[閒聊] 在E3展上讓參加者略感不適的VR遊戲已回收

看板C_Chat作者 (iii)時間8年前 (2016/06/17 17:05), 8年前編輯推噓45(45039)
留言84則, 42人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
原文 http://tinyurl.com/gktutqd Horror games are supposed to be creepy and claustrophobic, maybe make your palms sweat. They're not supposed to make you feel like you want to keel over and vomit. 恐怖遊戲不應該讓你覺得想昏倒或者想噁吐。 On Monday, Sony announced that three big-name game developers would bring their hottest franchises to the PlayStation VR headset. You'd be able to play Batman, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil in virtual reality, Sony promised. 蝙蝠俠、FF、生化危機是已確定會發行VR遊戲 But two of those three big games are surprisingly disappointing -- and the third one is actually making E3 attendees feel sick to their stomachs. 但其中兩款在試玩時讓人感到空前失望,第三款則讓人甚至感到不舒服想吐 (本篇皆原作者本人意見) By the time I tried Resident Evil 7 today at Sony's E3 booth, word had already spread. I'd heard from half a dozen journalists and influencers that something wasn't quite right about Capcom's VR horror experience. I knew that if I tried it, I'd probably regret it for the rest of the day. 當時關於生化7VR的一些流言已經到處傳了,作者本人決定親自下海測試 But I had to do it, because Capcom had done something no other major video game developer has been ballsy enough to do -- bring their entire flagship game to virtual reality instead of just a demo. (In case you missed the news, you'll be able to play Resident Evil 7, beginning to end, in a PlayStation VR headset.) 雖然流言不少,但是Capcom是少數大廠有那個LP把他們的主力遊戲以VR呈現並且可以 游玩,並不是展示一些預告或試玩。 At first, it was fine. In fact, it was pretty damn cool. Resident Evil looks great in VR, and it's incredibly immersive. You can actually peek around corners before you walk into a room, or quickly look behind you to see if you're being stalked. And the developers, knowing this, take full advantage. 在還沒開始暈以前,一切都非常的棒 But then, I started to sweat. I got a little dizzy. Suddenly, a huge headache came out of nowhere. 但是作者開始流汗、頭昏,嚴重的頭痛 What I'm describing is known as "simulator sickness," and it's not new or unique to Resident Evil. Lots of VR games can make people feel sick if they feel they've been turned in a direction that doesn't match up to the real world. Some are more sensitive then others, and I've had people tell me they never get sick at all in VR. (Yet some of those people tell me Resident Evil made them sick, too.) 大家都知道這個叫做3D暈,很多VR遊戲也會,當身體不動但視角移動的問題 有些人天生免疫(但是這些免疫者有些也跟作者說生化7也會讓他們不舒服) It's not hard to pinpoint the problem. Resident Evil's control scheme, which allows you to rotate the camera without actually turning your head (or press a button to instantly "crouch") is the kind of thing that tends to cause a flare-up in people who get sick in VR. 使用搖桿而非親自蹲下,比較會造成視角移動造成的3D暈 To its credit, Capcom has some time to figure it out: Resident Evil 7 doesn't ship till the end of January, over seven months from now, and a Capcom rep says the company's still figuring out the VR controls. 生化7在明年1月底前不會出,Capcom說公司仍然在想辦法解決VR的控制 So that's Resident Evil. What's wrong with Final Fantasy and Batman in VR? They're what we like to call VR experiences -- not actual games you'll play more than once. 接下來介紹蝙蝠俠以及FF體驗,"V R 體 驗" The Final Fantasy XV VR Experience is literally just a disembodied gun that you shoot at a Final Fantasy monster while several other Final Fantasy characters bash on it with swords, often passing right through the creature with no effect. That's followed by a brief sequence where you're seated in a car next to one of the ladies of Final Fantasy, with nothing to do but stare at the leather seats and the dusty road. FFVR體驗就是你拿把槍把怪物打個四分五裂化作光,然後其他FF角色衝進場 模組碰撞設定有點問題,所以會產生角色直接穿過,接著就是你坐在台車上 旁邊有個妹子,除了看看風景和看看妹子以外沒其他事了 Batman: Arkham VR is a bit better -- you get to don the Batsuit, throw Batarangs, fire grapple guns and descend into the Batcave for target practice, then analyze a crime scene with other cool tools -- but developer Rocksteady describes it as an hour-long experience with another hour of replay value. If you were expecting a whole new Batman: Arkham game where you traverse Gotham City in VR, you're out of luck. 蝙蝠俠不錯,但是非常短,開發商說只會有一個小時的標準遊玩時間,以及第 二輪的一個小時(可能是雙結局?),如果想體驗整個高譚市你可能會失望的 None of this means there aren't great VR games in Sony's PlayStation VR line-up. I'm a big fan of Battlezone, EVE: Valkyrie, Rez Infinite, Job Simulator and more. My colleague Ashley Esqueda tried five fantastic indie games for PlayStation VR that you'll absolutely want to watch out for. 這上面這些體驗並不代表SONY不會有很好的PSVR遊戲,等看看吧 But if you were hoping traditional big-name game developers would just stroll onto PlayStation with the killer apps for VR, you should probably know they're still in the experimentation phase right now. 但是你想在近期就玩到3A等級的VR遊戲,應該是不太可能 開發商現在都只是在實驗階段而已 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1466154337.A.A86.html

06/17 17:06, , 1F
06/17 17:06, 1F

06/17 17:07, , 2F
哼哼 反正VR我絕對不玩那種遊戲 無感
06/17 17:07, 2F

06/17 17:07, , 3F
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06/17 17:08, , 5F
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06/17 17:09, , 6F

06/17 17:09, , 7F
自己體質爛怪誰 我玩好幾款VR都沒事
06/17 17:09, 7F

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06/17 17:13, , 16F
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06/17 17:13, , 17F
可以改善3d暈吧 不過缺點是打電動會很累...
06/17 17:13, 17F

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06/17 17:15, , 23F
每個人體質有差 有人能連玩八小時太空工程師的轉圈圈
06/17 17:15, 23F

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06/17 17:21, , 36F
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06/17 17:21, , 37F
體質好啊不就好棒棒? 所以PSVR看體質賣囉?
06/17 17:21, 37F

06/17 17:22, , 38F
06/17 17:22, 38F

06/17 17:22, , 39F
不過大多人其實就只是頭暈而已 真的會3D暈的沒那麼多
06/17 17:22, 39F

06/17 17:23, , 40F
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06/17 17:25, , 41F
一開始玩CS也是會有點暈 等到玩了大概12小時候就沒差了
06/17 17:25, 41F

06/17 17:27, , 42F
不爽不要玩啊。 然後那些人就真的不玩了
06/17 17:27, 42F

06/17 17:27, , 43F
06/17 17:27, 43F

06/17 17:29, , 44F
中間有翻反 按按鈕旋轉跟蹲下是暈的主因 不是解決方法
06/17 17:29, 44F

06/17 17:29, , 45F
vr體驗有賺有賠 詳情請洽基因說明書(1s內說完
06/17 17:29, 45F

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06/17 17:32, , 48F
06/17 17:32, 48F
※ 編輯: a71085 (, 06/17/2016 17:33:50

06/17 17:33, , 49F
什麼summer lesson大概也是全家同樂
06/17 17:33, 49F

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06/17 17:41, , 56F
從頭到尾都是他VR暈 他只適合回家打紅白雞
06/17 17:41, 56F

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06/17 17:49, , 62F
http://i.imgur.com/QNfo8jE.gifv 我看久了也有點暈
06/17 17:49, 62F

06/17 17:56, , 63F
360度跑步機 必備了
06/17 17:56, 63F

06/17 18:10, , 64F
不意外 當初3DS時就有人開3D會暈 怎樣想都不懂為啥
06/17 18:10, 64F

06/17 18:10, , 65F
VR想必更嚴重 大概就天然嚴選玩家吧
06/17 18:10, 65F

06/17 18:15, , 66F
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06/17 18:43, , 69F
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06/17 18:43, , 70F
還好啦 反正習慣就還好 當初玩cs玩到吐出來到現在就好
06/17 18:43, 70F

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06/17 18:44, , 73F
個人試過好像有效 但VR沒辦法這樣搞吧
06/17 18:44, 73F

06/17 18:44, , 74F
其實懶得用搖桿 有沒有單純用VR看3D影片的方式阿
06/17 18:44, 74F

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06/17 18:48, , 79F
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06/17 18:59, , 80F
3d暈是開發者正在想辦法克服的問題 不是體質就帶過
06/17 18:59, 80F

06/17 19:06, , 81F
VR只賣不會暈+願意買器材的人 能回本嗎X?D
06/17 19:06, 81F

06/17 19:13, , 82F
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