[求譯] 中翻英

看板Eng-Class作者 (A動動)時間14年前 (2010/03/01 17:26), 編輯推噓0(009)
留言9則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/17 (看更多)
求中譯/英譯: 利用ITS資料觀察台灣附近在地震前後電離層電子濃度的變化 我的試譯:(求譯「段落」者,本欄請勿留白) 1.Observes the electron density variation in ionosphere nearby Taiwan using its data around the earthquake. 2.Variation of ionospheric electron density during the earthquake in Taiwan observed by using ITS data. 3.Observe the variation of the ionosphereic electron density before and after earthquakes in Taiwan by using ITS data. 提問:請問我試譯的三個之中哪個比較好的或者有更好的寫法 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/01 21:04, , 1F
03/01 21:04, 1F

03/01 21:04, , 2F
03/01 21:04, 2F

03/01 21:05, , 3F
1的話around the earthquake無法清楚表達出是時間的around
03/01 21:05, 3F

03/01 21:05, , 4F
時間上其實應該是before, during, and after
03/01 21:05, 4F

03/01 21:06, , 5F
2, 3都沒有表達出你的意思,不過我也不曉得簡潔的講法..orz
03/01 21:06, 5F

03/01 21:07, , 6F
不過這邊講到地理概念的部份,我認為用the Taiwan region
03/01 21:07, 6F

03/01 21:07, , 7F
03/01 21:07, 7F

03/01 21:10, , 8F
03/01 21:10, 8F

03/02 10:06, , 9F
恩 非常感謝
03/02 10:06, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1BYuWklI (Eng-Class)
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文章代碼(AID): #1BYuWklI (Eng-Class)