[情報] Bryant's Nike commercial to debut Th …

看板KobeBryant作者 (我搞不懂為什麼 好煩)時間18年前 (2006/02/09 15:47), 編輯推噓4(402)
留言6則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
我是從這邊看到新聞的,有興趣的板友可以去看看 http://0rz.net/2b124 廣告在美國時間星期四首播,不知道台灣什麼時候可以看到? 廣告內容是Kobe在練習罰球和一些投籃動作 廣告的口白是Kobe自己說的: "Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons." 我個人是認為這段話似乎有些倒反的口氣在 不管別人是怎麼樣的看待Kobe,他還是做自己最熱愛的事 當然,有些人對他著迷,但是也一定會有人對他憎恨 Kobe選擇不去理會外界的紛擾,專心達成自己的目標 這段廣告完完整整的表達出Kobe的心境,呈現出最真實的Kobe Kobe提到他對這段廣告的看法: "I expect the same reaction I normally get -- some people will like it and some people won't," Bryant said. "It's truthful. I think it's important to do ads that are not as we know ads are usually done. This one is one that is true to form. It is real, it is honest. We're not selling an image. It's not like we're trying to polish my image or clean it up." 另外Kobe被問到當球迷在看待他時,他本身的想法是什麼的時候 我覺得他的回答真的很不錯,要是換做是我也會這樣回答XD 希望大家能仔細的看一下這段回答 "I think they're seeing a person who's determined, who's focused on being one of the best basketball players and is trying to elevate his team to get back to that elite status," he said. "Despite whatever challenges, mountains and obstacles were in his way, he's been able to overcome it and continue to battle through it. "And everybody has their own crosses to bear. Mine isn't different from anybody else's here but we all have our crosses. The point is to pick that cross up and carry it." 這些大概就是這篇新聞的重點 原諒我沒有翻譯,因為我可能翻不出原來的意思吧... by the way, 恭喜湖人今天終於止敗了 看到Kobe如此認真的對待籃球, 我相信他的熱情,不只是他的隊友,連支持Kobe的我們應該都能感受到吧 大家一起加油吧! :) -- 2006/1/22 LA Lakers vs. Toronto Raptors Player Time FGM-A 3PT FTM-A REB AST PF STL TO BLK PTS K.Bryant 41:56 28-46 7-13 18-20 6 2 1 3 3 1 81 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/09 16:38, , 1F
02/09 16:38, 1F

02/09 16:39, , 2F
不會有特別的中文版 :P
02/09 16:39, 2F

02/09 16:51, , 3F
這就是事情的經過~如果中文口白很鳥 殺了NIKE台灣分公
02/09 16:51, 3F

02/09 16:51, , 4F
02/09 16:51, 4F

02/09 17:55, , 5F
有很特別的中文版的話 就又會創造一堆新的流行語了 = =
02/09 17:55, 5F

02/09 18:30, , 6F
02/09 18:30, 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #13wlEJYa (KobeBryant)