 19F

10/29 12:45, , 20F
圖奇隱形就nerf過又buff回來 自打臉囉
10/29 12:45, 20F

10/29 12:46, , 21F
EZ已經夠爛了還能被砍 小水槍哭哭喔
10/29 12:46, 21F

10/29 12:46, , 22F
10/29 12:46, 22F

10/29 12:51, , 23F
10/29 12:51, 23F

10/29 12:51, , 24F
10/29 12:51, 24F

10/29 12:52, , 25F
10/29 12:52, 25F

10/29 12:53, , 26F
10/29 12:53, 26F

10/29 12:57, , 27F
紅明顯 瑞文兩個都是降低 翻反了~
10/29 12:57, 27F
對,謝謝 ※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/29/2015 12:58:55

10/29 13:00, , 28F
10/29 13:00, 28F

10/29 13:02, , 29F
你可以說啊 如果是跟lol無關的就不用講了
10/29 13:02, 29F

10/29 13:03, , 30F
老鼠回來了吧 這改動
10/29 13:03, 30F

10/29 13:08, , 31F
10/29 13:08, 31F
我的意思是『把Q的冷卻時間拔掉了,這殺小』 ※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/29/2015 13:18:01

10/29 13:30, , 32F
不是移除五重箭 是不到五層不能開
10/29 13:30, 32F

10/29 13:33, , 33F
翻的不好 凱特沒翻譯到
10/29 13:33, 33F

10/29 13:35, , 34F
10/29 13:35, 34F
抱歉。 ※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/29/2015 13:43:34

10/29 13:43, , 35F
Ashe翻譯改一改吧 XD
10/29 13:43, 35F

10/29 13:43, , 36F
10/29 13:43, 36F

10/29 14:00, , 37F
10/29 14:00, 37F

10/29 14:06, , 38F
10/29 14:06, 38F

10/29 14:13, , 39F
葵恩 葛雷夫 : 幹 放生我
10/29 14:13, 39F

10/29 14:23, , 40F
大叔 好運解那些在系列文的上一篇喔
10/29 14:23, 40F

10/29 14:24, , 41F
話說汎這樣改%傷會不會更猛了= = 雖然AD有nerf
10/29 14:24, 41F
※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/29/2015 14:27:52

10/29 14:33, , 42F
10/29 14:33, 42F
對,我改一下敘述好了。 ※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/29/2015 14:36:31

10/29 14:38, , 43F
10/29 14:38, 43F

10/29 15:27, , 44F
稻姬是開大期間不管技能或普攻都隱身好嗎= =
10/29 15:27, 44F

10/29 16:00, , 45F
10/29 16:00, 45F

10/29 16:44, , 46F
10/29 16:44, 46F

10/29 18:28, , 47F
到底有什麼情況下是按R不打算普攻的 這改動無言
10/29 18:28, 47F
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