[新聞] 中國一帶一路倡議遭受嚴重阻礙消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/11/14 16:01), 6年前編輯推噓154(161762)
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1.媒體來源: Al Jazeera 2.完整新聞標題: China's global Silk Road revival hits obstacles 中國一帶一路倡議遭受阻礙 3.完整新聞內文: From a stalled Indonesian rail project to an insurgency-threatened economic corridor in Pakistan, China's push to revive Silk Road trade routes is running into problems that risk tarnishing the economic crown jewel of Xi Jinping's presidency. 中國大力推動重啟絲路經貿但是卻問題重重,印尼高鐵計畫停擺,巴基斯坦經濟走廊受叛軍威脅,使得習近平的經濟計畫蒙受風塵。 The "One Belt, One Road" initiative, unveiled by Xi in 2013, envisages linking China with Africa, Asia and Europe through a network of ports, railways, roads and industrial parks. 習近平自2013年開始推動一帶一路倡議,期望以港口、鐵路、公路、工業園區等網絡,串連中國、非洲及歐洲的經貿。 Xi, the most powerful Chinese leader in decades, has pushed the infrastructure drive that is central to his goal of extending Beijing's economic and geopolitical influence. 習近平是中國近幾十年來權力最大的領導人,他所推動的的基礎建設倡議目標是大幅提升中國的經濟與政治勢力。 The initiative was enshrined in the Communist Party's constitution at a key congress last month, and some estimates say more than $1 trillion has been pledged to it, with projects proposed in some 65 countries. 上個月中共召開十九大,將一帶一路寫入黨章。據估計,中國對此倡議已經投入一兆元美金來了,計畫遍佈65個國家。 But, on the ground, it has run into problems. Projects traverse insurgency-hit areas, dictatorships and chaotic democracies, and face resistance from both corrupt politicians and local villagers. 但是該倡議在第一線卻陷入泥淖。計畫遍及的地區有的叛亂、有的獨裁、有的民主但卻充滿動盪,還遭遇貪腐官員以及當地居民的反抗。 "Building infrastructure across countries like this is very complicated," said Murray Hiebert, from Washington think-tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who has studied some of the projects in Southeast Asia. 在這類國家大興基礎建設真的很困難。 "You've got land issues, you have to hammer out funding agreements, you have to hammer out technological issues." 有土地問題、達成資金協議也很困難,技術也是障礙重重。 Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, however, insisted the initiative was "moving forward smoothly". 然而,中國外交部發言人仍表示,倡議推動順利。 Troubled train line 鐵路建設受阻 Beijing won the contract to build Indonesia's first high-speed railway in September 2015, but, more than two years later, work has barely started on the route from Jakarta to the city of Bandung. 中國於2015年標下印尼第一條高速鐵路,但兩年來,雅加達—巴東線工程幾乎沒有任何進展。 A recent visit to Walini, where President Joko Widodo broke ground on the train line in January last year, found excavators flattening land but no track laid for the train, which is meant to start operating in 2019. 該線路由印尼總統於去年一月啟動破土儀式,預計2019年通車,但眼見施工現場只有挖土機在夷平土地,鐵路卻是一條也沒鋪。 "The first year after the ground-breaking ceremony, I did not see any progress at all," Neng Sri, a 37-year-old food stall owner from nearby Mandala Mukti village, told AFP. 破土儀式後,完全沒有進展 The central problem has been persuading villagers to leave their land on the proposed route, which is often an issue in the chaotic, freewheeling democracy. 主要問題是當地居民不願讓出土地。民主國家常有這種問題。 The Indonesian transport ministry declined to give an update on the project, and the consortium of Chinese and Indonesian companies building the line did not respond to repeated requests for comment. 印尼運輸部拒絕透露工程進度,中印雙方的公司也拒絕給予答覆。 On another planned, high-speed line from southern China to Singapore, the Thai stretch of the railway was delayed by tussles over financing and protective labour regulations, and it was only in July that the military government finally approved $5.2bn to start construction. 另外一條高鐵計畫從中國經泰國通往新加坡,但泰國段卻因為資金以及勞工權益問題延宕多時。一直到軍政府七月核准52億美元的預算,才得以動工。 Work is under way on the 415 kilometre (260 mile) part of the line in Laos, a staunch ally of Beijing. 寮國段長達415公里的工程已經展開,畢竟寮國是中國堅定盟友。 But, even there, the project has stoked controversy due to its huge price tag - $5.8bn, roughly half the country's 2015 gross domestic product - and the question of the extent of gain that Laos, deeply poor, will make from the project. 但就連在寮國,該工程也因為價格過高而引起爭議,價格高達58億美元,幾乎是寮國2015年GDP總值的一半。也有人質疑,寮國乃窮鄉僻壤,究竟不能從中受惠呢? Lopsided gains 獲益不均 There have been concerns in many countries about how much they will benefit from One Belt, One Road initiatives. 許多國家擔心,一帶一路倡議是否真的能為他們帶來實質利益呢? Gains for China, such as access to key markets and tackling overcapacity in domestic industries, are often more obvious than those for its partners. 中國的利益無庸置疑,重要市場能夠打進,國內產能過剩的問題得以解決但其他國家是否能獲益,就不是那麼明顯了。 Such worries have bedevilled projects in Central Asia, part of a potential route from western China to Europe. 中亞國家也產生疑慮,使得計畫出現問題。 These include a free trade zone at Horgos on the China-Kazakh border, notable for flashy malls on the Chinese side and relatively little on the Kazakh side, and a planned railway to Uzbekistan that has stalled in large part due to opposition in Kyrgyzstan, through which the line would run. 中亞的計畫包羅萬象,有中國哈薩克邊境的自由貿易區,區域裡面中國側充滿光鮮亮麗的商場,但哈薩克側卻荒涼一片;也有通往烏茲別克的鐵路,但卻因為吉爾吉斯反對而延宕。 "I am against this railway as it stands because the financial benefits that could accrue to Kyrgyzstan accrue to (China and Uzbekistan) instead," said Timur Saralayev, head of the Bishkek-based New Generation movement. 吉爾吉斯政府表示,我反對此條鐵路,因為利益都給中國和哈薩克拿去了,吉爾吉斯又拿不到好處。 The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a $54bn project launched in 2013 linking western China to the Indian Ocean via Pakistan, has been targeted by separatist rebels in Balochistan province, who have blown up gas pipelines and trains and attacked Chinese engineers. 中巴經濟走廊計畫自2013年開始進行,預計透過巴基斯坦來將中國西部地區和印度洋連結起來,現在卻受到叛軍的威脅,許多管線與鐵路遭到炸毀,中國工程師也遭到襲擊。 But the Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua insisted the One Belt, One Road initiative enjoyed broad support. 但中國外交部發言人堅稱,一帶一路倡議受到廣泛響應。 "We have seen more and more support and approval of our projects. Many projects have delivered tangible benefits to the people in these countries," she said. 我們的計畫獲得越來越多的支持與認可,並且已經為當地居民帶來實質利益。 The view from the ground, however, is not always so positive. 但第一線的情況卻沒那麼美好。 "The high-speed train ... is only for super busy people who think time is money," said the villager Sri, who lives next to the Indonesian rail project. 印尼村民表示,搭高鐵的都是時間寶貴的大忙人,而我們又不趕時間。 "We are not rushing to go anywhere." 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/11/171112075121785.html 5.備註: 翻譯的很辛苦耶,推一下啦 -- http://imgur.com/OnzJ19N
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1510646463.A.503.html

11/14 16:02, , 1F
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11/14 16:03, , 2F
11/14 16:03, 2F

11/14 16:03, , 3F
怪不得會被說 大灑幣
11/14 16:03, 3F

11/14 16:03, , 4F
好啦 推一下
11/14 16:03, 4F

11/14 16:03, , 5F
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11/14 16:05, , 12F
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11/14 16:05, , 13F
綠營又再恐中了 唉
11/14 16:05, 13F

11/14 16:06, , 14F
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11/14 16:06, , 15F
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11/14 16:07, , 17F
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11/14 16:07, , 18F
好啦 辛苦了
11/14 16:07, 18F

11/14 16:08, , 19F
推一下 原文和翻譯不要擺一起 會比較好看
11/14 16:08, 19F

11/14 16:10, , 20F
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11/14 16:11, , 21F
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11/14 16:12, , 22F
爽啊 傻逼中國豬跟穆斯林搶屎吃實際多了
11/14 16:12, 22F

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11/14 16:13, , 27F
假的 泥的目珠業障重XD 要死一起死
11/14 16:13, 27F

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11/14 16:16, , 32F
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11/14 16:16, , 33F
翻的加油添醋 當人看不懂英文?光標題的“嚴重”二字就是
11/14 16:16, 33F

11/14 16:17, , 34F
你自己加的 內文也一堆懶得一一提
11/14 16:17, 34F

11/14 16:17, , 35F
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11/14 16:18, , 36F
“complicated”翻譯成 難?
11/14 16:18, 36F
大興基礎建設很複雜 vs.大興基礎建設很困難 哪個流暢?

11/14 16:18, , 37F
11/14 16:18, 37F
還有 153 則推文
還有 3 段內文
11/15 03:52, , 191F
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11/15 03:52, , 192F
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11/15 04:10, , 194F
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11/15 05:51, , 195F
大推 希望中國走上隋朝末路
11/15 05:51, 195F

11/15 06:49, , 196F
11/15 06:49, 196F

11/15 07:05, , 197F
好 翻譯推! 另外誰敢質疑,沒聽過信近平得永生嗎?
11/15 07:05, 197F

11/15 07:19, , 198F
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11/15 07:20, , 199F
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11/15 07:54, , 200F
哪個說野雞媒體的? 這半島電視台耶
11/15 07:54, 200F

11/15 08:19, , 201F
這一定是綠媒寫的 不可信
11/15 08:19, 201F

11/15 08:34, , 202F
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11/15 09:04, , 203F
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11/15 09:44, , 204F
感謝翻譯 翻得超好
11/15 09:44, 204F

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11/15 11:42, , 210F
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11/15 14:21, , 211F
白癡 古早時代嗎?這樣都辦不好
11/15 14:21, 211F

11/15 16:26, , 212F
老共忘了一點 很多大興土木能在中國行得通 是因為獨裁政
11/15 16:26, 212F

11/15 16:27, , 213F
11/15 16:27, 213F

11/15 16:28, , 214F
因為那裡不是共產黨的能掌握的地方 看他們大灑幣能玩多久
11/15 16:28, 214F

11/15 16:57, , 215F
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11/15 17:23, , 219F
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11/15 17:24, , 220F
給你養,中國就是很明顯的 黃鼠狼給雞掰黏
11/15 17:24, 220F

11/15 17:53, , 221F
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11/15 22:30, , 225F
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11/15 23:41, , 226F
一帶一路 騙錢之路
11/15 23:41, 226F

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11/15 23:53, , 228F
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