[外絮] 火箭VS小牛 賽後訪談

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (YOYO)時間11年前 (2013/03/04 16:13), 編輯推噓39(39045)
留言84則, 36人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/picture-perfect 心得: 揪~竟 冰箱想洗白? 還是情勢所迫? 讓我們繼續 看! 下! 去! (備註: 關於LIN的那段 我樓上樓下兩位炳U都有翻譯 正所謂一個冰箱 各自表述 各位客官就挑自己最喜歡的說法吧 XDDD) QUOTES 我有話要說 KEVIN MCHALE 冰箱 (On teams play in the third quarter) “The 3rd quarter was amazing. We really made a lot of shots. Got some stops, got out and ran, it was a huge, huge quarter for us like 44-17. After the first half where both teams ... the score was 61-64. It didn't seem like anyone was going to score 17 in a quarter in this game.” (對於第三節球隊的表現) 天啊~~那真是太神奇了~~~第三節44-17的攻勢有夠猛 上半場打完還是61-64的高比分,誰想的到竟然可以讓他們一節只得17分? (On defense on Dirk Nowitzki) “We were trying to run at him, we were trying to do some stuff…he's just a fantastic player. Early in the game they were making 3's on us, they were kind of picking us apart. They got out in transition. We had missteps where we got a couple cross checking things going where we didn't handle that well but in third quarter we were able to start off getting a couple of dunks that kind of got the defense a little sagged in. We got a few stops and then the guys made a lot of shots. That's unusual, Chandler (Parsons) went 12-of-13. The only shot he missed was that heat check three. It was a heck of a game for us. We needed a game like that badly to just come out and play and have some good things happen.” (對於司機的嚴防) 我們試著要緊黏著他,畢竟他是一個優秀的球員 一開始的時候他們三分外線發揮得不錯,而且掌握了攻防轉換 一些換防、協防我們都沒有做得很好 但第三節開始,我們透過幾次灌籃擊潰了他們的防線 加強防守加上外線開始發揮 今天高富帥12-13的命中率真是嚇屎人了~~~這一點也不科學~~~~~ (On defensive work the last couple of weeks paying off in third quarter) “With our team, we're always better defensively if were making shots. There still at the age where their offense kind of dictates their defensive energy. As we were making shots that helped too.” (對於過去幾週在第三節的防守功夫上開始有了成效) 對我們的球隊來說,當我們能投進球的時候,就能帶動我們的防守 我們仍然是一支攻擊決定了防守能量的隊伍 (On Chandler Parsons play) “Chandler played very well. He had 32. I do believe that's a career high for him. He made shots, he played well. I thought that Jeremy (Lin) and James (Harden), they had 16 assists between the two of them and two turnovers. Those guys did a nice job of moving. They kind of over extended on James (Harden) a little bit. We had some pretty good ball movement. Dallas is going to pack to paint. That's bothered us the last couple of years, but if you make the extra pass, it makes them scramble a little bit more out of that.” (對於高富帥的表現) 他打得非常好,32分肯定是他目前生涯最高得分 啾咪跟哈登聯手送出16次助攻卻只有兩次失誤,在球的流動上做得非常好 隊友不斷的跑動,也給了哈登不少協助 達拉斯一向都非常擅長固守禁區,過去幾年我們也吃了不少苦頭 但我們透過幾次傳導,成功擾亂了他們 (On Thomas Robinson in the rotation) “We don't even know what his role is yet. I tell Thomas (Robinson) you have to play by feel right now. We'll practice hard Tuesday and see what he does again there. I’m just trying to get a feel for him and he's trying to get a feel for what we're doing. I like what he does defensively. He can get out and show in pick-and-rolls. You can switch stuff with him. He has good hands defensively. He gets down and really moves his feet. He might be able to give us a different look defensively at that four or five spot where we can switch things.” (對於TROB開始進入輪替名單) 老實說,我們暫時還不確定他可以扮演什麼樣的角色 我跟他說,"你必須跟著感覺打" 我們將會在星期二的訓練中做努力,而且看看他表現如何 我只是要讓他對我們的隊形跟打法有一點FU,可以盡快融入我們 我對他的防守非常滿意,他對擋切的對位蠻有一套,補防跟移動非常快速 他在四五號位的防守上,可以給我們一些新氣象 (On Francisco Garcia's play) “He (Francisco Garcia) and James (Harden) are really good pros. He's just got a presence about him. He just knows what he's doing.” (對於賈西亞) 他和哈登都非常專業,他很能掌握上場的機會表現自己 (Best you’ve seen from Jeremy Lin?) Jeremy has had a ton of good games from us. That’s the high end but any time you’ve got 8-14, 21 points, nine assists and 2 turnovers that’s the high end for anybody – that’s the high end for Chris Paul. But he’s had a lot of games where he’s had high end games. It’s like with all of our young guys: as you get older you just get more consistent. I think what Jeremy proved last year is that with his high end ceiling, he can get on a roll and sustain it for a long time. The other thing about Jeremy: He didn’t play the fourth quarter last game but he didn’t care because he was so excited for Patrick (Beverley). He’s a great teammate as well. (這是你看過最猛的LIN嗎?) 啾咪已經為我們貢獻過非常多的好表現, 14投8中,21分9助攻僅有2失誤,這是非常高水準的演出,CP3等級 但他早已有過很多類似的好表現 隊上的年輕球員都是這樣,當你越打越成熟,表現就會越來越穩定 我想去年啾咪已經向世人展現他的水平在哪裡,他擁有維持高檔演出的能力 喔,對了,還有一件事 他真的是一個非常好的隊友,當他第四節沒上場時,他並不在意 只為了比佛利的好表現感到開心 JEREMY LIN 啾咪林 (What is the ceiling for Chandler?) I think we appreciate everything. He got his opportunity – great system, great role – and really took off with it similar to me in New York. So we really can relate on that end and there’s an understanding of what it’s like to be an underdog. He deserves everything he’s getting. There really is no ceiling. It’s his second year. He’s 24-years-old. No one really knows how good he can become. But he’s pretty good already. (高富帥的極限是?) 今晚的他 沒有極限 他才24歲 NBA二年生 沒有人知道他還可以怎樣進化 但他已經夠好了 (充滿愛的發言) (On the first win against Dallas in a long time) “We had lost 9 straight to them and so it feels good. It feels like we got a monkey off our back. We're going to have another tough one at Dallas coming up.” (對於這幾年來第一次贏了達拉斯) 在這之前,我們對戰九連敗,所以這一場贏了就像是除去了心魔一樣 接下來我們還會在他們的主場遭遇到,相信又是一場硬戰 (On Rockets building a lead in which they did not relinquish) “What we have been addressing is building a lead and then instead of giving it right back, continuing to build on it and I think we did as a team a great job. We were talking about it, we were focused on it. In the past few games we have built leads and giving them up and so it was good to see us tonight just really build on that.” (對於火箭隊在建立領先優勢後仍然全力以赴) 儘管領先,我們還是不能輕易鬆懈,保持專注,就是我們該做的 過去幾場我們曾經有領先被逆轉的經驗,所以今晚能夠堅持到最後,很令人高興 CHANDLER PARSONS 高富帥 (on being in the zone) It’s incredible. You get goose bumps. It’s the most amazing feeling. (對於火力全開) 那真是太神奇了,我都起雞皮疙瘩了 (On his shooting) “Yeah, it felt good out there. My teammates did a great job of finding me early and I got to the free throw line and hit a bunch of free throws. I think that gave me confidence going forward and just really our spacing and our ball movement opened up the floor so much for me and just knocking down shots. (對於你的投籃) 感覺超棒,我們隊友很快就找到我的空檔,而且罰球我也掌握得不錯 我想今天這場建立了我的信心,也因為隊友的傳導,為我找到了很多的機會 (On his career high points) “It felt great, when you get in a zone like that it ’s one of the greatest feelings in the world for a basketball player. Especially when our team is winning and we’re on a roll like that you can’t be stopped. (對於生涯新高) 爽~~~當你找到手感,這就是全世界的籃球員最想要的感覺 尤其是當你的球隊持續保持領先,簡直是無人可擋 JAMES HARDEN 鬍子 (On the key to the win) “Guys did a good job, especially in that 3rd quarter of moving the ball. We made some big shots. Chandler(Parsons) was just hitting everything tonight but it started with our defense. Our defense helped us out and we got some transition baskets.” (獲勝關鍵) 隊友們表現得很好,尤其是在第三節 高富帥幾乎完成了每次的出手,但這些都建立於我們的防守之上 防守幫助我們轉換進攻 (On the play of Chandler Parsons) “He (Chandler Parsons) couldn't miss. I think the only shot he missed was a heave from far out. He did a good job. Jeremy (Lin) made some big shots. Guys just played well especially in that second half. I think in the first half, they (Dallas) probably scored 60 something points. In the second half, in that third quarter we scored 44 and that was the game right there.” (對於高富帥的表現) 他幾乎沒有失手,他唯一沒進的一球是超大號三分 啾咪也投進了許多關鍵球,第二節大家都表現得很好 雖然上半場達拉斯拿了60分,但第三節我們44分的攻勢決定了比賽 THOMAS ROBINSON TROB (On his role here with the Rockets) “I want to say I’m already there, but its definitely getting better with more practices. I’m just trying to be more aggressive and be more involved.” (對於在火箭扮演的角色) 我必須說,現在已經是他們的一員了 但還需要透過更多次的練習,我會試著更加積極而且融入 (On his contributions to the team in a playoff run) “They have put me right back in my comfort zone. I came into the league with a winners mentality, that’ s just who I am as a player so I’m trying to get right back on a team who has the same mentality and I’m right back in my comfort zone as far as trying to compete for a winning record.” (對於球隊力拼季後賽 他可以如何貢獻) 我有非常強烈的求勝心,而火箭也處於這個狀態 這將會讓我擁有最好備戰狀態,去挑戰獲勝紀錄 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/04 16:15, , 1F
有關林的最後一句,原文跟上面轉錄的不一樣,意思差很多 XD
03/04 16:15, 1F

03/04 16:15, , 2F
03/04 16:15, 2F

03/04 16:15, , 3F
03/04 16:15, 3F

03/04 16:17, , 4F
03/04 16:17, 4F

03/04 16:18, , 5F
03/04 16:18, 5F

03/04 16:18, , 6F
03/04 16:18, 6F

03/04 16:19, , 7F
03/04 16:19, 7F

03/04 16:20, , 8F
上次有看到林跟比佛利勾肩搭背 所以感情應該是不錯啦
03/04 16:20, 8F

03/04 16:21, , 9F
感謝翻譯!!!但身為冰箱一生黑 the other thing那句開始
03/04 16:21, 9F

03/04 16:21, , 10F
非常此地無銀三百兩啊~因為他是team player 所以不介意
03/04 16:21, 10F

03/04 16:22, , 11F
被板凳.....這什麼跟什麼 = =|||
03/04 16:22, 11F

03/04 16:24, , 12F
03/04 16:24, 12F

03/04 16:24, , 13F
03/04 16:24, 13F

03/04 16:25, , 14F
應該是說他是球隊優先的球員吧 記得TDOG之前一場上的時間少
03/04 16:25, 14F

03/04 16:25, , 15F
那只是他在幫自己消毒 你看喔、林自己都不在意了 別酸我了
03/04 16:25, 15F

03/04 16:25, , 16F
於比佛利 就抗議要教練要給原因了
03/04 16:25, 16F

03/04 16:25, , 17F
03/04 16:25, 17F

03/04 16:26, , 18F
冰箱很爛不用說 但今天說的話至少很得體
03/04 16:26, 18F

03/04 16:26, , 19F
03/04 16:26, 19F

03/04 16:26, , 20F
03/04 16:26, 20F

03/04 16:26, , 21F
應該有受到壓力吧 每個人上線吐個嘈 就被淹沒了 哈
03/04 16:26, 21F

03/04 16:28, , 22F
03/04 16:28, 22F

03/04 16:28, , 23F
03/04 16:28, 23F

03/04 16:28, , 24F
上次看影片介紹 感覺鬍子和帥哥比較多@@
03/04 16:28, 24F

03/04 16:29, , 25F
感謝翻譯! 此版本冰箱對Lin的話好像比較沒那麼不舒服 但 我
03/04 16:29, 25F

03/04 16:29, , 26F
不會心軟XD 還是場上調度見真章吧!!
03/04 16:29, 26F

03/04 16:30, , 27F
03/04 16:30, 27F

03/04 16:30, , 28F
另 感謝哈登在評論小帥哥時也順便稱讚了Lin^^
03/04 16:30, 28F

03/04 16:32, , 29F
感覺網上比較搔癢 現場支持的影響比較大 不管是裁判或教練
03/04 16:32, 29F

03/04 16:32, , 30F
我覺得差最多的就是本季都沒裁判愛 買不太到犯規
03/04 16:32, 30F

03/04 16:33, , 31F
那句應該是記者特別問的 Jason故意特別寫出來的吧
03/04 16:33, 31F

03/04 16:33, , 32F
不要管冰箱說什麼 看他調度比較重要(挖鼻孔)
03/04 16:33, 32F

03/04 16:34, , 33F
03/04 16:34, 33F

03/04 16:34, , 34F
記者問鬍子小帥哥的表現 鬍子還另外稱讚Lin 揪甘心QQ
03/04 16:34, 34F

03/04 16:34, , 35F
03/04 16:34, 35F

03/04 16:34, , 36F
表示Lin都不介意了 你們這些粉絲就不要再推特轟炸我了
03/04 16:34, 36F

03/04 16:35, , 37F
03/04 16:35, 37F

03/04 16:35, , 38F
但是既然冰箱知道解釋 就表示推特轟炸有效啊~哈哈哈
03/04 16:35, 38F

03/04 16:36, , 39F
推翻譯 我同意還是看場上調度最準
03/04 16:36, 39F

03/04 16:36, , 40F
03/04 16:36, 40F

03/04 16:38, , 41F
03/04 16:38, 41F

03/04 16:39, , 42F
03/04 16:39, 42F

03/04 16:40, , 43F
03/04 16:40, 43F

03/04 16:43, , 44F
03/04 16:43, 44F

03/04 16:43, , 45F
03/04 16:43, 45F

03/04 16:44, , 46F
03/04 16:44, 46F

03/04 16:46, , 47F
03/04 16:46, 47F

03/04 16:58, , 48F
p大謝謝翻譯 但有關ceiling 下面天使大那樣翻比較對
03/04 16:58, 48F

03/04 16:59, , 49F
補充一下 這裡沒列出來 林今天手訪時小開了教練一下玩笑
03/04 16:59, 49F

03/04 17:07, , 50F
03/04 17:07, 50F

03/04 17:08, , 51F
他第一句就回 我認為Beverly表現得很棒(這教練之前的話
03/04 17:08, 51F

03/04 17:09, , 52F
03/04 17:09, 52F

03/04 17:13, , 53F
03/04 17:13, 53F

03/04 17:20, , 54F
03/04 17:20, 54F

03/04 17:22, , 55F
03/04 17:22, 55F

03/04 17:22, , 56F
Lin的發言算是自嘲式幽默 智慧比較高的人講話就是有差
03/04 17:22, 56F

03/04 17:23, , 57F
說真的 冰箱再過段時間後 應該會開始想這個PG真的很不一樣
03/04 17:23, 57F

03/04 17:23, , 58F
之前冰箱帶過的PG最後都跟他鬧翻 有時候一個巴掌拍不響...
03/04 17:23, 58F

03/04 17:24, , 59F
03/04 17:24, 59F

03/04 17:25, , 60F
每場被教練這樣戳90%都會跟教練鬧翻 Lin是特別有忍耐
03/04 17:25, 60F

03/04 17:27, , 61F
03/04 17:27, 61F

03/04 17:57, , 62F
換個角度看 說不定林真的就是能改變冰箱的那個人
03/04 17:57, 62F

03/04 17:59, , 63F
03/04 17:59, 63F

03/04 18:12, , 64F
還忘了補充一點 記者問教練帕帥把Dirk守到只得8分怎樣?
03/04 18:12, 64F

03/04 18:12, , 65F
03/04 18:12, 65F

03/04 18:15, , 66F
教練確實是稱讚林沒問題 差別在他認為的最強的林
03/04 18:15, 66F

03/04 18:17, , 67F
跟支持林球迷的期望或許有落差 特別是像kevin irving都有
03/04 18:17, 67F

03/04 18:18, , 68F
CP3都有no ceiling的評價 林對自己隊友都能這樣讚譽
03/04 18:18, 68F

03/04 18:19, , 69F
教練可以對自己的球員可以少點"真話" 多點"讚譽"
03/04 18:19, 69F

03/04 18:20, , 70F
03/04 18:20, 70F

03/04 18:21, , 71F
只能說 不是每個人都像LIN那麼會說話.....
03/04 18:21, 71F

03/04 18:23, , 72F
03/04 18:23, 72F

03/04 18:24, , 73F
03/04 18:24, 73F

03/04 18:25, , 74F
所以一切端看閱讀者怎麼看 換種看法 世界更美好
03/04 18:25, 74F
※ 編輯: peter16 來自: (03/04 18:28)

03/04 18:31, , 75F
03/04 18:31, 75F

03/04 19:53, , 76F
03/04 19:53, 76F

03/04 19:55, , 77F
推 林可能就是能改變冰箱的那個人!
03/04 19:55, 77F

03/04 20:20, , 78F
推翻譯~彼得翻的好有趣 看到一個冰箱各自表述我就笑了
03/04 20:20, 78F

03/04 20:21, , 79F
我是覺得冰箱是真心讚美啦 不用過度解讀~
03/04 20:21, 79F

03/05 01:10, , 80F
"你必須跟著感覺打" XDDDDDD 火箭現在能打成這樣真神奇
03/05 01:10, 80F

03/05 01:17, , 81F
證明這群年輕人很有未來, 等把菜味去掉.不無可能成為強權
03/05 01:17, 81F

03/05 10:31, , 82F
不用過度解讀+1 火箭能打成這樣本來就很神奇 感謝冰冰(?
03/05 10:31, 82F

03/05 10:31, , 83F
另外推piz大~ 想看去掉菜味的火箭,WOW!
03/05 10:31, 83F

03/06 23:37, , 84F
03/06 23:37, 84F
文章代碼(AID): #1HD5UYBw (Jeremy_Lin)
文章代碼(AID): #1HD5UYBw (Jeremy_Lin)