Re: [建議] 有必要對外籍學生這樣嗎

看板CultureShock作者時間15年前 (2009/07/15 15:22), 編輯推噓9(9015)
留言24則, 10人參與, 最新討論串7/16 (看更多)
I can't type chinese here. just let you guys know ^^ my experience was different, wheni first came to the U.S. the teachers or school faculties were very nice to me cuz they know how hard it is to study in a foreign country. but those Asian Americans are nothing nice like that, they wouldn't talk to me or hang out w me cuz i'm fob. (that was back in high school) 4 years later i saw those ppl in the college and they are a LOT nicer to me cuz i speak better english now, and they actually wanna invite me to thier events or parties. I asked those girls, why were you so rude to me when i first came here . I was away from home, helpless. none of yall provided any assistance, all you guys did just look at me weird and think i was not good enough to talk to you cuz my english sucked. I really don't need friends who are shallow and prejudicial. I think some asian AMERICANS hate fobs and they secretly hate how fobby their parents are and feel so ashamed of their accent. I know some girls who ONLY date white guys or hang out with white ppl. they think they are white, and they wanna be white. I think they should holocaust themselves if they really hate their own race. ※ 引述《catchpw (catchpw)》之銘言: : 不要說行政單位的辦事人員了 : 在台灣,教授在課堂上也普遍對僑生外籍生優惠客氣很多 : 很多外籍生中文不好 : 老師就自動降低評分標準讓他們過 : 或者允許他們用英文,甚至是日文寫考卷 : 然後老師在自己請其他學生把他們的答案翻成中文 : 老師在替他們評分 : 想想我們在國外念書 : 要是英文不夠好 : 老師會體諒嗎 : 會考量我們母語非英文而給我們高分嗎 : 有可能接受我們用中文寫報告寫考卷嗎 : 根本是不可能的事情 : 客氣一點的,看你英文寫的不夠好,講的不夠好 : 給你一個稍微低一點的分數 : 狠一點的直接丟回來 : 叫你去writing center全部重改 : 常常覺得僑生外籍生在台灣念書真是一件幸福的事情 -- ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nancy75822 來自: (07/15 15:26)

07/15 16:54, , 1F
這種就把他們當白人好了 還有很多朋友可以交的
07/15 16:54, 1F

07/15 16:55, , 2F
因為白人也不把他們當美國人 偏偏他們又是土生土長
07/15 16:55, 2F

07/15 16:57, , 3F
Taiwanese American 最後他們還是自己只能成一個圈圈
07/15 16:57, 3F

07/15 17:05, , 4F
07/15 17:05, 4F

07/15 17:06, , 5F
07/15 17:06, 5F

07/15 17:10, , 6F
推樓上 這些人的自我(族群)認同出了問題
07/15 17:10, 6F

07/15 17:12, , 7F
07/15 17:12, 7F

07/15 17:15, , 8F
07/15 17:15, 8F

07/15 17:18, , 9F
07/15 17:18, 9F

07/15 17:18, , 10F
07/15 17:18, 10F

07/15 19:19, , 11F
真是丟人現眼啊 除了FOB還會什麼啊 這些廢材
07/15 19:19, 11F

07/15 19:53, , 12F
07/15 19:53, 12F

07/15 19:54, , 13F
07/15 19:54, 13F

07/15 23:08, , 14F
don't know how's it like, being a minority myself,
07/15 23:08, 14F

07/15 23:09, , 15F
laughing at so called "fob", superior?
07/15 23:09, 15F

07/16 00:16, , 16F
因為他們自卑...其實年紀大一點的asian american比年紀小
07/16 00:16, 16F

07/16 00:16, , 17F
的較尊重人 不知道是否是長大了比較懂事..
07/16 00:16, 17F

07/16 10:17, , 18F
07/16 10:17, 18F

07/16 10:17, , 19F
07/16 10:17, 19F

07/16 10:17, , 20F
07/16 10:17, 20F

07/16 10:18, , 21F
07/16 10:18, 21F

07/16 10:18, , 22F
07/16 10:18, 22F

07/17 22:15, , 23F
07/17 22:15, 23F

07/22 01:36, , 24F
07/22 01:36, 24F
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