Re: [News] Phelps rebounds with new world record

看板EngTalk作者 (天翔)時間15年前 (2009/08/01 03:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
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I saw on the news is that Phelps' swimwear was consist of 50% special material (I forget what is it) and his opponent is 100% another difference is the swimwear is not let them swim faster by 2sec I saw it was wrote 2%, but I forget that was reduced 2% of friction or impoved 2% in speed, this 2 things seem is equ FINA have announced those high-tech swimwear is forbidden, but the WR is still admit, so we can't see the swimer break the WR easily anymore, may be WR will hold for a long time ※ 引述《dhyc777 (dhyc777)》之銘言: : I heard that the reason why Phelps lost that time was because : he wore an older type of swimwear than his opponent, : who wore the newest swimwear from Speedo, : which feels like shark's skin or something, : and supposed to help reduce the swimmer's friction in water, : thus helping to make a person swim faster by two seconds... : Don't know if it's true or not... : Anyway, just sharing information here... : ※ 引述《oddo (黑豬)》之銘言: : : 原文: : : Michael Phelps bounced back Wednesday with a new world record in the world swimming championships in Rome after being beaten by Germany's Paul Biedermann in the 400-meter freestyle. The 24-year-old American set the record in the 200 butterfly with a time of 1:51.51, more than a half-second better than his gold-medal time at the Beijing Olympics. : : 翻譯: : : 費爾普斯在羅馬世界游泳錦標賽400公尺自由式項目遭德國選手畢德曼擊敗之後,週三再度稱雄,創下新的世界紀錄。這位24歲的美國泳將是在200公尺蝶式游出1分51秒51的佳績,刷新世界紀錄,比他在北京奧運贏得金牌的成績快0.5秒以上。 : : 字辭解析: : : *bounced back (副詞片語) : : 反彈、恢復原樣; : : 除了球的反彈,可以用來指經濟「復甦」、政治人物聲望「回升」、體育選手「恢復水準」等等。 : : 例句:Has New Orleans bounced back from Katrina? (紐奧良遭颶風卡崔娜破壞之後,是否已經恢復昔日榮景?) : : A bouncer是一些酒吧或夜店外把門的人,如果有人酒喝多了亂來,由bouncer負責把他們請出去。 : : *freestyle(名詞) : : 自由式; : : Butterfly(或butterfly stroke)是蝶式,蛙式是breaststroke,仰式是backstroke,狗爬式是dog paddle,這次高雄世運賽的項目之一蹼泳,英文叫fin swimming。Fin原意是魚的鰭,海泳或潛水時穿的蛙鞋,叫swim fins;魚翅湯英文叫shark fin soup,因為它的材料主要是鯊魚的鰭。 : : Butterfly stroke或breaststroke等各種不同的游泳方式,前面要加the,動詞要用swim,例句:Can you show me how to swim the freestyle stroke? (能不能示範怎樣游自由式?)比較:He’ll teach you the techniques of starting a freestyle race.(他會教你自由式比賽起步的技巧。)這裡的freestyle之前用a而不是 the,原因是冠詞a是要跟race連用) : : 此外,這些詞有些可以當動詞,例如:John breaststroked the whole distance.(約翰以蛙式游完全程。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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