
看板Kings作者 (Tennis味自己眼光不差,A)時間13年前 (2011/04/05 11:24), 編輯推噓34(34071)
留言105則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
I won't lie to you: It's not easy to sit on bench, as I have the last few games in Sacramento, and see the other guys play on the court. I'm an athlete, one who lives for the game, and taking away the thing I love most - playing basketball, it's been hard for me. The situation in Sacramento isn't like it was for me before. Coach Paul Westphal has been doing different things in practice, and it has been made certain I'm not in his plans. There are still six games left in the season, I'm not saying I'm counting the seconds until it's over, I just try to keep fit and ready for when they call my name to play. Coach told me a few games ago that he is exploring other options for next season, so as you can tell, I am not really sure of his plans. I know there are a lot of teams, including some strong playoff contenders, who are interested in me for next year and going forward. I hope I find myself on a team who will appreciate my ability as an athlete and as a human being, and get to play on a squad with a "team first" mentality. I still don't know if I will stay a Sacramento King beyond this season. I am a player under contract, I really love the fans, the city, the owner and the General-Manager. Things just don't seem to be going well. Don't get me wrong; Sacramento is the team that gave me the opportunity to play in the NBA,and it would be selfish of me to say I want to leave, but I am sure that I'm good enough to play, whether it's for the Kings organization or for another team. The year in Sacramento seemed to start out positive, but unfortunately, it hasn't progressed the way I wanted, in all parameters, and everyone can see it. It's clear, from my perspective, that the situation on this team isn't ideal for me. There are teams that I would fit well on, because I'm a team player and get along well with staff, I just hope I am appreciated enough here that I they will let me go somewhere else where I can just play basketball. "What does not kill you...." - like the saying goes, is always on my mind, and something I have turned to in similar situations in the past. That phrase has been reinforced in situations before and I am just seeing it again. I'm sure this will be something I just sit and laugh at when I look back on it. To end on an optimistic note, I want to congratulate Maccabi Tel-Aviv for their incredible feat of reaching the Final Four! I watched the last game and I am the happiest person in the world for the Maccabi team . With ths host city of Barcelona's team losing to Panathinaikos, this is a big game for Maccabi and it shows how they are a good club with great management. Do I think that Maccabi can win? Well, just look at the game with Barcelona and see what a tough time Panathinaikos gave them, it's definitely going to be difficult and hard fought game. This is an intense weekend, and the best team will raise the trophy when it is all said and done. It will be interesting to see and I'm sure I will keep my fingers crossed for Tel-Aviv. Omri's Blog 4/4/2011 感想:如果今年真的選到TJ,Omri可能會瘋掉了吧! 如果國王需要的話 向下交易也許也可以考慮 國王目前戰績第五爛 保障籤位前八順位 (但勝場差籃網一場要小心) 要抓到Irving/Kanter/P.Jones 還是有一些風險 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/05 11:36, , 1F
Coach told me a few games ago that he is exploring
04/05 11:36, 1F

04/05 11:37, , 2F
other options for next season, 幹,西法還敢想下季
04/05 11:37, 2F

04/05 11:38, , 3F
為什麼要向下交易??? 順位簽那麼前面 不是比較吃香
04/05 11:38, 3F

04/05 11:38, , 4F
04/05 11:38, 4F

04/05 11:38, , 5F
04/05 11:38, 5F
※ 編輯: tiebreak 來自: (04/05 11:58)

04/05 12:20, , 6F
13位 這兩個早被搶了
04/05 12:20, 6F

04/05 13:11, , 7F
同意 這兩個不會跑到 機率是0
04/05 13:11, 7F

04/05 13:14, , 8F
我覺得把握現有的籤 把可能的人選列一列 備胎也列一列
04/05 13:14, 8F

04/05 13:15, , 9F
04/05 13:15, 9F

04/05 13:16, , 10F
04/05 13:16, 10F

04/05 13:19, , 11F
04/05 13:19, 11F

04/05 13:20, , 12F
04/05 13:20, 12F

04/05 13:20, , 13F
04/05 13:20, 13F
※ 編輯: tiebreak 來自: (04/05 14:26)

04/05 15:31, , 14F
omri走了 有點可惜 看能不能換個二輪試試
04/05 15:31, 14F

04/05 15:36, , 15F
omri雖然好 但是也只有準的時候 還是到外面闖吧
04/05 15:36, 15F

04/05 16:31, , 16F
蛤 小卡是我自Peja以後喜歡的老外耶
04/05 16:31, 16F

04/05 17:08, , 17F
04/05 17:08, 17F

04/05 17:25, , 18F
04/05 17:25, 18F

04/05 17:26, , 19F
04/05 17:26, 19F

04/05 17:49, , 20F
04/05 17:49, 20F

04/05 18:04, , 21F
可憐的greene 很會跑位被說成只剩空中接力 雖然我也很愛
04/05 18:04, 21F

04/05 18:06, , 22F
omri 但到目前為止他哪一點表現比greene好
04/05 18:06, 22F

04/05 18:17, , 23F
難道只有我是小綠綠派嗎? @@a
04/05 18:17, 23F

04/05 18:22, , 24F
04/05 18:22, 24F

04/05 18:25, , 25F
小卡小綠合體大概就是星級的了 XDD
04/05 18:25, 25F

04/05 18:26, , 26F
XD 可是他們兩個很像耶 合體起來有比較強嗎 長相還會變X
04/05 18:26, 26F

04/05 18:28, , 27F
阿泰的詛咒: 你們可以賣我 但是永遠找不到真愛 (誤)
04/05 18:28, 27F

04/05 18:29, , 28F
應該這樣說 小卡目前比小綠好的就是設定的空檔投籃能投進
04/05 18:29, 28F

04/05 18:30, , 29F
greene看得出來季初是因為暑假搞笑 隨著狀況回穩 他打得
04/05 18:30, 29F

04/05 18:30, , 30F
除此之外 籃框附近的作業或亂軍中撿到籃板再硬起小綠較強
04/05 18:30, 30F

04/05 18:31, , 31F
可是最近小綠外線不比omri 差喔,現在他不能放了
04/05 18:31, 31F

04/05 18:31, , 32F
04/05 18:31, 32F

04/05 18:31, , 33F
有板有眼 這句話放到現在我不同意 最近有看比賽就很清楚
04/05 18:31, 33F

04/05 18:31, , 34F
04/05 18:31, 34F

04/05 18:32, , 35F
04/05 18:32, 35F

04/05 18:32, , 36F
除非在防守和傳球部分小卡能長出來超越小綠 不然SF很難搶
04/05 18:32, 36F

04/05 18:33, , 37F
04/05 18:33, 37F
還有 28 則推文
04/05 19:37, , 66F
04/05 19:37, 66F

04/05 19:40, , 67F
04/05 19:40, 67F

04/05 19:43, , 68F
04/05 19:43, 68F

04/05 19:45, , 69F
04/05 19:45, 69F

04/05 19:45, , 70F
就是第二節初greene上來搗蛋那一段 XD
04/05 19:45, 70F

04/05 19:47, , 71F
04/05 19:47, 71F

04/05 19:52, , 72F
不會阿XD正負值有顯示出來 不過也等於他現在就只能搗蛋用
04/05 19:52, 72F

04/05 19:54, , 73F
對啦 正負值,可是看數據你會認為他在場上打順風球的
04/05 19:54, 73F

04/05 19:55, , 74F
04/05 19:55, 74F

04/05 20:08, , 75F
能維持7分鐘的好球不代表能維持17或是27 重點還是穩定性
04/05 20:08, 75F

04/05 20:09, , 76F
他跟小卡打打替補應該是沒什麼問題的但要當先發還不夠 而
04/05 20:09, 76F

04/05 20:10, , 77F
國王需要一個穩定貢獻的先發搭配表弟和牙縫 這也SF還有變
04/05 20:10, 77F

04/05 20:11, , 78F
動的原因目前中鋒和後衛 大懶和胖虎都有能力穩定輸出防攻
04/05 20:11, 78F

04/05 20:13, , 79F
04/05 20:13, 79F

04/05 20:14, , 80F
一個SF沒有切入能力實在很傷 只能靠牙縫硬切但也切壞節奏
04/05 20:14, 80F

04/05 20:18, , 81F
從灰狼那場開始9場命中率是 26/54 逼近五成 三分球
04/05 20:18, 81F

04/05 20:19, , 82F
12/28 維持四成多,這個東西對我來說比打了滿場暴走
04/05 20:19, 82F

04/05 20:20, , 83F
04/05 20:20, 83F

04/05 20:21, , 84F
04/05 20:21, 84F

04/05 20:23, , 85F
04/05 20:23, 85F

04/05 20:25, , 86F
04/05 20:25, 86F

04/05 20:26, , 87F
04/05 20:26, 87F

04/05 20:28, , 88F
想想先發替補的sf 都有體能跟運球切入能力,WOW!
04/05 20:28, 88F

04/05 20:30, , 89F
恩恩 每個人都有心中有愛的人啦 就醬 就像我愛Rubio一樣
04/05 20:30, 89F

04/05 20:31, , 90F
所以別人的意見就看看就好嚕 重點是每個人心中都有一把尺
04/05 20:31, 90F

04/05 20:31, , 91F
我喜歡的cisco最近反而常常烙賽哩 XDD
04/05 20:31, 91F

04/05 20:33, , 92F
常常投1/xx ,但是因為是地下老大(?)沒人敢開砲 XD
04/05 20:33, 92F

04/05 20:34, , 93F
cisco 其實更沒切入,但是防守強彌補了他很多
04/05 20:34, 93F

04/05 20:35, , 94F
又能投進big shot,所以只要能找到自己的方式,其實綠卡
04/05 20:35, 94F

04/05 20:36, , 95F
04/05 20:36, 95F

04/05 20:52, , 96F
cisco急停跳投比另外兩支好很多 而不只是三分
04/05 20:52, 96F

04/05 20:58, , 97F
04/05 20:58, 97F

04/05 21:29, , 98F
不能說他只是搗蛋 而是他所做的是數據顯示不出來的
04/05 21:29, 98F

04/05 21:30, , 99F
最好的例子就是八爺 數據沒啥 但是球隊不可或缺的
04/05 21:30, 99F

04/05 21:31, , 100F
希望greene可以長成那樣 他是個好球員
04/05 21:31, 100F

04/05 21:47, , 101F
小綠小卡現階不管到哪一隊都只能算及格的替補 加油阿
04/05 21:47, 101F

04/06 00:32, , 102F
我自己會覺得小卡比 Greene 還有機會練成先發等級,可惜第
04/06 00:32, 102F

04/06 00:32, , 103F
04/06 00:32, 103F

04/06 00:34, , 104F
04/06 00:34, 104F

04/06 00:34, , 105F
04/06 00:34, 105F
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