Re: [歐洲] 我的瑞士朋友說瑞士人

看板CultureShock作者 (蚯液人八輩子不得好死)時間16年前 (2008/05/30 22:33), 編輯推噓25(25029)
留言54則, 18人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
幫翻譯...... 幼稚園小孩可以單獨出門?這個國家有沒有這麼完美 You know you're Swiss if ... 你一定是瑞士人,才會...... 時間觀念 1. you complain if your bus/train/tram is more than 5 minutes late. Make that 1 minute 碰到公車火車誤點五分鐘以上,就大罵; 28. you think that driving somewhere for four hours is a hell of a long time 受不了開車開上四個鐘頭; 國際觀 2. you've ever been confused with a Swede 被那些瑞典、瑞士傻傻分不清楚的人氣到; 3. you laugh when Americans believe that Swiss Miss is a Swiss product, but then have no clue that Nestle and Rolex ARE 嘲笑以為Swiss Miss是瑞士產品,卻不知雀巢和勞力士才是瑞士產品的美國人; 6. you have ever been asked - upon stating your nationality - whether you live in the mountains and whether you can yodel 外國人知道了你是瑞士人,就問你是不是住在山上、每天唱約德爾調; 8. you have ever been asked who the president of Switzerland is and then failed miserably trying to explain why you've lost track 外國人問你「瑞士總統是誰」,你卻說不出你為什麼不知道; 瑞士的民生特色 4. you get frustrated if you go grocery shopping abroad and there aren't at least 10 different kinds of chocolate and 15 kinds of cheese available 你出國購物,卻發覺瑞士以外的雜貨店,巧克力種類不到十種,起司不到十五種, 為此感到不高興; 21. you were legally allowed to drink beer and wine at the age of sixteen 你十六歲就可以合法喝酒; 25. you are asked to vote on a "Referendum" or "Initiative" at least 3 or 4 times a year 你每年都有三、四個公投案或連署案可以參加; 26. you are used to drinking from any public fountain in the street unless there is a warning sign that says "no drinking water" 除非標示「非供飲用」,否則你都會喝街上噴水池的水; 27. you grew up believing all cows must wear bells 你從小到大都以為牛一定要戴鈴鐺; 29. you get slightly irritated or at least confused if your foreign visitors ask to see a chocolate factory 如果外國朋友說想參觀巧克力工廠,你會頭大; 30. you know what Betty Bossi books and products are and have bought one 你對Betty Bossi的書和產品瞭若指掌,而且也有買; 31. you know someone that collects the tin foil lids from coffee cream tubs 你認識的人當中,有人會收集咖啡奶精罐的封口錫箔紙; 瑞士的多語言多族群文化 5. you have learned three to four languages and think this is completely normal 學上三、四種語言,且習以為常; 7. you can pronounce "Chuchichaschtli" and you know what it means 會念Chuchichaschtli而且知道那甚麼意思; 9. you know what "Roschti" are and you have crossed the "Roschtigrabe" at some point 你知道甚麼叫Roschti,而且你碰過「德法族群溝」好幾次; 12. you are amused when people ask you what language is spoken in your home country and/or you have to explain that "Swiss" is not a language, that there are four national languages and none of them is called "Swiss"! 每次有外國人問你的國家講甚麼語言,有時候你還得解釋說你的國家有四種官方語, 沒有一種叫做「瑞士語」,就覺得好笑; 14. you've ever seen "Sandmannchen" dubbed into Romansch 你看過「小睡魔」的羅曼語配音版本; 18. your country has six different public television channels in three different languages - and you don't think this is unusual 你國家有六個電視頻道,總共三種語言,你不覺得這有啥大不了; 19. you get amused when you see Swiss German people being subtitled on German television 你看到德語瑞士人上德國電視鏡頭,就覺得好笑; 24. when being asked to explain how certain things work in your country, you have to use the phrase "it differs for each canton, so..." 外國人問你在瑞士都怎麼樣的時候,你總是得說「每個州情況不同......」 34. you are in a non-European country and can hear people talking Swiss German and just go up and strike up a conversation with a complete stranger 你出了歐洲,能聽懂有人在講瑞士德語,而且發現他們根本完全不認識就聊開了; 瑞士人的教養與品德 10. you went to a state-funded ski camp every year with your classmates in high school 念高中時,每年都和同學去公辦的滑雪營; 11. to you, skis are like the extensions of your feet, because you've skied since you could walk 你打從學會走路開始就在滑雪,滑雪板簡直就是腳的一部分; 15. as a female, you give all your friends three kisses on the cheeks as a greeting 身為瑞士女生的你,每次和朋友打招呼都親三下臉頰; 17. you've ever been asked by your non-Swiss friends to intervene in a fight and used "hey, I'm Swiss" as an excuse not to 外國朋友幹架,撂你去助陣,你卻以「瑞士人崇尚理性,勿戰」為由推辭; 20. you firmly believe it is more important to do things accurately than to do them quickly 你堅信把事做對最重要,其次才是效率; 22. you walked to kindergarten without supervision, wearing a large orange triangle around your neck 你小時候脖子上戴著橘色三角圈,不用爸媽帶,自己一個人走路上幼稚園; 35. no matter how much of a "bad-ass" you think you are, you will still pick up your candy wrapper off the floor if an old lady asks you too 就算你狠下心來想耍賴,碰到有老太太叫你自己撿糖果包裝紙紙,你還是乖乖照辦; 瑞士的品牌 13. you owned a Swatch growing up... or still do 你從小戴Swatch手錶長大,甚至現在還戴著; 16. you love Migros and you swear that some of their products are better than anything you've ever seen elsewhere 熱愛米格洛連鎖超市,堅信他們某些產品是天下第一; 瑞士全民國防 23. you think it's normal that everyone has a bunker underneath their house, or is registered for one of the public bunkers under the school building, for emergency situations... by the way, here's a fun thing to do: invite over some of your foreign friends (Americans make very good candidates) and take a picture of the look on their face when they SEE the bunker. Priceless! 家家戶戶都有防空洞,而家裡沒防空洞的人也都有在學校的公共防空洞登記避難名單, 這對你而言是正常現象;另外,邀請外國朋友,尤其是美國人,來參觀你家的防空洞, 拍下他們驚訝的表情,是無比有趣的事! 32. you don't see where the problem is when every male citizen who has been to the army has an assault rifle under his bed 當過兵的男人,床下都放一把來福槍,這種現象你見怪不怪; 寧不為瑞士人 33. you have to pay twice the price for museum entries because you're not a citizen of the EU, although you live in Europe! 同樣在歐洲,你買博物館門票價格卻是別人的兩倍,只因為你不是歐盟人; 36. you think everything is cheap abroad compared to Swiss prices! 出了瑞士你就大呼甚麼東西都好便宜。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/30 23:49, , 1F
看的翻譯 覺得好好笑XDD
05/30 23:49, 1F

05/30 23:49, , 2F
05/30 23:49, 2F

05/30 23:50, , 3F
05/30 23:50, 3F

05/30 23:52, , 4F
可以順便翻一下編號4794的文章嗎? 我也想笑笑看
05/30 23:52, 4F

05/31 00:14, , 5F
05/31 00:14, 5F

05/31 00:15, , 6F
05/31 00:15, 6F

05/31 00:15, , 7F
第19我看不懂耶..抓不到點,還有being subtitled不是上字幕?
05/31 00:15, 7F

05/31 00:33, , 8F
是的...瑞士人說的徳語跟德國奧地利不同 所以要上字幕
05/31 00:33, 8F

05/31 01:23, , 9F
05/31 01:23, 9F

05/31 01:23, , 10F
05/31 01:23, 10F

05/31 01:24, , 11F
就是在德國電視上看到瑞士人講德語都要上字幕就對了 XD
05/31 01:24, 11F

05/31 01:24, , 12F
17. 那個該說是理性勿戰嗎?我覺得是「中立」。XD
05/31 01:24, 12F

05/31 01:25, , 13F
05/31 01:25, 13F

05/31 01:25, , 14F
05/31 01:25, 14F

05/31 01:26, , 15F
05/31 01:26, 15F

05/31 01:34, , 16F
05/31 01:34, 16F

05/31 02:05, , 17F
05/31 02:05, 17F

05/31 02:07, , 18F
05/31 02:07, 18F

05/31 02:09, , 19F
05/31 02:09, 19F

05/31 02:10, , 20F
05/31 02:10, 20F

05/31 02:12, , 21F
19 的話主因是"口音"....所以還有原來口印的瑞士裔德國人
05/31 02:12, 21F

05/31 02:13, , 22F
05/31 02:13, 22F

05/31 02:14, , 23F
要上字幕 這在美國偶而也有類似情形
05/31 02:14, 23F

05/31 04:10, , 24F
05/31 04:10, 24F

05/31 06:52, , 25F
05/31 06:52, 25F

05/31 08:06, , 26F
剛想到的,實際看照片 輸入
05/31 08:06, 26F

05/31 08:06, , 27F
fountain switzerland
05/31 08:06, 27F

05/31 08:07, , 28F
05/31 08:07, 28F

05/31 08:07, , 29F
"瑞士德文本來就不是德文"??這邏輯很奇怪.. 加拿大法文
05/31 08:07, 29F

05/31 08:08, , 30F
不是法文? 澳洲英文不是英文?
05/31 08:08, 30F

05/31 09:07, , 31F
推這篇 謝謝翻譯 真棒
05/31 09:07, 31F

05/31 14:41, , 32F
很好笑~希望原PO能翻完全部系列 XDDDDD
05/31 14:41, 32F

05/31 15:08, , 33F
XD 我剛剛問了 他說的public fountain就是噴水池的
05/31 15:08, 33F

05/31 15:09, , 34F
除非有標誌說不能喝 要不然都可以喝
05/31 15:09, 34F

05/31 15:13, , 35F
不是樓主和上面幾樓的都翻完了嗎? XD
05/31 15:13, 35F

05/31 15:59, , 36F
05/31 15:59, 36F

05/31 15:59, , 37F
05/31 15:59, 37F

05/31 16:01, , 38F
05/31 16:01, 38F

05/31 16:27, , 39F
05/31 16:27, 39F

05/31 16:28, , 40F
05/31 16:28, 40F

05/31 16:28, , 41F
05/31 16:28, 41F

05/31 16:33, , 42F
assault rifle應該翻譯為攻擊步槍
05/31 16:33, 42F

05/31 16:34, , 43F
05/31 16:34, 43F

05/31 17:32, , 44F
assault rifle一般翻成突擊步槍比較多
05/31 17:32, 44F

05/31 17:33, , 45F
05/31 17:33, 45F

05/31 20:01, , 46F
"Swiss German"和"Swiss Standard German"是不一樣的。
05/31 20:01, 46F

05/31 20:03, , 47F
Swiss German的確非德語,德、奧人不一定懂Swiss German
05/31 20:03, 47F

05/31 20:05, , 48F
但德、奧人不用學就可以懂Swiss Standard German。
05/31 20:05, 48F

05/31 20:05, , 49F

06/01 03:37, , 50F
噴水池真的可以喝~我第一次看到傻眼 但是小朋友喝得很自然
06/01 03:37, 50F

06/02 06:52, , 51F
06/02 06:52, 51F

06/02 06:53, , 52F
06/02 06:53, 52F

06/04 02:46, , 53F
最後一點同意 我在英國的瑞士室友一直開心的跟我們說
06/04 02:46, 53F

06/04 02:46, , 54F
他覺得英國什麼東西都好便宜 囧rz
06/04 02:46, 54F
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