[新聞] 巴西政府宣布購買1億劑中國疫苗

看板Gossiping作者 (毛澤東)時間3年前 (2021/01/09 20:27), 3年前編輯推噓46(651953)
留言137則, 111人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
1.媒體來源: Agencia Brasil 巴西通訊社 2.記者署名: Por Jonas 3.完整新聞標題: Gov’t announces purchase of 100 million doses of CoronaVac 官方宣布采購1億劑CoronaVac 4.完整新聞內文: Brazil’s Health Ministry announced the signing of a contract with S?o Paulo ’s Butantan Institute for the purchase of up to 100 million doses of vaccin e CoronaVac against COVID-19 in 2021, manufactured by the institute in colla boration with Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac. 巴西衛生部宣布與圣保羅布坦坦研究所簽署合同,將于2021年購買由該研究所與中國國 藥合作生產的高達1億劑的新冠疫苗CoronaVac。 The contract includes an initial purchase of 45 million units, with the poss ibility of acquiring another 54 million later on. This model was adopted by the ministry due to the lack of budget to trade the whole 100 million doses. Today, Butantan Institute reported that the vaccine has an efficiency of 78 percent. 合同包括首次購買4500萬劑,以后可能再購買5400萬劑。該部之所以采用這一模式,是 因為缺乏整個1億劑的經費預算。今天,布坦坦研究所報告說,這種疫苗的有效率為78% 。 At a press conference at the Planalto presidential palace Thursday (Jan. 7), Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello talked about the contract of the purchase of Coronavac and the situation regarding the vaccination against COVID-19. 衛生部長愛德華多·帕祖埃洛星期四(1月7日)在普蘭阿爾托總統府舉行的記者招待會 上談到了購買CoronaVac的合同和疫苗接種情況。 Pazuello stated that the acquisition of the Coronavac batch was made possibl e by the provisional presidential decree enacted Wednesday (6), which led to the vaccine contract before the registration with Brazil’s national sanita ry regulator Anvisa. 帕祖埃洛表示,周三(6日)頒布的臨時總統令使購買CoronaVac成為可能,疫苗合同在 巴西國家衛生監督局(Anvisa)的見證下簽訂。 “The presidential decree authorizes the contract for vaccine and other supp lies even before the registration is completed with Anvisa—which was not al lowed before,” the minister declared. “總統甚至在Anvisa完成登記之前就批準了疫苗和其他供應品的合同,這在以前是不允 許的,”衛生部長宣稱。 The ministry plans to have up to 354 million doses available by 2021. This a mount should comprise two million doses imported from Astrazeneca, in India, 10.4 million produced by Fiocruz by July, 110 million manufactured in Brazi l by Fiocruz starting in August, 42.5 million from Covax Facility (probably from Astrazeneca) and the 100 million Coronavac stemming from the contract w ith Butantan Institute. 衛生部計劃到2021年提供多達3.54億劑疫苗。這一數額應包括從印度阿斯利康進口的20 0萬劑,7月前由Fiocruz生產的1040萬劑,8月起由Fiocruz在巴西生產的1.1億劑,Cova x工廠(可能來自阿斯利康)的4250萬劑,以及與布坦坦研究所簽訂的合同中產生的1億 劑CoronaVac。 Coronavac will cost approximately $10 a dose, requiring two doses per person to be vaccinated. Astrazeneca, in turn, costs $3.75 a dose. On the latter, Minister Eduardo Pazuello stated that just one dose would be given. CoronaVac每劑大約10美元,需要每人接種兩劑疫苗。相反的,阿斯利康的價格是每劑3 .75美元。關于后者,愛德華多·帕祖埃洛部長表示,只用注射一劑。 Minister Eduardo Pazuello has updated the three scenarios for the early stag es of vaccination previously unveiled. In the best-case scenario, the proces s starts on January 20 if laboratories obtain the emergency authorization wi th Anvisa. 愛德華多·帕祖埃洛部長更新了此前公布的疫苗接種早期階段的三種設想。在最好的情 況下,如果實驗室獲得Anvisa的緊急授權,接種流程將從1月20日開始。 In this hypothesis, 8 million doses should be available. The immunization sh ould take place with the vaccines available, be them from Butantan Institute or imported from Astrazeneca in India. 按照這種假設,應該有800萬劑可用。免疫接種應使用現有疫苗,無論是來自布坦坦研究 所的疫苗,還是從印度阿斯利康進口的疫苗。 The second scenario would go from January 20 to February 10. The third would last from February 10 to early March. Pazuello noted that the prediction is that two domestic producers, Butantan and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, reac h a manufacture capacity of 30 million doses a month still this year. 第二個階段是從1月20日到2月10日。第三個階段從2月10日持續到3月初。帕祖埃洛指出 ,有兩家國內生產商可以生產疫苗,它們分別是布坦坦研究所和Oswaldo Cruz基金會, 今年能夠達到每月3000萬劑的生產能力。 The minister said that the agency team is still negotiating with Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that has acquired vaccines from other countries. How ever, he argued that the company has set requirements not well regarded by t he ministry, such as no accountability for any side effect, the decision to have the US as a forum to address any moves stemming from problems of this n ature, and the stipulation of having Brazil provide material to dilute the v accine. 巴西衛生部依然在和輝瑞公司談判,輝瑞已經收到了來自其它國家的訂單。不過他說輝 瑞和衛生部還有一些分歧,比如輝瑞要求對疫苗任何的副作用不負責任,他們決定和美 國制定一個分歧解決的機制,以及規定讓巴西提供材料來稀釋疫苗。 “We haven’t stopped negotiating with Pfizer. What do we want? We want it t o provide a treatment compatible with our country, and tone down these claus es. We can’t sign it this way. It offered 500 thousand in January, 500 thou sand in February, and 2 million in March, 2 million in April, 2 million in M ay, and 2 million in June. Think whether this can settle the issue in Brazil . All vaccines offered by Pfizer in the first half-year can vaccinate half o f the population of Rio de Janeiro,” the minister stressed. “我們還沒有停止與輝瑞的談判。我們想要什么?我們希望它提供一種與我國相適應的 政策,淡化這些(苛刻的)條款。這樣我們不能簽。它在1月份出貨50萬劑,2月份出貨 50萬劑,3月份出貨200萬劑,4月份出貨200萬劑,5月份出價200萬劑,6月份出價200萬 劑。想想這能否解決巴西的問題。輝瑞公司上半年提供的所有疫苗只能供里約熱內盧( 巴西首都)一半的人口接種。 Syringes 注射器 The representatives of the Health Ministry also talked about the provision o f syringes. An auction was conducted, and concluded with three percent of th e total forecast. President Bolsonaro stated that he would suspend the purch ase of syringes until prices are down again. 衛生部的代表還談到了提供注射器的問題。在競標后,最終只成交了所有數量的3%。博 索納羅總統表示,他將暫停購買注射器,直到價格再次下降。 The ministry’s Executive-Secretary elcio Franco, said there are 80 million syringes that could be mobilized immediately for the beginning of the vaccin ation, including the existing ones in states and municipalities. He added th at the Ministry obtained 30 million syringes from manufacturers through admi nistrative requests. 衛生部執行秘書elcio Franco說,目前有8000萬支注射器可以用于疫苗接種,包括各州 和各市現有的注射器。他補充說,衛生部將通過行政命令從制造商那里獲得了3000萬支 注射器。 Another 40 million may be acquired in an international purchase with the Pan -American Health Organization (PAHO), of which 8 million may come between la te January and early February. 另一個4000萬劑的采購可能來自泛美衛生組織(PAHO)的國際采購,其中800萬劑可能來 自1月底至2月初。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/yxsqtq2l 6.備註: 懶人包: 1)CoronaVac每劑10美元,需要注射兩劑;阿斯利康的每劑3.75美元,只需要注射一劑。 2)輝瑞要求巴西政府不能追究疫苗產生的任何副作用。 3)巴西總統在巴西衛生監督局還未完成授權的情況下,緊急批準對CoronaVac的采購, 這是沒有任何先例的。 巴西總統之前不是很嗆麼,說中國疫苗副作用多、效果不好,現在身體倒是很誠實XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (中國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1610195241.A.3A4.html

01/09 20:27, 3年前 , 1F
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01/09 20:28, 3年前 , 4F
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01/09 20:28, 3年前 , 5F
阿共:這裡有一批很便宜的疫苗 要的話打這支電話
01/09 20:28, 5F

01/09 20:30, 3年前 , 6F
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01/09 20:31, 3年前 , 11F
72種副作用 Get
01/09 20:31, 11F

01/09 20:31, 3年前 , 12F
01/09 20:31, 12F
沒看內文吧,幾種都有買,采購中國的疫苗量第二大。 ※ 編輯: MaoZeDong ( 中國), 01/09/2021 20:33:14

01/09 20:33, 3年前 , 13F
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01/09 20:33, 3年前 , 14F
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※ 編輯: MaoZeDong ( 中國), 01/09/2021 20:34:02

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※ 編輯: MaoZeDong ( 中國), 01/09/2021 20:35:12

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01/09 20:39, 3年前 , 23F
剛剛不是才一個巴西可憐人po廢文 看來要大爆發了
01/09 20:39, 23F

01/09 20:39, 3年前 , 24F
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01/09 20:40, 3年前 , 25F
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01/09 20:40, 3年前 , 26F
牛津疫苗一樣要打兩劑 別亂說
01/09 20:40, 26F

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01/09 20:46, 3年前 , 30F
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01/09 20:46, 3年前 , 31F
因為台灣沒有被入侵啊 疫苗不急
01/09 20:46, 31F

01/09 20:47, 3年前 , 32F
一開始把五毛攔住 共方KMT跳腳 還真的是做對了
01/09 20:47, 32F

01/09 20:47, 3年前 , 33F
01/09 20:47, 33F
還有 64 則推文
還有 2 段內文
01/09 23:37, 3年前 , 98F
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01/09 23:37, 3年前 , 99F
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01/10 00:01, 3年前 , 100F
疫情都隱匿一堆了 中國疫苗死多少人會讓你知道??
01/10 00:01, 100F

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01/10 00:03, 3年前 , 103F
最好4%賤畜們帶著全家去打 打完全家死光光
01/10 00:03, 103F

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01/10 01:20, 3年前 , 110F
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01/10 01:28, 3年前 , 111F
猛 達爾文一次 留下菁英DNA
01/10 01:28, 111F

01/10 01:41, 3年前 , 112F
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01/10 01:59, 3年前 , 113F
中國疫苗沒死人喔 是喔
01/10 01:59, 113F

01/10 04:23, 3年前 , 114F
誠實 死四個 不誠實 沒死人 中囯特色
01/10 04:23, 114F

01/10 05:17, 3年前 , 115F
中國的疫苗不用期待效果了 那種東西不會有用的
01/10 05:17, 115F

01/10 05:18, 3年前 , 116F
原來這篇文章是中國人PO的喔 呵呵 難怪 你加油
01/10 05:18, 116F

01/10 05:24, 3年前 , 117F
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01/10 05:27, 3年前 , 119F
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01/10 05:55, 3年前 , 120F
副作用多到疫苗的“副作用”才是防治肺炎 (副作用*
01/10 05:55, 120F

01/10 05:55, 3年前 , 121F
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01/10 09:37, 3年前 , 128F
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01/10 09:52, 3年前 , 129F
要亡國了 可憐
01/10 09:52, 129F

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01/10 12:23, 3年前 , 133F
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01/11 12:08, 3年前 , 134F
又一篇失敗的大外宣 從留言看出台灣人一點也不買單
01/11 12:08, 134F

01/11 12:09, 3年前 , 135F
中國人真的太小看台灣人貪生怕死 你或許可以用錢買通台灣
01/11 12:09, 135F

01/11 12:09, 3年前 , 136F
人 但要打中國疫苗 每個人跑得比飛得還快
01/11 12:09, 136F

01/11 13:37, 3年前 , 137F
01/11 13:37, 137F
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文章代碼(AID): #1V-Q4fEa (Gossiping)