[外電] LBJ和好友們要帶給騎士一些熱火精神

看板Cavaliers作者 (=\)時間10年前 (2014/07/17 08:13), 編輯推噓46(460113)
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當初大Z跟LBJ一起去熱火,是熱火為了安撫LBJ不安的心所作的措施之一 否則大Z和熱火的打法其實格格不入 現在LBJ強力的想要招募三個射手MM Ray JJ來騎士則是想要樹立一種打球態度 感覺是LBJ會做的事,討論看看。 原文:http://ppt.cc/LXXl 原文長,翻譯就盡量翻大意了 LeBron James, with Some Familiar Recruits, Trying to Bring Heat Culture to Cavs By Ethan Skolnick , NBA Senior Writer Jul 16, 2014 MIAMI — They were the Statler and Waldorf of the Miami Heat's Big Three era, deadeye shooters who spent pregame periods shooting the bull, invariably beside each other in visiting locker rooms. James Jones had an opinion on everything, and Mike Miller had a smile for everyone, and they seemed inseparable until the Heat sent Miller packing via the amnesty provision in the summer of 2013. MM和JJ是熱火三王時代的Statler和Waldorf (註:美國知名的Muppet Shows裡面的經典人物,兩人焦不離孟無時無刻 都在鬥嘴 XD) 這兩個傢伙在MM被裁之前,賽前總是一起熱身,一起投籃,JJ總是不斷的 發表各種意見,MM就在旁邊對眾人微笑。 They weren't always happy, not with Jones, and then Miller, put in the only-when-Dwyane-Wade-sits role, a position that required them to condition themselves through intense three-on-three competitions, just in case they'd get a chance. They were always ready, with their professionalism giving their coach, Erik Spoelstra, and also the Heat's premier star, LeBron James, confidence they could contribute when called upon. 這兩人並不是總是開心的,尤其他們在熱火只能在Wade不打的時間 上場,並且要隨時保持熱身狀態。 但是他們總是準備好的,這種專業的態度就是Spo和Lebron能如此信任 他們的原因。 So it shouldn't be any surprise that James called upon them to join him in Cleveland, even if you weren't aware of James' anger at the amnesty decision, of James pushing for Jones to play more during the '13-14 season and '14 playoffs, or of James vacationing with Jones and Ray Allen and their families immediately after the NBA Finals. 所以Lebron希望他們能加入騎士完全不意外。 即使你不知道Lebron對MM被裁感到非常不滿,也應該注意到在今年球季 和季後賽的時候Lebron要求Spo讓JJ多上場。而他在這個暑假也和 JJ還有雷槍的家庭一起去渡假。 Each had to sacrifice significantly to join him. Jones left his home region, where he played his prep and collegiate ball and where he always spoke of completing his career, after six seasons. Miller missed an opportunity to remain in Memphis (a city his family enjoys) as James recruited him, and passed on a bigger payday in Denver, all to go to a franchise that he was happy to avoid in the '13 amnesty proceedings, so much so that his camp leaked word of impending back surgery. 要加入騎士,兩個人都犧牲甚多。JJ犧牲了在離家鄉近的地方打球, 一個他曾多次表示他願意結束他生涯的地方。 MM放棄了家庭所喜愛的Memphis,放棄了Denver給他的大約,來到一個 他去年被裁時超級不想來的地方-他當時甚至要他的團隊刻意泄露消息給 騎士說他的背部可能要開刀。。。(註:去年是有多不想來....^^) But this sort of sacrifice is why James wanted them. 但是這種犧牲的精神就是Lebron希望他們能加入他的原因。 He needs to bring some of Heat culture to Cleveland. 他需要帶一些熱火文化來到騎士隊。 Sacrifice—of minutes, of shots, of cash—has been the core Heat tenet over the past several years, as evidenced again Tuesday when the co-captains, Dwyane Wade and Udonis Haslem, settled into smaller salary slots than was initially anticipated. Wade opted out of two years and nearly $42 million to accommodate reinforcements for The Big 3. After James left, he could have insisted upon more years, something closer to the four years and $60 million that had been assumed as a fair tradeoff in security for the slice in his annual salary. Instead, he took two years at just under $33 million. 犧牲的精神-不論是上場時間,投籃次數,或是$$$-這些是過去四年 熱火不斷強調的一點。而這個精神在Wade和UD簽了低薪合約來幫助 球隊補強後,更是顯著。 Wade不拿6000萬,只拿3000萬出頭。 Haslem, who has left more money on the table over his career than all but blockbuster movies earn on their opening weekends, sought a three-year commitment when he opted out of his remaining one-year, $4.6 million deal. Instead, after the Heat's post-James maneuvering, he took the only vehicle that was available: the two-year under-cap mid-level, which will earn him $5.6 million over two years. If he had opted in for the one year, and taken the minimum for the second one, he would have made roughly $500,000 more. UD在三王合體時就降了一次薪(低於市場價值), 這次他也少拿了至少50萬鎂。 By doing so, Wade and Haslem not only helped the Heat to remain competitive on the court over the next two years, but also gave them a chance to compete in free agency in the summer of '16, when Kevin Durant will be at the forefront of a potentially formidable class. This is the ultimate in selflessness in sports, when you can look beyond your own career and consider what is best for the organization you currently represent. 這種能把眼光放遠,替自己代表的團隊著想而非短視近利的只 為自己的生涯打算的球員是無私的代表。 This attitude is in contrast with what Cleveland's third-year guard, Dion Waiters, tweeted in Wednesday's wee hours, when asked by a follower if he would accept a bench role. His response was a "no," except with nine 'o's." Later, Waiters took down the tweet, lamenting that he can't just play on Twitter without everyone taking him seriously. Maybe it was just a joke. Or maybe it's indicative of why Luol Deng was reportedly so anxious to get out of Cleveland, after spending the final couple months of the '13-14 season there. Deng wasn't asked about that specifically during a Thursday morning interview with The Ticket in Miami, but he also made it clear that Miami's culture—known as somewhat similar to that of Chicago, the team of his first nine-plus seasons, was a major drawing card. It had to be, considering that Deng also took less money and years ($19.9 million over two seasons) than he could have received elsewhere. 這種態度相比於最近騎士的後衛服務生在推特上的發言就顯得突出。 當有球迷在服務生的推特發問他是否願意從板凳出發時,他明快的只說 了一個字「不」,但是重複了九次(不不不不不不不不不) 雖然他之後把這則推特拿掉並且說只是開玩笑,媒體不應該放大, 或許是吧?但是也或許是滷蛋為啥急著想要離開騎士的原因。 是的,滷蛋在禮拜四早上和邁阿密媒體訪談時並沒有被問到離開原因, 但是卻很確切地提到熱火文化-類似於公牛,一個他呆了九年地方-是他 之所以決定和熱火簽約的主因之一。這點是肯定的,畢竟他拿了少於 市場價值的合約。 "If I told you the money's not part of it, I would be lying," Deng said during the radio interview. "It's part of the negotiation. But I really wanted to be somewhere where the team is going [in] the right direction, that the team wants to win, an organization that is used to winning and doesn't take losing. And I really didn't want to go somewhere where the next four years, it's always a conversation about the team being young and rebuilding and everything. I want to go somewhere where they're hungry and they want to get back where they've been the last four years." 滷蛋說「如果我跟你說錢沒影響,那我就是在說謊,錢當然是洽談的條件 之一,但是我也非常希望能加入一個在正確道路上前進的球隊,一個想要 贏球的球隊,一個習慣於贏球,而不願意習於輸球的團隊。我不想未來四年 這個球隊都還不斷的在討論有年輕肉體和滿滿潛力可以重建的地方。 我希望去一個對勝利感到渴望,一個想要重回冠軍賽的地方。」 Over the last four years, the Cavaliers have gone 97-215, with their young players developing a lot of losing habits. Those were habits that Deng, known as one of the truest professionals in Chicago, couldn't do much to change during his brief time. Few will remember Deng was a Cavalier, though as of Thursday morning, his Twitter profile still listed him that way, as the hosts informed him. 過去四年騎士隊戰績是97-215,而這一票年輕球員似乎也養成了不少輸球 習慣。這些習慣是滷蛋-一個NBA裡最敬業的球員之一-所無法改變的。 滷蛋在受訪時被記者提醒他的推特帳號上還掛著自己是騎士球員的事實。 "As soon as I hang up, give me 10 minutes, and it will be fixed," Deng said. "Thank you guys for noticing that, letting me know. There's been a lot going on, so I haven't had time." 滷蛋「歐,給我十分鐘,我一掛上電話立馬就會把它改過來了。 謝謝你們提醒我,讓我知道,太多事情要注意了,我還沒時間去改咧。」 He was true to his word, as a cursory check of @LuolDeng9 now shows. 他的確馬上換了。 James has been tasked with fixing something much bigger, along with David Blatt, the coach imported from a long career overseas. He needs to fix the Cavaliers' culture. Miller and Jones will go a long way toward that, by their mere presence, since they both go about their business the right way. Lebron James和新教頭David Blatt要修復騎士隊內的文化, 加上MM和JJ,將會有漫漫長路要走。 Recall what James said in late May, when asked about why the Heat missed Miller? 記得今年五月底Lebron受訪時被問到為啥熱火會懷念MM的存在? "People don't understand how instrumental Mike Miller was to our team... Yeah, he was just that stable guy. I mean, Mike, everything that he went through, both injuries and being in and out of the lineups, and not one day did he ever come to work with an 'I don't want to be here' attitude. Like never. And we all respected that. And for a guy like that who's done so much in his career, to come in with that mindset every day, we all saw that." 「人們不了解MM對我們整個球隊的影響力。是的,他就是那個穩定力量。 我的意思是,MM在他生涯裡經歷了許多,傷痛或是不固定的上場時間等等, 但是我從來沒有一天看到他來訓練然後抱怨這抱怨那的,從沒有。 而我們大家都很尊敬這種敬業態度。而這種敬業精神可以傳染給整隊。」 But James will also need to do a lot of the leading himself, even more than in Miami. He will need to evolve even more, to accommodate a new type of teammate than he typically had with the Heat. In that case, this part of that same interview applies even more: Lebron也需要知道他必須要比在熱火時花更多氣力在領導這擋子事上。 他必須要更佳進化,去適應一群不同於熱火的新的隊友。 "If you're a part of [the Heat's] culture, I believe you're here for a reason. Part of being a leader is making people also believe that sometimes they can do more than they actually can do. Giving them a sense of belief and confidence. And for me, I've always kind of done that. And I'm not downgrading what that individual can do. I'm just letting them know that they can do more than what they even thought they can do, and bring more to the game, and bring more to who they are as an individual than they thought they could." Lebron「如果你處於熱火文化之中,我相信你在這邊是有原因的。 作為一個領導者就是讓人們相信他們可以做比他們實際上能做得更多。 給他們信念和信心。我總是能做到這樣的角色。我並不是在貶低這些 人的能力。我只是讓他們知道他們可以做到很多他們自己都不知道自己能做到 的事情,並且把這些態度帶到球場上。」 He will need to bring that attitude to every practice, every game, every event. 他必須要用這種領導者的態度去面對接下來球季的每一個練習,每一場比賽, 每一次球隊的事件。 He'll need to show the winning way to the large majority of the Cleveland roster. 他必須要教導這群小騎如何去贏球。 Because, at some point, there won't be any other Miami buddies to bring. 因為,熱火的老兵們總有凋零的一天。 ============================== 心得: 其實Lebron願意在騎士還沒成型前就回來的確是一個挑戰。 想想Lebron已經是個名副其實的老人了(雖然10年前就被當成老人 lol) 年輕人一定都想要證明自己, 一旦有什麼衝突也沒有場外的友情做緩衝,就是直來直往了。 文中提到公牛和熱火精神,目前的騎士感覺的確比較沒有這種球隊所散發 出來的那種從上至下的穩定感和求勝慾。 我認為從下一季的防守能到什麼程度可以約莫看出Lebron/Blatt對球隊的影響力 到什麼程度,能衝進防守效率前十表示小將們相當受教,反之如果還是在 後段班徘徊,那表示還是各打各的,即使戰績可能季賽不會太差 但是到季後賽就走不了太遠。 新球季應該會挺有趣的。:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cavaliers/M.1405556023.A.BED.html

07/17 08:21, , 1F
07/17 08:21, 1F

07/17 08:26, , 2F
小騎加油 老臣剩RA 快來吧!
07/17 08:26, 2F

07/17 08:29, , 3F
07/17 08:29, 3F

07/17 08:29, , 4F
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07/17 08:31, , 5F
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07/17 08:31, , 6F
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07/17 08:32, , 7F
07/17 08:32, 7F

07/17 08:35, , 8F
熱火精神是嗎 稍微有點感受到了:)
07/17 08:35, 8F

07/17 08:40, , 9F
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07/17 08:40, , 10F
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07/17 08:54, , 11F
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07/17 09:02, , 14F
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07/17 09:05, , 21F
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07/17 09:06, , 22F
人好奇,會一開始就擺老大哥姿態?還是也是buddy buddy開始?
07/17 09:06, 22F

07/17 09:10, , 23F
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07/17 09:16, , 39F
07/17 09:16, 39F
還有 80 則推文
07/17 13:26, , 120F
其實我很認同A大那篇文章的內容 我相信即便是當年在騎士
07/17 13:26, 120F

07/17 13:27, , 121F
LBJ本人也很克制 但他身邊的親友就不是了
07/17 13:27, 121F

07/17 13:29, , 122F
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07/17 13:30, , 123F
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07/17 13:32, , 124F
另外讓球星凌駕於球員文化的管理方式 真的很不利奪冠
07/17 13:32, 124F

07/17 13:33, , 125F
也許不必像熱火那麼誇張 但不能像以前那麼放縱是肯定的 LBJ
07/17 13:33, 125F

07/17 13:34, , 126F
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07/17 13:35, , 127F
T大~所以對LBJ的親友團做適度的控管 對LBJ本身不見得是壞事
07/17 13:35, 127F

07/17 13:37, , 128F
黑臉球團當 反而讓LBJ比較好專注在球場上
07/17 13:37, 128F

07/17 13:50, , 129F
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07/17 13:50, , 130F
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07/17 13:50, , 131F
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07/17 13:53, , 132F
其實有點好奇 騎士今年在FA市場的方針有沒有和Blatt討論過
07/17 13:53, 132F

07/17 13:55, , 133F
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07/17 13:56, , 135F
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07/17 14:21, , 136F
哈哈XD 是我說得太過偏激了嗎XD 好啦 我承認 我只是講出
07/17 14:21, 136F

07/17 14:21, , 137F
別人曾經說過LBJ怎麼樣的那些形容詞而已 其實我沒有那樣認
07/17 14:21, 137F

07/17 14:22, , 138F
為 我只是為了表達中立 不要讓我挺LBJ的立場太明顯 哈哈
07/17 14:22, 138F

07/17 14:22, , 139F
還有 版主大人QQ 我沒有想要拉回LBJ的個性的意思喔
07/17 14:22, 139F

07/17 14:22, , 140F
只是 LBJ的團隊怎麼樣 其實LBJ沒辦法置身事外 他也有責任
07/17 14:22, 140F

07/17 14:26, , 141F
07/17 14:26, 141F

07/17 14:28, , 142F
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07/17 14:28, , 143F
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07/17 14:30, , 144F
也是 有雙重人格的人畢竟還是少數 ... 好吧 我太多餘了
07/17 14:30, 144F

07/17 14:30, , 145F
07/17 14:30, 145F

07/17 14:31, , 146F
反而騙到了n大 哈哈哈哈
07/17 14:31, 146F

07/17 16:44, , 147F
07/17 16:44, 147F

07/17 16:46, , 148F
現階段與其展現老大哥的姿態去訓誡小老弟 不如身體力行
07/17 16:46, 148F

07/17 17:48, , 149F
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07/17 20:30, , 150F
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07/17 21:22, , 151F
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07/17 21:29, , 152F
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07/17 21:38, , 153F
有雙重人格不是hssz 嗎?XDDD
07/17 21:38, 153F

07/17 21:41, , 154F
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07/17 22:00, , 155F
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07/18 00:41, , 156F
07/18 00:41, 156F

07/18 07:40, , 157F
扭貓又出現了...= = LBJ的領導魅力在球場上實在很明顯,不
07/18 07:40, 157F

07/18 07:41, , 158F
07/18 07:41, 158F

07/18 11:13, , 159F
什麼叫我又出現了 我一直是鐵桿騎士迷好嗎?
07/18 11:13, 159F
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