[外電] Losing Lamar Odom Won't Hurt the Lakers

看板Lakers作者 (je suis desolee)時間15年前 (2009/07/20 22:49), 編輯推噓26(27124)
留言52則, 27人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/ 220663-losing-lamar-odom-wont-hurt-the-lakers http://ppt.cc/K6dl All the pundits and fans are wringing out their crying towels. Oh, what a tragedy is the Lakers lose Lamar Odom. What a terrible deal it amounts to! Odom and Trevor Ariza for Ron Artest. 那些自以為很懂得人和球迷們早開始哭得西哩花啦 嗚~湖人沒了老二該怎麼活下去 嗚~老二和阿麗莎兩個換一個阿泰?!這種賠本生意怎麼會有人肯做! It’s just not worth it, they cry. You lose two and get only one in return. But that one player that you get is worth the other two. Why? Because he WANTS to be a Laker. And he doesn’t care about the money. 「兩個換一個,根本就不值得!」球迷們難過地說 但是..你難道不知道那一個可以抵兩個嗎! 你問我為什麼? 因為,重點是,阿泰『想』披上紫金戰袍!而且他不在乎錢的多少! The other two just wanted their egos stroked. Show me how important I am to this team by putting out some extra loot. 另外兩個人過於驕傲了! 他們強迫要湖人用價錢告訴他們 他們之於球隊的重要性 Well, I’m glad Jerry Buss showed Ariza and Odom how important they were. He let Ariza go without a second thought and brought in Artest. He also pulled the offer to Odom, who showed his appreciation by actually considering offers from other teams worth far less money. 哼,那我也很高興Buss也明白地表示了球隊的立場 Buss放阿麗莎走而一轉眼就帶了阿泰回家 他毅然決然的用放棄談判 來表達對喇嘛忘恩負義,居然認真考慮他隊提供之中產合同 的不滿 Buss proved once again that no one is going to hold him hostage even if he has to break up the team. He did it back in 2004 and he will do it again if he has to. And good for him. Buss再次地證明 即使代價是拆散球隊 仍舊沒有什麼能威脅到他 他在04年就這麼做過了 若有需要他不惜再做一次! 幹得好! So, the pundits cry out all the more. If the Lakers lose Odom now, they get absolutely nothing for him. They could have traded him last year and gotten something. 那些裝懂的人們又要哭了 如果湖人在此時失去了喇嘛 他們什麼都得不到 但如果湖人在去年就把喇嘛交易出去 他們還能得到些好處耶 Well, they didn’t trade him, and the Lakers got something—their 15th NBA Championship. Look at it this way, Laker fans—Jerry Buss and the Lakers rented Lamar Odom for one year for $14 million in order to win the title. 嗯..湖人去年沒把喇嘛送走 但湖人仍有大收獲--他們的第十五個總冠軍! 湖人球迷們,不如這樣想吧 Buss和湖人隊只是為了贏得冠軍而用一千四百萬租了喇嘛一年 But all that Ariza bought himself with an extended contract was five long years with a non-contender instead of three years with a team that competes for the title every year. 不過說到阿麗莎 他居然放棄了一個長達三年且能待在一個每年角逐冠軍賽的球隊的合同 去換未來五年綁在一個離冠軍好遠、好遠的球隊?! And what do you think Odom will be buying himself in Miami? Even if the Heat can add Carlos Boozer, so what? Dwayne Wade, Carlos Boozer, and Lamar Odom will still be only the fourth or fifth best team in the East. 而你們覺得如果喇嘛去了熱火隊,他能得到什麼? 就算熱火加上了Boozer,又怎樣? 炎帝, Boozer和喇嘛加起來,熱火仍舊也只能當東區第四、第五名 The Heat may make it through the first round of the playoffs, but that’s it. They are no match for Orlando, Boston, or Cleveland. 對,熱火可能可以熬過第一輪,但也僅此而已 對上魔術、賽爾提克或騎士隊,熱火根本就不是對手 As for the Lakers, they will still be the top dogs in the West even without Odom. Andrew Bynum will come back stronger. Ron Artest is a competitor and does some of the things that both Ariza and Odom did. And there’s still Derek Fisher, Pau Gasol, and Kobe Bryant. 而湖人隊呢? 就算沒有喇嘛,湖人隊無論如何都一定會是西區的佼佼者 霸男將會變得更強壯(真的嗎?) 阿泰絕對是相當有競爭力 阿麗莎和喇嘛能做的事情 他也能做不少 更不用說湖人隊仍然有強大的老魚、耶穌和摳比! Jordan Farmar and Sasha Vujacic had off years. If either one of them regains their competitive form, the Lakers will be stronger. Adam Morrison has looked good in the Summer League and could give the Lakers bench an added lift. 農夫和莎莎過去這陣子是真的狀況不好沒錯 但他們只要其中一個人稍微振作起來 湖人將會更加強大 Morrison也有希望能增強湖人板凳的實力 Also, trust Buss and GM Mitch Kupchak to come up with a free agent like a Chris Wilcox who can give Artest and Gasol some added relief. 還有 請相信Buss和Kupchak可以冰雪聰明地想到找來類似Chris Wilcox的自由球員 分擔阿泰和耶穌的負擔 I don’t think Buss will put the same offer back on the table. Odom, who has been so inconsistent over the past four years even though he was making the big bucks, will have to take less money or walk. 此外 我不覺的Buss會把原先的合約條件搬回檯面上 喇嘛雖然在過去的四年非常不安定的狀態下也賺了大錢 但這次他勢必要付出相當的代價才能回到湖人 或者就此和湖人說再見 But don’t worry, Laker fans. Unlike what you are being told in the media, the only loser here is Lamar Odom, not the Lakers. They will still be playing come next June. 但是湖人球迷們別擔心! 現在這個情況下,輸家只會是喇嘛 絕對不會是湖人! -- 第一次翻外電請大家鞭小力一點.. 有不正確的部份拜託大家糾正我 謝謝! 我還是不希望candyman走啊 哭哭 看到跳跳虎穿別隊球衣我都很難過惹 我對喇嘛有深厚的情感啊)))) 這內容看完我都不知道該怎麼反應了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/20 22:53, , 1F
倒數兩段 倒是頗同意的...翻譯辛苦了
07/20 22:53, 1F

07/20 22:53, , 2F
07/20 22:53, 2F

07/20 22:54, , 3F
我實在不敢太期待霸男啊orz 只求他健康就好 天天吃阿鈣
07/20 22:54, 3F

07/20 22:54, , 4F
07/20 22:54, 4F

07/20 22:54, , 5F
基本上能留住 球隊戰力是繼續保持超強狀態
07/20 22:54, 5F

07/20 22:55, , 6F
沒留住 總冠軍比較有不確定性 但不代表完全沒機會
07/20 22:55, 6F

07/20 23:16, , 7F
Chris Wilco"w"應該是"x"
07/20 23:16, 7F

07/20 23:17, , 8F
沒留住 遇到作弊的超賽很抖...
07/20 23:17, 8F
※ 編輯: an413c 來自: (07/20 23:27)

07/20 23:29, , 9F
07/20 23:29, 9F

07/20 23:32, , 10F
看到隊板有紅勾勾超緊張 結果卻是ㄧ劑預防針XDDDD
07/20 23:32, 10F

07/20 23:38, , 11F
樓上 XDD 我也很緊張
07/20 23:38, 11F

07/21 00:00, , 12F
這個劇本拖太久了 如果odom要去熱火 早點宣佈也好
07/21 00:00, 12F

07/21 00:01, , 13F
不過馬刺補強後 陣容有夠強 沒odom在 令人擔心就是了 0rz
07/21 00:01, 13F

07/21 00:03, , 14F
07/21 00:03, 14F

07/21 00:04, , 15F
醒著的每小時都來逛一下>"< 好痛苦喔
07/21 00:04, 15F

07/21 00:05, , 16F
07/21 00:05, 16F

07/21 00:06, , 17F
07/21 00:06, 17F

07/21 00:10, , 18F
...........................................驕傲= =
07/21 00:10, 18F

07/21 00:13, , 19F
07/21 00:13, 19F

07/21 00:44, , 20F
總版的某人 又要出來酸這篇了吧 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
07/21 00:44, 20F

07/21 00:54, , 21F
07/21 00:54, 21F

07/21 00:54, , 22F
07/21 00:54, 22F

07/21 00:55, , 23F
07/21 00:55, 23F

07/21 00:56, , 24F
Losing Odom won't hurt the Lakers,mmm........
07/21 00:56, 24F

07/21 01:12, , 25F
看到標題前三個字就抖了...好險= =
07/21 01:12, 25F

07/21 02:16, , 26F
哈哈 前三個字的確很抖
07/21 02:16, 26F

07/21 02:55, , 27F
原PO抱歉了 我真的很想噓內容
07/21 02:55, 27F

07/21 03:32, , 28F
07/21 03:32, 28F

07/21 07:55, , 29F
07/21 07:55, 29F

07/21 08:38, , 30F
約是熱火簽的 錢應該是湖人給的
07/21 08:38, 30F

07/21 08:57, , 31F
約熱火簽的?? 錢誰給的?? righthand你在想什麼??
07/21 08:57, 31F

07/21 09:49, , 32F
如果熱火當時肯再另外付一筆的話 就算odom離開我也覺得應該
07/21 09:49, 32F

07/21 09:55, , 33F
07/21 09:55, 33F

07/21 09:56, , 34F
07/21 09:56, 34F

07/21 09:56, , 35F
07/21 09:56, 35F

07/21 09:58, , 36F
07/21 09:58, 36F

07/21 09:59, , 37F
07/21 09:59, 37F

07/21 10:03, , 38F
嚴格說Odom還幫湖人省錢 不用付O'neal後期的約
07/21 10:03, 38F

07/21 10:18, , 39F
Brain Grant的錢是誰付的? 熱火那枚戒指順便還回來吧 XD
07/21 10:18, 39F

07/21 10:19, , 40F
交易是對等的 樓上的說法太可愛了
07/21 10:19, 40F

07/21 10:22, , 41F
07/21 10:22, 41F

07/21 10:42, , 42F
這把交易中 歐肥加冠軍戒VS歐登加Grant你會選哪邊?
07/21 10:42, 42F

07/21 10:44, , 43F
07/21 10:44, 43F

07/21 10:50, , 44F
是不能這樣分 但是基本上當時熱火是比較賺的
07/21 10:50, 44F

07/21 10:58, , 45F
一邊著眼近期影響 一邊著眼長期發展 不能只看"當時" ^^
07/21 10:58, 45F

07/21 11:30, , 46F
我只是想說就錢的部分 Odom待在熱火一樣是賺這麼多錢
07/21 11:30, 46F

07/21 11:46, , 47F
righthand兄應該了解Odom因為被交易 所以多拿了7.425m吧
07/21 11:46, 47F

07/21 11:46, , 48F
07/21 11:46, 48F

07/21 11:48, , 49F
signing bonus平均分攤到薪資上(每年9,963,596)所以Odom
07/21 11:48, 49F

07/21 11:49, , 50F
07/21 11:49, 50F

07/21 12:14, , 51F
07/21 12:14, 51F

07/21 19:01, , 52F
幫忙翻譯還要被噓 唉...
07/21 19:01, 52F
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