Re: [外電] Wang shows signs of life

看板CMWang作者 ( )時間15年前 (2009/06/18 19:19), 編輯推噓8(806)
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好長 翻得好累.... 可能有些錯誤 請版友幫忙修正囉~~ ※ 引述《Ally1213 (牧羊貓 XD)》之銘言: : : Wang shows signs of life : NEW YORK – Like a wave crashing onto the beach, full of sound and fury : before retreating in silence, the Chien-Ming Wang crisis (mostly) has played : itself out. His velocity is again in the mid-90s, he’s back to throwing : ground balls and earned at least another start, if not a long-term berth in : the rotation. 就像海浪打到海灘上一樣,風雨欲來卻安然度過 小王警報總算解除 今天的球速又再度在90麥左右遊走 他製造了一堆令人熟悉的滾地球然後為他自己贏得了至少再一次的先發 即使可能還不是很確定能長期待在先發輪值 : This isn’t to say Wang worked a classic against the Nationals on Wednesday : night; he clearly was outpitched by John Lannan in a teaser of a 3-2 loss to : the major leagues’ worst team. But that was an indictment of the offense, : not Wang, whose five innings (three runs, six hits, two walks) represented : progress from his ash-heap days of early April. : Joe Girardi noted that 10 of Wang’s 15 outs were grounders, saying, “That’s : a real good sign.” So the intrigue begins: How do the Yankees take advantage : of Wang’s recovering sinker, Phil Hughes’ blistering fastball and Joba : Chamberlain’s volatility? 這不代表小王對國民隊投出了經典作 他還是以2-3被Lannan給比了下去,然後輸給了全大聯盟戰績最差的球隊 不過戰犯是打線,不是投了五局掉三分的小王 今天他的表現算是自從四月屁屁受傷以來最大進步的代表作 吉拉迪特別指出15個出局數有10個是滾地球 "這是個好現象"吉拉迪說 好玩的來了 洋基該怎麼好好利用小王覺醒的伸卡、大弟火熱的速球還有賈霸的偶有佳作呢? : Make no mistake, how the Yankees arrange these three chess pieces will go a : long way in determining how (and where) they fin ish in October. : The Bombers’ rotation started the night with a 4.86 ERA, 12th in the : American League, which means something has to give. 毫無疑問地,洋基怎麼運用這三枚活棋將會決定他們十月底的生死 4.86防禦率,美聯排名第十二的先發輪值表,表示該有些調整了 : So why not use Wang and Hughes in the rotation together, and return : Chamberlain to the eighth inning, where he starred as the bridge to Mariano : Rivera? It’s a long-running debate – OK, more like a filibuster – to which : general manager Brian Cashman never will yield. But Joba’s last start : against the Mets and his communication problems with Jorge Posada should jar : the front office out of its iron belief that Joba is an unmovable100-pitch : entity. 所以,為何打死都不考慮用小王跟大弟手牽手一起先發 然後賈霸回去第八局,和MO搭起勝利方程式呢? 好吧,我知道這已經被戰到不想再戰了...(看來台灣和美國都是,哈哈) 可是現金人還是打死不同意 不過賈霸上次對大都會先發和波薩達配球意見不合, 多少讓高層一直以來覺得賈霸是不可撼動的先發的感覺有點動搖了.... : He’s a talented but a stubborn, if not a combustible personality who might : not ever feel comfortable with Posada. Either the Yankees designate Francisco : Cervelli as Joba’s permanent catcher, or else they simplify Chamberlain’s : life by using him in the eighth inning and limiting his arsenal to his two : best weapons: the fastball and that killer slider. 他很有天分可是也很固執,他那火爆個性,沒辦法和波薩達配合 洋基要嘛就讓Cervelli當賈霸的御用捕手, 要嘛就讓賈霸好好用他最威的兩個武器:速球和夭壽滑球來屠殺第八局 : Somehow, Chamberlain has fallen in love with his third-best pitch, the : curveball, and it made for an uncomfortable rift with Posada on Friday : against the Mets. The two simply couldn’t agree – Posada kept calling for : the heater, Joba kept shaking him off – until the lines of communication : collapsed altogether. 賈霸最近愛上了第三種球路:曲球 這也是造成他和波薩達那場比賽出現裂痕的主要原因 原因很簡單:波波下指令,賈霸猛搖頭, 就這樣他們僵持到溝通的最後一道防線垮掉為止 : So how does this impact Hughes? Only that Wang’s work-in-progress gives the : Yankees the option of using them both in the rotation. Had Wang failed, it’s : likely he would’ve been demoted to long relief (or, who knows, even returned : to the disabled list with another mystery injury) and Hughes would’ve been : installed as the de facto No. 5 starter. 那這會影響休斯嗎? 只有小王持續進步,才能給洋基多點靈活調配輪值表的機會 假如小王又爆掉了 那很可能他就會被打入冷宮當長中繼然後休斯名正言順地當第五號先發 (或是洋基會再想個鬼理由讓小王進傷兵名單?誰知道呢...科科) : But that would’ve meant keeping Joba in the rotation, where he has been : good, but not the ace-in-training the Yankees have been envisioning. As noted : recently by, there are numbers that suggest the Bombers may : have overestimated Chamberlain’s durability and effectiveness taking the : ball every fifth day. 但這也代表賈霸要持續待在先發輪值,這個他做得不錯但沒有想像中優秀的任務 最近也有一些聲音,說認為賈霸耐操、好檔、拼第一 可能是大家高估了他 : On four days’ rest throughout his career, Joba has allowed the AL a .391 : slugging percentage and .267 batting average. With an extra day off, those : numbers drop to .273 and .202. Remember, Chamberlain injured his shoulder : twice last season, so these metrics are more than noteworthy — they’re a : red flag. 根據歷史資料,休息四天賈霸被長打率0.391,被打擊率0.267 多休一天,數據就降到0.273/0,202 要記得,賈霸去年球季肩膀曾經受傷兩次,所以這些數據更值得擔心,亮紅燈囉 : Even so, it’s probable that Chamberlain will stay put; the Yankees still : think of him as their young John Smoltz. At the very least, there’ll be less : pressure on Joba if Wang continues this surge. : Ironically, there was every reason to believe he would’ve sputtered again, : this time because of the emotional drain that understandably followed the : birth of his son Tuesday night. 即使如此,洋基還是把他當作年輕的John Smoltz在養 至少在小王恢復之前,賈霸都沒什麼壓力 這次,因為just挺王在星期二晚上順利誕生了,所以小王應該可以順利恢復勇猛了! : Just how much sleep does a new father get, anyway? Wang might’ve been : working on adrenaline, but there was a low probability of him sustaining that : sinker for very long. Yet, Girardi sensed a different Wang walking in from : the bullpen – a complete makeover from the nervous wreck who pitched in fear : of the strike zone at Fenway a week ago. 升格當爸爸以後睡得好嗎? 小王有腎上腺素加持,不過這應該不是幫助他丟很猛的伸卡的主因啦 喬拉迪說他看到了不一樣的小王 感覺像是從芬威球場那恐怖的好球帶中重新活過來了 : “I actually saw a smile on his face,” Girardi said, without having to : explain his surprise. Wang is the closet thing the Yankees have to a robot. : Low key to the point of invisibility, as self-contained as Alex Rodriguez is : in need of attention. "我看到他在笑!!"喬拉迪說 不用解釋吉拉迪為啥看到小王笑很驚訝了..... 因為小王其實是洋基隊的秘密武器--變形金剛機器人一隻.... 常常被dororo,又像阿肉一樣沉默寡言的他,真的很需要被關心一下 : Bad foot? Bad hip muscle? More like a missing chip is what kept Wang on the : disabled list parts of the last two years. But there Wang was after the game, : smiling the thinnest of smiles when someone asked if he’d kept his spot in : the rotation. : “Yes, I hope so,” he said quietly. 到底是腳痛?還是屁股痛? 其實害小王這兩年來斷斷續續進出傷兵名單的原因,更像是少了片晶片 不過當賽後被問到是否能繼續待在輪值表,小王還是露出微笑 "希望如此囉..." 他小聲地說 : That’s not a stretch, considering “it was like the old Wang” pounding the : lower half of the strike zone, according to Posada. He didn’t allow his : first hit until the third inning, got burned by Adam Dunn’s solo homer in : the fourth and was victimized by a bad call by first base umpire Larry : Vanover in the fifth inning, when the Nationals scored two more runs. : Cristian Guzman was called safe on a micro-close play at first, even though : TV replays showed that A-Rod’s throw to Mark Teixeira did, indeed, beat : Guzman. Instead, worried about runners at first and third, Wang fell behind, : 2-0, to Nick Johnson, who promptly blasted a two-run triple just beyond Melky : Cabrera’s full-stretch dive. 不誇張,波薩達說:這就是以前的小王阿 持續攻擊好球帶的下半邊,到第三局都還保持無安打 然後第四局才被Adam Dunn尻了一支陽春砲 緊接著在第五局又成為一壘審誤判的犧牲者,讓國民隊多得了兩分 Guzman在很接近的一個play被判安全上壘 但是透過影片重播顯示這球毫無疑問是抓到了,是出局的 小王在腹背受敵的情況下才被之前兩支零的Nick Johnson尻了一支兩分打點三壘安打 牛奶弟優美地撲接,可是撲了個空 : That gave the Nats a 3-0 lead, which Lannan and Mike MacDougal preserved. : Despite the deficit, Girardi said Wang was “much, much better” and the : Yankees almost absolved him, pulling to within a run in the bottom of the : ninth, then putting runners on first and third with one out. : But Robinson Cano hit into a 6-4-3 double play that killed the rally and the : game. The real exercise, however, begins now. Three arms, two rotation slots. : Who do you like in this summer’s math? 所以國民隊就三比零領先啦 儘管有些瑕疵,吉拉迪還是說小王進步很多很多很多 洋基差點在九局下追到差一分,差點就可以解救小王了 可是在一出局,一三壘有人的情況下 台灣之友Cano打了個643的雙殺,結束比賽 不過,真正殘酷的比賽現在才開始阿! 三個蘿蔔兩個坑... 今年夏天,你想要選誰呢?揪咪~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/18 19:35, , 1F
為了王葛葛 喬八你還是乖乖進牛棚吧....
06/18 19:35, 1F

06/18 19:42, , 2F
06/18 19:42, 2F

06/18 19:42, , 3F
06/18 19:42, 3F

06/18 19:50, , 4F
06/18 19:50, 4F

06/18 20:02, , 5F
unmovable 100-pitch entity應該是指投一百球的先發
06/18 20:02, 5F

06/18 20:03, , 6F
而非指球速為100 mile
06/18 20:03, 6F

06/18 20:04, , 7F
06/18 20:04, 7F

06/18 20:13, , 8F
Bombers不是指炸彈 是洋基隊的綽號Bronx Bombers
06/18 20:13, 8F

06/18 20:15, , 9F
洋基主場在紐約的布朗克斯區 Bombers指的是炸彈般的打線
06/18 20:15, 9F
※ 編輯: kkk3kman 來自: (06/18 21:10)

06/18 21:10, , 10F
06/18 21:10, 10F

06/18 23:06, , 11F
感謝翻譯 ^^
06/18 23:06, 11F

06/18 23:53, , 12F
06/18 23:53, 12F

06/19 09:45, , 13F
牛奶弟優美地撲接,可是撲了個空 XDDDD
06/19 09:45, 13F

06/19 09:54, , 14F
06/19 09:54, 14F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AEYB90q (CMWang)