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Jeremy: Melo, Amar’e returns not chemistry problem It is the elephant in the Knicks locker room. What happens to their season-high five-game winning streak, what happens to “ Linsanity,’’ what happens to their perfect team chemistry created by minimum-wage role players when the Knicks’ two superstars return tomorrow in Toronto. Jeremy Lin, the Knicks’ new point-guard phenomenon, said there is no reason to worry in the long term, and he believes the team’s level of play with Amar ’e Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony could be “crazy.’’ The fairy-tale plot thickens as Stoudemire, after taking a week to mourn his brother’s death, returns to practice in Westchester today and is expected to suit up in Toronto if he is mentally 總之 LIN說這將會是瘋狂的 他看起來是沒那麼擔心這問題@@ 下面還有一些人 Anthony, who has been sidelined because of a groin strain, was reevaluated yesterday, though the team gave no update on his status for tomorrow’s game. It’s been a week since he suffered the injury, when the timetable for his return was set at 1-to-2 weeks. “They’re our teammates,’’ Lin said late Saturday night in Minnesota after his go-ahead free throw with 4.9 seconds left extended the hysteria surrounding the Knicks. “When they come back, I don’t know how long or even if there will be an adjustment period, but I think obviously they’re two of the top players in the league. We just have to find a way to quickly come together and ride this momentum. “We all come together, it’s crazy. We don’t know how good we’ll be. The potential is there.’’ There are causes for concern as the Knicks’ stars, who combine to make $33 million this season, reenter the revised picture. The last four games — Lin’ s first NBA starts — have occurred without either of them on the floor, except for Anthony playing the first six minutes of Monday’s victory over the Jazz before getting hurt. In Stoudemire’s case, he got off to a poor start to the season, lacking his customary explosiveness, and coaches left him off the All-Star team. How will his head be upon his return from a family tragedy? On the flip side, Stoudemire could fit splendidly with Lin on the pick-and-roll, just like he soared during his speedball years in Phoenix with point guard Steve Nash and the first half of last season with Raymond Felton. Before Lin’s five games of greatness, there were few pick-and-roll opportunities for Stoudemire and he must share them with raging-hot center Tyson Chandler. “We can’t wait to see [Amar’e],’’ Lin said. “We miss him a lot. Obviously it’s tough. I wish he didn’t have to go through [this]. When he gets back, we’ll be excited to see him. Hopefully playing basketball, he’ll get his mind off everything.’’ The bigger concern is Anthony, whose shooting percentage of 39 percent and penchant for taking too many shots out of the offensive flow were chief reasons for the Knicks’ 7-15 start. When he went down, it was Melo’s team. Now it is Lin’s, The undrafted Harvard point guard has emerged as the key ingredient missing from coach Mike D’Antoni’s offense. It was a blessing in disguise that Lin — like Nash — could take command of the team without worrying about superstar egos. Anthony never has been second fiddle. “It is what it is,” D’Antoni. “[Lin] took it and we’ll go forward. I’ll let you write articles about that.’’ Forward Steve Novak, a 3-point shooting machine under the Lin Dynasty, said Anthony has told him he can’t wait to play in the new culture. Indeed, the pressure is on Anthony to adjust. “We can’t wait to have those guys back,’’ Novak said. “We know obviously how good those guys are. There’s an energy that’s contagious. Those guys had never played with Jeremy, but Melo is champing at the bit, saying, ‘I can ’t wait to be back. I can’t wait to be back.’ The biggest thing he can bring is his energy and playing together.’’ Stoudemire and Anthony’s presence will mean less playing time for Novak. Lin ’s penetrating game won’t change. He won’t need to score as much from the outside with Anthony making hay. When Anthony returns to his role as one of the league’s finest clutch scorers in the final two minutes, he will have more room to work as Lin draws defenders on his basket attacks. “I can’t wait to get them back,’’ D’Antoni said. “We should go up to another level. No doubt about it.’’ There is some doubt, but Chandler said he is more worried about Stoudemire’s mental health. “I’m more concerned about Amar’e and his mindset,’’ Chandler said. “ With loss of a family member, and a brother at that, the basketball I couldn’ t care less about. I’m more concerned how he’ll react, how he’s feeling, his mindset. We’re brothers and have to be there for him.’’ The “Linderella Story’’ hits its first conflict. 英文不好下面就不便幫大家翻譯了 拳王好像比較擔心阿罵奔喪回來的精神問題@@ 網址:http://ppt.cc/L8Gz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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