Re: [問題] 哈利波特疑問

看板HarryPotter作者時間13年前 (2011/01/10 14:12), 編輯推噓5(506)
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※ 引述《yichinabby ()》之銘言: : : 回答完問題我想問一件困擾我很久的事,就是馬份到底幾時中了哈利繳械咒... : : 我把馬份莊園那部分翻了好幾次都沒看到,爬文也沒人問,是我眼殘嗎@@ : 這是翻譯問題 : 譯者大概太專注於那些咒語和專有名詞了 : 再加上HP裡面提到disarm幾乎都是咒語的disarm...... : 原文:Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? : 這裡不應該翻成"中了繳械咒" 而是"被繳械了" : 徒手搶過來也是被繳械 我的書遠在時差14小時的地方 所以我查的是電子檔 比起紙本可能精確度有差 不過搜索關鍵字很快 繳械咒是第二集開始的 所以列出所有的disarm/Disarm 請書在手邊的人幫忙看看有沒有錯誤 從結論說 咒語的繳械有字首大寫也有字首小寫的 台詞和敘述中也是兩種字首都有 唯二的兩件非咒語繳械一個大寫一個小寫 一個是對話一個是敘述 不太能比 比了也沒有結果 總之 若這電子書這些地方是對的 那大小寫完全看作者高興... 第二本 Disarming Charm 專有名詞字首大寫 When I count to three, cast your charms to disarm your opponents - only to disarm them – "I said disarm only!" Lockheart的台詞 大家正在學習繳械咒 小寫disarm泛指任何形式的繳械 (因為正在學 並非想使用就能使用的狀態 多數時候disarm是想要達成的目標 和以後提到Disarm多是已完成的動作或確信會完成的感覺不同) and just as Snape had disarmed Lockhart, so Malfoy found the diary shooting out of his hand into the air. 搶日記那邊的敘述 非對白 因為是Snape做的 很明確是繳械咒的disarm 但這裡是小寫 They played Exploding Snap, set off the very last of Fred and George's Filibuster fireworks, and practiced disarming each other by magic. 假期中敘述句 這裡指使用繳械咒的disarm 雖是小寫但是和之前推文的summon一樣後面有by magic 推測將一般泛稱用的小寫後面加上by magic後供用等同於專指咒語的大寫寫法? 第三冊 Harry looked around. Both Ron and Hermione had tried to disarm Snape at exactly the same moment. 小屋中三人組成功用咒語把Snape的wand打飛了 不過看文句也可以當成一般的泛稱 第四冊 Stay close to Ron and Hermione, do not leave Gryffindor Tower after hours, and arm yourself for the third task. Practice Stunning and Disarming. 天狼星寫給Harry的建言 可以視做對白 也很明確的說Disarming是指咒語 "Well, I think Harry's got it now, anyway," said Hermione hastily. "And we don't have to worry about Disarming, because he's been able to do that for ages. ... I think we ought to start on some of these hexes this evening." Hermione台詞 咒語的繳械 Disarming Spell 專有名詞字首大寫 第五冊 Disarming Charm 專有名詞字首大寫 many people were not succeeding in Disarming their opponents at all, but merely causing them to jump backwards a few paces or wince as their feeble spell whooshed over them. DA教學的敘述 咒語的disarm 大寫 Harry moved off into the middle of the room. Something very odd was happening to Zacharias Smith. Every time he opened his mouth to disarm Anthony Goldstein, his own wand would fly out of his hand DA教學的敘述 咒語的disarm 小寫 ‘Did you see me disarm Hermione, Harry?’ Ron的台詞 可說是咒語的disarm也可以是泛稱 whenever he was supposed to be reading Wilbert Slinkhard's book during her lessons he dwelled instead on satisfying memories of their most recent meetings, remembering how Neville had successfully disarmed Hermione, how Colin Creevey had mastered the Impediment Jinx after three meetings' hard effort 對Harry的敘述 可說是咒語的disarm也可以是泛稱 第六冊 Harry was so disarmed that she had thought his words as well worth memorizing as The Standard Book of Spells that he did not argue. 和繳械無關 Harry聽到Hermione說他和Snape相像時的反應 'My dear boy, let us have no more pretence about that. If you were going to kill me, you would have done it when you first Disarmed me, you would not have stopped for this pleasant chat about ways and means.' 校長台詞 Malfoy是使用咒語的 I was under the Invisibility Cloak - and then Malfoy came through the door and disarmed him – Harry告訴Tonks塔上情形 咒語的 小寫 第七冊 . . . It's him. . . it's the real one. . . . They had said it right after he had tried to Disarm Stan. . . . 不是台詞 是Harry腦袋裡的想法 Disarm是咒語的 And I tried to Disarm him instead of – well, he doesn't know what he's doing, does he? He must be Imperiused!" Lupin looked aghast. "Harry, the time for Disarming is past! Harry和Lupin的台詞 咒語的disarm Zacharias Smith, who had jeered at Harry for wanting to teach Dumbledore's Army how to Disarm. 非台詞 咒語 大寫 I managed to hit the one holding me in the stomach, grabbed his wand, Disarmed the bloke holding mine, and Disapparated. Ron的自敘 台詞 咒語 大寫 The silver tool that Voldemort had given his most cowardly servant had turned upon its disarmed and useless owner Wormtail被銀手掐死的敘述 他的wand是被Ron搶走的 無咒語 小寫 Harry saw the figure hit the ground. Disarmed, Voldemort throwing the challenger's wand aside and laughing. 似乎有個句點和逗點弄反了 電子書的關係嗎? 非台詞 大寫 可以是咒語的或泛稱 “So it all comes down to this, doesn’t it?” whispered Harry. “Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does . . . I am the true master of the Elder Wand.” 讓我們討論這麼久的罪魁禍首 台詞 不是咒語用 大寫 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/10 17:03, , 1F
01/10 17:03, 1F

01/10 18:28, , 2F
01/10 18:28, 2F

01/10 19:01, , 3F
01/10 19:01, 3F

01/10 20:17, , 4F
還沒看完....不過先推 XD
01/10 20:17, 4F

01/10 21:51, , 5F
結論不對吧 你列出的這些小寫的可為咒語可為動詞
01/10 21:51, 5F

01/10 21:52, , 6F
01/10 21:52, 6F

01/10 21:54, , 7F
01/10 21:54, 7F

01/10 21:57, , 8F
不一定是用繳械咒 但大寫Disarmed則是強調是被繳械咒
01/10 21:57, 8F

01/10 21:58, , 9F
(Disarming Charm)所造成的卸除武裝
01/10 21:58, 9F

01/11 05:22, , 10F
01/11 05:22, 10F

01/11 16:58, , 11F
01/11 16:58, 11F
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