Re: [情報] Mike Portnoy對Dream Theater提告

看板DreamTheater作者 (早安,黑色星期五)時間12年前 (2011/09/21 07:57), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 RockMetal 看板 #1EUBM2I1 ] 作者: coolfly (早安,黑色星期五) 看板: RockMetal 標題: Re: [情報] Mike Portnoy對Dream Theater提告 時間: Tue Sep 20 23:47:08 2011

09/20 23:24,
Portnoy的律師又出來澄清沒這回事...傻眼 @@
09/20 23:24

09/20 23:25,
09/20 23:25
更新的訊息只有一段: 肉鬆尼的律師寫信給Blabbermouth說肉鬆尼並未對夢劇場提告,只是在4月向法院提出了 傳喚通知(Notice With Summons,對法律不熟,不知道這樣翻對不對@@),而不是正式 的訴狀,此外也從未送達Courthouse News Service報導中的被告,肉鬆尼和夢劇場間並 沒有訴訟。 -- 我真的想用比較正面的態度面對這些鳥事,一個人懷恨這麼久太不健康。 不幸的是,有時候放下屠刀最好的方式就是把它砍進你敵人的頭骨--Dave Mustaine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/20 23:48,
推翻譯!! 如果沒有訴訟就好(鬆口氣)
09/20 23:48

09/20 23:54,
所以是想要把事情算清楚吧? 版權什麼的 0.o
09/20 23:54

09/20 23:58,
應該是裝傲嬌 說如果有表演以前的歌可以找我優 之類的吧
09/20 23:58

09/21 00:00,
09/21 00:00

09/21 02:44,
09/21 02:44

09/21 07:32,
09/21 07:32
感謝cielu大!! 轉貼MP的回應過來+簡易翻譯一下 First of all, I did NOT sue them....and second of all, I DESPERATELY tried to discuss matters with them personally to avoid ANYTHING LIKE THIS and yet THEY insisted on ONLY using my lawyers filed those papers (BACK IN APRIL mind you) as that was the position they chose to take...if the band wouldve talked to me, it wouldve NEVER come to that!!! MP說他沒告DT,只是他一直想跟DT聯絡,討論一些事項 但其他團員只願意透過律師跟他聯繫,所以他的律師提出這些動作通知 「這是他們自己選擇的...假如團員願意自己跟我談,絕對不會變成這樣!」 All that aside, this was 6 months yes indeed, we have all moved on since then... MP說(提出通知)也是6個月前的事了,大家不必糾結在那邊 I'm still really not allowed to discuss any of this publically, but I feel everybody's hasty and half-truth filled witchhunt yesterday deserves to be addressed to help at least try to clear my name and reputation that was so wrongly tainted by yesterday's false conclusions... MP還不能公開討論此事, 不過因為昨天一堆人看到這個不盡真實的消息後都批評他, 所以他認為自己該出來澄清一下 The fact is, when you have a band (or a corporation or marriage) for 25 years there are business and financial things that need to be sorted out behind the scenes...however, it was incredibly LAME of Blabbermouth to exploit these private issues and divulge personal information that is clearly nobody's business other than our own. MP說在一個團25年,一定會有一些生意和財務上的事需要處理 & Blabbermouth拿這件事來報實在很沒品,因為那是他跟團員之間的事 They are creating hate and negative propaganda and poisoning the minds and spirits of music fans around the world...shame on them. 最後,MP罵Blabbermouth誤導歌迷很可恥 ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (09/21 07:55) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/21 12:54, , 1F
真的很可恥 這件事情或許在外人看來只是個八卦
09/21 12:54, 1F

09/21 12:55, , 2F
09/21 12:55, 2F

09/21 22:26, , 3F
還好還好 還沒撕破臉 不然25年的情誼就這樣沒了
09/21 22:26, 3F

09/21 23:42, , 4F
09/21 23:42, 4F

09/23 15:09, , 5F
09/23 15:09, 5F

09/26 23:45, , 6F
09/26 23:45, 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #1EUIXCO- (DreamTheater)