Re: [外電] Body Issue--拳王訪問

看板C_Anthony作者 (oo)時間12年前 (2012/07/09 10:59), 編輯推噓8(8013)
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Tyson Chandler and other sports stars take off their clothes for ESPN's The Body magazine 拳王和其他運動明星為ESPN的身體雜誌褪去衣服 Other athletes letting it all hang out are New York Ranger Brad Richards, the WNBA’s Candace Parker and track star Carmelita Jeter 其他明星包括New York Ranger的Brad Richards、WNBA的Candace Parker和百米公尺 賽跑選手Carmelita Jeter Source: NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Author: Corinne Lestch Date : JULY 8, 2012, 1:46 PM Link : Tyson Chandler stripped off more than his New York Knicks jersey to bare his artistic side. 拳王脫了比他的紐約尼克隊球衣更多一點,赤裸的展現他藝術的一面 [這是什麼形容啊...XDDD] The 7-foot-1, 240-pound superstar center is one of 27 world-class athletes posing nude for ESPN The Magazine’s fourth annual “Body Issue,” due out Wednesday. Others letting it all hang out include New York Ranger Brad Richards, Bronx fencer Tim Morehouse, the WNBA’s Candace Parker, tennis player Daniela Hantuchova and track star Carmelita Jeter. 這位七尺1吋、240磅(216公分、108.9公斤)的超級明星中鋒是27位為《ESPN BODY ISSUE》季刊雜誌(一年發行4次)脫衣的運動明星之一。預計本週三出刊。 其他明星包括New York Ranger的Brad Richards、西洋劍選手Tim Morehouse、 WNBA的Candace Parker、網球選手Daniela Hantuchova、和百米公尺賽跑選手 Carmelita Jeter。 Chandler, 29, said baring it all for the camera — with one well-placed basketball — was a “different experience.” 拳王(29歲)說,在鏡頭前面全裸-拿著一顆籃球-是一個「很不尋常的經驗」。 [well-placed是指置於適當地方的,嗯,大家知道就好...XD] “It was definitely something I haven’t done before,” Chandler told the Daily News. 「這毫無疑問的是我以前從來沒做過的事。」拳王這麼告訴每日新聞。 The father of three laughed when thinking of what his teammates might say when the issue hits stands. “I don’t even know if any of them know that I did it, but I’m sure I’ll get teased when it comes out,” he said. 當一想到雜誌發行後,他的隊友可能會說什麼,這位三個孩子的爸爸笑了:「我不 知道他們是否知道我做了這件事,但我可以確定這件事一但被發現,我會被他們嘲 笑。」他說。 [會有記者在國家隊練習時拿去問瓜瓜嗎?XDD] The modest hoops player said his wife, Kimberly, didn’t like the idea of sharing him with hordes of other women. But after some discussion, the artistry involved appealed to Chandler, an avid painter and photographer. “I have the ability to do some extraordinary things in the court. I’m not one of those stand-in-the-mirror type of people,” he said. “I love different aspects of art, and I can appreciate when a photo can be done correctly.” 這位謙虛的球員說,他太太Kimberly不喜歡這個主意,把他分享給一大群其他女人。 但經過一些討論後,藝術效果吸引了拳王,這位熱情的畫家和攝影師。「我可以 在球場上做點超乎尋常的事。我不是站在鏡子前面自戀的那種人,」他說:「我 愛藝術的不同層面,我可以欣賞一張拍攝正確的照片。 [我想拳王迷應該知道,其實拳王很喜歡拍照喔。] Chandler, currently training for the Summer Olympics, keeps his body chiseled by lifting weights, running track and bicycling. As a boy who grew up on a California farm, Chandler said he never imagined he would land on the cover of a major magazine. “Sometimes I laugh at myself and the places that I go,” he reflected. “I would never have dreamed that I would be doing some of the things that I do.” 拳王正在夏季奧運受訓中,減重、短跑和騎自行車,讓他的身材更為精雕細琢。 就一個成長於加州農場的男孩而言,拳王說他從未想過他會成為一個主流雜誌的 封面人物。「有時候我會自嘲,這些我去的地方。」他回想:「我以前從未夢想 過我會做我現在做的這些事。」 [每次翻拳王都翻得很開心,讓大家解解悶吧,簽約人生要over了~~~~] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/09 11:12, , 1F
推推~~ 謝謝翻譯 如果瓜拍的話風格會是怎樣的?好好奇XDD
07/09 11:12, 1F

07/09 11:12, , 2F
07/09 11:12, 2F

07/09 11:17, , 3F
07/09 11:17, 3F

07/09 11:26, , 4F
07/09 11:26, 4F

07/10 08:22, , 5F
林先開了一槍:why is magic mike holding a basketball?!?!?
07/10 08:22, 5F

07/10 08:23, , 6F
07/10 08:23, 6F

07/10 08:32, , 7F
我看到了 XDDD 心情好複雜,捨不得肯胖,又被林逗笑了 QQ
07/10 08:32, 7F

07/10 08:54, , 8F
07/10 08:54, 8F

07/10 09:57, , 9F
07/10 09:57, 9F

07/11 07:33, , 10F
07/11 07:33, 10F

07/11 09:47, , 11F
(繼續流口水~~) 是說..這兩張是在打保0球哦 XDDDDD
07/11 09:47, 11F

07/11 10:15, , 12F
07/11 10:15, 12F

07/11 10:17, , 13F
真的很像打保齡球 XDDDDDDDD
07/11 10:17, 13F

07/11 10:34, , 14F
07/11 10:34, 14F

07/11 10:35, , 15F
07/11 10:35, 15F

07/11 10:35, , 16F
07/11 10:35, 16F

07/11 10:51, , 17F 找到了,就叫擲鐵餅者
07/11 10:51, 17F

07/11 12:06, , 18F
我原本看半蹲姿那張有想到這個雕像,但是站直就不像了 XD
07/11 12:06, 18F

07/11 12:47, , 19F
07/11 12:47, 19F

07/11 23:24, , 20F
07/11 23:24, 20F

07/11 23:53, , 21F
07/11 23:53, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1F-aaLax (C_Anthony)
文章代碼(AID): #1F-aaLax (C_Anthony)