Re: [情報] Mike Portnoy對Dream Theater提告

看板DreamTheater作者 (早安,黑色星期五)時間13年前 (2011/09/20 10:38), 編輯推噓7(703)
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※ [本文轉錄自 RockMetal 看板 #1ET_mM3y ] 作者: coolfly (早安,黑色星期五) 看板: RockMetal 標題: Re: [情報] Mike Portnoy對Dream Theater提告 時間: Tue Sep 20 10:36:03 2011 簡單翻一翻~ ※ 引述《maxtail (馬克斯泰爾)》之銘言: : 新聞來源: : MIKE PORTNOY Sued DREAM THEATER For 'Wrongfully Excluding' Him From Band 樂團人生又一章:肉鬆尼對夢劇場提告 : According to Courthouse News Service, ex-DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy : filed a lawsuit against his former bandmates in April claiming that they : "wrongfully excluded" him from the group and are "wrongfully using the name : of the band in connection with [their] recording of an album without the : participation or consent of [Portnoy]." In addition, the drummer's complaint, : which was filed on April 27, alleges that the defendants — John Petrucci : (guitar), John Myung (bass), Jordan Rudess (keyboards), James LaBrie : (vocals), along with associated companies Ytse Jam, Inc. and Infinity Tours, : Inc. — "are wrongfully using the name of the band in connection with the : promotion of live performances by the individual defendants, without the : participation or consent of [Portnoy]." 根據Courthouse News Service消息,前Dream Theater鼓手Mike Portnoy於四月控告前團 友們「不當地將他排除在樂團之外」和「不當地在沒有Portnoy參與或同意的情況下以 Dream Theater的名稱錄製專輯」。此外,這位鼓手在4/27提告中,指稱被告──John Petrucci(吉他)、John Myung(貝斯)、 Jordan Rudess(鍵盤)、James LaBrie(主 唱),以及相關的Ytse Jam, Inc.、Infinity Tours, Inc兩家公司──「未經Portnoy參 與或同意,不當使用樂團名稱為被告的Live表演宣傳」。 : In an August 2011 interview with the Greek edition of Rock Hard magazine, : Portnoy stated about his departure from DREAM THEATER, "I didn't make the : decision to leave DREAM THEATER before [hooking up with] AVENGED SEVENFOLD : [as their touring drummer], but I knew that something had to change in the : DREAM THEATER camp. It's unfortunate that it was me that had to change, : because I never wanted to leave the band — it was never my intention; I : never wanted the split. I just merely thought that the band really could use : a break, because I think the romance was really dying — backstage and : between [the members] personally. 25 years without a break is a very, very, : very long time and sometimes these relationships need a break from each other : to rekindle the flame. So that's all I suggested. And even before I [went on : the road] with AVENGED SEVENFOLD, I remember touring with [the progressive : rock project] TRANSATLANTIC at the beginning of 2010 and already knowing that : something was wrong in the DREAM THEATER world and that I really needed a : break from the guys and the whole DREAM THEATER machine. I knew something was : brewing and I knew that I was unhappy, and as has been well documented : elsewhere, I merely just wanted a break. But unfortunately, those guys [the : rest of DREAM THEATER] didn't see it that way and didn't respect my request : for time off. It's unfortunate [that it turned out that way]." 在今年8月希臘版Rock Hard雜誌的訪談中,Portnoy說明他離開Dream Theater的事:「在 和Avenged Sevenfold作夥(擔任他們的巡迴鼓手)前,我並未做出離開Dream Theater的 決定,但我知道Dream Theater團內必須做些改變。不幸的是,樂團的改變就是我,因為 我從來就沒有要離團──我從來沒有那個意思,我從來就不想要脫團。我只是希望樂團可 以休息一下,因為我認為那種愛的感覺快消失殆盡了──無論是在幕後工作中或在樂團成 員之間。二十五年毫不休息是一段非常、非常長的時間,有時候這些關係需要放個假,好 再度燃起你對它們的熱情。所以,這就是我建議的事。而甚至在我跟Avenged Sevenfoldu 一起(巡迴)之前,我記得自己跟(前衛搖滾團體)Transatlantic巡迴,那時我就已經 知道Dream Theater的世界中有什麼不對勁了,我真的需要從這些人(DT團員)和整個 Dream Theater機器喘口氣。我知道有什麼事正在醞釀,而我也知道我並不快樂,就像其 他地方有刊載的一樣,我只不過是想休息一下而已。不幸的是,這些傢伙(Dream Theater的其他團員)對這件事並不如此看,並且不尊重我想要休息一下的要求。(事情 變成這樣)真的很不幸。」 以下拉哩拉雜資訊和新專輯廣告就不翻了。 ...這整件事真的變成樂團人生了= =" : Portnoy, who co-founded DREAM THEATER more than 20 years ago, announced his : departure from the band in September 2010 while on tour with AVENGED : SEVENFOLD. He has since been replaced by Mike Mangini (ANNIHILATOR, EXTREME, : JAMES LABRIE, STEVE VAI). : Portnoy played on AVENGED SEVENFOLD's latest album, "Nightmare", following : the death of that band's drummer, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, and toured with : them for the entire second half of 2010. : DREAM THEATER's new album, "A Dramatic Turn Of Events", was released on : September 13 via Roadrunner Records. : 鼓手Mike Portnoy對昔日Dream Theater戰友提出告訴, : 簡單說就是使用Dream Theater這個名號沒有讓Portnoy參與或同意就是違法... -- 我真的想用比較正面的態度面對這些鳥事,一個人懷恨這麼久太不健康。 不幸的是,有時候放下屠刀最好的方式就是把它砍進你敵人的頭骨--Dave Mustaine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (09/20 10:37) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/20 11:14, , 1F
09/20 11:14, 1F

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09/20 17:21, 2F

09/20 19:31, , 3F
09/20 19:31, 3F

09/20 20:05, , 4F
09/20 20:05, 4F

09/20 20:10, , 5F
版標應該改成The Spit Carries On~
09/20 20:10, 5F

09/20 21:29, , 6F
09/20 21:29, 6F

09/20 22:18, , 7F
09/20 22:18, 7F

09/20 23:42, , 8F
RM板那邊有新消息 MP的律師出來說沒有這件事
09/20 23:42, 8F

10/03 21:22, , 9F
10/03 21:22, 9F

10/03 22:21, , 10F
有呀 所有成員的名字都不包含J 不可能發生
10/03 22:21, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1ET_oFE1 (DreamTheater)
文章代碼(AID): #1ET_oFE1 (DreamTheater)